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December 16, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-16

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VOL. XXVI. No. 65.



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Organizations to Give Dinners to Boys
and Girls; Union Provides
Christmas Tree
With ythe Goodfellow crusade just
five days away from its close its suc-
cess is already far in excess of the
most sanguine hopes of the commit-
tee and a worthy precedent for suc-
ceeding years has been established.
The fraternities and sororities have
given the movement generous support
and at present just 15 boys and 13
girls remain to be assigned for a
"feed" and an "outfit." The Daily
hopes that these children will not be
forgotten and urges those houses who
have not yet arranged to take care of
a "kiddie" to call Mrs. William D.
Henderson as soon as possible. For,
$15 a complete outfit can be purchased
for a child from seven to ten years
of age.
There are a number of children in
the care of the local Federation of
Charities who have no immediate need
of clothing. Twenty boys of this num-
ber have been assigned to the Union

* * * * * * * * * * * *



Shoes, Stockings, Rubbers.$3.00


Suits of Underwear..
Suit of Clothes.......
Cap ..............
Pair of Mittens.....
Reefer or Overcoat....
W aist ................



Senior Engineers
Monopolize Dance
Corduroy Enthusiasts to Run Regular
Saturday Night Party
at Union
Blue-print programs, novelty num-
bers, and corduroy trousers will be in
evidence tonight at the regular Union
Saturday night dance this evening.
When the tickets went on sale
Thursday afternoon, a number of the
senior engineers invaded the Union,
secured nearly all the pasteboards and
proceeded to name the various com-
mittees and plan their programs. All
will wear their corduroys tonight.
Punch and refreshments will be served
and a souvenir history of the cordu-
:oys given to all.
i "Ike" Fisher's orchestra will play 18
specials, such as: "Laugh on the Lits,"
Leaving the Laws in the Lurch," "The
Mechanicals' Wrench," "Medics in a
Pickle," "Joker on the Journalists,"
and the "'17 Engineers." Dancing will
continue from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Mr. J. H. Cissel and Mrs. Cissel and
Mr. L. E. Whittaker and Mrs. Whit-
taker will chaperone the dance. The
'ollowing are the members of the com-
nittee: Joseph Meade, '17, chairman;
H. S. Taylor, '17, M. K. Mead, '17, and
L. F. Dieterich.
Postoffice Body Votes to Prohibit Use
of Mails for Advertisements
by Majority of One
Washington, Dec. 15.-With the sen-
ate and house dry leaders predicting
that congress will act favorably on a
national prohibition bill perhaps dur-
ng this session, the house postoffice
committee today struck a blow at the
iquor interests when it voted by a one
najority to prohibit the use of mail for
the dissemination of intoxicating
liquor advertisements.
A penalty of not more than $1,000
ine and three years in jail is provided
or anyone who circulates such an ad-
ertisement in the mail.
A 7 to 4 division of the house rules
committee in favorably reporting the
inticipated resolution of Representa-
jive Webb for immediate action on his
national prohibition bill, was today
predicted by Representative Chipper-
ield, Illinois, member of the commit-
"I am strongly inclined to national
prohibition,'" he said, "and judging
rom the recent attitude of members
)f the committee, I should say only
our would be opposed." These four,
ihipperfield believes, would be Chair-
nan Henry of Texas, Representatives
rou of North Carolina, Cantrell of
Kentucky, and Patten of New York.
Dry leaders of the senate side are
positive the national prohibition as re-
ported by the house committee will
©e passed by both branches.
The Jeffersonian club has chosen
the following men to partake in the
final elimination trials for the mid
west debate: S. G. Ogden, '17L, P. A.
Miller, '17L, S. D. Frankel, '17L, H. L.
McCarthy, '17L, R. A. McGinnis, '17L,
and E. B. Houseman, '17L.

The Webster Debating society sel-
ected the following members: T. H.
McCormack, '17, L. W. Lisle, '17, T.
McDonald, '17, A. P. Bogue, '18, N. D.
Ireland, '18, and L. B. Harper, '18.
Alpha Nu chose the following men:
C. E. Hutton, '17, H. B. Teegarden, '17,
C. E. Bailey, '17, R. W. Ward, '18, C.
W. Miller, '19, and M. W. Welch, '17.
The first elimination, trials for the
final choosing of the men who are to
debate will be held shortly after the
resumption of school following vaca-
Gary, Ind., Has Motor Bandit Holdup
Gary, Ind., Dec. 15.-Four armed
and masked bandits entered the Pol-
leston State bank here today, covered
Herman Eucher, the cashier, with re-
volvers, and escaped with several hun-
dred dollars in currency. A posse of
Gary police and citizens followed the
bandits who made their escape in an
automobile. 9

Christmas tree and smoker. Another
group of five will be entertained at a
big dinner by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity and six more will be guests
of honor at the Sigma' Nu fraternity.
Houses Adopt Slogan.
The following houses have adopted
the "clothe a child" slogan and will
also give the children a big Christmas
dinner: Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta
Theta, Trigon, Phi Gamma Delta,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Acacia, Delta Kappa
Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi
Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon.
The sororities thus far on the list
are: Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Phi, So-
rosis, and Delta Delta Delta. New-
berry residence and the Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority will each provide for
two children.
A number of sororities have con-
tributed money and all are dressing
dolls for little girls. The Martha Cook
dormitory will give a sum of money
and the Mu Phi Epsilon sorority will
contribute money to be used to buy
presents for children at the Home-
opathic hospital.
Offer Christmas Trees.
At the present time five fraternities
have offered to give their used Christ-
mas trees for the use of the Federated
Charities. A great many more will be
available. Twelve or 15 of these trees
will be used at the University hospital
and six at the Homeopathic hospital.
Another will be used at a Christmas
party for the poor children of. the
Fifth ward.
James Campbell, 120, is in charge of
the task of collecting these trees and
all organizations that will have them
to give should let him know as soon
as possible. They will be collected on
Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
French Gain Advantages Along Somme
Berlin, Dec. 15.-Advantages were
obtained by the French after strong
attacks continued since morning. The
"advantages" were in the direction of
Louvemont and Hardamount. "The
fighting has not yet been terminated,"
the statement concluded. Little fight-
ing was reported along the Somme.

Washington, Dec. 15.-After the cab-
inet meeting lasting two hours and a
half, the longest session the president
has held with his advisers for more
than a year, the lid was clamped down
tight this evening on all reference to
this government's intented action re-
gar "ng the German peace proposals.
It was stated the Turkish coInmu-
nication had come in, and its text
would have to be subjected to a com-
parison with the text of the notes from
the other German allies before the
president would determine his course
of action,
As the president's cabinet convened
this afternoon to discuss for the first
time Germany's peace proposals, a
number of the president's advisers
were prepared to counsel strongly
against any move of the United States
at this time toward offering their sug-
gestion or help.
"I think it would not only help the
movement toward peace, but would
actually retard it" one cabinet mem-
ber said when asked his attitude. "We
are asked merely to transmit German
proposals to her enemies, and that
,hould be the extent of our services
now. The attitude of English minds,
as well as that of other countries
tighting Germany, has been made very
clear and this renders it apparent to
everyone that this government would
make a great mistake in offering its
services at this moment. I think noth-
ing at all should be done by this gov-
ernment now, other than simply hand-
ing the German proposals over."
Different Views on Situation
Washington, Dec. 15.-"Mediation
efforts or suggestions by the United
States on behalf of a peace confer-
ence would be immediately followed
by similar action by all European neu-
"The United States and the Eu-
ropan neutrals should consider any
answer of the entente allies to the
German peace proposals save flat re-
jection as an invitation to offer their
good services in arranging a special
European Neutrals Defer Action.
These two statements were made to
the United Press today by two of the
best informed neutral diplomats in
Washington who are known to have
discussed the question of peace with
Secretary of State Lansing, and pre-
sumably presented these views to him.
Action is being delayed by European
neutrals until next Tuesday, when the
speech of David Lloyd-George will
give them the cue on which to act.
Annual Football Smoker Arranged for
Football enthusiasm is not quite ex-
tinct and will be in evidence at the
ootball smoker to be held this even-
mg by te Detroit alumni in the Board
of Commerce rooms. Ex-Gov. Chase
S. Osborn is the principal speaker for
the affair. Captain-elect Smith, ex-
Captain Maulbetsch, and Trainer
Harry Tuthill will be present to fill
out the program of speeches.
Varied entertainment has been pro-
vided in the shape of features by the
Varsity band, cheer leaders, a Michi-
gan quartet, moving pictures and a
number of vaudeville stunts by both
amateurs and professionals.
Prof. Raephel A. Soto of the Uni-

versity of Illinois will be the princi-
pal speaker at the banquet for Latin-
American students to be held tonight
at 6 o'clock in Newberry hall. N. C.
Fetter, secretary of the "Y," will pre-.
aide as toastmaster. All Latin-Ameri-
can students are invited to be pres-
ent whether they have received invi-
tations or not. Professor Soto will
also address the University Bible
class of the Presbyterian church at
11:45 o'clock Sunday morning.

Lid Closes Tight on Government Stand
Following Longest Cabinet
Session in Year

Campaign Against High Cost of Liv-
ing to Begin Tonight With
Mass Meeting


Ann Arbor business men, house-
wives, boarding house proprietors, and
university students will unite in a mass
meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the
high school auditorium to fire the
opening gun of the local campaign to
f ght the high cost of living in this
city. It is expected that a large num-
ber of people will be present, espe-
cially the stewards of the different or-
ganizations on the campus.
Walter K. Niemann, '17, has been
,ccured to represent the student body
and stewards of the different houses
on the campus. A speaker will also be
obtained to voice the spirit and en-
thusiasm of the women students in the
boycott campaign.
C. C. Freeman to Speak.
C. C. Freeman boarding house pro-
prietor, who has always taken an in-
terest in civic affairs of the city, will
speak from the boarding house pro-
prietor standpoint. Mrs. Carl Kemp
will represent the Housewives' league.
As the boycott against turkeys has
already been effective in lowering to a
slight degree the price of the article, it
appears likely that tonight's meeting
will result in the boycotting of other
:om modities.
Letters have been received from
housewives' leagues in Toledo and De-
troit showing howe boycotts have been
successful in those cities. They will
be read at the meeting tonight.
Representative delegates of the dif-
ferent women's clubs of the city will
be present at the mass meeting. After
tlhe short meeting an opportunity will
be given to all women of Ann Arbor
to join the Housewives' league.
Conrad Church of The Daily will act
as chairman. Everyone is requested
to be on hand at 7:30 o'clock sharp.
Dance and Lunch
At 1919 'Jvixer'
Program Committee Plans Features
for This Afternoon's Party in
Barbour Gymnasium
Dancing from 3 to 6 o'clock and re-
sreshments are some of the attractions
that will feature the soph lit "mixer"
this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
The music will be furnished by Fish-
er's orchestra with "Ike" Fisher at the
Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Ef-
finger and Registrar Arthur G. Hall
and Mrs. Hall will chaperone the
party. The social committee for the
afternoon will be composed of the fol-
Naomi G. Dysert, Kathleen E. Bren-
nan, Phyllis Egglestone, Gertrude E.
Gunn, Margaret W. Atkinson, Frances
E. Yerkes, C. A. Newcombe, Cecil W.
Miller, Philip P. Bash, John G. Cof-
fin, B. Russell Dooge, Harry R. Louis,
Ferdinand C. Bell, James I. McClint-
ock, and Bruce N. Tappan.
Prominent men on the campus will
be impersonated at the Mimes' "The
Dansant" to be held from 1 to 5
o'clock today at the Union. Morrison
Wood, '17, and Kemp Burge, '17, prom-
ise a number of interesting and novel
entertainments for the 11 initiates. The
board of directors of the Michigan
Union decided Thursday afternoon to
extend the powers of the Mimes, to
permit wider social activities and to
define the membership more closely.
Any life or yearly member of a

Union belonging to the National As-
sociation of College and University
Unions will be given .full privilege of
the Michigan Union while in Ann Ar-
bor. This matter was decided by the
board of directors of the Union yes-
terday. The reciprocal membership
resolution was introduced at the an-
nual convention of Unions held in
Cleveland, Dec. 7 and 8.

Taylor Elected
Technic Editor
Prof. E. M. Bragg Announces New
Staff of Engineering Magazine
for Coming Year
At the annual staff dinner of the
Technic last night, Prof. E. M. Bragg
announced the names of the men who
will be in charge of the magazine dur-
ing the coining year. H. S. Taylor,
'17E, was appointed managing editor
and C. A. Hart, '18E, was nominaed
as business manager for the same
period. Thirty men were awarded fobs
for faithful service during the past
T W. Sheahan, '17E, officiated as
toastmaster, while Prof. E. M. Bragg,
Prof. H. W. King, R. L. McNamee,
'17E, H. A. Taylor, '17E, C. M. Burns,
'17E, and L. D. Goddard, '10E, also
delivered speeches.
R. L Reorganization Under Way
New York, Dec. 15.-The first step
in the reorganization of the Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific railway as rg-'
cently provided for by several reor-
ganization committees, will be under
way tomorrow-today being the last
on which holders of stock and de-
bentures who desire to participate may
deposit their holdings. The road wentr
into receivership in April, 1915.
Convention in Detroit Centers Discus-
sioni on Discovery of New Fea-
ture Following Prohibition
Detroit, Dec. 15.-Furnishing of an-;
other feature to take the place of the
hotel bar was the problem to which 120,
hotel proprietors from all parts oft
Michigan gave their undivided atten-
tion today. The hotel men were in
annual session at the Hotel Tuller andt
although the usual program was pro-
vided, there was slight interest in any-
thing aside from the question of how;
to make the hotel business pay without1
the bar.
Delegations discussing the problem
informally in the hotel lobby sug-
gested everything from chess to tiddle-
de-winlis as a substitute entertainment
for guests, but opinions were so widely
divergent that no definite program was
agreed upon.
There was further discussion of the
problem this afternoon, when the hotelt
hen went into executive session to
;-ear the address of Walter J. Hodgest
of the Hotel Burdick, Kalamazoo, on1
the subject of "Meeting of Hotel Con-1
litions in Michigan."
No inkling of Hodges' remarks wast
permitted to become public. On au-
thority of E. C. Tuller, president of
the state association, it was stated to-
day that the hotel men are not even
considering means of defeating the
purposes of the prohibition amend-
ment. Election of officers is scheduled
for this evening.
Expect Villa to Again Try Chihuahua
El Paso, Dec. 15.-That Villa is plan-
ning another attack upon Chihuahua
City and that the bandit chief is al-
ready making preparations for this at-
tack was the declared belief of the
United States officials here today. One
stated he expected Villa to again at-
tack the northern capital "within three

To Sell Remaining Cleveland Tickets'
Kirk Millhoff, '18, chairman of the
Cleveland special on which a large
number of Ohio students will make
the homeward trip next Wednesday,
has announced that all tickets not
paid for today will be sold to the gen-
eral public beginning Sunday. They
may be obtained at the Union.
"Cattle" Men Hold Dance at Union
Members of the Round-Up club made
merry last night with an informal
dance at the Union. About 60 couples



Horace L. Davis awid Chase B. Sikes
Are Soloists on Evening's
In a program complete in novelty
and harmony, the University Glee and
Mandolin club made its first appear-
ance in the Christmas concert before
3,500 people last night in Hill audi-
torium. As soloists, Horace L. Davis,
'16, and Chase B. Sikes, '17, proved
better than ever, and the voices of the
club as a whole were well blended
with the mandolins.
There was some delay in starting
and considerable hesitancy between
numbers, but that the audience was
well pleased was evidenced by the
number of encores asked for and given.
As in last year's program, the con-
cert opened with the singing of "Stille
Nacht," by Chase B. Sikes, to a dark-
ened hall, and this was followed by
a snappy rendition of the "Victorg"
and "Varsity," by the combined clubs.
The Mandolin club appeared well in
"The Beautiful Blue D~iube," "Medi-
tation," and "Marche Militaire," and in
combination with the Glee club ren-
dered the "Laudes Atque Carmina" as
a closing number.
The Midnight Sons quartet not only
showed itself capable of harmony, but
proved that at least one of its number
was an extraordinary gymnast, while
the Varsity quartet presented a pleas-
ing rendition of "The Beautiful Rose."
The Mandolin club quartet and sex-
tot were proficient both in volume and
harmony, and the versatility of the
club as a whole was shown by its
singing "Robin Adair" and a moment
later "Schneider's Band."
G. C. Grismore to rake Charge of
Classes of Professor Knowlton
Grover C. Grismore, Instructor in
the Law school, has been selected
to take charge of Prof. J. C. Knowlton's
classes until the end of the semester
pending the definite action of the
board of regents.
Mr. Grismore was graduated from
the Literary department in 1912 and
from the Law school in 1914. In his6
senior year he was elected to the Or-
der of the Coif. After graduation he
was called back to the Law school as
an instructor where he has remained
to the present time.
His selection to take charge 'of Pro-
fessor Knowlton's classes was made
because of his intimate knowledge of
the work. During part of the regular
term last year he had charge of one
of the sections in contract law and
last summer had exclusive direction of
the course given in that subject.

Ring Performers and Artists
Clever Talent

What the band which led the parade
in the Woman's league circus yester-
day afternoon lacked in tune and
time, it more than atoned for in spirit
and noise, and the striking resemb-
lance to the Varsity band was a dis-
tinct compliment to that aggregation.
The parade was all that the stereo-
typed circus poster ever claimed for
a parade, boasting an unrivalled me-
nagerie, consisting mainly of fascinat-
ing and wobbly elephants and human
monstrosities of various forms and

attended the affair. Music was fur- Venders of squawkers, balloons, am
nished by "Ike" Fisher's five-piece or- circus refreshments assailed the pros
chestra, and lunch was served during pective purchaser on every hand
the evening. while barkers stood before all th
doors, loudly vociferating the merit:
Picks W. M. Daniels for Commission of the side shows. The cheerfu
Washington, Dec. 15. - President amusement of knocking over Offigie:
Wilson today nominated Winthrop of the faculty drew prodigious crowds
Moore Daniels, New Jersey, to be a as also did the sophomore "incubato:
member of the interstate commerce babies" and the junior vaudevill(
commission. show.

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