ISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS H Kim UMAS C S -5. KODAKS I - - 75c to $100.00 Christmas )pill soon be here e prepared. You are better able to reflect the irit of the Season if you are becomingly dressed. hand-tailored suit, made from one of the hundreds of -wool fabrics we are showing, cut and fitted to your dividual measure, will enhance your appearance and d force to your CHRISTMAS GREETING. There's something behind it, when the well-dressed man says, ENLAREMENTS (from your beAt negatives) CALENDERS (for Picture inserts) LYNDON' S 719 N. UniversityAve Open Evertings until 9 o'clock BULBS I .n4 Books "Merry Christmas" J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. Dress Suits for Hire to order SENIORS Sit Early For Your "MICHIGANENSIAN" PICTURE AT 619 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. - - Mich., Perfect Portraitures Unsurpassed Accomodations for Group Photographs. (;I "Amateur Rork Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Brodway New York, N. Y. W H I THNE Y One Big Sg lec.16 SAT. The N. Y. Winter Garden's Greatest Show Whitney Theatre TONIGHT I A Washington Square Players -in-. A Miracle of St. Anthony Helena's Husband Moondown A Roadhouse in Arden Porld o WANT BASIC TERMS IN AL~IES' PEACE REPLY Sentiment in England Urges Definite Statement of Demands in Reply to Note By Ed. L. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London, Dec. 14.-Sentiment in- creased today in favor of including in England's answer to the Geraan peace note a clear and explicit definition of the allies' basic terms. It is certain the answer will be a refusal of the pro- posal at this time, but it is felt in many quarters that the allies should meet the diplomatic strategy in sending the note, by a counter move which would put the allies as the first of the two sides to make known definite demands and concessions. Berlin, Dec. 14.-The right wing of the German army in Roumania has already advanced 62 miles east of Bucharest in eastern Wallachia. Pctrogiad, Dec. 14.-"The enemy continued attacks toward Buzeu on Tuesday," today's official statement said. "Cavalry and infantry detach- ments met the enemy west and south- west of Buzeu." London, Dec. 14.-The. Kaiser re- turned to Berlin Tuesday evening where he will remain until the answer of the entente powers to the German peace proposals is received. Amsterdam, Dec. 14-A German submarine sank a British steamer bound from New York to England with a cargo of 6,000 tons of war materials off the French channel, according to telegrams from Berlin. The dispatch also states that between Nov. 18 and Dec. 8 German submarines succeeded in sinking vessels laden with 17,000 tons of coal bound from England to France. HOWARD BEATTY CONTINUES AS ASSISTANT COACH FOR AGGIES Lansing, Dec. 14.--Howard Beatty former track captain at M. A. C.,basket- ball star and a member of the 1915 Varsity football team, has made good as a football coach. At least he has met with the approval of the athletic board of control, for he has been engaged to continue as assistant coach the re- mainder of the year. In his new work he will take charge of the Aggie All-Fresh basketball team during the winter and have full carge of the track work next sprin. eatty started as coach early in September with a bunch of 60 green men to work with. He was given orders to produce a winning all-fresh eleven and he de- livered the goods. The Aggie yearl- ings lost but one game of the five scheduled. PEACE CAUSES STOCK FLURRY I Orhein Theatre M ,o necs, :00-3:30; Evening, 6 45, 8S, 9 30. Fr Sc Saturdays-Holidays continuous. i.-i5-Vivian Martin in "Her Father's on." Also Bray Cartoons. First time here of IRVING BERLIN'S Mar. Week of Wed. Sat. A I I K Dec. i1 DETROIT "If I Were King" A R V00 A D EL Shows at 3:00; 6:30. 8:00: C:30 icc U ies Otherwise Specibed VPhore io6-M. ri.i-5r-mily Stevens in "The Wager"; Darew Comedy. Sat.-16-Anita Stewart in "The Combat"= Charlie Chaplin in "Belhind the Screen"'sc. Cd 'ren's Matinee 2 P. M. "A Street waif's Christmas." "Sunbeam." "Santa Claus. a Boy and Girl" and "Buster Comedy.'' Mon.-:S-Theda Baia in "Under Two Flags," (Ret.); Christie Comedy. SAnd Sat.-i6-Bessie Barriscale in "Plain Jane.' Also Triangle Comedy, Fay 'Iincher in The Lady D~rummner.'' Fvening F.5e. Sun.-Mon.-17-iIFaunie Ward in "Witch- craft." Also Holmes Travels. Goodhew Floral Co. 225 E. Liberty. Phone 1321 Choice Cyclemens, Bengonias, Cherry Plants and Primroses. International Syncopated Musical Triumph (Made in America) I I h an & o. C. W. CRAhAM, Mngr. Tuesday VvyTetr e.1 Novelties Music and I yrics by IRVING BERLIN Staged by R. H. BURNSIDE Book by HARRY B. SMITH Novelty Xmas Baskets. Let us help you make your selection Literature Company of 100 Headed by CONROY & LE MAIRE Courtney Sisters and including THAT NIFTY CHORUS MAJESTIC NOW SHOWING Big Musical Show "THE ELOPERS" With Jessie Maker and Teddy and Nellie McNamara LE ROY AND HARVEY In a Comedy sketch "Rained In" PAUL BAUWINS "The Human Freight Train" KLASS AND WAIMAN The Syncopated Musickers MILTON FRANKEL Modeller in Common Clay Extraordinary Engagement SEATS NOW ON SALE Prices 50c to $2.00 I ®! Greenhouses-Observatory and Volland St. Phone, 170-M. 'Fresh Lits old Smoker Tuesday1 To make easier the thought of leav- ing for home next day, the fresh lits will hold a smoker at the Union Tues- day night. Dean J. R. Effinger and Dr. J. F. Scott will keep the freshmen in high epirits when cider, smokes and lunch begin to pall. Craftsmen Give Degree Saturday The Craftsmen club, student Ma- sonic society, will confer the third degree for the Golden Rule lodge next Saturday night at the Masonic temple. Petitions for memberships in the or- der will be received at this meeting. Prices 50c, to $1.50 Most Delightful Entertainment In America 75 PEOPLE 7 Combination of Wit, Beauty, Melody and Grace Enlarged Orchestra Seat sale Sat. 10 a. m.1 I WHAT'S GOING ON Today. 12 o'clock-Law faculty dinner at the Union. 1 o'clock-Rehearsal of the Hindu act of the "Magic Carpet," U-hall. 4 o'clock-Rehearsal of the Chinese act of the "Magic Carpet,': U-hall. 6 o'clock-Michigan Technic dinner at the Union. 7:30 o'clock-Alpha Nu society meets to select men for jnid-west de- bate. 8 o'clock-p-Glee and Mandolin club concert, Hill auditorium. 9 o'clock-Round-up club member- ship dance at the Union. Tomorrow. 1 to 5 o'clock-Mimes The Dansant at the Union. 2 to 6 o' lock-Soph-lit mixer, Bar- bour gymnasium. 2:39 o'clock-University band leaves for Detroit. 9 o'clock-Regular Saturday night Union dance. U-Notices. Rehearsal of the Japanese act of the "Magic Carpet" at 4 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Dr. Vaughan will speak to the class in international relations at 7 o'clock tonight in room 203 U-hall. Meeting of the new Hindu society at 7 o'clock tonight in room 248 Engi- neering building. GIVE FATHER-Country Gentleman MOTHER-Ladies' Home Journal BROTHER-Saturday Evening Post SISTER-Woman's Home Comp. STOFFLET'S NEWS STAND 110 E. Washington wed-eod Dancing teacher wanted. Call at 711 Packard. Phone 1850 F-1. tf Pres. Hutchins to Address Hindus President Harry B. Hutchins, Dean John R. Effinger, and Dr. N. S. Hardi- lar will speak to the new Hindu so- ciety at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 248 of the Engineering building. The society was formed early in Novem- ber to promote education in India. Dean Vaughan Speaks on Heredity Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the Medical school, gave a talk last night to the members of the Cosmopolitan club in University hall. Dr. Vaughan spoke on heredity, and showed the in- fluence of our ancestors upon our mental and moral traits. a & ' I 'm L noFL IA ASSEBLY At Armory SATURDAY, DEC. 16 "Ike" Fischer "'Lem" Aldrich eAl" Kempto "Doc" Dimmock "Johnny" Schwer "ILouie" Otto "Ray Huss" "Erd" Jling E. C. SCHACHT CHOSEN' TO HEAD THIS YEAR'S J-HOP COMMITTEE E. C. Schacht, '18E, will be the chairman of thetJ-hop committee this year, according to the decision of the junior engineers at their assembly yesterday morning. The other repre- sentatives of this class who were elected yesterday are: E. G. Dudley, J. Hibbard, and W. McKee. Each year the junior classes take turns in hav- ing the chairman of the committee and this year the lot falls to the engi- neers. Miildred Mighell Elected Delegate Mildred - Mighell, '18, was chosen as delegate to the oratorical board by the girls of the junior literary class at a meeting held by them yesterday after- noon for that purpose. (Continued' from Page One.) Arsene E. Vehonnt, prelate of Armenian church in America. the Faculty Approbation and (baperonage Washington, Dec. 14.-A regular 6 to 14-hour aeroplane mail service be- tween Chicago and New York will be established by the postoffice depart- ment if plans under consideration go through. it was announced at the de- partment today. All details are com- plete for the start, except the pur- chase of the machine. New York, Dec. 14.-Magistrate Jo- seph C. Corrigan was awarded $35,000 in his $200,000 libel suit against the Bobbs Merrill Publishing company to- day. The sealed verdict of the jury which heard the suit before Justice Goff was read in supreme court to- day. Regular price 75c per couple Tickets at Busy Bee Wednesday morning What Shail I Give for Christas? imE ARICADE JEWELERS no Milwaukee 1 London Minneapolis Chigago Alt Dean Effinger to Chaperone Mixer Detroit Dean J. R. Effinger and Mrs. Effing- er, Prof. Arthur G. Hall and Mrs. Hall, and Miss Miriam Gerlach will chaper- rone the sophomore literary Christmas mixer, which will be held from 2 to 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. .... , ... I1 Stalionery Complete stock of Crane's New Styles 11U S. U. X M A S G I FTS Fountain Pens We Handle Wa erman's and Conksin's Best Candies Fresh Line of Morse's and Gilbert's just in. Store Phone 1160 R CHRISTMAS TIES I by "The Neckwear House of America" Have C. H. Major & Co. decorate those rooms during Christmas vaca- tion. Phone 237. tf A f S. C. Sebleede LIBERTY AT 606 __. ,_