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December 14, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-14

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.t 1 ..


r r

with every fancy fabric suit of Kahn made-to-measure Clothes
ordered of us while the Yellow and Blue pennants are in our
Just order a suit from the Kahn samples and when we de-
liver it there'll be an extra pair of trousers in the box.
This offer is good on and after Dec. 11th to Jan. 31st, 1917.






Clothes, Furnishings and Hats for Particular Men
Cor. S. State and William Sts.

L ADI.S)Ik. SAOS. & Ca..

Full Dress



Suits, Tuxedo Coats, in
latest styles
Also Silk and Opera Hats

the very

yourself a
a smile and
air of prospe
ity. Wear
your best bu
iness suit an
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have noc
best suit--b
one. We ha
to appear pr
sperous, if N
are to be pr<
Come In
200-202 MAIN




The Eberbach & Son Co.
food Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.
The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

Industrial Efficiency Still Maintained
in Spite of War and High
Cost of Living
The annual reports of the secretary
of the treasury and the secretary of
agriculture for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1916, are very opumistic, de-
spite the war and the high cost of

Recent Law Allows Technical
date to Had Office
in Navy


In accordance with a recent act of
congress it is now possible for gradu-
ates of an engineering college of rec-
ognized standing to enter the navy as
commissioned officers after passing a
mental and physical examination. The
next examinations for this purpose will
be held ,,n Jan. 8 in all the principal


On 8of our Dinners
Served from 11 to 7
Regutar Dinner 35c consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.
SPECI:ALS, as served
Soup .;o with meat order .o5
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak with Onions. IEx. Spec'l .25
Bread and Maw'hed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders FIxtra
Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .o$ Stewed peas .05
Potatoes germa fried .05
Home made pies per cat .05 Rice cus-
tard .05, with creame io.
Coffee.o5 .Teao . Chocolate .50
Milk per bottle .05 Cocoa .io
Open AU ight. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr.


A college man's presence is char-
acterized by his attitude of dem-
ocracy and his snappy, tasteful,
aristocratic style of dress.
We want to express our interest
in the suit you wear home
516 $. Williams St.


Competition for Prizes Offered
ciety Increases Sales

by So-

The Mimes will hold an initiation,
"The Dansante," at the Michigan Union
from 1 to 5 o'clock Saturday.
Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock
and between courses there will be
dancing and numerous entertainments.
"Ike" Fisher's orchestra will play.
Those to be initiated are: Mr. Ly-
man Bryson of the rhetoric depart-
ment; John Kasberger, '1, E. E.
Hawkes, '17, Walter Atlas, '18, Joseph
Palma, '18, Lathvon Berry, '18E, Rob-
ert Bennett, '18, Alan Livingston, '18,
Leonard Aldrich, '17E and Arthur
Hammond, 117D.
The final meeting of the Classical
club for the present year will be held
at 8 o'clock this evening in the base-
ment of Alumni Memorial hall. The
meeting will be of a purely social na-
ture, scenes from the history of Rome,
as it might have been, being the fea-
ture of the evening. Refreshments
will be served.
We can supply you with anything
known to the wail-paper- and paint
ttade. C. H. Major & Co. tf

Much of the success that has been
achieved by the Michigan Anti-Tu-
berculosis society in its sales of Red
Cross seals this year has resulted from
the interest aroused by the prizes it
The entire state is engaged in one
great contest, between counties, cities,
and individuals.
Children are given an opportunity
to win two prizes. First, a button
bearing the design of the Red Cross
seal, if they sell 50 seals (in rural dis-
tricts, 25). If the child manages to
dispose of 200 seals (in rural com-
munities, 100), he receives an honor
roll medal of oxidized silver.
Counties are the keenest competi-
tors in their endeavors to secure for
themselves the services of a visiting
nurse, which will be given for one
month to each of the four counties
in the state selling the most seals per
capita. State pennants will also be
awarded to the winners.

cities of the country.
ivn ymThe 30 applicants obtaining the high-
The treasury department reports est ratings in the obtanngtean
estratngsin hemental tests, and
that during the year the prosperity
whc etisgrown in who are also physically fit, will be ap-
whihset n in u1915 hasrpointed acting ensigns for the per-
strength and volume and been widely formance of engineering duties only.
diffused throughout the United States. Applicants must be between 20 and 26
It goes on to say that this prosperity!arofac a n t uthaeadgre
is fundd ona fndaentaly oun years of age, and must have a degree
is founded on a fundamentally sound in either marine, mechanical, or elec-
basisthat in all lines of industry et- tric engineering. The physical exam-
ficiency and system has been carried ination is substantially the same as
to the highest extent yet realized in that given entrants to Annapolis.
our country's history, founded on a The mental examinations include
general confidence and future healthy questions on marine engines and boil-
development of the nation's industries. e
U. S Comand Wold o Fianoers, electricity, applied mechanics,
U.. Commands World of Finance heat, hydraulics, physics, chemistry,
The United States has assumed a and shop methods.
commanding position in world finance After a probationary period of three
as a result of its unprecedented fin-Ayea r obaticnary perto oard
years, two of which are spent on board
ancial strength. In the past few cruising vessels, and one year pursu-
months we have been transformed ing a course at Annapolis, they may be
from a debtor into a creditor nation, advanced to a Junior leutenancy on
and on Nov. 1, 1916, our stock of gold passing further examinations. The
and bullion had increased by almost pay of an ensign is $1,870 a year. while
seven hundred and fifty million dol- on shore it is $1,700 plus allowances
lars over what it was 16 months pre- for quarters, heat, and light.
viously. Our gold stock is estimated _ua s hea_,__n___gh_.
as almost three billion dollars, which
is the largest stock of gold ever held is R ailroad Jack
at any time in the United States or
any other country in the world. Still on Earth?
Through the operations of the Fed-
eral reserve system as a basis, the Where is "Railroad Jack?"
credit resources of our country have Is his body floating somewhere in
become more than sufficient for home the waters of the Huron; was he
consumption, and we have been enabl- drowned near Ann Arbor some time
ed to finance our domestic and foreign ago, as recent occurrences may seem
trade without strain, and also to ex- to indicate; is the affair a hoax on
tend credit to other nations through- his part; or merely a casual occur-
out the world. rence that has resulted in a weird mys-
David . Houslton, secretary of tery?
agriculture, points out that with all A short time ago while paddling up
the agencies now available for im- the river a student of the University
proving agriculture, there is ground noticed near a deep hole in the bend
for optimism as to the ability of the of the river, a shining object below
United States to supply not only itself the surface of the water. Upon lift-
with food, but to satisfy the needs of ing it to the .surface with his paddle,
the world. The alarming low point he was surprised to find it was the
in beef production was reached in familiar patent leather suitcase, with
1913, and since that time there has the name "Railroad Jack" printed in
been a, material increase in the white letters on the side. It was the
amount and quality of our beef pro- same old case in which the eloquent
duction, while the number of swine in knight of the road had , carried his
the country has advanced greatly since papers and his complicated card index
the census taken in 1899. While the system.
number of sheep continues to decline, In prying it loose from the root
it is only to a very slight extent, and where it had been caught the case
there is hope that a turning point may became unfastened and a packet of
soon be reached. naer d ~ ,-np ,.I,44.o*.

The meeting of the chemical branch
of the Engineering society held last
night showed that there was no lack
of interest in this department. Dean
M. E. Cooley of the {engineering de-
partment spoke on "The Mechanical
Features ofa By-product Coke Oven."
Mr. H. H. Dow of the Dow Chemical
Works of Midland gave a very inter-
esting talk on "The Evolution of a
Chemical Industry."
The three upper classes of the En-
gineering college will hold their as-
semblies this morning. The senior as-
sembly will be at 8 o'clock with Mr.
H. H. Dow of Midland as the speaker.
His topic will be "Manufacturing Con-
ditions after the War."
The junior assembly is at 11 o'clock
and the principal business will be the
election of a chairman and three mem-
bers for the J-hop committee. The]
class will be addressed by Prof. Filbert
Roth of the forestry department.
The first dinner of the year will be
enjoyed by the senior engineers to-
night at the Union. Prof. A. H. White
of the chemical engineering depart-
ment is to be the principal speaker.
The committee promises plenty of
steak and a good time for all who at-

Sipp ers for Dancine
Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, ,or Patent
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps
Buy Comfy Slippers for Xmas
W"AHWIS 81hoe Stores

Mallet St.

State St.

.r a
r 1


Fitform Clothes

Chemical Branch Increases Members
Memberships to the chemical branch
of the Engineering society sold well
yesterday at the tables in the Chemis-
try building. The membership fee is
$1.00 for the chemical engineers, in-
cluding a year's subscription to the
Michigan Technic. Lits and pharmics
may join for 75 cents a year but this
does not include a Technic and they
are only considered as associate mem-

Leave Copy
at at
Quarry's and c tS
I DnaSupplyStore

To better the development of thr
food crops of the country, the secre-
tary urges a stabilization of produc
tion and a standardization of products.
This, he reports, will go a long wayI
towards a complete and satisfactory
solution of the difficult food problems
with which we are confronted.
Dancing classes and private lessons
it the Packard Academy 18-tf
Decorations-red, white and green
rafia; also other decorations at spec-
ial prices for churches, stores, and
homes, at Hoag's. 10-17incl
Enlargements from your negatives
make most acceptable Xmas gifts and
cost very little. Go to Lyndon's, 711
N. University. eod-Tul

p s anti some ar~i es o ciotnng
fell out and could not be recovered.
Whether these letters had anything to
do with the rather strange affair could
not be ascertained, but because the
fluent traveler has not been seen
around here for a long time, and be-
cause he made Ann Arbor his head-
quarters, some apprehension is enter-
tained for his welfare.
The police,. department when in-
formed of the affair said that they had
no information about the case and
knew nothing concerning his where-
abouts. "Railroad Jack" is of medium
height, rather heavy set, dark, and gen-
erally wears a blue serge suit and a
blue cap. It is not known whether he
has any relatives in this part of the
country but a rigid investigation will
be made to find any traces of the luck-
less orator.


Mr. T. H. Hinchman, '93E, of Smith,
Hinchman and Grylls, an architectural
and construction firm of Detroit, spoke
to the freshmen at their assembly yes-
terday. Kenneth W. Heinrich, '17E,
spoke to the class on the naval brig-
ade. The class elected a committee
for the all-engineering smoker to be
held Jan. 17, consisting of Carl T.
Hogan. Rollin E. Drake, and Stanley
T. Lowe.

All engineers who hold receipts for
the Technic, should redeem them as
soon as possible at the Technic desk,
as it will be out before vacation.


TYPEWRITERS of all makes
boughs, sold, rented or ex-
hanged. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING.
0. D. INORILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 682-J.
EMPLOYMENT-For two hours each
evening for a student who has had
experience as clothing salesman.
Address W care of Daily. 9-i1in
FOR RENT - Room and board for
young lady in refined private home
jnear campus. Box X 44, Daily. 13-14

FOR SALE-Full blooded Boston Bull
terriers, six months old. Inquire


431 E. University.


FOR SALE - Gibson Mandolin with
case. A. 0. Beach, 836 E. University.

Heard on the Second Day. '
"That student's all right but he shakes
out his pen.
He peppers the floor with a polka-dot
And spatters my shoes with their

When looking for a new Sui
or Overcoats step in to our
store, and see the best line o
FITFORM Suits and Overcoati
in the city.
Also a big line of
Furnishings, Hats and Caps
116 E. Liberty Street


.. .

-' -- :

Phone 2147-W.


LOST - Alpha Chi Omega pin and
guard. Finder please call 2465-R.
LOST-Let the Michigan Daily And
that lost article of yours through
one of its classfied advertisements
in this column.

A Great Fox Trot

Victor Record .No. 18163

Cordovan shine.
Pink socks I once wore,
The cuffs of my trousers-
with ink.

but now it's
are stiffened

fie Young .en's Shop

Kansas City Blues

. 75c

116 $. M aIn t.
PHONE 17070

My nerves are a wreck, and I never
can think.
And when they will turn that guy back
from the heavenly door,
They'll explain. I am sure, that he
shook out his pen on. the floor."

Estimates on painting, paper hang
ing, or any kind of decorating, cheer
fully given Phone 237, C. H. Ma
& Co.

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