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October 06, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-06

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XVII. No. 4.



Band Will ;Lead Procession to Open
House Reception at ich-
gan Union..
*** * ** * **** * * **
* Place-Hill auditorium. *
* Tme-7 .80 tonight. *
* Pireetly after meeting all*
* freshmen are directed to follow
* the band to the Union for the *
* "Open House." *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The doors of Hill auditorium will
open at 7:00 o'clock tonight for the
second annual fresh pep meeting.
The purpose of this gathering, as
was the initial offering of its kind
which was held last fall, is to teach
the traditions of the school to the
youngster. and to show him what is
expected of a true Michigan man.
There will be representatives of
every branch of the university pres-
ent. First of all the band will make
its first formal bow of the season. The
chairman on the evening will Be Harry
G. Gault, '17L, last year's president of
the Union. He will introduce the fol-
lowing speakers: Maurice F. Dunne,
'17L, end on the Varsity football team;
M. W. Welch, '17, president of the
University Y. M. C. A.; J. C. B. Parker,
'17, managing editor of the Michigan
Daily; Coach Miller H. Pontius, '14L,
former Varsity lineman and at present
one of Yost's assistants; Glenn M.
Coulter, '16-"18L, president of the
Michigan Union, and Prof. John R.
Effinger, dean of the college of liter-
ature, science and the arts.
Besides these speakers, Chase
Sikes, '16, of Michigan Union opera
fame and leader of this year's Glee
club, will be there to lead the sing-
ing. Robert H. Bennett, '18, the
"peppy" cheer leader, will be present
to instigate the noise, and Daines with
his lantern will be on hand with views
of the campus and pictures of prom-
inent Varsity athletes.
Directly after the singing of the
"Yellow and the Blue," which will
close the program, the entire audi-
ence lead by the band and followed
by the freshmen will march down
State street to the "Open House Recep-
tion" at the Michigan Union.
Men Remaning in State Mobilization
Camps to Go; Others to Come
Washington, Oct. 5.-Telegraphic or-
ders have been sent to all department
commanders to send the 10,000 troops
yet remaining in their state mobiliza-
tion camps to the border as soon as
transportation can be obtained. The
order includes troops from Alabama,
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Ten-
nessee, Virginia, West Virginia, New
Hampshire and New York. As these
contingents arrive on the border, Gen-
eral Funston will select units already
there at equal ntumbers and return
them to their state camp for demobil-

The official athletic program which
appeared at the Marietta game on
Wednesday was the first edition to be
published under the direction of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions. The programs for the college
year of 1916-17 will be controlled by
this board. Edward E. Mack, '17, is
managing editor and business manager
of the program and Arthur E. Hobbs,
'19, is assistant business manager.
The first edition contained several
interesting articles pertaining to ath-
letics at Michigan and to this year's
team in particular.
Several men are needed on both the
business and editorial sides of this
publication. Students desiring to work
nn~ rnrn hnl-rnn # h

Wilson Appeals
to West in Speech
In His Talk to Members of the Omaha
Commercial Club, He Wins
(By Robert J. Bender, United Press
Staff Correspondent.)
Omaha,-Neb., Oct. 5.-Fired by a
spectacular response from 130,000 Ne-
braskans, President Wilson today made
his first campaign appeal to the, west.
Speaking to 600 members of the Omaha
Commercial club here, the President
challenged criticism of his support of
the eight-hour day legislation. "For
the next decade we have got to serve
the world," he said, "and this situa-
tion has altered every political and do-
mestic question.'
"Heretofore the work of America,"'
he said, "has been done by those. who
wish to exploit the world." Hereafter,
it must be done by those wishing "to
gain the confidence of the world." He
challenged criticism of the legislation
passed under his administration, say-
i g, "give me the verdict of the next'
25 years. I care not for the verdict'
of 1916." He brought tremendous ap-
plause when he said:
"I've known men who tied up their
ideas in their heads, the same as an1
old woman may tie up her savings in
a handkerchief, and when they un-
raveled the knot they found their ideas
were no longer currency. I have
known such men in politics. I want
you to know that in my conception it
matters not who does things, provid-
ing you see to it that they are done.
In reply to our commercial policy I
have always been impressed with how
much attention the United States paid
to herself and how little she studied
the markets of the world."
iusical Clubs in
Need of New Mven

0 TL
Declare Two Roumanian Armies Are
Retreating Following Partial
London, Oct. 5.-Except for serious
artillery engagements, comparative
quiet prevailed today on the Somme
front. In other sectors, however, there
was greater activity. Petrograd re-
ported sudden resuniption of the of-
fensive in the Caucasus where the
Russians are advancing on a wide front
in co-operation with the Russian Black
Sea fleet.
The Turkish fortified position i the
region of Kara Burnum- was captured
the Petrograd statement declared.
West of Kalkitt-Chivtlik it was stated
the Russians broke through the Turk-
ish advance guard and inflicted great
losses on the enemy. On the Austro-
German front stubborn fighting con-
tinues, from the region east of Vladi-
mir-Volynski as far south as the
'he Russians have captured enemy
positions at various' points. Paris re-
ported this afternoon that allied troops
in the Balkans had pushed forward
toward Monastir and had occupied
Bub, and were making progress at
other points. From British headquar-
ters at Saloniki came the announce-
ment that the British had been com-
pletely successful in the fighting
around the village of Jemiko and the
Struma front, and had completely oc-
cupied the village. The Bulgars, it
was stated, suffered heavily in the en-
Berlin this afternoon reported suc-
cesses against the Roumanian troops.
The Roumanian army is retreating on
two sectors of the Transylvanian front,
following their defeat at the hands of
the Germans and Bulgarians. The
Berlin war office stated that Rouman-
ian forces that had assumed the of-
fensive near Bekokten and in the re-
gion north of there, had retreated be-
hind the Sincaalt valley. In the
Hapzeg mountain region the enemy is
withdrawing toward the frontier on
both sides of the Strell valley, Berlin
Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, re-
ported complete victory for the Bul-
garian troops who engaged 15,000 in-
vading Roumanian troops who crossed
the Danube river into Bulgaria, near
Violence C a u s e s Distributors to
Change Attitude; May End
Milk Famine.

Council Appeals To Students
To the Student Body of the University:
In view of the fact that there has recently been some initiation of
freshmen in the University, the Student Council wishes to impress on
sophomores the danger of anything tending to excess in this direction.
In past years, seemingly innocent fun has usually resulted in one or
two riots or injuries, in the suspension of students, and in a bad name
for Michigan. This should not be repeated. To prevent anything of
the sort this year, the Council, as representative of the student body,
wishes to urge caution on all underclassmen, leaving it to their honor and
good sense to keep Michigan's name clear.

"We want 100 men in the Glee and
Mandolin clubs this year," said Man-
ager Maurice Nicholls last night,
'and we think that with the prospect
of the longest trip ever taken by a
Michigan organization in front of
them, there will be no difficulty in get-
ting this number.".
The musical clubs will number 50
men when the Michigan Central pulls
out for Chicago about December 18.
The two Pullmans and the baggage
*car carrying the men will travel more
than 10,000 miles, traversing a dozen
states in the west and south, and mak-
ing stops at Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas
City, Laramie, Denver, Stirling, Colo-
rado Springs, Salt Lake City, Ogden,
Berkeley, Los Angeles, Pasadena,
Phoenix, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio,
Huston, New Orleans and Memphis. In
addition arrangements are being made
to give concerts in a number of other
cities on the route.
The clubs will travel as the guests
of the Santa Fe railroad, and if it is
possible to offer them the "keys" of
the railroad, it will be done. En route
all meals will be furnished by the fa-
mous Rarvey service restaurants, be-
sides a continual string of banquets,
dances, trips and entertainments of
every description that are given by
the alumni associations at the various
Cosmopolitan len
Plan Campaign
Plans are being formulated by the
membership committee of the Cosmo-
politan club in order to begin a sweep-
ing campaign of all the foreign stu-
dents on the campus. This year's en-
rollment of the University shows an
enormous increase of foreign students
over that of all previous years and be-
cause of this fact the club is antici-
pating a banner year.
One of the many innovations to the
Cosmopolitan club will be the formal
initation of the new members to be
held two weeks from next Sunday. In
order to make certain that all foreign
students are enrolled in the club, a
final initiation service will take place
a month after the first one proposed.
Prof. J. A. C. Hildner will banquet
the members of 'the board Wednesday
evening after which the business for
the coming year will be attended to.
The board will vote on names to fill
the vacancies created by Rodger

Union's Open House Will Be Filmed
Tonight and Other Events
Students and residents of this city
will be the conscious and unconscious
actors in a moving picture drama, the
filming of which begins today. It is
taken under the auspices and direc-
tion of the Ann Arbor Civic associa-
tion, the plot being the work of a lo-
cal resident.
This afternoon pictures will be
taken of a picnic of the Ann Arbor
high school up the Huron near Beef-
steak hill, and tonight the open house
of the Union will be filmed. Other
scenes of student activities will be
taken later, such as the football games
and convocation exercises.
Some of the main characters for the
cast will be chosen among prominent
campus leaders and also from the
residents of the city. Scenes of nat-
ural beauty around Ann Arbor will
not be neglected and among these it is
planned to film the boulevard drives.
Twenty-five residences and the public
schools, as well as the university
buildings will also be featured on the
It hi planned to finish the pictures
within the next ten days, and the
completed film ,will be shown at one
of the local theaters the week begin-
ning October 30. The Daily will pub-
lish tbh; schedule of the pictures to be
taken each day and everyone is invited
to be at hand to be filmed.
The pictures will be photographed
by E H. Speare, who is filming the
whole state. His last pictures were
taken in Jackson. Later selections
from the local film will be used for
a travelogue series to be shown in
the eastern states.
Five Faculty Men Travel Through
Our Country.
America was the .choice the past
summer of several members of the
faculty who annually make extended
vacation tours. Prof. C. H. Van Tyne,
of the history department, spent the
summer with his own family in the
Chenaux Islands. He declared that he
was through with touring the Alps on
a bicycle, and that the Danube, down
which he floated in a canoe one sum-
mer, was not as desirable as Ameica.
Mr. L. L. Bryson, of the journalism
department, hiked around his native
state, Nebraska, in company with
Keene Abbott, the writer. "We fol-
lowed closely the old Morman trail
west from Omaha," he said, "after a
short side tramp down along the Mis-
souri. Our object was to get material
for articles on frontier life in 1859.
We attacked the matter from a point
of view hitherto untouched, that of
the impression on the settler of In-
dian fighting. We found many old
settlers of over eighty years with
minds intact, who gave us valuable
informhtion concerning the life of that
period. Mr. Abbott will use this ma-
terial. in the writing of novels and I
shall use it for magazine writing."
Mr. J. R. Hayden, of the political
science department, took a coasting
cruise on one of Uncle Sam's battle-
ships, while Dr. P. H. DeKruif, of the


for 1916 Football
Be Discussed By

Team to#

Coach Fielding H. Yost will be the
final speaker at the Michigan Union
Open House tonight. This announce-
ment was given out by the committee
in charge of the program yesterday
and interest in the meeting will there-
fore be boosted by one hundred per-
cent for it is seldom that Michigan's
football mentor speaks in public, but
when he does, everybody comes. The
subject of Coach Yost's talk on this oc-
casion will be the prospects for the
1916 football season.
Professor R. M. Wenley, head of the'
philosophy departmnnt, will take Pres-
ident Hutchin's place as the opening
That the meeting may not lack the
proper atmosphere, harry Carlson, '17,
will lead a picked quartette from the
Glee club. During the evening Carlson
will also lead the singing of "Men of
the Maize and Blue."
Five truckloads of boxes have been
gathered for the occasion. In front of
the fire a reserved section will be
marked out for the Freshmen. They
will march from the auditorium four
abreast lead by the band playing
"Varsity." Paths will be marked out
for them by red fire. Refreshments
will be served in the dance hall.
Robbers, Frightened by Girl's Screams,
Leave Booty Behind
and Flee.
Mt.. Holy, N. J., Oct. 5.-Highway-
men shot and probably fatally wounded
A. J. Rider, president of the New
Jersey Cranberry Growers' associa-
tion, his niece and an unidentified
man, and killed his brother, Henry R.
Rider of Howell, Michigan, on the
Atsiom road, about three miles from
here, late this afternoon.
Screams by Miss Rider as one of
the robbers turned his revolver upon
her, frightened them eff in such haste
that they left $8,000 which was found
beneath the seat of their automobile.
Rider was on his way to the cran-
nerry section surrounding Atsiom to
pay off berry pickers. The holdup oc*
curred on a lonely road. None knew
of the murder and holdup until an-
other motorist, passing, saw te four
victims in the car. He rushed here
and led police and county detectives
to the scene. A. J. Rider was shot in
the face, one side of which was torn
away; the daughter, age 26, was shot
in the lower portion of her body, and
is in a very serious condition.
Plans for Improvement of Campus
Plans for further improvements on
the appearance of the campus have al-


Committeemen Appointed for Annu
The first meeting of the Studen
Council was held last evening in Uni
versity hall.
The members of this body this yea
are Grant L. Cook, '17, president; E
L. Carroll, '17E, vice president; A. E
Hart, '17, secretary; R. M. Carson, '1'
corresponding secretary; H. A. Tayloi
'17E, treasurer; Lawrence Heust
'17P; Donald W. Sessions, '17L; V
N. Bergstrom, '17H; Walter B. Steel
'17D; Chas. W. Attwood, '17A; A. I
Keim, '17M; H. E. O'Brien, '17
Maurice F. Dunne, '17L; Howard S
Hatch, '18; S. S. Attwood, '18E, an
Verne E. Burnett, '17.
The two principal questions brough
up were those of the soph-fresh con
tests and class elections. Concernin
the latter the Council was addresse
by Professor Charles B. Vibbert, chai
'man of the eligibility committee, wh
urged that the following rules be em
phasized by the councilmen in charg
of the elections of the various classes
(1) No student on warning or proba
tion is eligible to take part or hol
office in any outside student activit
and any ineligible person who violate
this rule is liable to expulsion. (2
In order to partake in activities Stu
dents must have a record averagin
C for the preceding semester. (3) 1
a student has received an E in an
course and still fills the requirement
of the first anul second rules in orde
to partake in activities he must receiv
permission of the dean of his depari
Following are the list of council
men in charge of the elections an
respective classes which they wi
take care of: Junior laws and senic
lits, 1. W. Sessions; junior and fres
dents, W. B. Steele; junior en'gineer:
H. L. Carroll; soph and fresh e
gineers and seror architects, H. J
Taylor; senior laws and fresh lits, A
S. Hart; senior dents and junior lit:
V. E. Burnett; soph medics and fres
laws, H. S. Hatch; senior engineer
and junior and soph pharmics, I
Heustis; junior, soph and fres
homeops, V. N. Bergstrom; senic
homeops and senior medics, S. S. Ati
wood; soph lits, fresh pharmics an
fresh medics, R. M. Carson; senic
pharmics, senior and junior forester;
G. L. Cook; soph and fresh forester;
H. E. O'Brien; junior, soph and fres
architects, C. W. Attwood.
The date for the annual fresh-sop
fall contests was set for the mornin
of Oct. 21 and the following commi
tees were appointed: General commi
tee, A. S. Hart, chairman, and V. I
Burnett; flag rush, H. A. Taylo
chairman; D. W. Sessions, V. N. Berg
strom, S. S. Attwood and L. Heustis
cane spree, H. L. Carroll, chairman
H. E. O'Brien and H. S. Hatch.

Roosevelt to Hammer Foreign Polh
While Justice Stumps West.
New York, Oct. 5.-The Adamsc
eight-hour day law will receive th
most of Justice Hughes' attention o
his third . western stumping tou
which starts Monday. It will be le
to Colonel Roosevelt to "hammer" ti
administration's foreign policy, it wa
learned today. At Republican heat
uarters,'Chairman Wilcox said he wa
delighted to hear that the Democra;
have begun driving in the middle wee
with the passage of the eight-hou
law as their chief argument. The con
plete itinerary of Hughes' wester
tour was made public from Republica
headquarters -today. It included s
stops in Michigan on October 19t
and 20th. The cities to be visited a:

New York, Oct. 5.-After violence
had manifested itself in the New York
milk strike today, one of the "big
hree" capitulated to the Dairymen's
league and other distributors said they
would have to follow in line. This
means to all intents and purposes that
the strike was ended. Borden's,
handling fully one-fifth of the 2,000,-
000 quarts used daily in New York,
agreed to grant the farmers' demands
for a 45-cent per 100 pounds increase.
Word was flashed to depots up-state
and the Borden supply will be in-
creased tomorrow.
Food Commissioner Dillon, who has,
been leading the producers' fight, was
jubliant as were representatives of
the league. Borden's surrender fol-
lowed violence here during the day.
Frenzied women, seeing the prospect
of no milk for their babies, stormed
two East Side milk stations and de-
sisted only . when policemen were
rushed there. Some further difficulty.
in the way of complete settlement de-
veloped late in the afternoon when
representatives of the dairymen re-
jected the time clause of the Borden
proposal and declared they would
hold out for a six months' contract.
The rest of the offer was satisfactory,

medical school, gathered data in the ready been completedy Superintend-
backwoods of Pennsylvania for a nor- ent L. R. Flook of the buildings and
mal school. grounds committee, and will be ful-
Dr. I. D. Scott, of the geology de- filled early next spring. He has pro-
partment, put in most of his time in vided for the planting of shrubbery
the woods around Lance in the Upper all along the north side of the cam-
Peninsula laying out the town lines pus between the law building and the
in accordance to their geologic forma- gymnasium and from the gymnasium
tion. I down to the medical building.

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