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December 20, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-20

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XXVII. No. 68.





of Men

to Make Western Trip
Public for First

Steel Panicky After Speech
New York, Dec. 19.-Because of Lloyd-George's speech in the
house of commons today, the steel market was thrown into the wild-
est fluctuations it has experienced for many months. Prices shot up-
ward from 2 to 10 points, then broke, dropping rapidly.
At the close of the market it had again turned upward. Over
1,821,000 shares of steel were sold during the afternoon.
The price jumped to 116 and ,hen broke, going down to 109 5-8.
At the close of the market it ha;d risen again to 112.

Plan to Return to Ann Arbor in Time
for Classes Thursday,
Jan. &
Final announcement of personnel of
the Glee and Mandolin clubs on their
western trip has been made and the
list includes the following men: There
will be a faculty manager, the presi-
dent of the club, H. L. Davis, '17; vice-
president, L. 0. Aldrich, '17; the stu-
dent manager, M. Nicholls, '17; the as-
sistant manager, G. C. Mack, '18. The
Glee club will take as first tenors, H.
L. Davis, '17, R. R. Cherryman, '19, C.
F. Watson, '18, H. K. Keena, '19, J. L.
Driscoll, '18.
The secuna tenors will be F. W.
Grover, '18, Prescott Smith, '18, C. C.
Bailey, '17, F. W. Sullivan, '18, E.
Hardy, '18. Those singing first bass
will be: C. B. Sikes, '17, R. R. Dieterle,
'18, W. S. Westerman, '17, R. Hardy,
'17, H. M. Easley, '18L, and the sec-
ond bass men will include H. Carlson,
17, E. F. Hagen, '17, J. Fischbach, '17,
C. F. Weaver, '19, S. Shipman, '17, and
the accompanist, B. R. Clark, '18.
The 19 men who will make up the
Mandolin club are: First mandolin, O.
0. Leininger, A. J. Richards, '17, Wil-
lis Brodhead, '17, Robert Wheeler, '17,
R. S. Moore, '18; alternate, W. C. Al-
lee, '18,; second mandolins, Paul Stek-
etee, '18, H. H. Whittingham, '17, C.
H. Mattern, 19, E. F. Steket d, '19,
Carl Gingrich, '19; alternate, G. E.
Sawyer, '17; mandola, Leonard Ald-
rich, '17; guitars, W. O. Johnson, '17,
A. D. Honey, '17; flute, R. M. Kemp-
ton, '18; cello, L. N. Parker, '17; vio-
lin, Robert Berman, '19; bass viol, H.
L. Davis, '17.
Due to conflicts in dates, some of
the concerts have been cancelled and
others taken on. The revised sched-
ule now reads as follows: Dec. 21, Fort
Wayne; Dec. 22, St. Louis; Dec. 25,
Laramie; Dec. 26, Cheyenne; Dec. 27,
Denver; Dec. 28, Sterling; Dec. 30,
Wicheta; Dec. 31, Newton; Jan. 1, To-
peka (two concerts).
The club will leave Ann Arbor at-
9:06 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 21, on the
Michigan Central to Jackson, where
they will make the change to the Fort
Wayne train. On the return trip it
may be possible that the club will stop
one day in Chicago in spite of the fact
that there is no concert booked for
that date. The club will arrive in Ann
Arbor in time for classes on the morn-
ing of Thursday, Jan. 5.
There will be a rehearsal of the
Mandolin club from 7 to 8 o'clock to-
night in U-Hall auditorium, and a re-
hearsal of the Glee club at 7 o'clock
tonight in the School of Music.
Lloyd Odds Are Heavy Against Peace
New York, Dec. 19.-The Odds at
Lloyd's against the coming of peace
between the entente and Teutonic al-
lies within the next six months are
13 to 6, according to Hamilton Fish,
Jr., vice-president of John C. Paige
& Co. Mr. Fish cabled to Lloyd's for
informatiok as to the quotations on
the prospect and received this inform-
"Peace, as defined in these terms,
does not necessarily mean the actual
signing of the treaty of peace, but
the declaration of an armistice for ne-
gotiations which would lead to the
eventual signing of a treaty."
British Plan "Safety Food Lane"
New York, Dec. 19.-England plans
to relieve her shortage of food
by the establishment of a "safety
food lane" between New Brunswick
and Liverpool, according to informa-

tion current here today in warehouse
circles. The lane will be patrolled
constantly by battleships to prevent
submarine activity.
It is planned, it is said, to ship
food from New York to St. Johns and
New Brunswick and there transfer it
to steamers .which will ply the safety

President Surprised at Conflicting
Statements Made by Local
Sweeping denials of many state-
ments appearing in a story in an aft-
ernoon paper concerning the local boy-
cott situation were made by repre-
sentatives of the Ann Arbor House-S
wives' league last night. Officers ofl
the league declared that they are find-
ing a ready response among the
housewives of the city, and that manyt
of these are volunteering their aid in
the boycott without solicitation from
the local organization.
"If any of the Ann Arbor merchantsG
think that the boycott on butter and
eggs starting Thursday morning willt
not affect the prices of those com-
modities they are certainly mistaken,"
said Mrs. E. M. Richar, president of1
the Housewives' league, last night.,
"Since the mass meeting last Saturdayt
night hundreds of womien about the
city have called me up and said thatt
they would 'co-operate in the move-~
"I was certainly surprised to read
in an afternoon paper that the deal-~
ers look on the boycott with scorn.
I have talked with a number of the
merchants and they say that they will
co-operate with us and not one of
them seemed to have any resentment
against the Housewives' league. 1
"In the same paper appeared a state-1
ment by Louis Weinmann stating that
he said that there were not enough inf
the movement here in the city to af-t
feet the price of any commodity. This1
same merchant told one of the mem-
bers of the league last week that if
the housewives should declare a boy-..
cott, it would no doubt lower the price
of commodities in Ann Arbor. A num-
ber of the butchers have called me up
to thank me for being so fair as tot
warn them of the boycott beforehand
so that they would not be left with
butter and eggs on their hands. I do
not, see how they can say that we have
been 'unfair.'
"This Is not only a local boycott, but
a national one. In New York a boy-1
cott starts Thursday morning as wellr
as in other cities. It is the future
that we are looking after as well as9
the present. Merchants all over thet
country are awakening to the fact that
they cannot charge prohibitive prices.
These high prices will not happen
again if we show them this time that
we will not stand for such things."
London, Dec. 19. - The German
steamer Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, ac-
cording to the National Tidende, says
a Reuter dispatch from Copenhagen,
was escorted by a Zeppelin and two
submarines when passing Obrestady
lighthouse, Norway. The steamer
kept within Norwegian and Swedish
territory on the whole journey to'
While shaping her course for they
Little Belt, the dispatch adds, the
steamer missed her bearings in the
thick snowstorm and grounded on
Paludan Flak (about three miles off
the coast of Samsoe island). Danish
torpedo boats are aiding in the effort
to float the vessel, which, with its
cargo, is valued at more than a mil-
lion pounds sterling.

Rev. Douglas Addresses Rotary Club
Rev. Lloyd Douglas 'will speak at
the Rotary club luncheon at 12 o'clock,
today at the Union on the topic, "What
I Get Out of Rotary."


N w Premier Appears Before House of
Commons in Speech Which
Lauds Asquith
London, Dec. 19.-"England's new
government expects every individual
to do his part in the present war. It
expects sacrifices from all alike, and
a soldification of the nation's forces
in order that the conflict may be
brought to a successful end."
These words were stated by
Premier David Lloyd-George in the
house of commons this afternoon in
the prime minister's first complete
statement of his aims and purposes
made since his appointment. His dec-
laration means that England and her
allies are not thinking seriously of
accepting Germany's peace/ terms at
this time, it seems.
Lloyd-George's First Speech.
England's man-of-the-hour made a
pre-eminent figure in his first appear-
ance, after a hard fortnight's work in
the selection ofrhis cabinet. Hercon-
cluded his speech with a touching trib-
ute to ex-Prime Minister Asquith. He
declared that the present office was
accepted only with the deepest re-
grets and that he followed a man who
may never have an equal.'
Asquith Promises Support
Asquith, rising to reply, was him-
self deeply impressed, and looking di-
rectly at the little Welchman, in a
low, earnest tone, pledged his whole-
hearted support for the new regime.
The new premier declared that the
government would do all in its power
to cut down the nation's expenses.
Lloyd-George also stated that he
hoped the new department would be
supported liberally by the people. The
new ministry will follow a program
for the best interest of the nation. He
"I have always held a high estima-
tion for the French system of parli-
nentary committees and we will see
i the feasibility of this system can be
adopted for the British government."
Penry Morgenthau Gets Gold Medal
New Haven, Conn., Dec. 19.-Henry
Morgenthau, former ambassador to
Turkey, has been presented with the
gold medal awarded annually by the
Independent Order of B'Nai B'Rith to
the man who has done the most for
Jewry during the year.
V. B. Morse Announces Engagement
The engagement of Virginia B.
Morse, '17, to Mr. Harry Starr of
Zanesville, 0., was announced at din-
ner at the Martha Cook building last
* The Doctor Extends Greetings *
* _ _*
* If any man's heart does wish *
* You gentleman at this Christ- *
* mas time, *
* It's the best wish you can wish *
* yourself *
Coming from this warm heart *
* of mine. *
* * * * * * * * * * *- * * * *


Literary Faculty Petitons War De-
partment for Professor of
Military Science
At its meeting Monday night the
faculty of the College or Literature,
Science, and the Arts decided to make
application to the war department for
the detail of an army officer to give
instruction in military science and
tactics in the University. This action
followed a similar resolution made by
the faculty of the College of Engineer-
ing last Saturday.
Although it has been decided defin-
itely to ask the war department for an
officer to fill the chair of professor of
military science, plans at present are
in a formative period, and nothing
further has been done in the matter,
outside of making tentative arrange-
ments. After the war department ap-
points a man to the University he will
have to consult with President Hutch-
ins to fix all details and determine the
exact nature of the courses which are
to be given. The courses will then
have to be approved by the war de-
One hundred students must elect a
course in military science or no of-
ficer will be detailed. The request for
an army officer was made under gen-
eral orders No. 48, modified to apply
to non-land grant colleges. The land
grant colleges, which were given large
tracts of land by the government only
on the condition that they establish
courses in military training, are treat-
ed under general orders No. 48, as is-
sued by the war department.
Also Decides to Set Time of Registra-
tion for Second Semester Two
Weeks Forward
'Action was taken at the meeting of
the Literary college faculty held Mon-
day night to increase the amount of
credit that can be earned by students
taking the course in Library methods
in summer school from four to eight
hours, providing the students puts all
his time in the Library methods
Heretofore, students taking this
course could earn but four hours, al-
though they spent as much time in
Library methods as students in othe
courses who were earning eight hours.
The adoption of the new rule will give
the student taking the Library course
as much credit for his work as will
be granted to other students.
It was also decided at the meeting
to move the time for filling of election
blanks two weeks forward. Elections
will be made this year on Thursday
and Friday, Jan. 18 and 19, instead of
during exanination week or the week
before examinations, as in the past.
This is the end of the second week of
school preceding the final examina-
It is the desire of the Literary facul-
ty that elections be made fixed and
permanent, and with this end in view
no change in elections will be allowed
without consultation with and permis-
sion of members of the faculty.
Newberry Residents Play Santa Claus
The two little girls for whom New-
berry residence has been playing
Santa enjoyed a royal dinner and
Christmas tree at the dormitory Mon-

day evening. Each was completely
outfitted with clothing and the big
tree held dolls for them as well as
the "gifts" which the girls gave each
The boar's head ceremony was given
by a group of girls in costume under
the direction of Miss Alice Evans. It
is expected that this will become a
yearly custom as it was an exact dupli-
cate of the party given last year.

'Appoint Senior
Law Committees
The following senior law commit-
tees have been appointed by the presi-
dent of the class to have charge of the
different class activities, other than
social, throughout the remainder of
the year:
Banquet-F. H. Wisner, chairman;
L. P. Diederichs, P. A. Krueger, and E-.
M. Williams.
Washington's brthay-C. M. Wil-
lits, chairman; M. F. Dunne, and G.
C. Claassen.
Picture-J. G. Gutekunst, chairman;
H. L. Cowlin, and A. S. Loveland.
Cane--W. W. Wensinger, chairman;
R. M. Goodrich, and G. W. Bixler.
Cap and gown-C. G. Seidel, chair-
man; M. A. Schlissel, and C. A. Brown.
Promenade-J. L. Beers, chairman;
A. E. Stoll, and J. F. Heydon.
Class memorial-W. E. Bachop,
chairman; R. F. Gates, Morris Levin-
kind, and W. H. Sandford.
Senior sing-D. M. Sarbaugh, chair-
man; A. L. Heisler, and N. M. Kauf-
Reception-L. F. Dahling, chairman;
J. B. Catlett, F. N. Searl, and L. L.
Class Day-B. W. Kemper, chair-
man; G. A. Howland, W. S. Cameron,
and D. A. Macdonald.
Invitation-L. J. Curby, chairman;
A. H. Lee, L. E. Battles, H. D. Reber,
L. L. Cecil, H. N. Deyo, and C. H.
$50 Donated for Wreath Used as
Nucleus for Loan
It was decided to establish a Knowl-
ton Memorial fund as a permanent
memorial to Professor Knowlton at
the meeting of the combined classes
of the Law school last Wednesday
The plan was conceived as a - way
of making use of the $50 which was
contributed by some of the seniors
Wednesday morning for the purpose.
of buying a floral offering. At the
meeting in the afternoon it was decid-
ed that the floral offering should be
sent as an expression of the whole
student body of the Law school so it
was decided to use the fund which the
seniors had contributed as a nucleus
around which to build a loan fund
which could be used by needy students
in the Law school.
At the present time there is but one
loan fund in the Law scool and it
lacks much of supplying he demand.
Yesterday afternoon the presidents
appointed two men from each class
to serve on a joint committee which is
to have direct charge of receiving
contributions to the fund until it is
turned over to the board of regents.
They are as follows: J. R. Watkins,
'17L, chairman; L. S. Moll, '17L, J. P.
Colden, '18L, J. M. Barrett, '18L, C. L.
Gray, '1L, and F. F. Nesbit, '19L.
The chairman of the committee
states that no definite plans of action
hae been decided upon yet, but prob-
ably a canvass of the law students will
be made directly after vacation. Some
of the alumni have expressed their
desire to contribute to the fund.
The committee expects to raise from
$250 to $300 from the senior class
and from $500 to $600 from the whole
Law school. The fund will be admin-
istered by the board of regents. It
will be accumulative as the interest

will be added to the principal each
year. It will also be open to further
additions at any time.
Munich Bomb Dropper Killed
Paris, Dec. 19.- Capt. DeBean-
champ, who in November made a flight
to Munich and dropped bombs on the
town, has been killed. He met his
end in an air fight near Douaumont,
his machine falling within the French
lines. In his flight to Munich, Capt.
DeBeauchamp crossed the Alps and
covered a distance of 437 miles.
Dean Effinger Speaks at Smoker
About 200 members of the freshmen
class ate cookies and doughnuts,
smoked "Camels," and drank cider at
their smoker held last night in the
Michigan Union. Music. and readings
were rendered by entertainers of the
class of 1920.
Dean John R. Effinger and Dr. Jona-
thon F. Scott addressed the yearlings.

All Christmas Trees Collected Will
Be Sent to Ann Arbor
* *
* __ _*
* The Federation of Charities of *
* Ann Arbor takes this oppor.
*tunity to express the apprela-
* tion of the excellent work done *
* by the young men and women of *
* the University during the Good. *
* fellows' campaign for the poor *
* boys and girls of the city. May *
* the pleasure they have given be *
* reflected back to them a hundred *
* fold.*
* In the name of all the people *
*' who will profit so materially by *
* their generosity we extend our *
* thanks. *
* President; *
* Secretary. *
There are 31 "kiddies" in Ann Ar-
bor today who believe that there Is
something, at least, in this talk about
Santa Claus. They are not prepared
to sy that he drives reindeers over
University hall, but they do know that
he had something to do with making a
cold, nipping winter a little more
pleasant and furnishing them with a
Christmas dinner of the kind you read
The Daily has not been furnished
with their names, but if you are curi-
ous we will say that this group Is
made up of the 19 boys and 12 little
girls whom the Goodfellows of the
University of Michigan fitted out with
one cemplete outfit of clothes and one
regular "feed."
44 Others Entertained.
There are exactly 44 more of these
lads and lassies whom misfortune did
not leave quite out in the cold and
who were entertained at the different
fraternity and sorority houses and at
the Union Christmas tree and smoker.
These children, along with the rest
of Ann Arbor's population + of poor,
will receive their share of the benefits
of the most successful Christmas cru-
sade ever held on the campus.
Contributions of more than $600
have been received by the Goodfellows
or spent by different campus organiza-
tions upon these "kiddies." Cash to
the amount of approximately $130 will
be turned over to Mrs. William D. Hen-
derson of the Federation of Charities.
This includes $30, the approximate
proceeds of the Goodfellow lecture.
Fraternities Contribute.
Contributions of $t6 from the Chi
Psi fraternity, $10 from the Zeta Psi
fraternity, $5.00 from the Round-Up
club,, $2.00 more from the Sphinx so-
ciety, and $5.00 from the Deutcher
Verein swelled the cash receipts con-
siderably. The boxes which were dis-
tributed about the campus will not be
collected and opened until today and
the money they contain added to the

amount to be given the Federation of
Smoker Ends CampaIgn.
The( big smoker held at the Union
yesterday afternoon was the final ac-
tivity held in connection with the
movement and 20 lads had the time
of their lives drinking cider, listen-
ing to the music of the Midnight Sons
aided by Abe Gornetzky, '17, .and Rob-
ert Tanner, '19, and an orchestra from
the Xi Psi Phi fraternity. There was
a pile of old clothing and shoes
banked around the big Christmas tree
that will help more than one family
solve the problem of keeping warm.
Give Trees to Hospitals.
On Thursday the Christmas trees
will be collected from the houses using
them at their Chr)stmas parties. As
soon as possible these trees will be dis-
tributed at the hospitals and among
different organizations in the city
where they will be used for the en-
tertainment of poor children.

CbcIMcbigan T atp
Extenaz to you
'IbolItap reetings

Elects Marlan WIlson, '18
, women's honorary literary
ha-, a aetf llMarian W.lsn.' 18

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