idn rLBIId rug NEW BOXING CLUI To Hold Track Mleeting Thursday SWEDISH RUNNERS ASKED OVER, HERE Rifle Club Will Practice Thursday BI HARVARD CINDER MEN REPORT FOR REAL WORK Crimson Discovers That Her Greatest Weakness Seems to Lie in Field Events All Cinder Men Expected to Out; Freshmen May Attend CHARLEY DOWN MAY THE CRISON BAST Turn First Match Comes January Organize in Three Weeks 24; Must I Michigan Follows Fashion Set Other Universities in Sport By CARLTON HILL ELECTED TO PRESIDENCY OF ORGANIZATION Athletic Officials and Coaches Indorse Movement; Twenty Students Joh All) Following the fashion of many of the leading universities in the coun- try, Michigan will have a boxing club. Plans have been formulated and al- though not much will be done until the second semester starts, at this time the new organization will spring forth in earnest. Carlton Hill has been elected pres- ident of the Wolverine glove artists and James Thompson secretary. Hal O'Connel will gather in the shekels and Bill Plummer figures in the role of publicity man. The new organization has been en- dorsed by all the leading athletic authorities at Michigan and has the stamp of approval of Messrs. Bartle- me, May, Rowe and Farrell. Need- less to say Boxing Instructor Wester- man heartily subscribes to the new movement. In regard to the new club Steve Farrell says: "Nearly every large university in the land'has a boxing club, and in the majority of cases these organizations are powerful and successful agents in encouraging all manly sports. These clubs are big factors in the life of many universities and I look for the newly formed organization in this university to be a success in every way." The purpose of the new organiza- tion is to further amateur boxing in the University of Michigan as the title indicates. The authorities state that they hope to stage several good exhibition bouts in the near future and the possibility of an elimination tournament is under discussion, al- though it is somewhat doubtful wheth- er this last step will be taken this year.' Leland-Standford, California, Penn- sylvania and many of the other lead- ing universities and colleges in the country have had boxing clubs for several years and the movement is spreading rapidly. At Harvard there is a strong agitation to bring about a revival of boxing as there was con-' siderable interest in the sport at the Crimson institution last year. Plans are being laid for a big tournament in the late winter that will rival those of the middle and late 80's when box- ing had a great hold on the under graduates. Boxing Instructor Westerman will supervipse the n'iovements of the or- ganization. Approximately 20 stu- dents have joined already and Wester- man states that several unusually clever boxers are among the number. HARVARD CREW WILL NOT ROW AGAINST COLUMBIA THIS YEAR Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 8.---Harvard Is not to row Columbia at Springfield this spring, according to a statement made by the Harvard rowing author- ities. The Harvard management re- cently received a circular letter from the Springfield Board of Trade calling attention to the good rowing facilities in that city. Manager Howe acknowl- edged the communication by replying that outside of the customary date with Yale, Harvard's rowing program was still uncertain. The general tenor of his letter, however, was unfavorable to any proposition that Harvard should row any college crew in Springfield. Harvard will spend the spring recess at either Princeton or Annapolis and is expected to row Cornell again at Ithaca. Voluntary machine rowing at Harvard started today with Coach Bill Haines in charge. Former Minnesota Star Athlete Dies Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 8. -Wil- liam A. McAlmon, forper University of Minnesota football star, and for the last two years coach of the Grinnell, Ia., college football team, died after a brief illness. Death was due to dia- betes. McAlmon as substitute half back won his first varsity letter at =Minnesota with the 1911 conference champions, was a regular the follow- ing year, and captained the team in 1913. Since his graduation in 1914 McAlmon has practiced law here, ex- cept for the time spent in coaching. He was 27 years old. His mother, of Los Angeles, Cal., and four sisters and three brothers survive. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. Michigan's track season for 1917 will be officially launched Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock with the an- nual ceremonies of the track meeting. Captain Carroll and Coach Farrell got together in Waterman gymnasium yesterday afternoon and decided this point. The auditorium of the West Physics building has selected as the scene of the opening gun. Although the meeting is held prim- arily for Varsity candidates, freshmen interested in the sport are invited to attend as well. This is not the special meeting given for the fresh- men, however, as theirs will be held separately at a later date. Plans for the evening of entertain- ment are still somewhat vague, ac- cording to Coach Farrell. It is sup- posed that the coach, captain, Athletic Director Bartelme, Intramural Di- rector Rowe, Manager Sanders, and possibly one or two others of the of- ficials will be on hand to outline the season's plans to the men. Nothing will probably be known as to the identity of Michigan's oppon- ents during the track season, both in- doors and out, until the schedule for the season is given out for publication. This is not expected to occur until after the middle of the present month. Men Take Work Out Yesterday really started off the sea- son for the tracksters. More than a half hundred were out during some portion of the afternoon, taking at least a short vacation from studies to go through an easy work out. The coach will allow none of the men to attempt strenuousities for a couple of weeks at least, although it is understood that the schedule for this season will start somewhat earl- ier than it has for the past several years. The number of Wolverine meets is also expected to be both greater in number and better in calibre than us- ual this year, especially during the in- door season. Long distance runners, and others who take daily exercise on the new running track have been handicapped during the past few days in negotiat- ing their daily jaunt. A few days1 ago tender feet of some of the ath- letes brought about the discoveryt that the nails on the new track were moving upward all along the run-I ning course. A force of workmen aref busy remedying the defects but no running can be attempted over the course for several days. In the mean- time the warm weather has allowedt the men to use the outdoor track to good advantage. Bohlin, One of Pair Invited to Cross Waters Defeated Meredith Five Times at Rome STARS DEVELOPED SINCE STOCKHOLM OLYMPIC GAME Zanders Competes in Longer Distanc- es; Americans Have Been Well Impressed New York, Jan. 8.-With the idea of encouraging international competi- tion, the Amateur Athletic un n has invited A. Bohlin and J. Zanders, two of. Sweden's best runners, to compete in the national senior indoor A. A. U. championship games in this city, March 17. George F. Pawling, of Philadelphia, who just sailed on the steamer Kristianiafjord for Stockholm carried the invitation of the A. A. U. officials to the Swedish atheletic asso- ciation together with an offer to de- fray expenses. Bohlin and Zanders are star per- formers whose records compare favor- ably with those of the best amateur runners of the world. Bohlin, as a rule, confines his running to the 400 and 800 metre-races, which corre- spond with the American quarter and half mile events. Zanders, while he sometimes competes at these distanc- es is better in the longer contests ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 meters. Are New Stars Both of these athletes were named by Coach Ernie Hjertberg as probable members of the Swedish track and field team which it was proposed to send to this country last summer. They have beendeveloped since the Olympic games held at Stockholm in 1912 and have equalled or bettered the international amateur athletic feder- ation records several times. The members of thehAmericanfive- man track team who competed in Scandinavia last autumn, were greatly impressed by the running of the two' Swedish amateurs. Beats Meredith Five Times Bohlin defeated Ted Meredith five' times at distances ranging from 800 to 1,000 meters, but the former Univer- sity of Pennsylvania star turned the tables upon Bohlin in the 400-metre races. Zanders also defeated Mere- dith in a 1,000-metre race, the distance being too great for the American. Bo- lin and Zanders divided honors in the 800 and 1,500-metre races at the Swed- ish championship held in August andf Zanders won first place in the 1,500 and 5,000-metre races and the 3,000- metre steeple-chase at the Scandinav- ian championships while Bohlin was1 second in the 400 and first in the 800-1 metreraces against the best runners of Norway, Denmark and Sweden. * * * * * * * * GHOST OF FOUNDER MAY BE * * "SISTER" COLLEGE HOODOO * * * * Oberlin, Jan. 8.-Oberlin col- * * lege's Ill-starred football team *] * of the past season, losing every * * game on its schedule, may have * * been jinxed by the spirit of its * * renowned founder in 1833, Rev. * * John Shipher of Elyra. * * The only other college team * * in the country, it is believed, * * that lost its entire schedule was * * Olivet college in Michigan, * * which also suffered a tremend- * * ous reversal of its usual form. * * Olivet was a twin school to Ob- * * erlin, being instituted in 1835 by * * Shipher, shortly after he had * * aided in the establishing of Ob- * * erlin. Into the trenches by tomorrow. This is the slogan of the Rifle club and they hope to fulfill their ambition. The first match of the intercollegiate tournament will be held on Jan. 25. and this means that there are less than three weeks left in which to organize the Wolverine aggregation. Although the range is not complete, Captain Schoepfile stated that practice will be- gin today at 2 o'clock and will con- tinue until the time of the initial match. A close watch will be kept on all the men in order to get a line on the best shots. The sharpshooters expect to launch a membership campaign this week. All those who are interested should re- port at the range today at the time for practice, when the plans for the cam- paign -will be outlined. A Krag out- door rifle will be awarded to the big- gest membership getter. To Communicate With Prep Schools Mail Out Invitations to Compete in In- terscholastic Basketball Tourney Invitations to send teams to the in- terscholastic basketball tourney were mailed out 'of Ann Arbor last Saturday. Return postals were inclosed with the invitations. Questions to be answered by the high schools on the return postals are: Do you wish to enter a team in the tourney? Is there a pos- sibility of your entering a team? Do you wish to receive further informa- tion about the tournament? An entry blank and prospectus will be sent out about Feb. 1 to every school that has responded to the in- vitation by answering the questions on the return postal card. In the pros- pectus will be given the facts of man- agement, rules, and prizes of the meet, and a calendar of entertainments to be held for the visiting athletes during their stay in Ann Arbor. Eligibility rules will accompany the entry blanks. Eight or ten strong high schools al- ready have promised to enter teams in the tourney and as many more have given a conditional promise. These schools were communicated with when the prospect of holding a basketball tourney first was broached, in order to see how the sentiment ran. No re- fusals were met with. A follow-up letter will be sent the last of this week by Interscholasti Basketball Manager W. Lee Watson to attempt to interest schools which have not replied promptly. Iowa: Damage to the extent of $275 asserted to have been done by Uni- versity of Iowa students in their celebration held after the Iowa- Ames football game, is to be repaid by voluntary contributions from the student body. Kansas: The University of Kansas has adopted the A, B, C and D grading system in place of its former meth- od of 1, 2 and 3. The new system is to go into effect beginning with next semester. Cambridge, 1Wis.,, Jan. $.-Track takes the stage at Soldiers' field for the Harvard athletes begin their prep- aration for the winter program under the direction of Head Coach "Pooch" Donovan, Dr. Bert Merrill, and Ellery H. Clark. Work on the running board track will be prescribed for the sprint- ers and long distance men, while the field event men will work out in the cage. Harvard's great weakness in the field events will be pried into this winter withsgreat care, and the coaches and candidates are turning out de- termined to put several good men in the field. Weekly competitions will be held among the men in the baseball cage in the broad jump, shot-put and pole vault, and the records kept throughout the winter. Prizes will be given for the best performances, and also to the men showing the greatest improvement during the winter. In the Harvard-Dartmouth-Pennsyl- vania meet which looms up less than two months away, Harvard's weakness in the field events will count greatly against her, as the sprints are sure to be even affairs, with the balance likely to swing to any one of the three teams. Before the triangular contest, however, the crimson sprinters will have a chance to show their strength against the Elis in the B. A. A. meet, which will be held in the Mechanics building on Feb. 3. The annual races between the Har- vard and Yale relay teams have excited a great deal of interest, although Har- vard has a record of seven consecutive wins over the Ells. This year Harvard will have to go some to hold its own against the 'Yale aggregation. The two colleges will meet in the 780 and the 360-yard relay races. Tennessee Railroads Abandon Passes Nashville, Jan. 8.-With the as- sembling of the Tennessee legislature the Louisville and Nashville and the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railroads announced that hereafter no passes will be issued through legisla- tors for constituents. Our alarm rts are Nod o1041. COapmaA Jeweler, 118 Ueuth Mat streaL noaes Syracuse Only New Institution to A pear on Harvard's Schedule Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 8.-Syrac university will be the only new c ponent in Harvard's baseball series j 1917. The schedule, made public S urday, contains 29 games, with pro sions for extra games with Yale ai Princeton in case of a tie, and an op date on June 9. No coach has been appointed to r place Fred Mitchell, who recently w appointed manager of the Chica Cubs. Charles S. Dooin, former ma ager of the Philadelphia Nationa was in conference with represent tives of the team yesterday, but tl result was not made public. T] schedule includes: April 14, West Point at West Poin 17, Virginia at Charlottesville, Va.; 1 Annapolis at Annapolis; 19, Cathol university at Washington; 20, Johi Hopkins at Baltimore; May 1, Cathol university; 3, Virginia; 5, Pennsy vania at Philadelphia; 9, Holy Cr0 at Worcester; 12, Brown; 16, Syr cuse; 19, Princeton; 23, Dartmouth; 2 Princeton at Princeton; 30, Brown Providence, R. .; June 2, Penns3 vania; 5, Williams; 7, Amherst; 1 Boston college at Newton (conditioi al); 13, Princeton (in case of tie 15, Boston college; 19, Yale at Ne Haven; 20, Yale; 23, Yale at New Yoi (in case of tie). Def "Jacl Frost with his chilly blasts and wear a Spalding WDJP Sweazt Big, warm and fortable, with a storm collart covers the ears turned up. G weight, best qu worsted, wi pocket on eachi A wod lookigSam and very serviceableI Price $8.50 Others, of course--send for our catalogu A. G. SPALDING & BROS. '21 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mi Excellent luncbeon anb tnner 1917 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE OF NAVAL ACADEMY MADE PUBLIC Annapolis, Md., Jan. 8.-The sched- ule of the naval academy football team for next season has been announced. Eight games will be played on the home grounds, and the game against the military academy eleven will be played on Nov. 24 at the polo grounds, New York. The schedule is as follows: Sept. 29-Dickinson. Oct. 6-Catholic university. Oct. 13-Maryland State college. Oct. 20-Washington and Lee. Oct. 27-Rutgers (tentative). Nov. 3--Western Reserve. Nov. 10-Georgetown. Nov. 17-Villa Nova. Nov. 24.-Military academy. Efforts are being made to have the, game with Georgetown played in Washington. For results advertise -in the Mich- gan Daily. at lReasonablejjPrices' MI~e are servingi a few regular patrons at $5.00 per weep. H single meat will make Vou a coustant patron. Metta Cafe 621 vachara, CeI. iRo. 137om7~1 MYSTERIOUSLY FASCINATING IS * The Magic Carpet * 4 * * * * * * * _* * * * v P'A Real Pipe for College Men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up WD C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring 'and vulcanite bit. 'Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortnent. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York music which will show the far East in all its oriental splendor. In this play you will see the most delightful combination of clever acting, picturesque scenery, beauti- ful costumes and wierd native y HILL AUDITORIUM Genuine French Br iar Friday, Jan12 Watch for the magician 50c " -'