* wS aWuW Letter of Condolence to Friend, Servant, and Playmate an grc. mayn, pV. yu. c.ewyen .. , for your daily ride in limousine or landaulet. Perchance you may learn to neigh at midnight prowlers. But I do not think so. Not if I know you, and I have followed you on some of the best tracks in the country. No, rather will you choose the path that leads to extinction. Your fossil form will repose within a glass case, to be admired by the National Knitting Society when they hold convention at' Saratoga. When the Peace Congress meets to sing hymns at Churchill Downs or Sheepshead Bay, your pris- tine glory will not be forgotten. But whatever becomes of you, Equus, I shall never forget you. I have loved ear Ek:-- I truly sorry for you, I ruminate upon the rth in order to evolve; eauty and usefulness ificant and wholly pus of the Five Toes, THE PORTMANTEAU PLAYERS By extraordinary application of the laws of space and condensation, Mr. Stuart Walker, director of the Port- manteau theater players, who will pre- sent "Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil" in Peace auditorium,. Ypsilanti, Wednesday, Jan. 24, has enabled the- atergoers to view at a small price pro- ductions that if staged in the ordinary manner would cost thousands of dol- lars. "Six Who Pass While the Lentils IBoil" was the sensation of the year in New York, and has never been pro- duced in this part of the country be- fore. Critics say that it is a play for "young people between seven and 70." It tells a delightful story in a charm- Ingly satirical fashion. old" horse. labor you your pres- from the worthless and when nk of the part you have played tory as servant, friend and plays of Man--most ungrateful pri- of them all, I grieve for what the a seems to hold in store for you. ancestors furnished sport for r Rome, and drew the Grecian lers from their knucklebones. Arab sheik who bowstrung his Ite wife before breakfaat because ad failed to lay out his carpet ers, himself mixed your oats, ed your forelock, and made men- of you when his face was turned rd Mecca. Before the days of Jnited States Steel Corporation the Trans-Continental Railroad, helped to spread the germs of zatioa from place to place. In you were an ally faithful to the L In tilt, on tourney-field, amid hock of battle you never quailed. aceful pursuits you were a Royal 1 that had all else backed off the s. You drew the ploughshare s the wilderness and left a ver- pathway in your wake. You figured nobly in the literature of land from the ancient scrip- of Joe Dailey's Reliable F04m Good-bye Horse your time has come. The first Lwheeze 'of the first gas buggy led your doom. The firstbJehu ump a Klaxon rang your death You are no longer wanted. The ih "tanks" have removed you the warriors' ranks you loved so Modernbelligerents have given the horse-laugh. Even Father, used to cluck so tenderly to old in, now spends his leisure in ring sweetly at his new love, the or. Kentucky, where your shrine so long been worshipped, has :ened at last to racing commis- and has taken to raising hogs he price of a tin lizzie. Gelding stallion, thoroughbred and trot- pacer and hackney-you are all ictims of an automobile accident accident of its discovery. Our Reporter Shudders hudder to speculate upon your for I know it but too well. Your vill follow that of the once noble e clan. Centuries of breeding engthen your name, shorten your rs, narrow your chest, and re- your pastern. Yours will be the if the Scotch Collie and the Pom- an. Maybe you will enjoy your ip, reposing luxuriously on the of the dainty ladies of tomor- perfumed and scented, switch- our marcelled tail with lazy will not weigh heavily on the average Genuine leather book covers at conscience. Certainly not when the! great discount. Allmendinger's Music effort to prevent others from cheating Shop, 122 E. Liberty St. 20-tf ommmm you. X.. Y. Z. * * * r S s * * * * s * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS * TODAY * * Xajestie--"A Message to Garcia."* Orpheum-Marguerite Clark in "Miss George Washington." Also Holmes Travels. * * * * . * *-* * * * * * * * 0S* VAUDEVILLE AT THE MAJESTIC An abbreviated edition of the mu- sical comedy, "SeptembersMorn," is the headliner at the Majestic for the first part of this week. The show is condensed to 30 minutes of song, com- edy, and dancing. Six pretty girls are included in a cast of ten members. Mack and Earl, Broadway musical comedy stars, appear in a comedy skit, and Bonnie Gaylord and Iva Lancton present a blackface act. Lew and Mollie Hunting of the fa- mous quartet of Hunting entertainers, present songs and dances. LaVine and Inman offer a pretentious novelty en- titled "Sally's Visit." AT THE MAJESTIC TODAY A Message to Garcia"is the offer- ing at the Majestic today. It is a five- part feature, produced by the Edison studios from the essay by the late Elbert Hubbard. Scenes taken in the jungles, and upon the historic batle- fields of Cuba are prominent in the production. The sinking of the Maine in the harbor of Havana is one of the exciting scenes. Shows will be given at 1:30, 3, 7, and 8:30 o'clock. AT THE ARCADE The Arcade will show Mary Pick- ford in "The Pride of the Clan" Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. This is the second of the big features produced by the Pickford Film corporation. "'The Pride of the Clan" furnishes an excellent dramatic vehicle for the win- some star, affording her abundant op- portunities for her many attractive moods. The picture is brimful of humor and pathos, carrying the audi- ence along with breathless interest from beginning to end. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. . STUENTSUBMITS BALLOT SENIOR LAW APPENDS INTEREST- ING NOTES TO HONOR SYSTEMI BALLOT. ---t. Editor, The Michigan Daily:l LAW BALLOT (Note variations). Q. Do you believe there is a fairly high standard of honor and fairness among the law students?c Ans. Yes. Q. Do you know of any consider-I able amount of cheating in the law department? Ans. No. Q. Do you think that an honor sys-t tem such as the engineers or medics have would improve matters? Ans. No. Note: To contrary. It would create a jealous, selfish, suspicious attitude among the students, which is not, fortunately, now existing. Such a condition seems to be the only ground upon which to build success in such a system. Q. Do you cheat in examinations?" Ans. No. Q. Would you report one who did, "provided always" that no one should know who told? Ans. I do not know. Note: Here too, the human element must enter. If cheater is a friend, or a popular man, naturally, one would hesitate; especially if in- former were in no way injured. REMARKS: The average law student cares noth- ing how his neighbor behaves. A very small percentage of students are jealous of others' grades. We all admit that comparative grad- ing is of very uncertain value. The effect of cheating is only on the standards of the department, which are in the hands of the faculty-di- rectly. No doubt, a duty rests upon the studentsto uphold the standards, but such a duty is so remote and al- most abstract, that a breach of same means the loss of time and concen- tration necessary to do one's best in an examination. Does it not follow, if conditions are so ideal that they justify an honor system, that they would also justify the elimination of examinations? Why not allow each student to state upon his honor that he covered the work as prescribed? This should accom- plish the much desired result of giving authorities assurance that their pupils have covered the work properly and have not gotten credits by the "plug," "dig," or "cram" route. A 1917 LAW. Moth Balls Help Mileage Question Topeka, Jan. 20. - Whether 'tis nobler to put the expensive gas- oline in moth balls for safe stor- age or to put moth balls in the expensive gasoline for more mile- age is no longer as much of a ques- tion since various Kansas chemists have undertaken the investigation of preparations claimed to decrease fuel cost. One chemist figures that 6 cents' worth of moth balls gives $2.60 worth of naphthalene, which is used in prep- arations for motor car tanks to give more mileage. Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H. WildrCompany. Leading merchant tailors. State street. tt Mary Pickford in "The Pride of the Clan." Arcade. Mon., Tues., Wed. 21 Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. Close track ! -- W E keep close track of every garment or piece of household linen entrusted to our care. Get ac- quainted with our work and you will understand why the towns- folk speak so highly of us. Moe Laundry Phone 2355 204 No. Main St Songs isto be found in the A choice se- lection of A A DeAicious Lunch c can be quickly prepared, and without the slightest trouble, on an Electric Chafing Dish This handsome and very convenient table utensil is a source of both comfort and pride to the housewife. Just the thing for a hasty lunch oP gnday supper. Cooks practically any dish you ha've a desire for -makes toothsome fudge. No trouble; no alcohol; no messing. Just attach to a lamp socktt. Come in and inspect them. The Detroit Edison Co. Cor. Main and William Sts. Tel. 2300 -l irlrrlrir rirlrrlr lrlri1111111111111l iii 1111111111111111111rrlrlrr111111111111 Iltch of YO urs! F 0 x L I Jay we inquire about its health? Is it pretty well? Does S7 T it work all right? Get interested in your watch.'s Wielfare and let us give you the best repair work there is. BAY ea JENKS THE ARCADE JEWELERS ro See our Window Is Phone 152-W One Hour Lense Grinding Service If IV TO (ADIA - KtIl -INJ.Nf ..A MkESSAGE TO GARCIA," MAJESTIC THEATER, TODAY a. : I 1/l !rY YOUR EYES and YOUR EXAMS Not too far to go for The RANDALL & PACK STUDIO is down-town, at121 E. Washington. SATISFACTION The complete Cata- log at the 3RuinriQ To do justice to your examinations you must do justice to your eyes. Our scie tific drugless eye examination reveals exact refractive error, properly made glasses corrects it, insuring you the maximum efficiency fort and results. NO "DROPS"-NO GUESS WORK-No Inconvenience. Glasses made in our own shop. Lenses duplicated. Arnold Optical Service is recognized by all as being the Best Service. EMIL H. ARNOLD OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN h Arnold & Co., Jewelers 220 South Main Street Painstaking work, an original interpretation of your character. these will distinguish your MICHIGANENSIAN PORTRAIT if YOU make an appointment with them NOW. The telephone number is 598. Mrs. M. M. Root Cor. Maynard and William Sts..