-actical Gifts that please men. Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores 324 So. State and 1123 SoUniversity Ave. For Best Results bring us your Kodak Finishing. DON'T FORGEI To Get Your Neckwear and Hosiery, in Individual Boxes. Sheep Lined Coat And Patricks Mackinaw Experienced men (no boys) do your work here. DEVELOPING 15c PRINTS Sc to 5o each I I, At The A Wadhams & Co. Nickles Arcade State St. Cor. State and Washington Sts. YEAR BOOK CAMPAIGN CLOSES 3lichiganenslan Will Cost $3.50 After Tomorrow Night After Saturday night the regular price of $3.50 will be charged for sub- scriptions to the 1917 Michiganensian and at this time all campaign meas- ures of obtaining subscriptions for'the year book will be dropped. The can- vass of fraternities, sororities, and house clubs which has been in pro- gress all of this week will also be closed on Saturday night. All per- sons who wish to obtain the year book at the campaign price of $3.00 should file their applications at the Michigan- ensian office sometime today or Sat- day. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. FACULTY MEN ATTEND BANKERS' CLUB FUNCTION AT CHICAGO President Harry B. Hutchins and Prof. George W. Dowrie of the eco- nomics department have received in- vitations to be present at the dinner given by the Bankers' club of Chicago at the Congress hotel in that city Sat- urday night. President Frank Vanderlip of the National City bank of New York will be the speaker of the evening, and the guests will include presidents and pro- fessors of banking of the important universities of the middle west, as well as nationally famous bankers, railway presidents, packers and other big business men of the nation. MODERN BARBER SHOP 332 State St. J. F. WUERTIH CO. New Day Light Store next to Orpheum Learn To Typewrite with .. 8 FINGERS and 2 THUMBS A Particular Place for Particular People. When Is a Gift Problem Not a Gift Problem? When a person knows it has already been solved at The Hutzel Shop? It has scores of dainty things-- blouses, collars,ties, silk underwear, kimonos, handbags jewelry--that one m:4y decide upon for Christmas Gifts! And Without Looking at the Machine at Hamilton Business College State and William FRANK C. BOLCH; Prop. s Dancing classes and private at the Packard Academy lessons 18-tf Main and Liberty . .. y ' I t Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine Warm Costs very little to operate A Great Fox Trot Washtenaw Electric Shop /,, A Victor Record No. 18163 The Shop of Quality if its not Rigat we make it Right 200 East Washington St. I Your Floral Needs== Are BEST SA" ISFIED By Us PfONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants FLOWERS FOR DECORATION Phone 273 ,; I Katsas City Bles Grinnell Bros. - 75c 1168. malf. St. PHiONIC 1707 s q We can supply you with anything A big new stock of 1917 calendars known to the wall-paper and paint (for picture inserts) at 1915 prices. trade. C. H. Major & Co. tf Lyndon's. Sun-eod I I =COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. I WE WE GRIND EYE GLASS i APOLOGIZE I LENSES IN OUR OWN SHOP HALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS I Last Saturday we could not serve all those who wanted to take advantage of our pants offer. We did not expect that there would be such a great number of people who realize-as we do-that an extra pair of pants, made of the same cloth your garment is, doublesthe life of the suit. I We, therefore, decided to give everyone an opportunity-on The Cyc-Corpus Juris System PUBLISHED BY The American Law Book Co. BERWICK R ROW 3rCO LLARs are curve cut tof ithe shoulders pefictly. 5c tseac,6for9o, CLUETT: PEABODY &COI lNC2'akers H. A. Taylor, '17E. The staff appoint- ments for the coming year will be an- nounced by Prof. E. M. Bragg and 30 Technic fobs will be presented at this time. The final issue of this magazine to be edited by the retiring staff will ap- pear on sale during the early part of Saturday, Dec. 16th, on which day we will again give I A Pair of Pants FREE 1916 with each suit or overcoat 27 Cedar Street NEW YORK. 'i ENGINEERING NEWS And please remember that the pair of pants we give you free is worth and costs $5.00 so you can figure that you are getting your suit or overcoat for only $11.50 At the sophmore assembly yesterday Prof. J. R. Allen announced that the names of* the mentors of all sopho- nores would be posted outside of the Dean's office and that all students are and let me tell you that a WARD made-to-measure suit for supposed to get their reports between next week. 4 and 5 o'clock Tuesday. The business of the class consisted All senior engineers who wish to mainly of the dance to be held Satur- get in the official picture of the class day evening at Barbour gymnasium, must have their Michiganensian sit- The matter of distinctive sophomore tings at either Rentschler's or Randall apparel was dropped. and Pack's studios. Those who have -had sittings made at other studios be- The Technic staff will hold its an. fore Dec. 14 may get into the class nual dinner tonight. T. W. Sheahan, picture by signing the list in the en- '17E, will act as toastmaster and the gineering society rooms before noon following will speak, Prof. . M. Saturday, Dec. 16. Bragg, Prof. H. W. King, R. L. Mc-TgA Namee, '17E, C. M., Burns, '17E, and Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. $ 11.50 r O try, I is the greatest value that has ever been given. The suits are made to your order, to your taste and satisfaction, built right here in Ann Arbor for YOU and no one else, made of the finest American and imported Woolens, of which we have the greatest selection, and made to suit you because we are here to stay. We have a SIX-YEAR LEASE at 118 E. Huron St., and we want steady, repeated trade. Leave Copy at Quarys and The Delta VERTISING I Leale Copy at Students' Supply Store So come in and take advantage of our great offer because you will have to pay higher prices for the very same suits later. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS of all makes bought, sold, rented or ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under. wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. 3MORRILLU 322 S. State fit: (Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-. EMPLOYMENT-For two hours each evening for a student who has had experience' as clothing salesman. Address W care of Daily. 9-i5in FOR SALE FOR SALE-Full blooded Boston Bull terriers, six months old. Inquire 431 E. University. 14-15 FOR SALE--A practically new Spald- ing sweater-coat. Cost $8.50. Will sell cheap. Call 2245-3. 15 WANTED WANTED- To tend furnaces during the holidays, west of S. University, between Church and Washtenaw. Telephone 2056. 15-16-17 WardE's Kiassy Kut Kiothes? 118 E. HURON ST. DAN MASSINA, Manager V