I A ALr VIDI.- lu~.i1V LJII
rot. J. I. Nelson Outlines Foreign
Students' Production; Acts to Be
Embraced in Central Plot
"I wrote 'The Magic Carpet' last
Limmer," remarked Prof. J. Raleigh
ielson, production manager of the for-
ign students' presentation, "after a
dmmittee from the Cosmopolitan club
sked me in June to compose a libretto
tat would embrace a number of acts
f foreign aspect and still contain a
entral plot. During the major part
i the summer I read boos pertain-
ig to the habits and costumes of the
>reign peoples, and tried to acquaint
iyself with every detail.
"When school opened," continued
'rofessor Nelson, "I called in various
reign students in order to verify my
onceptions concerning the habits and
ostumes in their respective countries.
.11 the scenes were submitted to the
oreign students for suggestions and
riticism. The Chinese club appointed
committee to select a poem from
'ang, who wrote about in 700 A. D.'
lie classical period'of China. Around
Vds poem we weaved a plot dealing
rith the Chinese Joan of Arc, who left
er home to take up military service
n order to save her father from going
o battle.
"In writing the Hindu act, I was
ided by the students who suggested
ix plots. The entire group agreed on
ne which was closely connected with
ome of the traditions. It is concerned
rimarily with the expression of the
Xlndu ideals and their love for poetry.
"The Japanese scene will depict the
eudal days. It is a simple tale from
ld Japan. The scene is laid at the
Dot of a Japanese roadside shrine,
ary in the morning, of the Spring
'estival of Flowers.
"The Hawaiian and the South Afri-
an scenes will be entertaining to the
ast detail. In the first a scene of
ayety and beauty will be found, hile
a the other a perfect representation
f the aboriginal, natives of Zululand
hould prove an interesting and in-
tructive sketch."
Who Stole Dr. 's
"Dinkey Bird?"
ally's All-Ameriean Halfback Claims
Gorny Plagiarized His
Dr. Tom Lovell, incidentally not al-
>gether unknown in Ann Arobr lit-
rary circles, thinks he has a just
ause for action against the Cosmopol-
;an Club's play, "The Magi Carpet,"
1 general, and against Abraham Gor-
*etzky in particular.
Our learned and poetical contempor-
ry while perusing this little sheet
he other morning learned to his sur-
rise that the afore-mentioned Gor-
etzky had composed a song having as
:s title, "The Dickey - Bird." Being
ognizant of the fact that early in his
areer he himself had written a song
lessed with the cognomen "The Dick-
y Bird," the famous cobbler gentle-
ian at once hied himself to the abode
f our student composer, possessed
Oth a desire for satisfaction.
Diplomacy learned in the practice of
nbuing musical themes into hummp.-
le song, was the soothing agent
rhich finally assisted Gornetzky in
ersuaded Mr. Lovell to take his
ford for it that Eugene Fields, and
ot Dr. Tom Lovell, was the author
f the lyric, and that plagiarizing was
crime of which he was innocent.
Late rumor, has it that the local
ersifier is not entirely satisfied with
ie results of his queries, and that
e will wait until the song is pub-
shed before he will believe that it
oes not contain his famous line:
Dear little Dickey Bird, sitting on a
Dr. Watson, he's in again.
Denver, Jan. 8.-The ores of South-
estern Colorado will double or treble
ie world's supply of radium, accord-
ig to a statement issued today by the
xpert at the State School of Mines
; Golden.
The report declares that the ore
cessible in Southern Colorado and in
e La Sal mountains in Utah, con-
ins nearly 200 grains of radium, or
early three times the world's present
The carnotite fields of Utah and Col-
rado already has produced about
ie-half the world's supply of radium.
Orpheum-Bessie Love in "Sis-
ter of Six." Also Triangle
Arcade - Nazimova In "War
* * * * *s * * * * * * *
In "A Daughter of the Gods," the
$1,000,000 spectacle in which William
Fox has featured Annette Kellerman,
the attraction at the Whitney theater,
commencing Sunday night, Jan. 14,
and twice daily, Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, its creator and financial
sponsor has eclipsed anything ever at-
tempted in the field of motion pictures.
Mr. Fox has stopped at nothing in
his ambition to outdo all others in the
poetic, the beautifully spectacular and
the artistic.
Reasoning that all is possible to him
who would try, he took over an entire
tropical island and from an arid spot
created a city of thousands of resi-
dents, which he governed as supreme
sovereign by cable from his offices in
New York City. Never feazed by what
to another would seem unsurmount-
able obstacles,he diverted a river
from its course and razed hills to the
level of a plain.
Miss Kellerman, too, accomplished
prodigies in the water and some of
the scenes, full of actual peril from
high surfing seas and treacherous
rock, are full of thrills as well as
The opening show of this week's
vaudeville bill at the Majestic last
night held up all the predictions of
the critics, and received its round of
applause almost at every occasion.
With Frances Kennedy, the musical
comedy star, and her startling cos-
tumes and feature songs and the ten
people that composed "The Smart
Shop" taking up the latter part of the
program and three additional acts, the
entire bill is one that pleases the di-
versified tastes of theatergoers.
"The Smart Shop," which is com-
posed of eight girls and two men, pre-
sents all the latest styles and novel-
ties, while a considerable part of the
act is given over to clever dancing
and singing. The chorus is made up
of a merry lot of girls that make an
impressive dancing group.
Another skit worth while is that of
"A Pair of Jacks," a college life ex-
perience. Both men fall in love with
the same girl, and both find them-
selves "fooled." The plot is well acted.
One of the surprising and laughable
features of the bill is that presented
by O'Neil and Gallagher in "The Mis-
fit Couple." She, a large, powerful
woman, and he, a frail little man.
Their sizes alone stir sufficient ap-
plause to make it a successful act.
The entire bill is given a snappy
send-off by the Four Roses, presenting
lots of lively dancing and acrobatic
dashes. The Four Roses have plenty
of spirit and are a quartet bf good-
looking girls in the bargain.
( .000.000 PK C
through shows evidence of careful
study and long, untiring effort. Last
night when the real crux of the pic-
ture was shown the sheer mastery of
it swept the audience off its feet, and
for a moment pandemonium reigned."
Owing to Transference of Power From
Hands of Executive Attend-
ance Falls Off
Washington, Jan. 8.--Mrs. Wilson
today is the "ultimate authority" on
all invitations to White house social
functions. For the first time in years,
management of these events has been
transferred from the executive offices
to the mansion proper. As a result,
the number of invited guests to the.
state events has fallen off between
50 and 60 per cent.
Incidentally the new regime has
brought joy and peace to the minds of
assistant secretaries in the business
wing of the White House. In the past,
the functions given by the presidentl
have been attended about equally by
those on the regular White House
lists and by those who request special
invitations. Each reception is pre-
ceded by letters and phone calls from
senators, congressmen and others, ap-
pealing in behalf of themselves or
others, for precious cards of admis-
Now it's all changed. The assist-
ants merely refer those asking invita-
tions, directly to Mrs. Wilson or her
secretary, Miss Edith Benham. Hence
the big reduction in guests, noted for
the first time at the judicial reception.
Question, Were They Riding on Hog?
Dallas, Tex., Jan. 8.-Members of'
Battery A, Texas National Guard, are
telling how, when their motor truck
recently ran out of cylinder oil while
they were carrying supplies from a
ranch to Fort Ringgold, they tried out
a ham they had aboard, oiled the en-
gine with fat and slid in the rest of'
the way on high.
Found-A Cost Decline-In Education'
Lawrence, Kans., Jan. 8.-At least
one thing-education-is cheaper than
a year ago, according to University of'
Kansas figures which show that the7
cost of educating a student in the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
here is six dollars less than in 1915.
The Michigan Daily for service. 3
Bradstreet's Report Shows Unpreced-
ented Activity in Busi-
New York, Jan. 8.--Bradstreets's re-
port for the past week indicates an
exceptional activity in the commercial
worl as compared with what is usual-
ly the case in the post-holiday period.
While the post-holiday quiet to a cer-
tain extent is having its effect, yet
the lull is far less marked than in
previous years, and new momentum
has been obtained in a remarkably
rapid manner in current movements.
The talk of early peace in Europe
has diminished, and fear of a letup
from that event is no longer a potent
factor in preventing the production
and expansion which has been going
on for the past year. It is the high
prices alone which are acting to en-
courage conservatism, and the scarcity
of all materials, combined with the
abnormal demand both abroad and in
the United States, has kept manufac-
turers from getting up goods for stock
and making the country well nigh
barren of ready supplies.
From an industrial viewpoint, the
ceuntry is sold ahead, many plants
through 1917, and some well into 1918.
'i he chief hardship being encountered
by the huge manufacturing concerns
is the difficulty of obtaining freight
transportation to deliver orders, and
te blast furnaces in particular are
suffering from the coal shortage.
Bank Clearings Show Decided Increase
Bank clearings for the week are far
ahead of what they were for the cor-
responding week last year, and over 80
Ter cent higher than they were the
same week in 1915. Assuming that
bank transactions are two and a half
times larger than those of bank clear-
uns the country's banking business
for the week would approximate $14,-
000,000,000, which is $2,000,000,000
more than the preceding week.
first News Letter
To Reach 500,000'
Prof. J. R. Brumm of the Rhetoric Fac-
ulty to Take Charge of
Due to the reorganization of the Uni-
versity publicity department, the first
news letter to be issued next month by
Prof. J. R. Brumm of the rhetoric fac-
ulty will be sent to more than 500,000
people each week, a much greater
number of readers than it has ever
reached before.
An office has been equipped in the
basement of West hall and with the
installment of a multigraph machine
considerable more copies can be turned
out than over the old system of type-
writing used in the past.
"Tax payers are interested in the
University they are supporting," said
Professor Brumm yesterday, "and we
want people out in the state to know
what we are doing and that we recog-
nize their part in our institution."
Many kinds of materials will be
handled, such as personal items, cam-
pus organizations, news concerning the
faculty and gifts received by the Uni-
versity. Feature stories and pictures
of University life will also be pub-.
lished. No athletic news will be con-
sidered, since that is taken care of in
other publications. In addition to this,
articles will be sent to smaller papers
and various colleges throughout the
If the caliber of music has anything
to do with dancing, the annual J-hop,
just a few weeks off, will lineup with
the success of the past. Announce-
ment was made by the music commit-
tee yesterday that the contract with
the Wright orchestra from Columbus
has been closed and that negotiations:
with the Shook orchestra of Detroit
will be completed within a few days.
Both of these musical organizations
have been a traditional part of the an-i
nual social event.
Plans are also underway to intro-
duce several musical specialties.
The chairman of the committee also
wishes to announce that the entire
committee will meet tomorrow even-
Women Interested in War Relief Meet
Girls who are interested in war re-
lief work will meet at 3 o'clock today
in Barbour gymnasium.
Them Senior Lits
Prepare to Light
Smoker of Last-Year Men Promises
to Rival Vesuvius; Carlson
to Limber Vocal Chords
Plans for a senior lit smoker to be
held at the Michigan Union a week
from Thursday are under way and, ac-
cording to those in carge of this
splendid event, such masculine mem-
bers of the class as are numbered
among the missing will lose out on one
of the social classics of the year.
In view of the rapidly approaching
semester examinations it is the inten-
tion of those behind the movement to
cut out all long winded orators and
secure only such talent as can keep
the gathering holding their sides.
There will be no sermons, no grave
preachments, and no classical music.
Harry Carlson has promised to provide
his fellow classmates with a few of
the latest bits of. rag time and the
steward at the Union has taken solemn:
oath to the effect that only the finest
grades of imported And domestic to-
baccos will be submitted to the con-
noisseurs of the Sir Walter Raleigh
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
As an enlisted member of the
Seventh division, Michigan naval
brigade, I should like to say a few
things in regard to "The Prospective
Members'" communications which
have appeared in The Daily. Neither
I nor to my knowledge any other stu-
dent who has enlisted has done so
"wi-ldly" or without a satisfactory un-
derstanding of the obligations as-
sumed. The purpose and status of
the university divisions and the obli-
gations of their members have been
fully set forth on various occasions,
among which were several public
meetings, a great many articles in The
Daily, and posters displayed on the
bulletin boards of the University build-
ings. The purpose of the organiza-
tion was first explained at a public
meeting in Hill auditorium last March,
under the auspices of the National Se-1
curity league, and again this fall by
Captain J. Farrand Lewis, commander
of the Michigan naval brigade, who
spoke at length about the contem-
plated local units, the substance of
his talk being later given in the col-
umns of The Daily. The posters now
displayed on the campus answer in a
general way the questions asked by
the writer of the communications, and
I advise him to read the same, and for
further information to apply to the au-'
thorities designated by them. All stu-
dents on the campus have had the
same opportunities as I have had for
familiarizing themselves with the
movement, and I take it that the writer
of the two communications is not
merely seeking information, which he
has had every opportunity of obtain-
ing did he so desire. I have experi-
enced no difficulty in obtaining in-
formation, and I know that any one
equally interested can do likewise by
consulting the proper parties.
1102 Oakland avenue.
Effort is to Give Studeuts Practical
:Knowledge of "Ads" and Their
Relation to Business
In an effort to give students of the
University an opportunity for acquir-
ing practical knowledge of advertis-
iug and its relation to modern busi-
ness the program committee of the
Tryads has arranged a series of free
weekly lectures and discussions to be
held each Tuesday evening at 7:30
o'clock in room ,162 of the Natural
Science building.
As planned now there will be a lec-
ture every other week with the in-
tervening session devoted to a discus-
sion of the lecture of the week pre-
The plan is similar to one in opera-
tion at New York University where
New York advertising men address
evening classes. The advertising club
of Detroit is co-operating with the
local club and has agreed to furnish
speakers for each lecture.
The Detroit club is now selecting
speakers for the subjects included in
the course. It is thought that in this
way the entire field can be covered
in a general way by the end of the
school year.
A discussion of a paper delivered by
Dr. H. F. Adams to the Detroit Ad-
crafters club will take place tonight.
On the Tuesday night following a
speaker from Detroit will talk on,
"Preliminary Investigation before
Marketing a Product" and on the next
lecture date, Feb. 13, another speaker
'from the same city will address the
club on the subject, "The Value of
Various Mediums."
Any university student is eligible to
attend these lectures and all are in-
vited to do so.
Council Meets; Welcome Plans for
Soldiers Not Definite; Coat Found
Many requests are being received
by the civic asso~ciation for permission
to use the 4,000-foot moving picture
filtm "Ann Arbor Days" in which a
number of University students took
part in last year. The pictures will be
shown in Flint, Jan. 13. Among the
other cities of the state who have ap-
plied for the film are: Bay City, Tra-
verse City, Grand Rapids, Sault Ste.
Marie, Saginaw, and Kalamazoo.
A letter was received at the local
police headquarters from the Detroit
police department yesterday to the ef-
fect that one of the overcoats stolen
from the Phi Kappa Psi house on
Washtenaw avenue, in this city be-
fore Christmas vacation, was found in
Detroit last week.
Tho ordinance committee of the city
council met in the council chambers
last night to discuss the proposed new
milk ordinance that will probably
come up before the council at its meet-
ing next Monday evening. The rail-
way committee meets at 2 o'clock this
afternoon to talk over the placing of
flagmen at dangerous crossings on the
Ann Arbor railroad. The finance com-
mittee will meet Thursday evening to
discuss the finances of the city for the
coming year.
Mr. John C. Fischer, chairman of
the welcome home committee for the
Ann Arbor soldiers who have returned
from the Mexican border, stated yes-
terday that he has not yet received
word from Colonel Pack as to when
the soldiers will hpm it.,sA d ntat
"War Brides," the wonder play with
Nazimova as its star, is at the Arcade
again today. The critics are unstinted
in its praise. Alan Dale, the noted
dramatic critic, says:
"Of coupse, I went to see 'War
Brides,' Madam Nazimova's first Bren-
on-Selznick picture. Let me say at
once, without beating about the bush,
that it aroused my extreme enthusiasm.
It is certainly the very finest picture
that I have ever seen, and I make no
exceptions. You can have all the 'big'
films, and the million-dollar produc-
tions, and the terrific things that are
announced with the flourish of trum-
pets, but you can leave me 'War
The New York Herald dramatic
critic in a column write-up says: "It
is more emotional and arises at times
to greater heights even than 'The Birth
of a Nation'."
The New York Journal comments as
follows: "The cast supporting Nazi-
mova, who is the bright particular star
of the play, shows evidence of careful
selection. Nila Mac deserves especial
credit for her strong acting as the
sister, but next to the acting of
}Nazimova must be mentioned that of
Gertrude Berkely, who, as the mother,
was received so vociferously that she
might almost have been said to equal
the star at times. The picture all
ULU ~~ sUUU~ 11e muserea out at
Fort Wayne. Thus no definite plans
The war relief work undertaken by can be made for the welcome for the
the social service committee of the soldiers when they arrive in this city.
Women's league will be resumed at 3 A number of Ann Arbor merchants
o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. have promised to close their places of
Mrs. L. P. Hall, who has just returned business in order to allow their em-
from Paris, will be there to tell of the ployees to go down to the station. An
needs in France and of her experiences appeal will be made to the University
in the ambulance at Paris. The com- students to help in the welcoming of
mittee desires that the girls return the the soldies as a number of students
comfort bags taken out before Christ- are in the infantry.
mas and also bring the money they
have promised. Glee Club to Repeat J-Hop Concert
Following the custom set in former
Want Troops to Keep Mills Running years, the University Glee and Mando-
St. Paul, Jan. 8.-Members of a dele- lin club will give its second concert
gation of legislators from th north- this year on the afternoon of the
ern part of the state yesterday in- J-Hop. The program will include
formed Gov. J. A. A. Burnquist that it many new numbers and original fea-
would be necessary to close the big tures.
paper mills at International Falls un-
less operations now tied up because Adelphi to Discuss Conference
of a strike among lumberjacks are Members of the Adelphi house of
resumed at once. The legislators representatives will hold a, regular
sought assurance from the governor meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in
that the Minnesota national guard University hall. The conference ques-
would be used to restore order in the tion will be discussed.
lumber camps if activities of the strik-
ers made it necessary. The governor Use the advertising columns of the
said he could see no necessity for use Michigan Daily in order to reach the
of the guardsmen. best of Ann Arbor's buyers.
AI Senior ates given on
S * V Michiganensian Portraits
Phone 1911