exactly like cut. New LOt Just Received Dark Brown Cordovans Allsizes Saatoe. Fit guaranteed Also Skate Shoes for Men and Women Slack, Tan Pearl $3.50 to $5 s c 11 GO TO ANN ARBOR'S LEADING COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER for Amateur Finishing, Copying, Enlarging Lantern Slides etc. A complete and fresh stock of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies always on hand. 11 In L Y N D 0 ' S 7191N. University Ave.1 I1 Writing Paper SPECIAL BARGAINS FAI-m DETECTIVES SEEK THAW IN FRED GRUMP MATTER Mat. Wed. & Sat. GAR RICK DETROIT Week of Jan. 8 ALL THIS WEEK The Masquerader" Hoffstetter 's Walk-Over Boot Shop We can save 11 S. Main St. Skates fastened you money Gratis Attorney on in Pittsburg Declares Man Way to New York to Give Himself Uip ENIORS Sit Early For Your "MICHIGANENSIAN" PICTURE AT .ter - 1MAIN TUD1UM/ ITTTVeC . MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N.Y Perfect Portraitures Unsurpassed Accomodations for Group Photographs. "Amateur Work Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. 619.E. Liberty St. PIIONE 948-W $17.00 UP FREE A PAIR of PANTS FREE $17.00 UP with every S U I T or overcoat Ward's Klassy Kut Klothes Dan Massina, Mgr. 118 E. HURON ST. Ca for ari lad go ea, SI and rea Shr in t sto and wh ing Un sus bin me The S .1li JUS CAESA esar Was a Tough Nut the Briton to crack--and his "Comment- es" are even worse for the modern college . Reading them calls for a keen brain 'i a od body. School and college prblems are sy for the lad who eats redded Wheat I beeps a clear brain and supple, elastic muscles dy for the combat in class room or athletic field. redded Wheat contains all the nutritive material the whole wheat grain and its daily use keeps the mach sweet and clean and the bowels healthy I active. It is the favorite food of men and women o do things with hand or brain. It is on the train- table of nearly every college and university in the ited States and Canada. Deliciously satisfying and taining when served with milk or cream, or in corn- ation with fresh fruits. It contains more real nutri- nt than meat or eggs and costs much less. Made only by hredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. BULLETIN. New York, Jan. 10.-~A copy of the indictment against Harry K. Thaw will be telegraphed to Pitts- burg and Detroit tonight, it was announced at the district attor- ney's office this afternoon. New York, Jan. 10.-While detectives from the district attorney's office were watching all incoming trains and searching other eastern cities for Harry K. Thaw, a third indictment was being drawn today, as a result of charges made against the slayer ,,of Stanford White, that he flogged Fred Gump, a Kansas City boy, in a hotel here in December.' Thaw's attorney in Pittsburg de- clared he was enroute to New York to give himself up. District Attorney Swann hoped this might be true, but in the meantime was preparing ex- tradition papers which were to be rushed to the state in which Thaw is first located. Frank P. Walsh, former chairman of the industrial relations committee, who placed the criminal charge against Thaw, returned from Philadelphia during the morning. Oliver S. Brower, arrested in Phila- delphia yesterday, and who was found to have papers apparently belonging to Thaw, is the third man who will be indicted, it is understood. Brower and O'Byrne Not Same Man. The authorities are convinced that Brower, and the George O'Byrne in- dicted yesterday, are two different men, and a search will now be made for the latter. Young Gump returned to New York with Walsh. He is de- clared to have been forced by Thaw to sign a statement declaring that he deserved the flogging he received. Walsh said Gump was not able to iden- tify Brower as the man who was with Thaw, as it was in reality O'Byrne who was there. Pittsburg Police Want Indictments Pittsburg, Jan. 10.-The Pittsburg police today refused flatly to arrest either Harry K. Thaw or George O'Byrne, his secretary, until copies of the indictments found against the two men in New York have beentreceived. S. Lee McBride, secretary to Super- intendent of Police Noble Matthews,1 so wired the New York authorities following receipt of a telegram asking the Pittsburg police to apprehend thet fugitive. When informed later that the New York authorities were telegraphing the indictments, Secretary McBride said: "We will submit the telegrams to City Solicitor O'Brien for an opinion. We will not act at all until he hasI advised us." This, it is said, will ber done tomorrow. It was understood that the Pittsburg police were deter- mined not to act without full warrant. LELAND POWERS TO RECITE SHAW'S PLAY Leland Powers, the founder of the Leland PowersvSchool of the Spoken Word, will give a recital of George Bernard Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple," in University hall next Saturday night, Jan. 13. ' This is Mr. Power's twentieth visitt to Ann Arbor, and his former appear- ances to Ann Arbor audiences have. found favor. Even in the winter of1 1914, when the sudden changing of the date for the annual Christmas vacationt left him without the possibility of ex- pecting an audience of students, he read to an excellent house of Ann Ar-6 bor townsfolk. Seats went on sale yesterday at Wahr's book store. The general ad- mission charge is 35 cents and a lim- ited number of seats have been re- served at 50 cents. "The Rivals" Given Tonight at Hudson A recital of "The Rivals" will be given by Prof. D. T. Hollister at Hud- son tonight. Get our Fraternity house store price list. The Delta. wed-eod A RCADE Shows at 3:00; 6:30; 8:00; 9:30 *oc Unless *terwise Specified. Phone 296-M. Tu.-9- NAZIMOVA in "WAR BRIDES" 8 parts. 250. Wed. - io -Ethel Clayton and Carlyle Blackwell in "Broken Chains"; Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. Thur.-iJune Caprice in "The Mischief Maker"; Chap. ii of "Gloria's Ro- mance" ("The Fugitive Witness"). i5c Fri.-12-Charles Richman in "The Battle Cry of Peace." Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:00-3:30; Evening, 6:45, 8:x5, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuos. Thurs.-Fri.-ix-2--Dustin Farnum in "A Son of Erin." Also Bray Car- Sat.- 13-LouiseGla mand Howard Hick- man in "Somewhere in France." Also Triangle Comedy. i~c Sun.-Mon.-14-13Mae Murry in "The Plow Girl." Also Holmes Travels. W hat we d0 to rats :. We make hats We sell hats at retail We carry a big stock We have the latest all the time We shape hats to fit the head We clan and reblock hats FACTORY HAT STORB 617 Packkrd Next to the Delta Cor. Packard and State PICKET WILSON HOM] Suffragists to 4'radually Increase rut Protestors to -Number of 3,000K Whitney Th --A -A 2 A r rA- A N NA RBO R 4 DAYS c°mEnc'"g SUNDAY NIGHT " ...TWICE DAILY......2:15 and 8:15 P. M. EVENINGS....25o, 0 0, 765, $1, and $1.50 MATINEES.........,....25o, S0o and 750 Seat Sale Opens Thursday at 1:00 P. M. WILLIAM FOX rsent~ ffijN TH E e NCOM , Z 3YBX II Sheehan & Co. C. W. QRAhAM, Mgr. I .1 Washington, Jan. 10.--An idea of the earnestness with which the con- gressional union for women suffrage intends to go into its picketting of the White House, came today when it was announced the silent sentinels would be increased until 3,000 will be surrounding the executive mansion grounds by inauguration day, March 5. At 1 o'clock this afternoon the morning watch was supplemented y the guard mount squad which will re- main on duty until six this afternoon. It was learned at the White House this afternoon with President Wilson will ignore the sentinels so long as they confine themselves merely to sentineling. nore the sentinels so long as they con- fine themselves merely to sentinelling NEW ZEPPELIN CONCEALED BY GAS AND IS NOISELESS London, Jan. 10.-A Daily News dis- patch from Geneva says: "The new Zeppelin, L-40, according to the Neue Zuricher Zeitung, made a trial flight Saturday over Lake Constance. The Zeppelin emitted dense gas clouds with the result that it was invisible during the greater part of the flight. The pro- peller was noiseless and the airship could not be heard. One of Henry's Large Family Injured A Ford touring car tried to do in- jury to thetpoleat the cornertof North University and State street yesterday morning ,with disastrous results to both. The car skidded in turning the corner and the fenders and front axle suffered badly. The pole was broken off just below the ground level, carry- ing the trolley wire with it. The Uni- versity cars were delayed until the mo- tormen succeeded in fastening the wire to a nearby tree. Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place 611 E. William St. 5tf SUBLIME MUSIOAL S OOBR 1 AUGMENTED SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 1 This Wonderful Productoan Now Having a Phanomena Run a tthe LyrIA Theater, New York The Only Million Dolar Pcture Ever Made! seater STARTS TONIGHT WM. B. FREIDLANDER Inc., Offers for Your Amusement The A Satire in one Act Elaborately Staged Suffra ett Revuel A Brilliant Cast Glorious Girls Gorgeously Gowned EXTRA WINTER "THE ADDED V INI K CHEER-U FEATURE W"N"NA NE R SPECIAL SUNDAY ATTRACTION MARY MILES MINTER "A Dream or Two Ago" r r or ..,.r..._...__. rp °I I AT'S GOING ON I Today. 'clock-Rehearsal of act four of rs of Society," U-hall auditorium. 5 o'clock-Dr. E. de Martonne lec- , auditorium of Natural Science ing. 'clock-Prof. J. R. Brumm lec- Newberry hall. 'clock--Meeting of all the ticket s for "The Magic Carpet" will Id in room 203 U-hall. Every one tickets must be present. 0> o'clock - Meeting of the cher Verein in the Verein rooms. o'clock-Classical club meets, A Memorial hall. Tomorrow. 'clock-Rehearsal of act two of mr of Society," room 205 U-hall. clock-"The Magic Carpet," Hill >rium. t prices in town to Fraternity, stores. The Delta. wed-eodI U-Notices. All members of the Inlander staff whose names appear on the editorial page will meet this noon at Rentsch- ler's studio for staff picture. Coral Union ushers report for "Mag- ic Carpet" in Hill auditorium Friday. Men who made the Glee club trip come to the office, 160 Natural Science building, at 4 o'clock today, to cash in meal checks. JUNIOR GIRLS TURN OUT IN LARGE NUMBERS FOR PARTY More than 100 junior girls attended their "get acquainted" party in Bar- bour gymnasium yesterday. The com- mittee in charge were Helen Brown, Helen Nipps, and Louise Irish. Announcement was made of a party February 17, to be given by the fresh- men for the junior girls at which fresh- men will act as escorts. The try outs for the junior girls' play will take place the first week of next semester in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Shown Mistake in Handling Resoruces "Michigan's Costly Mistake in Han- dling Its Lumber Resources" is the subject of Prof. L. J. Young's lecture on the University extension course to- morrow night at Canton. Buy Fraternity house store supplies at the Delta. wed-eod Girls attention! For rainwater shampoos and scalp treatment for falliig hair go to Mrs. J. R. Trojanow- ski, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 696-W. 5- two wks 0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222 Get our Fraternity house store price list. The Delta. wed-eod AT THE Student Supply Store You will find everything to suit your needs. Give us a trial and we will satisfy you. We develop films for 10. 1111 So. Univ. Tel. 1160-R Opp. Eng. Arch' 1