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October 07, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-07

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XXVII. No. 5.



r i

Allied Troops Advance in Severe Bal-
kan Fighting; Little Activity
on Somme Front.
Washington, Oct. 6.-In the absence
of Secretary Lansing this afternoon,
Chancellor Polk of the state depart-
ment, stated that the department has
absolutely no knowledge of'any peace
proposals from Germany that might be
carried by Ambassador Gerard, now
.en route home from Berlin on a vaca-
tion. He said the department had no
information of any intimation on Ger-
many's part to suggest that the United
States act as mediator between the
warring nations.
At the time of the publication of the
recent United Press interview with
David Lloyd George, English secretary
of state for war, in which he declared
that any peace movement from a neu-
tral at this time would be regarded
as a pro-German move, it was de-
clared there was no chance that this
government would decide to advance
peace suggestions until it was certain
they would be acceptable to both
Causes Wall Street Flurry.
Rumors that Germany was about to
submit peace proposals to American
Ambassador Gerard caused a flurry of
excitement in Wall street this after-
noon and resulted in a sharp break in
prices on the stock exchange, when
received in New York. Definite inform-
ation regarding Germany's plans was
The New York Evening Post, how-
ever, stated upon "absolutely trust-
worthy information" that the Ameri-
can ambassador is now en route to
this country aboard the steamship
Frederick VIL bringing to President
Wilson an application from Germany
asking the President to use his good
offices in suing for peace. This vessel
is due at New York about next Tues-
The Post asserted that its informa-
tion was corroborated by sources in
this country which it described as
"highest authority." The Post was un-
able to state upon what terms Ger-
many would seek peace. In connec-
tion with peace rumors the United
Press correspondent at Rome cabled
today that the allies have informed the
Dutch government that any move to-
ward peace on the part of Holland
would be construed as a pro-German
act. This was the first intimation that
the Dutch government had been feel-
ing out peace sentiment among the
European belligerents.
Allies Advance in Balkans
London, Oct. 6-Allied troops thrust
forward in severe fighting in the.Bal-
kans today, and vigorous battles took
place along the Strum front. The
British oficial statement this afternoon
admitted that the Bulgarians had suf-
fered reverses in the Struma fight-
Bulgarian troops were forced to
evacuate several villages on the east
bank of the river and in Transylvania
the Germans and Bulgarians made sub-

stantial progress against the Rouman-
ians. Field Marshall von Valkenhayn's
forces moved forward, driving the Rou-
manian center back across the Hom-
orod and Alt rivers.
The semi-official German news
agency this afternoon circulated a
story estimating Russian losses in the
first two years of the war at 6,000,000
men. The news agency based its es-
timate on information from Danish
sources. On the Somme front all war
offices reported there was little activity
aside from artillery engagements.
Paris reported a renewal of the bom-
bardment at Verdun by the Germans
after several weeks of inactivity.
Union's Student Directory on File
The student's directory prepared by
the Michigan Union is now on file in
the club's office. Until the regular di-
rectory is finished this provides the
--I- mnlir~r of "Ainr o mfln nn f .0

Late News Briefs
London, Oct. 6.-Orvlle Wright,
noted American aeroplane inventor,
has presented all his patents free of
charge to the British government, to-
day's issue of the Aviation magazine
Waterford, Ireland, Oct. 6.-The pro-
posal to enforce conscription in Ire-
land was denounced by John Redmond,
Irish leader, in a speech her this
afternoon as "the most fatal thing that
could happen."
New York, Oct. 6.-Five men and
one woman were indicted by the fed-
eral grand jury today on charges of
impersonating federal officers, and at-
tempting blackmail in connection with
thq alleged luring of Edward R. West,
Chicago manufacturer, to this city.
New York, Oct. 6.-The Hughes
Women's special is making votes for
Hughes at every stop, in the opinion
of National Chairman Wilcox. "The
tour is successful from every stand-
point," Wilcox said, "and the beauty
of it is that the women originated the
idea, planned most of the details and
are executing them all by themselves."
Opening Banquet to Be Held October
14 in Barbour Gymnasium.
This year the annual banquet of the
Young Women's Christian associa-
tion will be held in Barbour gymnas-
ium for the first time in the history
of the organization. The change was
made necessary by the fact that the
number who attended last year
crowded Newberry hall beyond its ca-
The banquet, which will be held at
6:00 o'clock on Saturday, October 14,
is complimentary to freshmen, while
upperclass women can secure tickets
for 50 cents at a table in the'library.
Freshmen who wish to attend are re-
quested to call for tickets at Newberry
hall not later than 6:00 o'clock Wed-
nesday evening.
At the banquet, Dean Jordan will
act as toastmistress, and a unique pro-
grain has been arranged. Wyvern so-
ciety will co-operate with the Y. W.
C. A. cabinet in making general ar-
rangements, while the women of
Martha Cook building, Newberry resi-
dence, Symphonic league, Mortar
Board and Senior society will present
stunts in Sarah Caswell Angell hall
following the toasts.
Minstrel Show Songs, Dances, Girls!
Girls! Juniors Show Big Time.
Last night at Barbour gymnasium
the junior women entertained the
freshmen at the fourth annual junior
advisor supper. College activities open
to women were discussed as.follows:
The Daily, Marion Wilson; Y. W. C. A.,
Frieda McLellan; Woman's League,
Pansy Blake; athletics, Clarissa Vyn;
dramatics, Nona Meyers; Glee club,
Vera Brown.
Later a clever minstrel show was
presented by the junior girls with
Henryetta Brandebury as interlocutor.
The dancing of Mable Hall, Helen
Brown and Betty Hall won much ap-
plause, as did also Nona Meyers' take-
off on Madame Homer. The rest of
the program was made up of col-
lege songs and hits at well-known in-
stitutions on the campus.
Gertrude Brock, chairman of the

junior advisory committee, had as her
assistants Margaret Henderson of the
supper committtee; Helen Brown, who
planned the minstrel show, and Grace
Raynsford, social chairman.
Carranza Appoints Money Commission
to Adjust Trouble.
Mexico City, Oct. 6.-Fifteen state
banks finding it impossible to comply,
with General Carranza's decree re-
quiring them to increase their metallic
reserve, today agreed to the appoint-
ment of a commission to solve their
problem of liquidation of their issue
after a meeting in the treasury depart-
Government banking officials an-
nounced that local banks which closed
their doors after the decree was is-
sued are making arrangements to in-
crease their reserve to cover paper is-
sued and will reopen soon.

Student Council Outlines Traditions to
Be Followed by Fresh-
Hill auditorium fairly rang last
evening when Cheer Leader "Bob"
Bennett taught the class of 1920 how
to yell according to Hoyle at the sec-
ond annual freshman pep meeting.
Long before time for the program to
begin the yearlings begn to gather
and when Daies threw his first pic-
ture on the screen a mob of about
3,000 was present. Following Mr.
Daines' pictures of the campus cele-
braties and activities of the Univer-
sity, "Bob" Bennett started his yell-
fest which continued at regular inter-
vals throughout the program.
Harry Gault, 17L, ex-president of
the Michigan Union, was chairman of
the evening and first introduced the
band which played the "Victors" for
the first time this year.
Maurice F. Dunne, '17L, varsity foot-
ball and baseball player, was the first
speaker. He told the youngsters the
importance of loyalty, not only to their
class, but to the school, and above all
to be proud of their university until
the day they die.
After the freshmen, led by Chase
Sikes, grad, had sung "Varsity," M.
W. Welch, president of the University
Y. M. C. A., gave a "pep talk."
"Michigan doesn't want weaklings,"
declared Welch. "If you are weak,
go back where you came from."
John C. B. Parker, '17, was the next
speaker and urged that the freshmen
wear their fresh caps and live up to
the traditions of the University.
Sikes then taught the yearlings "I
Want to Go Back to Michigan."
Earl Pinney, '16, came next, and
brought out the importance of debat-
ing and oratory. He was followed by
Glenn C. Coulter, '16-'18L, president of
the Union.
"The Union stands primarily for the
social life of the university," stated
Coulter. "It stands for democracy. At
the Union all are on an equal plane.
Its purpose is to enable the men to
make friends."
In the last speech, which was given
by Dean John R. Effinger of the lit-
erary college, the necessity of study-
ing was emphasized.
"There is one tradition of Michigan
which must not be forgotten and that
is the tradition of hard work," was the
advice of the dean.
After thesinging of the "Yellow and
the Blue" the freshmen followed the
band to the open house at the Union.
Following are the list of traditions
as stated by the Student Council in
the pep meeting program:
Your principal business here is to
get an education, and a good one.
Make a good reputation your fresh-
man year and keep it.
We know you went to prep school.
You know your place. Keep it!
Remember, at doors and cross-paths
upper-classmen first.
Real Michigan freshmen wear fresh-

man caps.
Don't think that everything that has
been done before is a tradition.
Only those traditions that make for
a better Michigan are Michigan tradi-
All members of the band meet in
front of University hall this afternoon,
with capes, coats, and puttees.

Michigan Men For Michigan !
(The following letter was written at a gathering of Michigan alumni
in Detroit Thursday night and sent to The Michigan Daily for publica-
"To the Student Body:
"Michigan played Marietta Wednesday afternoon and Michigan won.
But when our Varsity ran out onto Ferry field before the game, it was
greeted by hand-clapping. Not one real Michigan cheer was given that
sixteenth team of Yost's.
"There may have been some excuse for the absence of the band. But
Michigan cheering sections do not need extended practice, and Michigan
spirit does not begin with the second game.
"Last year Michigan was decisively beaten by M. A. C. The next
week, on the heels of defeat, and bigger than any lost game, came a giant
mass meeting, the greatest display of Michigan spirit that our univer-
sity has ever known.
"That mass meeting should have been down there at the Marietta
"Michigan elevens have not been accustomed to hand-clapping. This
1916 team of ours deserves the red-blooded support of every Michigan
-man. It deserves organized cheering-regular Michigan cheers. And it
deserves the band.
"Come on, Michigan men! Show Case on Saturda that they are
playing Michigan-not eleven men, but eleven Michigai men of Yost,
backed by the university which is yours and ours."

Prof. R. M. Wenley and "Eddi
Carroll Other Talkers on Even.
Ing's Program.

Rehearsals Giee Promise of Splendid
Organization for Coming
In full uniform of yellow and blue
the Michigan band will appear on
Ferry field today to furnish music for
the Case game. This will mark the
second public appearance this year of
the organization, which showed up so
creditably at the freshman mass meet-
ing and Union open house last night.
Progress among the band boys has
been rapid since the first rehearsal on
Wednesday night, when 50 men came
out for positions. At that rehearsal
excellent results were accomplished,
considering the fact that most of the
men had never played together before.
Later work in rehearsals and last
night's public appearance cause Cap-
tain Wilson to believe that the band
this year will be a splendid one.
Tryouts will not close until some-
time next week, and the membership
in the band which played last night
and which will play this afternoon is
not permanent. No definite organiza-
tion can be affected until the names of
all of the tryouts have been passed
on by the eligibiliity committee. Men
who came out for practice but who
failed to appear in the band last night
or who will not appear this afternoon,
will still have a good chance of secur-
ing places after the ranks have been
thinned by eligibility cuts.
Arthur Kauska, a young man em-
ployed by the Washtenaw Gas com-
pany, had a narrow escape from death
by asphyxiation when a faulty air hel-
met forced him to breathe gas while
he was working in a manhole in North
University avenue, near the dental
building. He went into the manhole
at 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon to
repair a valve and had been under
ground only a few minutes when the
man on the surface who was pumping
air to him saw him fall over.
Kauska was revived with a pulmo-
tor owned by the Eastern Michigan
Edison company. It took nearly a
half hour of work with the pulmotor
before he was restored to conscious-
ness, and taken to his home, 731
Seventh street.
Berlin Reports Aeroplane Success
Berlin, Oct. 4, via London.-The ad-
miralty made the following announce-
ment today: "On the afternoon of Oc-
tober 1, naval seaplanes pursued an
enemy air squadron. In the fight an
enemy aeroplane was shot down. Our
machines returned safely."


Democratic Candidate Discusses
Political Outlook in


(By Robert J. Bender, United Piess
Staff Correspondent, on Board
President Wilson's Train.)
Chicago, Oct. 6.-The President
stopped off here for an hour and a half
today. Governor Dunne and Senator
Walsh from Democratic western head-
quarters discussed the political situa-
tion with him in his private car.
Governor Dunne afterward said it
was almost certain that the President
would address the women of Chicago
on the afternoon of October 19, when
he comes here to make a big night ad-
dress in the stock yards' district. Pres-
ident Wilson was disappointed at not
having been awakened today in time
to greet 3,000 persons who swarmed
about the train at Clinton, Iowa. ,
Greatly encouraged by the reception
accorded him on his first trip west
since his nomination, the President to-
day was preparing a speech t be de-
livered tomorrow afternoon from the
porch of Shadow Lawn to a delega-
tion of "Wilson independents."
Professor in Allegheny College to Be.
gin Wesleyan Guild Series.
Dr. Camden M. Cobern, of Allegheny
college, will deliver the, first of a
series of five lectures to be, given un-
der the auspices of the Wesleyan
Guild of the Methodist church. Dr.
Cobern will speak at the Methodist
church next Sunday evening at 7:30
The second lecture will be given on
November 5 by Dr. Robert W. Rogers,
dean of the Theological Seminary at
Madison, N. J.
On November 19, Mrs. Cora Wilson
Stewart, president of the Kentucky
illiteracy commission, will address the
members of the guild.
The fourth lecture will be given by
Rev. Chas. E. Jefferson, pastor of the
Broadway Tabernacle church in New
York City. This lecture will be given
in Hill auditorium and will be a part
of a union service by all the churches
of Ann Arbor.
The final lecture of the series will
be given on the evening of January '
by Lynn H. Hough, professor in the
Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston,
Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric
department, collaborating with Mr.
W. M. Aikin, principal of the Ann Ar-

By the red light of an enormous
bonfire that cast flickering shadows
over the mass of upperclassmen al-
ready gathered, 1,500 freshmen
marched last night from Hill auditor-
ium to the Michigan Union open house
led by the Varsity band playing the
"Victors." There were in all 3,000
men present.
It was almost 20 minutes to nine
before the fire committee.got the sig-
nal to "touch her off" from the volley-
ing voices of the freshmen shouting
"1920, fight 'em, fight 'em." Soon the
Union lot was filled by crowding fresh-
men and "Bob" Bennett, '18, Varsity
cheer leader, led them in a thunder-
ing locomotive.
After Harry Carlson, '17, had sung
"Men of the Maize and Blue," Prof.
R. M. Wenley, of the philosophy de-
partment, outlined the purpose of the
Michigan Union to the freshmen. He
traced the Union from its original
coiception in the Michigamua rooms
13 ys ago to the- signing of the
contrac for the excavation work last
Monday night. He stated that the
Union was t great home of Michi-
gan spirit and &ged the freshmen to
Following Professor Wnley, "Ed-
die" Carroll, '17, captain ofthe 1917
track team, told the freshmen liw
cheering helped the team on the field.
He stated that the small crowd of
rooters at the Michigan-Harvard game
had nearly won the game for Michi-
gan. In conclusion he urged every
freshman to go down to Ferry field to-
day and root for the team. "Get in
and work and fight and keep on fight-
ing for Michigan," were his words.
Coach Fielding H. Yost was the final
speaker. Coach Yost told about the
prospects for the 1916 football team
and praised the Union as being a meet-
ing ground for students from all over
the world. He said that football was
the same as the game of life; pluck
and tenacity always win out. In con-
clusion he hoped that the freshmen
would not only stay on the side lines
and root, but get out and work for
Michigan's athletic teams.
Before the meeting the Union was
filled with members enjoying the cider
and cigarets.
Students Absent From Finals to Be
Given Questions by Registrar.
A new method of making up final
examinations from which students
were absent last June has been in-
augurated in the university this year.
Instead of applying- to the instructor
whose examination was missed, thei
student who was absent from the
examination will fill out a blank which
is to be procured from Registrar A. G.
Hall, stating what examination has
been missed. Registrar Hall will then
secure from the instructor involved a
list of questions and these will be given
to the student. Proctors will supervise
all delinquent examinations.
" When the examinations are com-
pletedhthey will be returnedrto Dr.
Hall and then graded by the instruc-
tors from whose courses the students
were absent. Under the new system
the instructors will not come into con-
tact with the students as heretofore.
This system applies only to absences
from examinations, and not incom-
pletes. The examinations will be given
the fourth week of the semester.
Employment Bureau Secures Jobs
T. S. Cox, '17, chairman of the Michi-
gan Union employment bureau, an-
nounced yesterday that a large num-
ber of jobs had been placed through

the Union. He said that one trouble
with the system was the failure of -
the men to report whether they had
taken the positions or not.


111IIg IlIIIIIIIIIIII811111188811111811 111118111111111If llliill 611111i11ill llllltllilllllllllill,'bor high school, is the author of a
book dealing with the history and
"The Soul's Eternal 19ustudy of English literature. The
H unger" ;book is to be brought shortly out by
the Macmillan company of New York.
will be the theme upon which Mr. The book, which is intended primarily
Wells will speak Sunday morning jas a high school text, is especially
unaC noteworthy for the attention given in
at it to present day literature, for the
S emphasis placed upon the various
[types of literary composition, and the
relation of these to certain periods in
ii18lllllltllp1111118.1!1[888111Ithe development of English literature.

a man on


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