$5 I Mid-Winter Clearance 25% Suits and Overcoats STEIN-BLOCK and MICHAEL-STERN 1 -4 Off- CLOTHES 1..4 Off Entire stock fancy and mixed Entire stock blue and black Suits and Overcoa ts Suits and overcoats AT 1-4 OFF AT 20% OFF Our entire stock All trousers over $4.00 ' MACKINAWS AT 20% OFF AT 20% OFI Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. 1-4 Off Sale y ALL OVERCOATS REDUCED 25 PER CENT FROM ORIGINAL PRICE $20.001 21.50 27.00 Coats now .....................$15.00 Coats now ..................... 16.00 Coats now ..................... 20.25 Now is your opportunity to secure one of the newest models of Overcoats at a great reduction. Our full line of Bath Robes is also included in this reduc- tion sale. TINKER +;& COMPANY Cor. State and William Sts.- COPYRIGHT. 19346 L. Amm R OS. &[Ca. 0 Do This "Provide your elf w a smile and air of prosp ity. Wear your best bi iness suit ar a cheerful necktie. If you have n best suit--i one. We h to appear p sperous if are to be pr, sperous." Chinese People Possess Wonderful Appreciation of Classical Paintings The Eberbach & Son Co. Come Good Drugs-Toilet Articles Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies. You know the Quality Is Right. The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. One of Our Dinners Served from 11 to :7 Regular Dinner 35b consists choice of meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one ve etable; choice of pie or pudding; tea, cfee, or milk. SPEOIALS, as served Soup .io with meat order .05 Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25 Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25 Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25 Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25 Pork Chops Breaded.. Extra Special .25 Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'1 .25 Bread and Mashed Potatoes included with above meat orders. Side Orders Extra Potatoes mashed .o Stewed tomatoes o5 Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05 Potatoes fried.. Stewed peas Potatoes german fried .05 One holiday season is over, but we are already prepared for the next. J-Hop season is almost here again. We manifest the same in- terest, skill, and sensible, judgment in these special garments that we do in our others. K. T. Wong, '17E, of Canton, China, talks on "Chinese Paintings" in the fourth article of a series about that country. The Chinese people have always been interested in art and philosophy. It is seldom that one does not see some sort of paintings or scrolls of written couplets or even quotations from the classics, hanging on the walls. The attitude of the Chinese has been fostered to nature by the old books, printed as far back as 1200 B. C. The Chinese artist feels a sense of kinship toward the flowers, the trees and birds and it is with this comprehension, that, of nature, that the Chinese paintings] have been developed. The art of painting in China has been traced as far back as the Class- ical period, which opened five centuries before Christ. Two schools of paint- ing, known as the Northern and the Southern, sprang up under the Tang dynasty when people began to resort to the art as spiritual recreation. The southern school was characterized by its sternness and the Northern by its refinement. Through the following dynasties the scholars took up painting as a means of pastimes. From now on the art of painting began to mix with poetry and philosophy. To the artist his work is not a picture but a painted poem and a pictoral interpretation of philosophy. He is a poet and a philosopher as well as an artist. When the artist walks among the mquntains, or rows on the river, ad- miring the colors of the flowers and listening to the birds, a fantastic idea possesses him. This is his material for his picture and poetry. He does not take his easel and stool wherever he goes, but the scene is impressed upon his very soul and he reproduces it on his silk. For this reason the Chinese painting is purely suggestive and subjective as against the photo- graphic and objective nature of the western art. The artist's primary pur- pose is the recreation of his soul. He is not concerned withathe commercial value of his work, although people may pay high prices for it. When a Chinese artist puts his art on a com- mercial basis, his fame drops. Peo- ple do not admire his work any longer, for they know that such work is much inferior to that done just for recrea- tion; the spirit is lacking. Chinese paintings are divided both according to size and subject. Accord- ing to subject we have, Shan Shui, landscape; Hua Hui, towering plant; Jen Wu, human beings and things; Ling Wao, plumes and feathers; Shu Mu, trees; Shih Nu, ladies. According to size we have Ta Chung Tang, Ta Chung Tang, Li Chon, Ping Tiao, Shon Chuan, and Tse Yeh. The first two named are usually hung in the central hall, Tan Chung Tang opposite the door, while Chung Tang are hung pn the side walls; Ping Tiao, in sets of four, are used to dec- orate the side walls of the inner rooms, and Heng Pi, the horizontal pictures, are hung over the entrances of the rooms. During the present century Chinese painting is in a stage of decline. The works produced do not come up to those of the preceeding periods. It has also been influenced to a slight extent3 by the western art.' REULE, CONLIN* FIEGEL COMPA Sippers for Dancin FOR MEN Pumps in patent and dnll leather also popular dancing Oxfords FOR WOMEN Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Patent leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps B%y Comfy Slippers for Xmas WAHIRS Shoe Stores Main St. State St. 200-202 , MARQUAIDT CAMPUS TAILOR 516 $. williams st. Home made pies per cut .05 Lard .o5, with cream lo. Coffee .05 Tea:.05 C -Milk per bottle .o5 STATE LUN TREET JAQC Open All Night.I. A. QUAC Rice cus- Chocolate .50 Cocoa .0xo ECH CKENBUSH, Mgr. Attention Class Cane Committees- We have samples-Wagner & Co., State St. 9-101 NATIVES OF SANTO DOMINGO PREtER QUOITS TO BASEBALL Philadelphia, Jan. 8. -- Pitching, horseshoes bids fair to rival baseball among the natives of Santo Domingo, who have taken to this, oldtime sport with wild enthusiasm, according to United States Marines just returned here from the island republic. Horse- shoe flinging is a daily habit and the keenest rivalry exists among the lead- ers, who, following the custom of Uncle Sam's proteges everywhere, take readily to all American games. Since the American occupation the Dominicans have developed many promising devotees to the national games, but the majority of the natives prefer the more leisurely pastime of making "dead-ringers" beneath the palms to rounding the bases under a tropical sun. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. MICHIGAN'S HEAT- PLANT NDW IN FINE CONDITION' Building, Located on Ann Street, So Constructed to Avoid Nuisances Probably no educational institution in the United States has a more elab- orate heating system than the Univer- Titform Clothes Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place 611 E. William St. 5tf $10.00:PRIZE for best design to be used on cover of J-Hop souvenir.. Only students allow- ed to compete. See Daines. 7-9 A bit of a compliment to the folk at home, were a giftie of somthing niftie from the James Foster House of Art. tf FOB SALE FOR SALE-Florida Land-A hand- some 11 acre farm, all cleared and fenced, will sell at a big sacrifice. As good productive soil as you will find in the state, especially adapted' to raise fruit and vegetables of all kinds, high, dry and healthy loca- tion, no swamps or malaria; good house, two barns, poultry houses, farming implements; everything ready to start work. One and one- half miles from center of the city of Ocala; good schools and churches; excellent drinking water. Good rea- son for selling. Title A-No. 1. Terms to suit. Mrs. A. M. Winzel, 117 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville, Fla. 6-7-9 LOST. LOST-Will person who took gray covered loose-leaf note book at Houston's, by mistake, please re- turn same to 512 S. State, or phone 120, Alexander. LOST-Waterman fountain pen. A. M. H. on gold band. Reward. Phone 1118-R. Mr. Haight. 9-10 LOST--Kappa Delta Phi pin. Re- turn 821 E. Huron. Reward. 8-9-10-11-12-13' LOST-Last Friday, loose-leaf. note book, containing dental notes. Call Gordon, 1268. 9-101 MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS of all makes bought, sold, rented or- ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under. wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. Stat. St. (Over Baltimore Lunch). 682-J. WANTED WANTED-STOCK & BOND SALES- MEN. For Detroit and Michigan. To graduates of the University of Michigan the Investment Banking Business offers great opportunities. Salesmen in our employ now draw monthly $150.00 to $1,000.00. Ap- ply by letter, giving age, experience if ,any, family residence, and extent of acquaintance in Michigan. Care, Box S, T Michigan Daily. 5-9-12-16 Intecollegiate Oklahoma: A good roads week was held at the University of Oklahoma during the week just passed and is reported to have been a great suc- cess. County engineers, surveyors, commissioners, and others, interest- ed in good roads attended, and the various lectures were delivered to capacity audiences. Friday after- noon two miles of road were oiled in a demonstration of road oiling machinery. Illinois: The Illinois Magazine recent- ly attempted the sale of the periodi- cal by an honor system, placing boxes unwatched about the campus for the price of the book to be tossed into. Unfortunately some sneak thief stole a few of the boxes, and it is feared the idea will have to be abandoned. Brown: For the first time since 1906, Brown and Dartmouth will meet on the gridiron next fall. The two quarreled over a baseball decision in that year, and not until now have amicable relations been restored. Cornell: The proceeds from the an- nual Founders' Day concert to be given by- the University orchestra this month will go to the Serbian Relief Fund of Ithaca. A novelty] will be introduced in the nature of a Serbian singer, Madame Sonja Simitch, of Belgrade. Syracuse: By a score of 60-20 Yale's basketball team defeated Syracuse last Friday night. This is the first time since 1911 that Syracuse has lost a basketball game on its home court.- Dartmouth: Billy Sunday delivered two addresses to Dartmouth audi- ences yesterday, one in the after- noon and one in the evening. "Ma" Sunday and Chorister Rodeheaver were present to aid in the battle for the salvation of Mr. Sunday's audi- tors. Purdue: The Association of Former Agricultural students of Purdue, consisting of all who have at any time attended the Purdue agricul- tural school, is planning the devel- opment of a state wide association to benefit former graduiates and stu- dents in a social and technical way. Kansas: An investigation of condi- tions at the University of Kansas was recently conducted by an effi- ciency commission. The commis- sion recommended that the univer- sity be open six days a week in place of five,' and that classes be held during eight hours of the day in order to relieve the congestion and lack of space now felt in every de- partment. Washington: The position as football coach at the University of Washing- ton left vacant recently by the de- parture, of Gilmour Dobie, has not yet been filled. Claude J. Hunt, of Carleton College, Minn., has beenI offered the position but has not de- cided whether to accept. Illinois: Ferdinand A. Mendel a soph- omore at the University of Illinois, took bichloride of mercury recently, mistaking it for a harmless remedy for nervousness, and is now serious- ly ill. It is expected that he will recover. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. sity of Michigan. An electric engine for hauling coal and ashes between the central station and' the Michigan Central railroad, a storage yard with special coal-handling equipment, a pneumatic ash conveyor system, means of disposing of smoke at a distance from the station, transmission and dis- tribution of energy through tunnels, and steam mains of different pressure, all form part of the system that sup- plies heat and light to the campus. The central building is located on Ann street,,but, despite its proximity to the populated section of the city, is constructed on lines that reduce its obnoxious features to an almost neg- ligible quantity. At the left of the station is a large concrete coal yard connected with the Michigan Central railroad by means of a track 4,400 feet long. On this operates a coal-hauling electric engine; the power to operate this engine being supplied by a third rail the length of the yard and an overhead trolley the remainder of the distance. A steel crane spans the width of the yard, and by means of a bucket dumps the coal into a flue from whence it is delivered to the boiler room. Here electric coalfeeders take charge of the coal and supply it to the boilers as needed. The boiler room is on the ground floor and contains four pairs of 400 horse-power vertical water tube boilers. The electric machinery of the plant on the second floor consists mainly of two direct current generators and one 23,000 volt alternating generator. Two switch boards supply the means of control over the electricity obtained. The energy, steam and electrical, developed at . this station is trans- mitted in large mains through a tun- nel to sub-station on the campus lo- cated between the gymnasium and the Medical building. Branches radiate from here in all direction and prac- tically every building connected with the university now obtains its steam and electricity from the plant. Steam is furnished at two pressures, high for the laboratories and kindred uses and low for heating purposes. This sys- tem is complete in every detail, and, according to Superintendent Lyman R. Flook, of the buildings and grounds department, is one of the big things the department has accomplished in the last few years. ( i .v I IUM-.-A u 2==-- 1-3 Off On Suits and O'Coats ALL NEW STOCK WANTED-Two low pitched B flat clarinets; one slide trombone; one E flat saxaphone; and one B flat cornet. Call 1050-J. 7-9 WANTED - Student barber to work Saturdey nights from 5 to 6. Best guarantee. Call Barber, 2183-M or apply at 121 W. Liberty, noon hou.9 WANTED-It you are in need of any- thing, The Michigan Daily's Classi- fied Department can help you get it. A Victor Record .Dante Hit NO. 35593 TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty Street Medley One Fleeting He Inm A-Longln' Fo' Only a Year Aj Grinnell Bros. PHONE 1707 Waltz ,got. We have your size now in Cordovan Shoes. Wagner & Co., State St.. 9-1 Dancing classes and private lesson at the Packard Academy. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. 116 S. Maln St. } P .