x IVND l I -LBI HLE UC TOBL ER 7 Cornhaskers Contract for One Gamee vWith Wolverines Signed Yesterday 0T ONE SATURDAY CONTEST STILL O1EPEN ON SCHEDULE Pen traie W lIe Only One Out- side of Ann Arbor Next Fall Nebraska will play Michigan on Ferry field next fall under a one-year contract. The game will take place Oct. 27. Notwithstanding their desire to sign a contract calling for a game here in 1917 and one in Lincoln in 1918, the athletic authorities of the Cornhuskers yesterday afternoon closed terms for one game with the Wolverines. Nebraska found herself rather up against it some time ago when it was learned that M. A. C. would play four- year men against her if the game be- tween the two was pulled off. Under the rules of the Missouri valley con- ference, of which Nebraska is a mem- ber, teams in that conference are not allowed to play such men, nor to play teams which use such players. Con- sequently negotiations between the two schools were dropped. Only One Big Date Now Open. The booking of the Oct. 27 date by Athletic Director Bartelme leaves but one big open date on the schedule or the 1917 Michigan team-Nov. 3. Other games arranged for the sea- son are the Case and Mt. Union early season contests: M. A. C., Cornell, and Pennsylvania. The mid-week games for next fall have not as yet been given out. Penn is the only team which will be engaged by the Wolver- ines outside the confines of the Ferry field pasture, Michigan journeying to Quakertown in accordance with the home-and-home agreement between the two institutions. Open Date Probably Easy Game. It is more than probable that the Nov. 3 date will again be filled by an easy game, giving Pat Smith's col- lection of huskies a chance to have a well earned rest after taking on the Farmers and Nebraska, and before clashing with the two eastern games of the 1917 season. Washington has not as yet been en- gaged by the athletic association to fill the now big vacant date in the schedule. It is not probable that the Pikers will be met next year. Jessie Saunders Wins "" IInsigia Jessie Saunders, '18, has completed the 60 points necessary for the "M" pin awarded by the athletic depart- ment of the Womet's league. The trophies which the department gives will be formally presented at the ath- letic banquet, but many of them are being worn at the present time. The Michigan Daily for service. J~fSCRES aK" Caesar Was4 for the Briton to crac aries" are even worsef lad. Readingthem ca good body. School an easy for the lad who es Shredde and keeps a clear brain a ready for the combat in cla Shredded Wheat contain in the whole wheat graina stomach sweet and clean and active. It is the favor who do things with hand o ing table of nearly every c United States and Canada. sustaining when served wi bination with fresh fruits. ment than meat or eggs an Made. The Shredded Wheat Comr A Woman s Idea BIG RED TEAM WEAK IN Sthe Carivl of th CarivalSPRINTS AND WEIGHTS Ilausners Make Hit With Dancing; -- Dents Beaten 6-0 by J-Engi- WINDNAGLE, RICHARDS AND FOSS neers inhockey Game FORM NUCLEUS OF 1917 SQUAD The skating carnival given by the athletic department of the Women's Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 17.-Preparation league at Weinberg's coliseum last for the winter track meets is now claiming the attention of a large num- comfortable temperature made it en- ber of athletes at Cornell University. joyablo for spectators and skaters The squad was slow to report after alike, the holiday recess, but by the end of 'The Klausners, known in Detroit as last week Coach Jack Moakley had a "the Castles on Ice," miiade good their large number of men out, although he reputation with a group of extremely still desires more sprinters, hurdlers, graceful "ice dances," hot so easy to and candidates for the weights. perform as the ease with which they A dearth of experienced sprinters were done would indicate. The and hurdlers confronts Coach Moakley mazurkas, waltzes, and basket figures this year, and whereas every indica- which they presented were examples tion points to the development of an- of an art, originally American, but so other strong, well-balanced track popular in the Scandnavian countries team, Moakley's skill 'in unearthing that it has become identified with them. and developing new material will be Later in the evening, space was taxed severely this winter if the Itha- cleared, and the junior engineers and cans are to be well represented in all miscellaneous dents put on a lively, of the events on the intercollegiate though rather one-sided practice ex- program. Jack has no Reller or "Rip" hibition, of hockey The puck was kept Van Winkleto rely upon in the sprints pretty continually in the territory of this year, and he also misses L. E. the latter aggregation and at the end Gubb and F. H. Starr, crack hurdlers, of the contest the engineers claimed as well as Millard and Lyford, timber six points and no competition. toppers of considerable ability. In A grand march followed soon after Jack Watt he seems to have one prom- the game and was led by the Klausners ising hurdler, and Cleminshaw also through the gyrations which gra d shows possibilities. The list of sprint- marches usually perform with a snake ers, however, shows no man of calibre, dance thrown in at the end for good although a few may be developed measure. later. Reports have not yet come in from Cornell's greatest strength may lie the ticket sale, but the size of the in the 440, half mile, mile, and two crowd indicated a considerable fi- miles, in the high jump, broad jump, nancial success. shot-put and pole vault. No weight -- men of great promise have as yet EXTEND NEW FILING SYSTEM been uncovered, although McCormick, who made a creditable showing in the Method Will Accommodate All Manu- hammer throw last year, will probably scripts of General En- do well in this event in the spring. gineering Interest As usual, Coach Moakley will turn out two, and possibly three, relay teams this winter. He has some fair The ongineering society during the material for the one-mile team, al- coming semester will undertake th though the loss by graduation of Lew- work of extending the Dewey decimalisadtradthasnc fKl- filing system so that it will adequately i and Starr, and the absence of Kell- take care of the filing of engineering literature. The University of Illinois has previously worked in this direc- W hen Y ou tion and a number of the engineering faculty at Michigan have given a great1 deal of private effort to this problem. The Engineering society has collected U. OF M. R all the available data on this sub-62 LIBERr ject anti dwill make an earnest effort 6 2 L I B E R to extend the system. R. L. McNamee, '17E, is acting as general chairman of the committee. OUR COMBINATION BREA Tl1e men working with him are: D. A. Smith, '17E, H. A. Taylor, '17E, C. M. Burns, '17E, T. W. Sheahan, '17E, F. M. Sabin, '18E, R. R. Baker, '17E, S. L. Crump, '17E, A. N. Clarke, '18E, H. S. Taylor, '17E, R. F. Dunbrook, '17E. The first meeting of the com- mittee will be held in the society rooms at 7 o'clock tonight. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. r'I a Tough Nut k--and his "Comment-, for the modern college lls for a keen brain in a id college problems are - ats d Wheat nd supple, elastic muscles ass room or athletic field. s all the nutritive material and its daily use keeps the n and the bowels healthy rite food of men and women or brain. It is on the train- ollege and university in the Deliciously satisfying and th milk or cream, or in com- It contains more real nutri- nd costs much less. only by pany, Niagara Falls, N. Y. ey, makes it necessary to fill in with new men. Bartsch, Shelton, and Crim, who ran at various times on the team last year, are in the university and can compete. Crim proved to be Cornell's leading quarter-miler last spring, and is counted upon to do even better work this year . Vern Windnagle, the crack distance star, leads the half-milers and will probably be anchor man of the two- mile relay team and of the four-mile team. The other half-milers who fig- ured last year, Taylor and Beckwith, have been graduated. Potter, Hoffmire and Corwith, who ran on the four-mile team last year, have been graduated also. Windnagle will be backed in this event by Wenz, the cross-country star; McDermott, Campbell and Dress- er, who figured prominently in cross- country work last fall and in fresh- man track a year ago and Hudson, who did well in freshman track last spring. Among the Varsity veterans who have reported for other events are Captain Foss in the pole vault and Richards in the shot-put and jumps. SENDS "FOLLOW UP" LETTERS FOR TOURNEY WATSON MAILS 200 NOTICES FOR FIRST BASKETBALL IN- TERSCHOLASTIC Recalling the fact that the winners will have a clear title to the state basketball championship and that play in the University meet are em- phasized. Players will be entertained 'free while in the city, making transporta- tion the only expense to which the visitors will be put. They will have opportunity to compete with teams of every caliber, and can even pick their own opponents if dissatisfied with the drawing for opponents. Adams and Emes Newest Professionals New York, Jan. 17.-The first vic- tims of the "capitalization of athletic fame" rule in the ranks of the Ama- teur Athletic Union were announced when the registration committee of the Metropolitan association of the A. A. U. decided to ask Platt Adams of the N. Y. A. C. and Edward L. Emes of the Bronx Church House to turn in their registration cards because they are engaged in the sporting goods busi- contrary to the rules passed at the last annual meeting of the A. A. U. Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H. Wild Company. Leading merchant tailors. State street. tf IOWA COACll PRAISES WORK OF INDIANS' COLLEGE ROOKI Cleveland, Jan. 17.-"Lefty" Dear dorff, University of Iowa southpa- signed by President Dunn for the In dians, is a promising pitcher if re ports from Iowa City, where the col loge is located, can be banked on. Her is what Maurice Kent. Iowa basebal coch says: "Deardorff is one of the, best pitch ers I ever had, the only good south paw that ever pitched for Iowa. H has excellent head work and knee just why he pitched each ball. Hi control was so good I used him t finish many games. He never ha had to be taken out of a game in col loge or in independent ranks. He i above the average as a hitter, opposin outfielders generally backing up whe: he went to the plate. He is a har working boy and willing to be taught. Tom and Jerry High Ball. Hot o cold. Something different. Bloom field. N. University. 17-18-24-2 FOX-TROT BALL - at Armory FRIDAY, JAN. 19, 1917 Fischer's First Nine Piece Orchestra Special Musical Features Tickets $1 at BUSY BEE THIS DANCE IS STRICTLY FOR STUDENT Matron in attendance i r l i t r t members of the first and second all- state teams really will be top-notch players, W. Lee Watson, basketball in- terscholastic manager, has sent' 200 letters-to principals of high schools in the state renewing an invitation for the schools to send teams to the first annual basketball interscholastic, March 22, 23, and 24. Principals are again urged to take up with the athletic managers the matter of sending teams to the tour- ney, and the opportunities for speedy We have a complete stork of Columbia Graf anlas I The Best Grade of all Stringed Instruments / -0. Get Up Late ESTAURANT TY STREET KFASTS WILL SURPRISE YOU Hear the Latest Dance Records 12-inch size - $1.00 -9- ALLMENDINGER MUSIC SHOP ' Phone 1692 122 E. Liberty St. 1~i 8 A a ice Clothes for tin Mianatedg the J-Hop r Just received for the occasion, full, fresh stocks of Hart Schaffner & Marx Dress Suits Knox Silk Hats C4, Manhattan and MacHardle Dress Shirts Full Dress Vests D. & B. White Gloves Dress Ties and Collars I WE RENT DRESS SUITS, c, 7 .0 REULECONLI ..= d $ ' ' 200-202 Main Street ' f m ,_--- - _. t r " . _ _. f + a w ca. : ~doA TTr ton Street Michigan men have long appreciate fullness and refined dignity of ou