Last Saturday In October
November See No
tests as Yet
and First in
Following the official announcement
that Michigan will not play Princeton
next year, football followers here at
the Wolverine college are wondering
who will appear on the 1917 schedule.
Michigan still has the last Saturday
in October and the first one in Novem-
ber open. These are two of the most
attractive dates on the season's list of
bookings and Michigan is still search-
ing for an opponent. Princeton seems
to be out of the question and in the
middle west the conference colleges
are of course beyond consideration.
Michigan's early games for 1917 will
be with Case and Mount Union and
there will probably be a couple of mid-
week affairs scheduled, although there
is considerable speculation as to just
who these aggregations will be. The
University of Detroit is anxious to op-
pose the Varsity and -there is some
chance that the eleven from the City
of the Straits will appear on Ferry
field, although no definite action has
been taken as yet.
Will Not Meet Syracuse.
Michigan will not meet Syracuse thisn ?
year. That seems assured. The east-
erners were offered a game, but it was
with the understanding that it should.
be played on Ferry field and tbhe
Orange authorities couldn't see it that
way and their list of bookings ap-
peared recently with the Wolverines
Michigan meets the Aggies on the
20th of October, but the staging for
the annual game is still unsettled.
Michigan has journeyed to East Lan-
sing every third year in the past with
the Aggies appearing on Ferry field
the other two occasions. This year it
is Michigan's turn to make the trip to
Lansing, but the lack of seating facil-
ities is very properly causing the Maize
and Blue to hesitate. Last year 22,-
000 people saw the Michigan-Farmer
game and the Aggies can't squeeze a
new born babe into their park after
10,000 have been seated. Hence the
Wolverines are strong for playing the
game here in Ann Arbor, but as yet
they have not been able to convince.
the authorities in Lansing that such
should be the case.
II I I L a V I I . 4 i7
told time rivals, but the conference has
forbidden her members to play with
the naughty Wolverines and unless
something startling occurs the game
seems nothing but a dream.
New York 's Auto
Exhibition Stat ts
Big Review of Motor Driven Vehicles
in Gotham Should Eclipse All
Former Efforts
New York Jan. 6.-The greatest auto
show in the world, according to all
advance indications, opened yesterday
in Grand Central Palace, New York, to
continue one week.
While monster exhibitions of auto-
mobiles and accessories were held in
London, Berlin and Paris before the
war, it is the opinion everywhere that
the forthcoming show will eclipse any-
thing the world ever has seen. It cer-
tainly will be more of an American
show than any other ever held, for
American manufacturers will be rep-
resented almost solely.
Seventeenth Annual Exhibit.
The show will be the seventeenth1
There will be many new cars on ex-
hibition, but the main group will in-
clude products of those manufacturers
whose plants have been the basis of
the growth of the automobile industry.
Few Changes in Design.
Every one of the 16 types of bodies,
and every price at which cars can be
obtained will be represented. There
are few changes in body design, the
main upsets being in motor construc-
tion. Twelves, eights, sixes, and fours,
representing the various styles of mo-
tor construction, will be present in
profusion to cough and splutter theirx
merits to the visitors.,,
Sixteen types of bodies, designated
as roadsters, coupelet, coupe, convert-
ible coupe, cloverleaf, touring car,
salon touring car, convertible touring
car, sedan, convertible sedan, open
sedan, limousine, open limousine,
berline, brougham and landaulet, will
be on display.
Quarter Mile Star With Record of 48
Flat Graduates Soon
Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 6.-West-
more Willcox, Jr., Harvard's fastest
quarter miler, is to complete sufficient
courses next month to receive his
bachelor's degree. Unless Willcox fails
in his final examinations, which is im-
probable, since he is one of the rank-
ing students at Harvard, he will leave
the university the middle of February
and live in New York City, where he
is to be employed.
Willcox is the present holder of the
440-yard record at Harvard, establish-'
annual exhibition to be held under the Devices and accessories will be given
auspices of the National Automobile space on the second floor of the palace.
Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Exhibitors More than 225 exhibitors of this class
will, include, besides those who make of automobile products will have
automobiles from the tires to the tops, booths.
the small accessory manufacturer, and -
the sideline salesman.,WILLCOX IS LOST TO HARVARDj
ing the mark in his sophomore ye
when he won that event against Yf
in 48 seconds.
Athletics to Play Boston Nations
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 6y-The Phi
delphia Athletics will play five gam
with the Boston Nationals on I
spring training trip. Connie Mack a
nounced a partial schedule for the tr
which includes games with Boston
Miami, March 21, 22, and 23; at Pa
Beach, March 24, and at Jacksonvil
March 29.
Gotham Plans World's Biggest Stadi
New York, Jan. 6.-A plan to gi
New York the world's greatest stadiu
to be built in Central park, was givi
publicity by Congressman Murry
Hulbert from the Twenty-first distri
His suggestion is that space now o
cupied by a reservoir can be utilizE
when the reservoir is filled.
How About Nebraska?
There is some talk of Michigan meet-
ing Nebraska on one of the two open
dates, but this is nothing more than
conjecture at present. The westerners
played on Ferry field in 1911 and they
held the Wolverines to a lone touch-
down and to the surprise of everyone
present pushed across the final line
themselves. Michigan can not play the
western college on the 27th, however,
as M. A. C. has them signed for this
In the meantime the campus is sit-
ting back awaiting results. A story
issued from Minnesota which stated
that the entire student body in that
college was strong for a Michigan-
Minnesota game and surely there could
be no opponent whom the Wolverines
would welcome more gladly than her
whntereeviAi ild
Pop. Mat. Wed.
Best Seats $x.oo
Sat. Mat. 25C to
Week Jan. 8
Nights 25c to $2
oo Orch. Seats
PEANUTS..............................lOc lb.
SUGAR, 25 lbs. ..............................$1.90
Coffee, Tea, Spices, Canned Goods, and Extracts
Michigan Coffee Roasters
p' 1,
L~ fl.
A production as beautiful and unusual as Mr. Tulley's
other great plays
You Remember how the flash of a match in a London fog revealed
to John Chilcote, M.P., and John Loder their remarkable resemblance
and the gripping, absorbing, intriguing which grew out of that likeness.
This is the same unusual story dramatized.
(James G. Peede, Gen Mgr.)
The Masquerader
"The Home of Choice Teas and Coffees"
111 E. Washington St.
Phone 486
Up -to -date Shoe Repairing
The cleanest and best up-to-date Shoe Shop, with the latest
improved machines, in the city.
Skates and Skating Shoes
A complete line of all the popular makes
The supply is limited so make your selection
711 N. VUIv rslty Aye. Next To Arcade Thoe.ter
with each job of a dollar or more.
329. S. Main St.
Opposite Orpheum Theatre
Phone 2428
I m
u m;
Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 8-9
25 cents
Nazimova is undoubtedly the greatest emotional photoplay actress of today. Herbert Brennon, the director of-this
play, is recognized as the most successful producer of special Features of the present year. "War Brides" is
undoubtedly the greatest photoplay yet filmed. Read what the critics say about this wonderful production.
T is rare that a large city daily nakes independent editorial com-
ment on theatrical productions. It is done only when a play of
far more thantusual merit is prejented. The editor ofeThe Detroit
News saw Nazimova in "War EIrides" recently at the Broadway-
Strand Theatre and here is his tribe ate to this remarkable photoplay:
"'War Brides,' at the Broadwa y-Strand, is beyond any question
the best photo-play ever shown in Detroit. It is, for two reasons.
Nazimova is wonderfully the superi, dr of any motion picture actress
or any legitimate actress that has essayed motion picture roles. By
pantomime and expression, discardin.g all the limiting convention and
'technique' that already have clutter d acting for the screen, she 'gets
over' the furious emotions that rock Joan in a manner that admitsof
no description.
"Then, Herbert Brenon, the produeer, has been courageous. The
play is full of faults. Some of the phot )graphy is bad. 'But all these
faults are swept beyond notice as it drivies through terror and sorrow
to. its grim end.
"But Nazimova is the play! As Joa.n, the high-strung girl who
weds the peasant, sees him taken by war, hears of his death, and fail-
ing to stop the struggle, kills herself rather than bear her child to be
the victim of the next generation's war, she is a revelation in the
pictures. Her support is perfect. Gertrude Berkley, as the mother
of four sons taken by the war, is sFcond only to the star.
"Comparison with 'The Birth of a Nation' is hackneyed, but De-
troit knows and greatly admires that picture. 'War Brides' makes
'The Birth of a Nation' look like grandiose nonsense."
"Wid" Gunning, the famous New York motion picture critic, among
many other flattering remarks concerning this production, has this to
"I believe that this production should rival 'The Birth of a Na-
tion,' 'Intolerance,' 'A Daughter of the Gods,' 'Civilization,' and all our
other big productions at the box office, because it has a story of greater
appeal than any dramatic production we have ever seen in this coun-
try. It is doubly timely because it has both the plea for peace from
women and an argument for suffrage without allowing either of these
thoughts to subordinate the dramatic theme at any time.
"This is the first screen appearance of Nazimova. Her work
should be a revelation to many of our screen stars, principally because
of her sincerity and her varied emotional register. Surely, Nazimova
has a distinctive personality, and her portrayal of the peasant woman
willing to die for a cause which she believed right will be remembered
forever by any who see her. The screen brings a star into moie inti-
mate contact with an audience than any stage production, and for that
reason those who see Nazimova in this will be more favorably impress-
ed by her personality than they could ever be by seeing her in any-
thing on the speaking stage."
James P. Sinnott in New York Evening Mail
I sat in the Broadway Theatre last night and watched the greatest'
actress in the world, Alla Nazimova, in Herbert Brenon's film version
of "War Brides." Around me sat as distinguished an audience as any
first night has known this fall. They cheered for five minutes when
the picture ended-cheered and shouted foi Nazimova and Herbert
Brenon. Mr. Brenon appeared and made a neat speech of appreciation.
Mme. Nazimova was unfortunately not present.
As I sat and watched the work of the geratest actress in the world
I am afraid I thought strange thoughts. I thought that perhaps
Nazimova and Herbert Brenon have entered into a conspiracy to make
something of motion pictures. I thought of the difference in the work
of the greatest actress in the world and some who have reaped the
golden harvest from pictures. I wondered if any of them seated in the
audience would be more humble in the future-if they would learn
something from Nazimova.
In the last scene of the picture the women hold Nazimova up over
their heads for the king to gaze on. She is dead, having just committed
suicide. I could not but think that in presenting her on Broadway in
"War Brides" Herbert Brenon was holding Nazimova up over his head
for the motion picture world and the public to gaze at. To gaze at in
wonder and awe.
I :
"War Brides'' is the thing for which we have long been waiting.
It hits the nail squarely on the head and at one mighty clip sends it
home "for keeps."
About "War Brides" there is no foolishness, no trifling, no dilly-
dally-with the audience, no playing with noise and red-fire just for the
sake of the sensations they may make. It has serious business on
hand, and from start to finish it sticks to its task like the burr to the
sheep's wool.
The task that Herbert Brenon had before him while creating his
wonderful picture was to show us that war is hell-hell let loose on
earth-the horror of horrors, the crime of crimes, the most barbarous
of all the barbarous customs that we have inherited from the blood-
.stained past.
It were well if every ruler of every nation could be made to wit-
iness the scene in which Joan, heading the multitude of grief-crazed
women, meets the King as he is on his way to the front, where the War
Monster is getting in his hellish work.
That one scene alone would be sufficient to sicken the most stal-
wart of the advocates of war, and to convince him of the fact that war
is nothing less than infernal, and that its promoters are the greatest
enemies of the human race.
I said to myself as I watched Mr. Brenon's great play, so admir-
ably acted by the matchless Nazimova, "If this picture could have been
shown in the capitals of Europe before the fatal Third of August, 1914,
there would have been no war."
And I believe that I was right. Even if they had already planned
the great conflict, the sight of this masterful production would have
caused the kings and emperors, the foreign secretaries and premiers, to
.drop their heads in shame and remorse and swear that never again
would they advocate the rightfulness of war.
Twelve Delighted Friends
Studio 319 E. Huron