11 AINDIll'- TODAYl I s1 Atr 4 It 0 an f3att Aip A UNITED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE I VOL. XXVII. No. 80. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917. PRICE FIVE C -I TEUTON SEA RAID IN SOUTH MAKES 23 SHIPS PRIZES1 . ES- TROYERCS STIL AT LARGE OFF COAST OF ARGEN- TlNE i ERICANS ON BOARD (3E0i1(lC ViHE'' A4:t1 i.l' I t&:1 BY RAIDER~ Official Dispatehes From British Ad- miralty and Buenos Aires Confirm Report BULLETIN Norfolk, Jan. 17.-A German commerce raider, presumably the one reported to have sunk a score of vessels in the south Atlantic, is operating 1,000 miles south of the Virginia capes, according to a warning flashed broadcast by al- lied warships at noon today. Masters of all British ships are warned not to proceed in the di- rection of the location named. t By Charles P. Stewart, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Duenos Aires. Jan. 17. - Twenty- three merchant snps have been sunk - captured by a new German raider wnose exploits as revealed today, sur- pass any heretofore recorded in the Wor'Ps naval history. The Teutonic commerco destroyer which is belie ved to be the protected cruiser Vineta, probably eluded the British patrols around Germany, and it has swept from north to south across the trans-Atlantic ocean steamship pathway. The raider is still at large, accord- ing to reports today. One report from Rio today said that an additional Eng- lish steamer had been sunk with a loss of 400 lives, but this had not been confirmed late this afternoon. Dispatches Name estroyer New York, Jan. 17.-The greatest German commerce raid of the war came to light today through dispatch- es from Buenos Aires. and an official statement from the British admiralty. Eight British and two french mer- chantmen were announced by the ad- miralty as having bren snk by a Ger- man raider. iwo others have een captured and have probably been con- verted into raiders. Included among the ships destroyed . as the White Star liner Georgic, oie of the largest freight carrying vessels in the world. The Georgi sailed from Philadelphia. on Dec. 3, carry iw' ' cargo composed largely of cotton. From the admir- alty's statement it would appear that there are now probably three raiders at large. British Give Description At the British consulate today it was declared that the best description the British authorities had obtained of the German raider they know to be at large, was that she was about 5,000 tons, had one funnel and two masts. She also carried about eight guns and was equipped with four torpedo tubes. Shipping men here express the belief that the operations of the raider will soon terminate here. Her whereabouts once definitely established, the Britisl patrol ships are expected to force the raider to intern if she attempts to continue her work of destruction. See Raidefs Pries The British admiralty today an- nounced these vessels sunk: Georgic, 10,077 tons, White Star line, Liver- pool; Mt. Temple, .2 tons, Canadian Pacific line, Liverpool; Netherby Hall, 4,461 tons. London; King George, pre- sumably the 3,852 ton liner of Glas- gow; Minnich, not listed in Lloyd's; Voltaire, 3,613 tons, Liverpool; Dram- atist, 5,415 tons, Liverpool; Radnor- shire, 4,310 tons. .London; Nantes, French schooner, 2,579 tons; Asnieres, French schooner not listed in Lloyd's. The admiralty announced these ves- sels captured: St. Theodore, 4,992 tons, London; Yarrowdac, 4,652 tons, Glasgow. Cables from Buneos Aires, Rio de Jan- iero, and Pernaimbuco reported the following additional ships as having been sunk by the raider: Drina, 11,4S3 tons, Belfast; Samara, 6,007 tons, Bordeaux; Ortega, 8,075 tons, Liverpool; Hammershua, 3,931 tons, Copenhagen; Newport Land, not listed; San Giorgio, 6,392 tons, Mess- ina; Nesser, not listed; Michsnethiel, (Continued on Page Six) Violin Soloist Receives Praise Playing of A. J. Whitmire Feature of Symphony Orchestra Concert Anthony J. Whitmire appeared as violin soloist at the concert given in Hill auditorium yesterday afternoon by the University Symphony orchestra, and his playing won for him much well deserved applause. His tone was rich and mellow, interpretation pleasing, and his technique splendid. He played Mendlessohn's Concerto, Op. 64 in an effective manner. The University Smphbony orchestra rendered Mendlessohn's "War March of the Priests," from "Athalia," two "Elegiac Melodies, Op. 34," for strings, by Grieg, and "Weber's Overture to "Euryanthe." Although rough in spots, the work of the orchestra was good, the second "Elegiac Melodies," by Grieg, and the "War March of the Priests" being especially well given. The orchestra was ably conducted by Mr. Samuel P. Lockwood of the School of Music. riton Neunition .Firm Gets Order, Out-Bid American Manufacturers Navy Order for Projectiles of Armor Piercing Type in Washington, Jan. 17.-The navy de- partment today awarded to Hatfields of Sheffield, England, a contract for the manufacture of 14 and 16-inch armor piercing projectiles for the United States navy. Hatfields was the lowest bidder by a wide margin in competition with American manufac- turers. The contract amounts to an order for $3,141,000 worth of pro- jectiles. At the time the navy department an- nounced the bids, Secretary Daniels made the startling declaration that the high bids submitted by American firms were a result of the fact that he had kept secret the department's decision to permit foreign firms to bid. He flatly stated that he believed if Ameri- can firms had known of this they would have submitted lower figures. Washington, Jan. 17.-Through con- certed action by the interstate com- merce commission, railroad and ship- pers, the nation-wide freight car short- age, growing increasingly serious up to the first of the year, has now been reduced about 50 per cent, the Ameri- can Railroad association reported to- day. A shoitage of 114,908 cars on Nov. 1 has been reduced to 59,892. Berlin, Jan 17.-"Artillery activity south of Smorgon remained animated," the second official statement from the war office stated this afternoon. Lively fighting near Beaumont was reported on the west front. London, Jan. 17. - Rome wireless press messages from Berlin declare disorders there are such that the mil- itary authorities have issued a threat- ening manifesto. The wireless also carried a rumor that thereichstag may meet elsewhere than Berlin. (Continued on Page Six.) ALL-ENGINEERS MEET First Enree (college Smoker a Great Success Starting with a bang, working grad- ually up to a grand crescendo, and ending with gushing finale of jubilant enthusiasm, the all-engineer smoker held at the Union last night outclass- ed all previous attempts on the part of the wearers of the corduroys. With a gripping accompaniment of cider, a heavy bass of cigars, and the tremul- ous fluting of cigarets, the engineering symphony was replete with varied har- mony, so characteristic of such a var- ied body. President Hutchins headed the pro- gram with a short talk on general en- gineering activities, and was follow- ed by Prof. Riggs, who emphasized the points made by the President, and call- ed the attention of the engineers to the advances made in their department this year. The speaker of the evening was Mr. H. M. Rutledge, chief engineer of the Santa Fe railroad, who talked upon some of the 'current problems to be solved in railroad engineering. COUNCIL TO NAME To inivestigate Conditions for Skating Above the Barton Dam MAY CONSTRUCT ICE RINK ON PLACE IF REPORTED SAFE Danger Signs to Be Placed on Huron; Organizations to Co- operate The latest development in the Michi- gan Daily campaign to make the Hur- on river safe for skating is the news that a committee composed mostly of engineers will be appointed by the student council to investigate skating facilities above the Barton dam. Ow- ing to the fact that ice is being con- stantly cut below the Barton dam, and the changes in the level of the water at different times at this point, it was decided that it was unsafe for skating purposes. If the committee selected by the council find that skating facilities are good above the Barton dam, a skating rink will no doubt be made there. Lights could be put up at a nominal cost. There has not been much skat- ing on the Huron river in the past few years because of the serious accidents that have happened to skaters on the river. But if the danger were elim- inated, there would be no doubt a num- ber of students who would take ad- vantage of the excellent ice above the dam. Danger signs will probably be placed below the dam to warn skaters of poor ice and a general warning will be issued in a few days advising all1 persons not to skate below the dam. Signs are to be placed also above. Barton, warning skaters of air holes and thin ice. That the campaign will no doubt be taken up by the student body is shown by the fact that a number of the cam- pus organizations have already signi- fied their intentions of co-operating in, the movement. To Stop Congress In Dewey 'S Honor Body Lying in State With Seven Blue- jackets and Two Officers on Watch Washington, Jan. 17.-Honor like that paid to the memory of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley, America's three martyred presidents, will be ac- corded Admiral George Dewey. Congress will adjourn Saturday, and all departments of the government are to close while funeral services are held in the rotunda of the capitol. The body will be escorted to the Arlington National cemetery behind one of the most impressive funerals Washington has witnessed in years. By the orders of Secretary of the Navy Daniels, two officers, seven blue- jackets, and seven marines were to- day detailed to the honor of watching beside the bier. The entire Annapolis midshipmen corps, 1,227 strong, will form the special guard of honor for the caisson in the funeral procession. All available blue-jackets in northern waters will be brought to Washington to follow America's foremost naval hero to the grave. Recall Invitations. Invitations for a dinner dance to- night night sent out by Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the president, and Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, the presi- dent's nieces, have been recalled. Private services will be held at the Dewey residence, the home given him by the American people, before the body is transferred to the capitol. President Wilson this afternoon sent a message to congress informing its members of the death of the admiral. (Continued on Page Six.) J-hoppers this year will make at- tempts to boycott the Ann Arbor taxi companies, according to the decision-of the committee which met last night. Although no official action has been taken, the committee will shortly mail letters requesting all fraternities and organizations to refrain from patron- izing the local taxis, because of the prevailing opinion that the rate of $2 is an exorbitant one. Tickets for the dance will go on sale today at 12:05 in the ante-room to the dance hall in the Union. Three hun- dred will be sold at this time and the sale will be confined exclusively to juniors. Each person purchasing a ticket will be required to sign the ticket at the time that he receives it, and also to sign his name in a book. This is to prevent the fradulent use of the tickets which has occurred in past years, for before gaining admission to the gymnasium this year, the person presenting the ticket will be required to countersign the book in which he placed his signature, and the hand- writing must be the same. Presentation of the ticket by any other person than the one who origin- ally purchased it will result in its for- feiture. An important provision regarding the sale of tickets this year is that every ticket must be paid for in cash. No personal checks will be accepted in payment for tickets. The booth tickets are to be sold at the same time that the dance tickets go on sale, the price of the two being fixed at $5.50. The booth allotments will be made Monday afternoon, Feb. 5, the exact time to be announced later. Each group desiring a booth will be required to send a representative who is prepared to show that the con- tingent desiring a booth has purchased at least ten tickets. The hop committee has announced that each booth must be furnished and decorated by its own occupants, and has given instructions that absolutely no fraternity insignias or crests will be allowed on the decorations, or on the pillows in the booths. Provisions for coffee and punch must be made by each booth, the hop committee attending to the punch containers. The hop committee will meet again at 10:30 Sunday morning, Jan. 21. LIT STUDENTS MUST ELECT COURSE NOW Thursday and Friday Set as Days to Choose Subjects for Next Semester Today and tomorrow are the days set for the filing of election blanks for courses to be elected the second semester by students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. The registrar's office will be open on these days between the hours of 8:30 and 12 o'clock in the mornings and from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoons. Requests for extra hours must be made at the same time that election blanks are filed, on blanks which may be obtained at the registrar's office for the purpose. These requests must be made anew each semester. Replies to requests for extra hours will be mailed to students Feb. 14. All elections made after Friday of this week will be charged for at the rate of $1.00. Pamphlets containing matter descriptive of new courses to be given next semester which are not announced in the bulletin, and the hours of courses which have been changed from the time previously an- nounced, may also be obtained at the [ office. To fight Taxi Rates for I-Hop only 200 more than the negative. AMERICAMUST AID IN BRINGING END TO WAR PROF. A. C. W'LAUGHLIN OF CHI- CAGO TALKS ON "AFTER THE WAR" TO BIG AUDIENCE "The overwhelmingly important job for America is to aid with its intel- ligence, its wealth and its power in the establishment of a lasting peace," said Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin in a lecture yesterday afternoon before an audience which filled the south lecture room of the Law building. "All problems of foreign relationships sink into insignificance by the side of this imperative task," he continued. Speaking of how this is to be accom- plished he stated, "We must seek in our conduct and in our thinking to master the conception of international rivalry without hostility and of the actual intellectual and commercial solidarity of mankind." Professor McLaughlin's talk was optimistic all the way through. Al- though making no predictions as to the future relation of nations, he said, "Whether this year conquers future warfare and enthrones peace or not, the whole course of history proves to me that we are entering upon a new and different world." Prof. McLaughlin does not see in armament as it existed up to the time of this war any guarantee of peace. He suggested asupreme international tribunal which would take action among the states of the world, as the supreme court of the United States does among the states of the Union. "This central body or league to en- force peace, or whatpver it maybe, must have power to make effective its office," continued Prof. McLaughlin. He does not see in this that it would be necessary to give up the Monroe Doc- trine if it were taken as a "permanent doctrine of interest" and the United States maintained the high principles of service which she has set forth. ADDS TO ALLY REPLY Balfour Stipulates Three Requirements of Lasting Peace Washington, Jan. 17. - David Bal- four, secretary of foreign affairs for England, sent to the United States a supplement to the entente reply, wherein he stated that if durable peace is to be expected, the following things must take place: First, the existing causes of inter- national unrest must be removed. Second, the unscrupulous methods of the central powers should fall into disrepute among their own people. Third, that behind international law and behind all treaty arrangements for Tickets for Formal Sale to Juniors Today Party Go on at Noon The literary department was th greatest supporter of the innovation Over 2,000 votes were cast in that de- partment alone, and 1,400 of those manifested a willingness to suppori an honor system if introduced, and agreed that its introduction would b of benefit to the department. The architects cast about 70 votes in all, of which there was a constan ratio of six to one in favor of the in- troduction of the new method of con- ducting examinations, while the pharmics and the graduate school were also whole hearted in favor o the proposition. The dental department cast 25( votes and were in favor of an hono system, but did not seem to consider the one now employed by engineerE and medics as the proper one to be used in their department. They gave a large majority for all t questionE except the third, which was defeated by 40 votes. The law department alone came ou squarely opposed to the movement While that department admitted by a vote of 260 to 80 that a greater spiri of honor would be of benefit to it, i voted against all the other three ques- tions by majorities of 20 on the sec- ond, 60 on the third, and 30 on the fourth. The Student council will decide a1 its meeting tonight as to just whai step to take in the matter. It is ver probable that the figures obtained wil now be submitted to the faculty of the various schools and colleges on the campus, with recommendations as t the advisability of the immediate ad option of the honor. system in the different departments. It is quite pos sible that the literary department wil attempt the plan at the coming semes ter examinations, although nothing de finite can be known until the facult has expressed itself definitely on th4 matter. '17 LITS HOLD MEE' Smoker on Deck for Tonight at Union Dues Payable - At a meeting of the senior lit clas held yesterday afternoon, a list c eight professors were voted upon, i order to ascertain to which member 0 the faculty the class will dedicate it section of this year's Michiganensta Reports were heard from the invita tion and cane committee heads, a well as from the various class athletl managers. Willis Nance, chairman of the it vitation committee, announced that th contract for the invitations has alread been given out, and stated that crd will be sent to the members of t class immediately after vacation, o which they are to state the numbe they wish to order. Chairman Fitzgerald of the soc committee, urged every man to ge HONOR SYSTEM APPHOVED BY BG MAJORITY OF STUDENTS IN VOTE ON QUESTIONS IN FOUR 5SCHOOLIL LITERARY, ARCHITECTURAL AND DENTAL DEPARTMENTS BALLO' IN FAVOR OF THE FOUR QUESTIONS ON HONOR SYSTEM LAW SCHOOL TURN PROPOSED SYSTEM DOWN BY VOTE OF 260 TO 80 ON RECENT ISSU Student Council to Decide Exact Steps to Be Taken in Matter at Meeting Tonight; May Adopt Plan Immediately in Literary College Over two-thirds of the students voting in the campaign of the Student council to secure expressions of sentiment of the student body on the hon- or system have manifested their favor of its immediate adoption. Of a total of 2,700 votes cast, about 1,800 answered the second question on the ballot in the affirmative. The fourth question as to whether the student would support an honor system if adopted, was carried by the same majority. All questions were answered favorably by a large majority of those voting, the first question, on the benefit to be obtained for each depart- ment by a spirit of greater honor, receiving an affirmative vote of 2,300 to 400 against. The third question, as to the advisability of putting into force similar systems to those now in use in the engineering school and Medical college, carried by the smallest majority, with an affirmative vote "An Essential of Education" JUDGE VICTOR H. LANE Y. W. C. A. Vespers 5 to 5:30 T 0 D A Y Newberry Hall the preventing or limiting of hostili- out to the smoker tonight at the Un ties, some form of international sanc- while Treasurer Carlson stated t tion should be devised which would class dues will continue to be cause the hardiest aggressor to hes- lected in the Library from 3 t itate, o'clock today.