II S MAS MERRY CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS CHRISTMAS CARDS KODAKS - - 75c to $100.00 Christmas will soon be here 3e prepared. You are better able to reflect the pirit of the Season if you are becomingly dressed. . hand-tailored suit, made from one of the hundreds of ll-wool fabrics we are showing, cut and fitted to your ndividual measure, will enhance your appearance and dd force to your CHRISTMAS GREETING. There's something behind it, when the well-dressed man says, ENLARGEMENTS (from your best negatives) CALENDERS (for Picture inserts) L Y N D 0 N ' S 719 N. University Ave. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock BUL BS - "Merry Christmas" J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. irts to order Dress Suits for Hire E N IORS Sit Early For Your *MICHIGANENSIAN" PICTURE AT -i a_ 619 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, - - r Perfect Portraitures Mich. Unsurpassed Accomodations for Group Photographs. "AmateurWork Handled in a Pro- fMssional Way. MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N. Y. I During the HolidaysI Eat at THE GRILL ROOM Under Huston's REDUCED RATES $5 buys $5.75 Good Food tuick Service Dinner 3lc Supper 26c GRIDLE CAKES ANYTIME tIl###IlIlit¢t ililllR!#RlRR#|11RlR!#R!####R1i##R!#t##R#I###!#!!1!##1##!IR#R!#! ,111il MEN of MICHIGAN No other gift will carry the Michigan Spirit and add the personal touch as will "THE VICTORS" the yellow and the blue box filled with our unsurpass- ed Betsy Ross Candies. Remember, too There is no substitute for Betsy Ross candy-nothing _ "just as good." They head the list for popularity wherever the best candies are demanded. A Fine Line of Exclusive Gift Boxes _ $1.25 to $6.oo filled with our best assortments. Leave your order for boxes to be filled, and delivered or mail- ed to any point at any time you specify. The Betsy Ross Candy Shop 600 E. Liberty St. tt1IR#iftitl##1!#!Il#!#!!#!#It#1!#!##RR!R##1####!R1l1t##tl1!#111#1##I##Iltll1111110 IS SYRUSES HT STILL IN MICHIGAN'S RING? Local Authorities Say They Know N*ol"ing of"Rumor That Michi- gan Will Be Dropped In regard to the report that Syracuse university has dropped Michigan from its football schedule, nothing author- itative is to be learned from local sources. The truth or falsity of this rumor must be determined entirely upon a basis of reports from Syracuse headquarters as published in various newspapers. It was stated yesterday by Michigan athletic authorities that no word from Syracuse had been received at the of- fice relative to football relations for the ensuing season. Any well grounded knowledge of the attitude of the Orange promoters is disclaimed 'here. Nothing definite has been communi- cated to the Wolverine association of- fices throwing any light whatever upon the situation. The reason which appears to be cur- rent as to why Syracuse is dropping Michigan, according to newspaperre- ports, is the alleged poor timekeeping on the part of officials in the last game between the two teams. This rumor seems to have come from Syracuse. It has been stated on good authority from Ann Arbor that if Michigan plays Syracuse at all, the game will be held on Ferry field. One report states that M. A. C. has replaced Michigan on the New York university's schedule. No definite statement will be issued from the Michigan athletic association until Syracuse is heard from. REPORTS DIFFER ABOUT STATE STREET AUTO ACCIDENT FRIDAY Reports of the automobile accident at the corner of State and Liberty streets Friday, when H. F. Frost and an Ann Arbor Taxi company car col- lided, differ. Frost states that, coming east on Liberty, he saw the taxi com- ing south on State street and stopped at the crossing to permit the latter to pass. The taxi driver, however, ap- plied his brakes to make the turn, and as the pavement was slippery, skidded toward Frost, who attempted to avoid a collision by driving ahead. The taxi bumped the other car just back of the front wheel, breaking the windshield, and damaging the fender and wheel. According to the taxi driver, the ac- cident took place on the same corner as that designated by Frost, but he claims that the latter dashed out from Liberty street, forcing the taxi to swerve and apply his brakes, and to skid into Frost's car. Austrian Emperor Reviews Armies London, Dec. 19.-Emperor Charles of Austria has reviewed the Austrian armies on the Trieste front, according to a Reuter's dispatch from Amster- dam quoting a Vienna telegram. The emperor, accompanied by Gen. Boro- vich, commander of the Austrian forces on the Isomzo, first visited the troops on the line of that river and later went to Trieste, where he is"re- ported to have received an enthusias- tic reception. The notables were pre- sented to the monarch in the govern- ment building and he addressed former Burgomaster Sandrinelli in Italian. Afterward he visited the troops on the Carso plateau. Adelphi tChooses Seven Representatives Fifteen. men spoke in the Mid-west preliminaries of the Adelphi house of representatives last night. The fol- lowing members were chosen to rep- resent the society in the elimination after the holidays: H. F. Massnick, '18, J. R. Simpson, '18, G. W. Hulbert, '17, B0 F. Magruder, '18, R. F. Kahle, '17, J. W. Planck, '18, and D. R. Hertz, '19, alternate. Magazine subscriptions-Best club offers at Wahr's Book Stores. We can paper that room during the holidays. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. tf Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy during va- cation. tf Mat. fAD~ Week of Wed. & Sat. GA i I K C:Dec.18 DETROIT "The Only Girl" ARCADE Shows at 3:oo; 6:30; 8:00; 9:30 ioc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone 296-1l. Tue.-19-Harold Lockwood and May Al- lison in "Mister 44," (Ret.); Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. Wed.-20-Ethel Clayton in "The Madness of Helen"; Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. i~c.; Thu.-2-Gladys Brockwell in "Sins of Her Parents"; Chap. 8 of Gloria's Ro- ance,"("The Mesh of Mystery.")'ic. Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:00-3:3o; Evening, 6:45, 8:t5, 9:30. Saturdays- Holidays continuous, I Wed.-2o- Douglas Fairbanks in "The Habit of Happiness." Also Triangle Comedy, star Keystoners in "A Bath- house Blunder." Thur.-Fri.-21-22- Owen Moore and Mar- guerite Courtot in "The Kiss." Also Bray Cartoons. Sat.-23Dorothy Dalton in "The Jungle Child." Also Triangle Comedy, Chas. Murray in "Bombs." Evening 15C. I Goodhew Floral Co. 225 E. Liberty. Phone' 121 Choice Cyclemens, Bengonias, Cherry Plants and Primroses. I Novelty Xmas Baskets. Sheehan aCo. Let us help you make your selection Novelties MAJ'hZ!I Greenhouses-Observatory and Volland St. Phone, 170-M. WOMEN PLAY ROUGH IN "ODD. EVEN" BASKETBALL CONTEST Four teams took part in the "odd- even" game of women's basketball yes-j terday afternoon, and nearly the whole squad got a taste of the competition. The first half was extremely spirited, not to say rough, and the combinations of upper and underclassmen were pretty evenly matched. The last period ended with the score at 24-20 in favor of 1918-1920. Lineup during the first half: j 1918-1920. . 1917-1919. Louise Irish......., ..Mildred Crissey Alice Woessner.......Irene Layten Beulah Smith........Eva Herzberg Agnes Kennedy ....... Phyllis Waters Hazel Platt ......... Phyllis Eggleston Edna Daskam......Helen Hammels. Lineup in the second half: Clarissa Vyn.............Ethel Glauzj Katherine MacNaughton......Doris MacDonald Mildred Butler........Harriet Walker LAST TIMES TONIGHT F IL LI S RTOU P E HIGH SCHOOL, DANCING AND JUMPING HORSES WILTON SISTERS VICTROLA FOUR Versatile Entertainers Favorite Singers JOHN T. RAY & CO. WALLIE HALE & BRO. "Cheek Your Hat" "Bits of Vaudeville" 3 DAYS COM. THUR. NIGHIT Best Bet of the Season ""V A N IT Y F IA I R The Zenith of Mag 1ificence in Musical Reviews WITH JACK TRAINER Assisted by OLGA DeBAUGH And an exceptional cast.- More girls and prettier costumes ever seen here. Books And C. W. CRAhAM, Mngr. E. MacCormick.......... .Lucille Duff June Brooks............ Laura Millar Elsa Erley.......Gertrude Steketee L. Millar and A. Weessner Get Bands In the list of women who have been awarded arm bands by the athletic de- partment this fall, the names of Laura Millar, '17, and Alice Woessner, '18, were omitted. These arm bands were earned last year but were not awarded until the close of this season. Capture Seth Low's Nephew Brockville, Ont., Dec. 19.-A mes- sage from London announced that Lieut. Allan Shortt, attached to the machine gun section of the Fifty-ninth battalion, Canada, was officially re- ported missing. He is thought to be a prisoner of war. Lieut. Shortt, a nephew of' the late Seth Low, once mayor of New York, was a Harvard student. He enlisted at Brockville. WHAT'S GOING ON Today. 12 o'clock---Rotary club luncheon at e Union. 7 o'clock-Glee club- rehearsal, ,hool of Music. 7 o'clock-Mandolin club rehearsal, niversity hall auditorium. U-Uotlces. The Glee club office, Z160 Natural ience building, will be open from 9, 12 o'clock and from 1 to 5 o'clock day for those who wish to turn in eir concert tickets. In order that all members of the .st of the "Magic Carpet" may planI eir work after the vacation, Prof. Raleigh Nelson desires to announce the time of rehearsals. In addition to group rehearsals to be announced later, rehearsals for all cast members will be held on Jan. 8, 9, and 10. There are 150 pair of corduroy trousers for junior engineers to be had at N. F. Allen's, 211 South State street. Helen Gibson Announces Engagement Helen Jane Gibson, '17, announced her engagement to William McKee German, grad., at dinner at the Alpha Chi Omega house last week. Mr. Ger- man is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Genuine mahogany book ends, dainty tea sets, and artistic pictures may be found among our many gifts. De Fries' Down-Town Art Store. 17-19-20 Why Not Get Up In a Warm House Tomorrow Morning? Why not experience tomorrow and ever afterward that feeling of con- tentment by knowing your home will be warm in the morning? You can, by the aid of the Little Draft-Man. This little device unaided will have your home nice and warm at any time you desire. WHAT THE LITTLE DRAFT-MAN IS. The Little Draft-Man is a silent and efficient little janitor; a mechanical device which makes easy the regulation of the furnace during the day and removes all the shivers from the rising hour. The Little Draft-Man will operate any furnace--cannot get out of order. No heating equipment is com- plete without the Draft-Man. SPECIAL TO STUDENTS. The Little Draft-Man will make a fine Christmas present for the folks at home. Also a good opportunity to make money during the holidays. Many are making $8 and $12 a day right now. Come in and see us before going home. The Stalker Furnace Regulator Company. 523-35 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan What Shall I Give for Christnas? 8 EE BAY (6 JENK AKCADE JEWELERS London Chigago Detroit Minneapolis Milwaukee T; .. I CHRISTMAS TIES by "The Neckwear House of America" LIBERTY AT 606 ad- For live, progressive, up-to-date vertising use The Michigan Daily.