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December 19, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-19

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-- Q.ftt(VIN


Appropriate Gift Suggestions
Grey Mochas, Tan Capes, Unlined, Wool and Fur Lined.
$1.50 to $S.0
Waistcoats $3.00 to $10.00, Neckwear, Reefers, Gloves,
Dress Sets of Studs and Links. Shirts Pique, Plain and Fancy.
50c to $2.00
$5.00 to $12.00
Wool Knit $5.00 to $7.00 Fancy Vests $5.00 to $12.00
Lisle 25c and 50c Silk 50c to $1.50 Wool 50c to $1.25
50c to $1.50


Suits, Tuxedo Coats, in
latest styles
Also Silk and Opera Hats

Full Dress

the very

L ADLLR. 1BROS.3& Co}.

yours elf v
a smile- and
air of prosj
ity. Wea
your best 1
iness suit a
a cheerful
necktie. 1
you have r
best suit--
one. We b1
to appear r
sperous, if
are to be p

The Eberbach & Son Co.



$1.50 to $3.00
In fact every wearable % ultable for Men.
Our lines are most complete awaiting y our inspection.
Cor. S. State & William Sts.


Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

200-202 MAI

China on Threshold of Great
Development Claims G. H. Fong

The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

One of Our Dinners
Served from 11 to "
Regular Dinner 35c consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.'
SPECIALS, as served
Soup .io with meat order .05
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'l 25
Bread and Mashed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .o5 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled o5 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .o5 Stewed peas .05
Potatoes german fried .05
Home made pies per cut .oS Rice cus-
tard .o5, with cream 10.
Coffee .o5 Tea .05 Chocolate .5o
Milk per bottle .o5 Cocoa .To
Open AN Night. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr.

In your striving after the
highest of life's ideals, do not
overlook details.
We are consistently striving
with you to perfect one of
these important details-
your dress.

sib R Williams St.

G. H. Fong, '18E, concludes the
short sketch of China's history in the
third article of a series of eight deal-
ing with that country.
In 1664 China again came under the
Manchu rule. The government had
to appeal to the Manchus for aid dur-
ing a rebellion of the people under the
reign of the Mings. The rebellion was
crushed thoroughly and realizing their
power the Manchus seized the throne
in 1664.
The people of China did not submit
to the foreign rule. As a result the
Manchus began one of the most fright-
ful slaughters ever known. Beginning
in the north and moving south, they
murdered all before them, regardless
of age or sex. Severe laws were en-
acted. The masses were kept in ig-
norance. This is one of the reasons
that the government objected to for-
eign schools.
The Manchu rule led to many revolu-
tions, but none were successful until
1912. The greatest revolt previous to
this one was known as the Tai Ping
rebellion. It grew with such size and
rapidity that the Manchu throne fairly
shook. But an English officer named
Gordon came to their rescue and suc-
ceeded in restoring order.
It remained, however, for Dr. Sun
Yat Sen to drive out the Manchus. Nu-
merous revolts were tried under his
leadership, but they met the same re-
sult as the preceeding ones. In 1911,
during a time of famine, floods, and

the proposed railroad changes, the
climax was reached.
The government learned that most
of the soldiers were in favor of the
revolutionists and began disarming
them. The fight began at Wu-Chang
when it attempted to disarm the gar-
rison there. Dr. Sun's immense and
efficient organization which he had
spent 20 years in perfecting, was put
in motion. The Manchus called upon
Yuan Shi Kai to save them, but it was
too late, and they were forced to
abdicate. The oldest empire in the
world was changed to a republic in-
side of three months.
It must be remembered that the mod-
ern China is entirely different from
the old. The revolution has aroused
the people from their lethargy and
they are now beginning to realize the
power which they are capable of exer-
cising. When the present war is
ended and China has fully recuperated
from the effects of the revolution, the
result will be far reaching. China will
not influence the balance of power so
much in the military sense as she will
in the commercial sense.
-China is rich in minerals and natural
wealth; her industries are being re-
modeled after the western fashion;
railroads are being built and China's
students are returning home from
abroad to disseminate the knowledge
they have gained in foreign lands. In
a few words China is on the threshold
of a period of great industrial and in-
tellectual development.

Si ppers for Dancing
Pumps in patent' and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Pateni
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps
BOxy omfy Sli ppers for Xmaa
WARnVShoe Stores.
MaL%~ St. State St.

Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman,
Jeweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod
0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222
S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-eod
Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place
11 E. William St. 5tf

- Styles
C;. -~ UTfType
and Many

Fitform Clothe

F ----._ _---

itany Reorders for Christmas Stickers
Reported by State See-
The Y. W. C. A. gives $1,000 as its
latest figure for the Ann Arbor salel
of Red Cross seals, at least $750 ofa

ready been sold and ordered, that this
year's sale will surpass the records
of all previous years."
"Dancing Blues" Title of New Song
Recently Published
"Dancing Blues," the new fox trot
by Seymour B. Simons, '17E, and Rich-
ard Goldsmith, lit spec., was a huge
success as sung by Helen Bond in a
big musical revue in Chicago. Copies

which will remain in Ann Arbor to
carry on the work in this city. Or-
dinarily only two-thirds of the pro-
ceeds are kept where obtained and the
balance is sent-to the national associa-
tion, but where $1,000 or more is got-
ten, the percentage allowed to aid in
the locality work is raised' to three-
Many reorders for the seals have
been coming in at the office of the
Michigan state Anti-tuberculosis so-
ciety in the Natural Science building
during the last two or three days. The
office reports that although it had sup-
posed it was sending a large amount
to most of its agents throughout the
state, yet the mails were full of re-
quests for more seals.

were put on sale at the music stores
yesterday. The song is published by
the B. J. Sherman company of Detroit.
This company will have exclusive
rights to several numbers that the
composers have under way now and
which will be put on the market in a'
few weeks.
Wife of Professor Has Left Frtnce
Mrs. L. P. Hall, who has been en-
gaged in hospital work in France,
sailed for America on the Touraine
Dec. 10, and is expected to land on
Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Hall is
the wife of Prof. L. P. Hall of the
dentistry department

Chicago University Professor Tells of
Demand for Business Men
By Samuel N. Harper
Professor of Russian Language and
Affairs at the University of Chicago:
* * * * * * * * * * * -* *1

now and, as Russia is comparatively
an undeveloped country, the demand
will grow. For complicated machinery
this demand will last for a long time.
In the case of most staple articles
sold on a small margin, the Russian
market will be attractive for only a
limited time. Russia will soon supply
herself with these products. She must
do so to become economically inde-
pendent. She has the raw materials
and a huge home market. Every ef-
fort will be made to develop home in-
dustries, including a high protective

A Typewriter Exce ptional
For Collogians
Change yor type i an instant from one
style to another-or any language.
Two sets of ty_ n each machine.
"'Just Turn t.hs Knob" Presto one or the other
Beautiful work-beyond compare.
If not inclincd to a new machine,
inquire for our l°actory Rebuilts.
We Rent Machines of high quality.
Patrons: President Woodrow Wilson
G;Csudial Me-rry del Val
Dr. Ale:ander Graham Bell
clev.3. G. 'Frant
RBishotp ,John G. Murray
Wiian ,.DI an zHowells
also all -Cegs and U -'versities
Our sp:-ciad terms to collegians will
interest you. Catalog for the asking.
H}ammond T ypewriter Co.
545 Eart 690h Street
New Yr,7Ci y. N. Y.

Look over our line of Xn
Gifts before making your
leCtions. Suits, Ove r c o a
Shirts, Hats, Caps, Ties a



"We are delighted at the way things
are going," said Miss Carol F. Walton, You have not shoppid
state secretary, yesterday. We are in Unless you have stopped
hopes from the quantities that have al- At the James Foster House of Art.


* Professer Harper has spent * Products Will Have to Be Imported
* four of the last 12 years in * Despite the high tariff for years vast
* Russia. He has taken advant- * Dsietehg aiffryasvs
* age of his extaordinary facilities * quantities of manufactured products
* fgor studing thedinr pplt * will have to be imported. Before the
* for studying the people and * war many of these goods came from
* their customs. He has recent- * Germany. Even if after the war there
* ly returned from Russia. * is no trade combination of the allies
* * there will be for awhile a sentiment
against Germany. Russia especially
Chicago, Dec. 18.-There Is plenty wants Americans to establish factories
of room and a welcome for the Amer- in Russia. American concerns are go-
ican business man in Russia today.ling to make their big money in Russia
And clean cut business methods will oto usa rnhfcois
get him much in the land of the Cos- Russian branch factories..
sack as in his own United States. Although Americans and others will
Tack as inss mn Uwhtedattes.ebe encouraged to establish such fac-
bThe business man who wants to be tories, yet certain restrictions will be
"babied" had better stay away. Sit- put upon them. For Russia has learn-
ting on the door step of a Russian ed something on this point. Before
ministry waiting a handout of juicy ;the war there were many German
orders, will bring only an order to wed factore e yny Ger-
"et" owned factories employing only Ger-
mans. The war came on and these
Demand for Manufactured Goods shut down at once.
There is a huge demand for manu- In future Russia will probably re-
factured goods. The demand is large quire every foreign owned concern to

employ a certain proportion of Russ-
ians in every department. There is an
abundance of Russian labor, and plen-
ty of available administrative and
technical experts.
American Capital Welcome
American capital is especially wel-
come because Russia believes that
such capital does not come as the ad-
vance political agent of a foreign gov-
ernment. The opportunities for Amer-
icans and American capital are incon-
ceivably large.
The University of Michigan club of
Sioux City, Iowa, will give a dinner
and dance, on Thursday, Dec. 28. A
number of promising high school ath-
letes will be invited, in an effort to
get material to come to Michigan. It is
expected that the affair.will be att'end-
ed by all- loyal Michigan men in the
vicinity, and it is hoped that all who
are near enough to do so, will attend.
A feature of the evening will be
films and slides showing college life.
There are about 100 alumni and form-
er students in the vicinity.

WANTED - Thousands men-women.
$100 month. Government jobs. Va-
cancies constantly. Write immed-
iately for list positions obtainable.
Franklin Institute, Dep't 177-A.
Rochester, N. Y. 19-20
WANTED-"Ann Arbor Wet Wash"
family washings. Wet wash 3c lb.
Dry wash 5c lb. Weighed dry. Phone
1516-J. 17-19-20
WANTED-If you are in need of any-
thing, The Michigan Daily's Classi-
fled Department can help you get

I' TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing.
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MORRILL, 922 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
FOR SALE-Pomeranian toy puppies,
five months old, small stock, pedi-
greed, ideal Christmas present. Call
any evening or Sunday, 210 Beakes.


A Victor Record Dance Hit
NO. 35593

116 E. Liberty Street
luie Young Men's Shop



One FIleetinji Hourl
I'm A-LonifiIn'Fo' You!t
Ottly m Ye w.r Ago!

Grinnell Bros. *,..
/Chriatmas Oreeteaxa Phone 1707 New Years Pleasires

Genuine mahogany book ends.
daintytea sets,andartistic pictures Polish your floors withC
may be found among our many gifts. Floor Wax. C. H. Major &
De Fries' Down-Town Art Store. 237.
Dancing classes and pri'
Dancing teacher wanted. Call at 711 at the Packard Academy
Packard. Phone 1850 F-1. tf cation.

Old Eng
Co., Ph

vate le



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