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December 16, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-16

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-W %W


Grey Mochas, Tan Cap)es, nlu, \Voo andur Lined.
Waistcoats $3.00t tii) Niwar efes iot
ress Sets of Studs and I ii<Sit iu.,ai ad any.
Tool Knit $5.00 to S,,7.0 .,1 _irc e"t $.0L: 12




!M O1 1 GO. Mhr



I tk
ti1 r.i
E- 1
f t
r ,_
,f I
I . L.1

Full Dress

Suits, Tuxedo Goats, in
latest styles
Also Silk and 'opera Hats

the very

Lisle 25c and 50c Si, ~ C t I~ O W d S C t 1 2
GInIn fact ev ery w : ,a ° '.e uia t r e e


yourself & ij
a smile and a:
air of prosper
ity. Wear
your best bus
iness suit andi
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit.-bu,
one. We hav
to Appear pro
sperou s. if w
ai'e to be pro.






The Eberbach & Son Co.

Good Drugs--Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Sutpplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

Our lines are nmostcmpiea . -rinp ton
Mrythology Plys rpatatPr

ADLBR. bk$PS. do CN.

"00-202 MAIN

Come In

The Eberbac h & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.


G. H. Fong, 11$E, gives a sotmn iu
sketch of Chinese history in the fi rstf hul t
three articles of a series of eight about'icc L
that country. '
To attempt to give a complete his- Fo
tory of China, a country whose ptoo-''p .I
pie were civilized long before Rome, i; ai
was ever heard of, is a task which l Ipt o tW
would require a life time. The fol- i TIry
lowing is little more than a cursory, the ablest

'he mostvaluable con-
to~~, ('~' evelopment was
~~~ ri aoWongIDei, when
o, hiroglyphic writin.'g was
he onl 1he progress 3Was
23 ' . C., we find that the,
i a tin advanced stage.
ds priodl kings were not
The cutom ws to have
tma n ini the kingdom for

tippers for Dancing,
Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Patent
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps
BI.53r Comrfy Slippers for- Xma$s
WAUK'Shoe Stores


You Are Invited to call and
see the finest collection of An-
tique Oriental IRu gs eve r
shown in this section of the


Several hundred-

outline of China's past.
Mythology plays a part in the early
history of China as in that of all na-
tions. This must necessarily be the
case as facilities for keeping records
were not to be had and consequently
the accounts of various events were
handed down by tradition. In the early
history of China, fact and fable are
so interwoven as to cause doubt of
its truthfulness.
Chinese Were Nomads.
From all indications the people of
ancient China were nomads. One of
their leaders, Fook Hee Ski is ac-
credited with having brought the, peo-
ple out of barbarism. into the light of
civilization (2800 B. C.).
The second step toward civilizaition
was accomplished a century later wh en
Sun Nung Ski discovered the use of
herbs as medicine. His successor in-
troduced organized governmentan
built up an army with which he co n-
quered the aborigines of neighboring

I h dei 0 "ug gueSoon's reign, lit-
e:atu,scec,.ui and other arts
LlyA;rts Filou rish.
Amog' he ostnotable men of
-~ cslPewr i Yee, an engineer
who laied ast tracts of waste land;
r I# Jnglie uke and War Jung
.- iiea ;rf llr who gave us our
mledar ha i ic, "a famous agri-
cultuist: ow lu, a jurist, and Sett,
an educator.
l'cia~therul ofYee (2200 B. C.)
th e sy"stem of heriditary monarchy was
~x'al hied.Astime went on the. gov-
ernnea beamemore and, more
Thoselof:the moe favored classes
wer cratd pincslords, dukes and
the flc. Tis averise to the feudal
sy~tm, hichwasnot completely es-
1al~e nil12 .C In spite of
_hsth i iistin of ancient China
contnue toaih une until 1000 B. C.,
x P.a i :enih as' reached.

Main. St.

pieces---a twenty-five year
collection---for a few days
only at


StateS .


112 E. Liberty, St.


One ofOuar Dinners
Served from 11 to 7
Regit or Dinner 35c consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
cfee, ornmilk.
SPECIALS, as served
Soup . io with meat order .05
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. 'Extra Special .25'
Smnall Steak with Onions. Ex. Specll .25
Bread and Mai..hed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .o5 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .o5 Stewed, peas .05
Potatoes german tried .05

A college man's presence is char-
acterized by his attitude of demn-
ocracy and his snappy, tasteful,
aristocratic style of dress.
We want to express our interest
in the suit you wear home

I n e o4Harvard: The opening of the a tional '
Allied bazaar was held Saturday
night, and u4as attended by 40,400
spectators. Bombs, shells, and
miniature aeroplanes, trenches, and
tanks, featured the exhibit.
Illinois: Seniors at the University of
Illinois have presented a petition to
the administrative board asking that
those in good standing be exempted
from taking the examinations given
at the end of the setiond semester.
Columbia: All people in or about ?dewI
York City who are interested in any
phase of scientific farming can now
get information and consultations
free from the department of agri-
culture. A series of lectures on the
subject are being given and queries

w .. I .. '_. d: . ' Y
Af -,121?I1) SCHWO
Mcniorsoh NvalBatalie Wil Hate
A spcia orer romthe navy de-
',r< etha sindone officer and
tour en o"th'seLeth div.ision of the
Miclau naal attlion, the Engin-
eerdivsio atthe University, to at-
tend teLitd Statesnavy aero-
aunte shoo atPC 7 saQ0la, Fla., this
summon The ouxrsest this school
r. the nsh indurtion and 20
stuens reaccommxodated at a time.
On cmpltonof the ocourse, the stu-
dents ae grated Unted!States navy
air-nilt - es sor cmisosin
theaer copsof the naval, reserve or
the rgula nav, according to their
Thjuiet divisign is extremely

Interesting Drama' Shows Disease Is
Curable -and Not Always
Cinematography has been enlisted
by the national tuberculosis associa-
tion to aid in the fight against the dis-
os."The Great Truth,". a dramatic
m oving picture, which is both inter-
esting and instructive, has been filmed
and is being shown about the country
to teach the public the fundamental
principle that tuberculosis in an in-
fectious, not an inheritable sickness.
and that it can be cured and prevent-
The picture, containing all the in-
terest necessary to an excellent screen
drama has incorporated in it addition-
a~l facts about th~e dread disease which
are not widely known and are fre-
quently misrepresented. It attacks the
obstinate belief entertained by the un-
initiated that tuberculosis is a dis-
cendible affliction, which when once
contracted by one person is passed on,
to his descendants for generations to
The film is at present touring Mich-
igan, and will be shown in various
cities throughout. the state until
Christmas, as an added inducement to
the public to help in the fight against
the disease by aiding in the sale of the
Red Cross seals, the returns from
which are used to help in the strug-
gle for better education and work in
the anti-tuberculosis campaign.
From reports received at the offices
of the Michigan Anti-tuberculosis
association the sale of these seals has
been satisfactory in Michigan so far
this year, being almost twice as large
as last year and far surpassing the re-
sult* in any previous year that the
work has been going on.
0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222

r I


Titform Clothe


516 T. Williams St.

Home made pies per cut .of
tard .o5, with cream io.
Coffee .05 Tea .o5
Milk per bottle .o5
Open Ai Night. J. A QUACK

Rice cus-I

Chocolate .50
Cocoa ..10

You have not shopped
Unless you have stoppe~d
At the James Foster House of Art. tf
THE PALAIS ROYAL has 101 sug-
gestions. to make for gifts for Xmas.

on farm problems answered by the for tteinreiig permission to
department. see ero h 0 men to be taken
Kansas: Fathers and mothers who are ch, sumr This will be the first

.Y0il& lt

taking advantage of the University
of Kansas parents' week, are being
royally entertained by students and
faculty. Christmas parties are given
every night.
[ndiana: No steps hnvea as yet been
taken by Indiana authorities to re-
place the medical building which
was destroyed by fire last Thursday.

sesionci'the school, the orders es-
tablihing t ha i ust been issued
Ito C kt. 1.


The Michigan Daily for service. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.

Dancing classes and prv ate teoi
it the Packard Academy1
Magazine subscriptions I 1est 1
,'ffers at Wabr's Book Stores
Az tiU _.

Anymebe o te'F gneer divis-
to~~~~~~s! go h 'ieni ae npro-
.aca e cer ,antd. Call at 711
Bachar~. Phne ~5O -i.tf

Look over our nine of Xma
Gifts before making your s(
lections. Suits, Ove r c o a ts
Shirts, Hats, Caps, Ties an

WANTED- To tend furnaces during
the holidays, west of S. University,
between Church and Washtgnaw.
Telephone 2056. 15-16-17
LOST-Waterman fountain pen Eng-
ineering Bldg., or on S. University,
Thayer, Monroe, or Packard. Coult-
er, 1037-J. 16-17

E'- TYPEWRITERS of all makes
rbought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Elxpert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under.
wdod & Corona. TYPEWRITING
4. D. )10RRILL, 32S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 382-J.

,. ' h

116 E. Liberty Street
1ie Young Men~'s Shop
Estimates on painting, paper ha
ing, or any kind of decorating, che
fully given. Phone 287, 0. }H. Ma
& Co.

Victor fRe-,cordKNo.. 1813


- 75c

PUO1~-E 17~7



S. State. 'Phone 1718-J.

tues-eod I. Try a Michigan Daily Want A.

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