3E~ ARCI MA] ;.1 THEATERS w1 Fireplaces and Modern Equip- nent Add to Appearance of Lane Hall dy Lane hall, soon to be oc- by the Y. M. C. A., is present- homelike appearance. Only a al touches here and there are for completion. For the bene- he workmen, the great furnace >asement has been fired, but not of the coziness and cheer will Dished, it is said, by the large es, of which there are three i floor. ng into the basement, from the .e doors underneath the main e, the visitor walks into a all that will be used as a smok- in for students. A fireplace at of the hall will make this an ace on a winter afternoon. Off e hall are rooms where the of- .d janitor quarters(/will be lo-. e first floor another great hall, with a special kind of tile, at- attention. Leading 'from the one end is a great reading. rith a big fireplace. In this 1 sorts of periodicals and pa- ll be kept. As one walks down 'that runs through the middle uilding you can see five small These are to be used for of-. r student pastors. e end of the corridor, opposite ding room, is the bookkeeper's This will be separated from the the building by counters and work. Inside is the specially safe. Adjoining this office cabinet rooms and the presi- >ffice. econd floor contains an audi- with a large balcony. Class nd a dining hall are also situ- this floor. uilding will be finished about of the year. an supply you with anything to the wall-paper and paint C. H. Major & Co. tf TODAY Whitney-"A World ure." Majestie---Vaudeville. of Pleas- Orpheum-Bessie Barriscale In "Plain Jane." Also Triangle comedy. Arcade-Anita Stewart in "The Combat." Charlie Chaplin in "Behind the Screen." * * * * * * * * * S * *f *k *k *# *k I Anita Stewart, "America's daintiest - actress," will be seen in "The Com- All men who are interested in chess aqld checkers are urged ,to attend the bat," at the Arcade this afternoon and last meeting of the Chess club before evening. This is a society drama but Christmas vacation which will be held also contains a number of flashes of tonight in the club room in the Natural the north woods where dog-teams, Science building. snow squalls, and rough log cabins Checker players are in particular demand since popularity of chess has from the center of interest. left them in the minority. There will These scenes which are intercepted be a short business meeting for mem- by scenes of milady's dainty boudoir bers and it :s important that all and various drawing rooms come as a should make a special effort to attend. direct contrast in the life of the city man and the man of nature. This Stocks Continue Panicky in New York production gives Miss Stewart an ex New York, Dec. 1.-The four-day cellent opportunity of registering on panicky dumping of stock on the stock the screen in a single picture her ex- exchange which was started on Tues- traordinary versatilityday by Germany's announcement of B weesides "The Combat," Charlie peace proposals, saw a new low level Chaplin will appear in his newest com-'established this afternoon. United edy "Behind the Screen." States Steel which has felt the force of the pounding hour after hour since Enlargements from your negatives the initial upset, was quoted at 1091-8 make most acceptable Xmas gifts and at one time today, a tloss of $20 a share c$t very little. Co to Lyndon's, 71 from the high record established re- N. University. eod-Tu cently. Phi Sigma, honorary biological so- ciety, initiated the following nine stu- dents into their organization last night: Myron C. Becker, '17, Lynne A. Hoag, med., Clinton A Ludwig, grad., Frank O. Novy, '17, Paul H. PIiper, '18M, Ernest Reed, '17, J. Speed Rogers, grad., Carl E. Roser, '19M, and Carl P. Russell, grad. Olivet Alumni to Hold 1917 Reunion Olivet college alumni will have a re- union and dinner Jan. 13, 1917. Dr. W. F. Kane, the new president of 011- vet, is expected to be one of the speakers. The time and place will be announced later in The Daily. Per- sons desiring further particulars may call Ruth Hebblewhite, '18, Walter N. Koelz, grad., or Milton P. Adams, '18E. AT THE WHITNEY In what is believed to be the biggest musical event of the present season, "A World of Pleasure," the extrava- ganza from the New York Winter Gar- den, will be seen at the Whitney theater today. Harold Atteridge is the author of the book an lyrics of the play; Sigmund Romberg wrote the music; J. C. Huffman staged it; Jack Mason put on the dances and Theodore Kosloff arranged the ballets. The play is in, two acts and nine huge scenes which are laid in New York City. There are over 40 musical numbers of latest music in "A World of Pleas- ure." Among the prominent members of the great cast are such well known entertainers as William Norris; Con- roy and Le Maire, Collins and Hart,} the Courtney Sisters, Wanda Lyon, Margaret Edwards, Franklin Batie,1 McMahon, Diamond and Chaplow, and dainty Rosie Quinn. Manager McIntyre of the Whitney We can holidays. 3 7. paper that room during the C. H. Major & Co. Phone tf p Eat Your Sunday Dinner AT T HE in "A ROSIE QUINN World of Pleasure," Whitney Today 'DELTA CAFE ment of Irving Berlin's musical com- edy extravaganza, "Watch Your Step," which charmed theatergoers in New York for a solid year. This show which comes to the Whitney Tuesday, was received with great favor when it was here last year. Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H. Wild Company. Leading merchant 75c Special Sunday Afternoon Tea 50~C NEW MANAGEMENT PROMPT SERVICE theater announces a return engage- tailors. State street. tf I ai WVE APOL OGIZE Last Saturday we could not serve all those who wanted to take advantage of our pants offer. We did not expect that there would be such a great number of people who realize-as we do- that an extra pair of pants, made of the same cloth your garment is, doubles the life of the suit. We, therefore, decided to give everyone an opportunity-on s Great etter Pi'tuses * , f'" > , - a -' j- - 1/' Saturday, Dec. on which day we will again give i6th, 1916 - ,, -. , :f'Se The attract-ve I >f the well dr woman is not ther of chance corse It is the resultc areful selection A :orset thas is scien ally correct in d( and made of seli abrics and "stays' Back Lace Front] epresent the be :orsetry. They sigh class in every ail, and there is r io more econor urchase for the g voman who is i sted in her appear nd wishes to pres ier good figure1 or the years to c Be fitted to aFP en, and learn ourselfhowadmir iey are. rom Three Dollars Rgure "essed result = tting. ofa of a nific- :. esign, ected Lace ~ st in are y de- E ealty. nical irl or ~ nter- ~ ance ~ ;erve lines mN. for able s Up S A. Pair of Pants FREE I with each suit or overcoat And please remember that the pair of pants we give you free is worth and costs $5 so you can figure that you are getting your suit or overcoat for only $11.50 and let me tell you a WARD made-to-measure suit for l d I ,. f I - I $11 .50 4 is the greatest value that has ever been given. The suits are made to your order, to your taste and satisfaction, built_ right here in.Ann Arbor for YOU and no one else, made of the finest American and imported Woolens, of which we have the greatest selection, and made to suit you because we are here to stay, We have a SIX-YEAR LEASE at 118 E. Huron St., and we want steady repeated trade, So come in and take advantage of our great offer because you will have to pay higher prices for the same suits later. All Metro Features Have First Run at The Arcade Theatre, For Sale by Ward 's Klassy Kut Klothes 118 E. HURON ST. DAN MASSINA, Manager