Mid-Winter Clearance oF 1-4 Off Sale J' (OF Here it is Men Sits and Overcoats . STEIN-BLOCK and MICHAEL-STERN 1-4 Off CLOTHES 1-4 Off Entire stock fancy and mixed Entire stock blue and black Suits and Overcoats Suits and overcoats AT 1.4 OFFj AT 20%o OFF Our entire stock All trousers over $4.00,Or etire s AT 209%OFF AT 20OOFF r Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Coo :.ii~ ~ li ill illliiili ilii~llil ilrlliill li Uillill t rllllillill ll llllll llllllillll ll ll Djer Kiss - Mary Garden Houbigants-Pivers and Other Good Perfumes at The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. ALL OVERCOATS REDUCED 25 PER CENT FROM ORIGINAL PRICE $20.00 21.50 27.00 Coats now .....................$15.00 Coats now...................16.00 Coats now .....................20.25 Now is your opportunity to secure one of the newest models of Overcoats at a great reduction. Our full line of Bath Robes is also included in this reduc- tion sale. Now is the time for Action on your part, the final clean- up prices are now in effect and that is the equal for you to come straight to Reule- TINKER & COMPANY Cor. State and William Sts. American System of Education Prevails In Island of Porto Rico Conlin, Feigel Co. and choose one of these fine Winter Suits or Overcoats at this BIG REDUCTION SALE One of Our Dinners! Served from 1 0 7 Regular Dinner 35c consists choice of meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea, coffee, or milk. SPECIALS, as served Soup .10 with meat order .o5 Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25 Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25 Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25 Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25 Porka Cop Breaded. Extra Special .25 Small Steak with Onions. Ex . Spec'l .25 Bread and Mashed Potatoes included with above meat orders. Side Orders Extra Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes .05 Potatoes boiled .o5 Stewed corn .05 Potatoes fried .o5 Stewed peas .05 Potatoes german fried .05 Home made pies per cut .05 Rice cus- tard .o5, with cream 10, Coffee "o5 Tea .o5 Chocolate .$o Milk per bottle .o5 Cocoa .'o STATE NT CJ TREET LUNCH Open All Night. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr. Campus in Brief Mr. Frank iD. .Eaiman spoke to the University of Michigan club of Detroit, at a luncheon given yesterday at the Cadillac Hotel on "Jackson Prison- its population and purpose." Being a member of the prison board of con- trol, Mr. Eaman was able to give an authoritative survey of the subject. T. A. Coreoran, '20, was yesterday morning sent to the University hos- pital. Those members of the 3fenorah so- ciety who are interested in the study circles that are about to be organized, will meet tonight in room 162 of the Natural Science building at 8 o'clock to make) plans for the coming semes- ter. Permanent officers will be elect- ed at this time. Prof. A. A. Rennet, professor of English in the engineering depart- ment, will leave at the close of the present semester to take a position in Leland Stanford University. His work will be for the most part of a research type in the early English classics. One holiday season is over, but we are already prepared for the next. J-Hop season is almost here again. We manifest the same in- terest, skill, and sensible judgment in these special garments that we do in our others. MARQUARDT CAMPUS TAILOR 516 F. Williams St. Prof. J. L. Young of the forestry department, will deliver a lecture on "Farm Forestry in Michigan," before the Grange meeting in Chelsea, on Fri- day evening, Jan. 19. James Schermerhorn, Jr., '18, has resigned from the chairmanship of the Busrah campaign. Jess R. Simpson, '18, has been appointed to take his place. Prof. Fillbert Roth has gone to Washington, D. C., where he will re- main about a week. He will attend a metting of the American Forestry association of which he is one of the vice-presidents. The Chinese students' club gave a reception Tuesday evening for Julian H. Arnold and Prof. Henry C. Adams of the economics department at the home of Mrs. Dwight Goddard. Pro- fessor Adams talked to the students on "A Call to Commerce." Clamorous Cordury Classes Congregate Pep was the keynote at the all-en- gineer smoker held at the Union last night. There was a large attendance from all of the classes and a general get-together spirit was manifest. Talks were given by President Hutchins, Prof. C. E. Riggs of the civil en- gineering department and Mr. Robert Rutledge, Santa Fe railroad official. A high water mark was reached by the rendition of several choice selections from the Camp Davis repertoire. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. G. W. Blanco, '15, in today's issue of The Daily completes his article on "Porto Rico," describing the island ana telling of the occupations, life, and character of the inhabitants. The three great staples of Porto Rico are sugar, coffee and tobacco. The exportation of oranges and pineapples brings a large income to the produc- ers. More thati 3,750,000 pounds of coffee have been exported to Cuba, Spain and Italy during the last two months at an average price of $17.90 a hundred pounds. Porto Rico has 1,300 rivers and streams, most of them being narrow and shallow. From the depths of the huge ravines rise the sound of the1 tumbling water, but the rivers are hid- den from sight by the mass of tropical growth. By toiling down steep-sided hills one is at last rewarded by a vis- ion of circling falls and boiling waters embowered in arches of unfamiliar trees and pendent vines, which fills the soul of a lover of nature with thrills of joy. Porto Rico possesses the finest road in the western hemisphere. It is the magnificent military road from Poncei across the mountains to San Juan. TheI road was built by the Spanish govern- ment from 1880 to 1888. It is 80 miles in length, its highest point is threei thousand feet above the sea and it cost $4,000,000. The road is 'ma- cadamized from end to end with finely1 broken rock of carbonate of lime. In hardness and smoothness it is likei such passes as the St. Gothard and the famous roads in the Engadine. It com- pares favorably with the wonderful, road built by Napoleon across the 'Simplon pass, connecting the Rhonei Mlax Eastman to Give Talk Here Editor of The Masses Will Discuss Feminist Movement, Mon- day, Jan. 22 Max Eastman, noted editor and1 managing editor of The Masses, a journal devoted to the discussion of feminism and like topics of social in- terest, will speak in the auditorium of the Ann Arbor high school at 8 o'clock, Monday night, Jan. 22, on the1 subject of "Feminism." He will ap- pear under the auspices of the Mich- igan Forum, which organization was instrumental in bringing Lincoln Steffens and Frederic C. Howe to thej University. Mr. Eastman is a graduate of Har- vard University. He taught philosophy at Columbia for several years. Recent- ly he has diverted hiss energies to ad- vocate the political and industrial' freedom of women. Max Eastman is at present in Washington, D. C., talking against military training in universities. On his tour through the central states he will address meetings at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin and University of Illinois. Use the advertising columns of the Michigan Daily in order to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. valley in Switzerland with northern Italy. The system of American education has prevailed in the island since 1898. There are grammar and high schools all over the island and the education of the children is entrusted to com- petent teachers. The University of Porto Rico and the College of Engi- neering and Agriculture are the main institutions of learning in the island. All the subjects are taught in English, while Spanish is taught as a "modern language." These two schools offer practically the same courses of study as the modern American universities. Naturally the Spanish language is spoken by the natives, but English is also spoken by a large proportion of the inhabitants. The majority of the people are members of the Roman Catholic church, although other forms of religion are tolerated. The negroes of Porto Rico are in a minority; they do not form a very con- siderable part of the population. They constitute the laboring class of the island, and seem thoroughly contented with their lot, which is much better than that of the negroes in the French, English and independent islands. Baseball, basketball, track meets, tennis, volley ball and football are the chief sports. A keen interest and enthusiasm is. shown by the students and the people in general in all these events. The social customs are molded after Spanish traditions. The Porto Rican Spaniards of the upper class are the descendants of military men. They maintain the pride of their descent with all the stateliness of grandees. Some of them are wealthy. This class of white blood and Spanish feelings, opin- ions, and prejudices, form the dis- tinctive feature of the population. Extension Lectures Prof. C. H. VanTyne will speak on "The Political Ideals of Jefferson and Hamilton" at Cass City tomorrow. "Folk Songs" is the subject on which Prof. A. A. Stanley will speak in Alma tomorrow night. Prof. C. O. Davis will discuss "School Credit for Out-of-School Work" in Clark Lake tomorrow night. Prof. J. R. Brumm will lecture on the "Escape from the Commonplace" in Greenville tomorrow night. Under the auspices of the Grand Rapids public library, Prof. J. G. Win- ter will speak on "The Ruined Cities of North Africa" Friday night. "The Conquest of Modern Astron- omy" is the subject upon which Prof. L. H. Hopkins will speak tomorrow night in Reed City. Prof. R. W. Hegner will lecture on the "Economic Importance of Birds" tomorrow in Climax. Danish West Indies Now American Washington, Jan. 17.-Title to the Danish West Indies, latest territorial acquisition of the United States, form- ally passed from Denmark today, when Secretary of State Lansing and Danish minister Brun exchanged the ratifications of their respective govern- ments completing the transfer. Sli ppers for Dancingj FOILR.MEN, Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular dancing Oxfords Reule Conlin, Feigel Co. FOR WOMEN t Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Paten leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pums B1y Comfy Slippers for Xmas WAHRV'S Shoe Stores Main St. State St. HOLD FRENCH CAPTIS NEAR TEUTON DEAD-LINE1 FRENCH REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH REQUEST CAUSE OF RETALIATION Berlin, Jan. 17.-French prisoners will be held in concentration camps within range of the French guns until the French government has complied with demands forwarded sometime ago by the German government which de- clared that the French were keeping their prisoners within the war zone, and which demanded that the German prisoners be given equal treatment to that accorded the Frenchmen in Ger- many. No reply was received from the French before the time limit specified, and the Teuton government has taken action. The official press report stated: "The German government had taken measures to modify this intolerable state. The French government was sent a note indicating the time by which an answer must be given and demanding that all war prisoners in the operation district be transported back to a point at least 18 miles be- hind the firing line, established in well equipped camps, and put on a footing of equality with the French war pris- oners in Germany, as to general treat- ment, mail service, and visits by rep- resentatives of neutral embasdies. "It was announced that in case of refusal, several thousand French war prisoners would be transported from behind the German front into the firing zone, and submitted to the same con- ditions as the German war prisoners behind the French front. Since the French government has not answered up to the time fixed, which was Jan. 15, it is announced that the reprisals will now be carried out. These will continue until the German requests are fulfilled by the French government." Dr. Peterson Urges Health Campaign "The campaign for the prevention of contagious diseases should go on, as it is being conducted by our health service, still farther," said Dr. R. Pet- erson of the Medical school Tuesday night at a public lecture in the Natural Science auditorium given under the auspices of the University health serv- ice representatives. A short meeting of the representatives was held prior to the lecture, and the motion, that all members should pay a fee of one dol- lar a year, made and passed at the first meeting, was explained. Adelphi to Campaign for Room Funds Adelphi members elected a commit- tee at their meeting Tuesday night to conduct a campaign among alumni members of the society to raise funds for the purpose of furnishing the rooms of the society. ' ' +' ,. ; .. l/ , , ._.._.. /t --- - - --m.4 IEVFEORM, Q.OTi~ia& ' NNJ Suit and Overcoat Si Leave Copy Leave Copy at at Quarry's and Students' The DeltaG Supply Store -1-3 Off On Suits and O'Coats You take no chances, - w- buying a suit our goods are date. or overcoat of i all new and up WAN TE ___ WANT ED-Will parties who witness- ed the accident on corner of Wil- liams and Division Sts., between five and six o'clock Monday evening please communicate with 2182-J. 18 WANTED-TWo neat appearing for salesladies. Call 2483-W. E. Univ. Mr. R. T. Brisbois. WANTED-To buy a Coronac moud typewriter. Address 1Michigan Daily. or A. girls 407 17 Ham - B. D. 13-tf LOST LOST-Elgin gold watch. Ladies size with fob. In Natural Science build- ing or between there and Wahr's bookstore. Return to Michigan Daily office. Reward. 17-18 LOST-Alpha Chi Omega pin. Call 781-R. Reward. 16-17-18 LOST-Don't wish for that lost article -Recover it by an ad in The Daily. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Set of Harvard Classics --Dr. Elliott's Five Foot Shelf. Call R. A. Kimberley at 906 or write to 1824 Geddes Ave. 14-20incl FOR SALE-The best and least ea- pensive way of buying, is to let The Michigan Daily be your medium. Ir SPECIAL AFTER INVENTORY SALE Musical Instruments, Cases etc. We have a number of New and shop worn VIOLINS-MANDOLINS GUITARS - BANJO MANDOLINS -- CASES etc., which we have REDUCED TO A REMARKABLY LOW FIGURE! These bargains must be seen to be appreciated. Look them over. . .. :::: Another big shipment of S Hats. hMISCELLANEOUS A J-HOP OPPORTUNITY- For Rent -A Buick 7-passenger machine with driver. By hour or trip. Ad- ress B. E. G., 110 12th St., City. 18-19-20 TOM CORBET' 116 E. Liberty Street Get your shoes fixe( at Paul's Pla 611 E. William St. Girls attention! For rainwat shampoos and scalp treatment b falling hair go to Mrs. J. . Trojano ski, 1110 S. University, side entran Phone 696-W. 5- two w] Grinznell Bros. 110 S. Main St. . PHONE 1707 ' I