S MAS 11 MERRY CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS II FRESH II . -U KODAKS - - 75c to $100.00 I Christmas hvill soon be here I prepared. You are better able to reflect the rit of the Season if you are becomingly dressed. land-tailored suit, made from one of the hundreds of wool fabrics.we are showing, cut and fitted to your ividual measure, will enhance your appearance and force to your CHRISTMAS GREETING. here's something behind it, when the well-dressed man says, ENLARCEMENTS (from your beet negatives) CAL ENDERS (for Picture inserts) L Y N 0 N S 5 719 N. University Ave' GYM SUPPLIES Open Evenings until 9 o'clock I, 1i SHIRTS PANTS SHOES 'GERMANY PROPOSES PEICE TO ENGLD AND ALLIES "Merry Christmas" Mat. QARI CK Week of Wed. & Sat. Dec.I11 DETROIT "If I Were King" ARCADE .howy at 3:00: 6:30:8:00; 9:30 (Continued from Page One.) Some shoes, slightly soiled at reduced prices. J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. Dress Suits for Hire fend justice, liberty and national ato order E N I O R S m evolution. The glorious deeds of our armies have in no way altered our pur- pose. We have always maintained a Firm belief in our own rights. Our, )ims ha 9e not been to shatter and an- iihilate our adversaries. Anxious to Stop Blood Shed Sit Early For Your -MICHIGANENSIAN" PICTURE AT 619 E. Liberty St. Ana Arbor. - - to,: Unless Otherwise Specified. It Phone 296-M. Tue. -i2-Viola Dana in "The Light of Happiness." (Ret.); Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. \Xed-r3-Alice Brady in "Bught and Paid For"; Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. 15C. 'Thu.-14-Bertha Kalich in "Love and Hate"; ,hapter 7 of "Gloria's Ro- mpace," ("The harvest of Sin." r~c. Fri.-is-Emily Stevens in "The Wager", Drew Comedy. tI Sheehan & Co. .Mich. Perfect Portraitures Unsurpassed Accomodatiuns for Group Photographs. 'Amateur Work Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N. Y. e.rr 0 --.-..... 9 a. I' q U SPENCIL 17 Perfect Degrees from 62; Softest to 9H Hardest Whitney Theatre Friday, Dec. 15 Washington - Square Players -in- A Miracle of St. Anthony Helena's Husband andhardandmed~ jum copying KE a soft-leaded easy mark- ing pencil? Take the higher ibered B's such as 3B, 4B, For the extreme limit of ness 6B is without an equal is used by many as being the .1 of all pencils. edium degree is HB. H's the harder grades, 2H or 3H ig medium hard, and 6H, being used for thin,dclear, lines of detailings. Your essors will confirm these ements as to the merits of VUS pencils., the disdnciie VENUS !'ater mark finish 1: hen you buy. Moondown A Roadhouse in Arden Literature Extraordinary Engagement "In spite of a consciousness of our military and economic strength and ,ur readiness to continue a war which was forced upon us, until the bitter ind if necessary, at the same time we desire to avoid further bloodshed and the atrocities of war. Therefore, the four allies propose to enter upon peace negotiations. "In August, 1914, our enemies chal- lenged our superiority and power in a world war," said the chancellor. "To- day we raise the question of peace, which is a question of humanity. We expect the answer of our enemies to be given in that periousness of mind which. is guaranteed to us by our ex- terior and inner strength, and our clear conscience. "Germany is carrying on a war of defense against enemies aiming at our destruction. She is fighting to,assure the integrity of her frontier, and the liberty of the German nation. She claims the right, freely to develop her intellectual and economic energies, and peacefully to compete on an equal footing with other nations. All the efforts of other nations have been un- able to shatter her heroic armies. Her allies are protecting their frontiers, strengthened by the certainty that the enemies will never pierce the iron wall." 4erman Note to Vatican Berlin, Dec. 12.-The note dispatched today by the imperial German govern- ment and its allied powers to the Vatican reads as follows: "Sure 'of our strength, but realizing Europe's sad future if the war con- tinues, we are seized with pity in the face of the unspeakable misery of hu- manity. The German empire, in ac- cord with its allies, solemnly repeats the chancellor's declaration of a year ago, that Germany is ready to give peace to the world by setting before the whole world the question of whether it is possible to find a basis of understanding. "The imperial government is firmly confident that the initiative taken by the four powers will find a friendly welcome on the part of his holiness and that the work for peace can count upon the precious support of the Holy See." English Paper Scouts Peace London, Dec. 12.--Today's peace proposals are not likely to affect the course of the war, declared the Lon- don Evening Star in the first published comment on Germany's peace move. Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:oo-3:3o; Evening, 6:45, 8 , g;o. Saturdays-Holidays continuous, -I Wed-13Robert Edeson in "The Light That Failed." Thurs. -Fri.-14-x 3 -Vivian Martin in "Her Father's Son." A-'lso Bray Cartoons. Sat.16-Bessie Barriscale in "Plain Jane." Also Triangle Comedy, Pay Tlnchar in 'The Lady Drummer." Evening lc. Goodhew Floral Co. 225 E. Liberty. Phone 1321 Choice Cyclemens, Bengonias, Cherry Plants and Primroses. I I SEAT SALE MORROW _ _ ?:\- A. M. PRICES 50C to $2.00 W OF 100. IAWb~hu'onSaturday WV~k~iI~.JDec. 16 NIGHT ONLY A 9 Novelty Xmas Baskets. II *1 Seat Sale Wednesday Prices; C. W. CRAhAM, Mngr. 10 A. M. 50c to $2.00 COMPANY 7 i WHAT'S GOING ON i -1 is beautifully smooth and even in tex- ture. it rubs out pencil marks perfectly- Gray and dloes not causse discoloration. i2sizes from n'ootoa Oxto4toabox. Box price $2.00. Venus Erasers are the best erasers. Asks for them by name. For sale by your supply store AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Ave.. Dept. D.D. New York Correspondence Solicited MAJESTIC N 0 VW0 Dancing Spectacle De Luxe ANDERSON'S GIRL REVUE OF 1916 Plenty Song and Dance The Season's Best Bet ADLER AND ARLINE "A New Idea" FIELDS, KEANE & WALSH "After the Show" WILL MORRIS Pantomimic Cycling Comedian Special Feature Novelty "THE GIRL IN THE, MOON" She will be the sensation of the season Today. 11 o'clock-Fresh engineer assembly, room 348 Engineering building. 7 o'clock-Military training corps meets in Waterman gymnasium. 7 o'clock-Band rehearsal at the School of Music. 7:15 o'clock-First meeting of the chemical branch of the engineering so- ciety in the chemical amphitheater. 8 o'clock-Round-up club initiation smoker at the Delta cafe. 8:15 o'clock-William M. Lewis lec- tures on U. S. navy, lecture room Natural Science building. Tomorrow. 11 o'clock-Junior engineer as- sembly, room 348 Engineering build- ing.. 6 o'clock-Senior engineer dinner at the Union. 8 o'clock-Senior engineer assembly, Greenhouses-Observatory and SVolland St. Phone, 174-M. Campus in Brief Representatives of the Michigan- snsian -will make a canvass of fra- ternities, sororities, and house clubs some time this week in an effort to reach the few who have not been able to take advantage of the campaign rates offered for the 1917 year book. St. Johns students of the University met at the Union Sunday afternoon and- chose Charles S. Clark, '19. to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Verne E. Burnett, '17, as president of the organization. Harry Mack, '19E, was re-elected secretary, and Thomas Teare, '19, was chosen as treasurer. The members voted to send The Michi- an Daily and Michiganensian to the ' .ome high school. Rudolph Wuenseh, '17, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., has just received a let- ter from T. E. Jones, field secretary of the board of the Society of Friends, asking the name of every student en- rolled in the University of Michigan, vho belongs to the Society of Friends. Lists of students in every college and university in the country who belong R. B. Jacobus' Five-Piece Orchestra for dances, entertainments and con- certs. 520 N. Fifth Ave. Phone 1487. to the Quaker church are being com- pleted and filed in an effort to keep the students in close touch with the church. Prof. R. D. ilollister's class in in- terpretive reading will give a program of miscellaneous readings from nu- merous sources at 7 o'clock this even- ing in room 205 Mason hall. The pub- lie is invited to attend. Many humor- ous selections will enliven the reading. A. A. Klein, '11, spoke at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon before the class on the current literature of miner- ology. His subject was "The Applica- tion of Petrographic Methods in Tech- nology." While at the University, Klein served for some time as assist- ant in the department of minerology, and was manager of the Varsity band during his junior and senior years. A women's ticket sales committee has been appointed that will canvass 'Have C. H. Major & Co. decorate those rooms during Christmas vaca- tion. Phone 237. tf Conroy&Leaire EY SISTERS Wanda Lyon-Retie Quinn 24 NUMBERS AUGWIENTED ORCllE*TRA ONLY WINTER GARDEN SHOW HERE THIS SFASON HUGE SCENES Martha Cook dormitory, Newberry residence, and all the sororities for the Glee and Mandolin club concert, Fri- day, Dec. 15. The committee consists of Edith Duemling, '19, chairman; Vera Brown, '18, Jennie Duemling, '19, Mae Patterson, 117. Dr. Lyman F. Kebler, '91, was a vis. itor in Ann Arbor yesterday. Dr. -Kebler is one of the University's alumni in Washington, D. C. He is chief of the drug division, bureau of chemistry, of the United States depart- ment of agriculture. GITE FATHER-Country Gentleman MOTHER-Ladies' Home Journal BROTHER--Saturday Evening Post SISTER-Woman's Home Comp. STOFFLET'S NEWS STAND 110 E. Washington wed-eod SHOOK PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT 8 TO 12 AT BARBOUR GYM. TICK- ETS ON SALE, UNION FOR $1.00. 13 room 348 Engineering building. U-Notices. The Prescott club meets at It declared: "Unless the 'onsciousness central powers' unfound of responsibility to God 7:151 o'clock tonight in room 303 Chemistry building. Dr. Stouffer of the health service will give the second of his series of lectures on "Sanitation and Its Relation to the Pharmacist." Sophomores wishing to try out for Varsity basketball manager report at 2 o'clock today at, the athletic office in Press building. There will be a meeting of the In- tercollegiate Socialist society at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Newberry hall. Dr. C. B. Stouffer of the health serv- ice will address the soph engineer as- sembly at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing, room 348 Engineering building. Members of Alpha Nu society will meet in the society rooms at 7:45 to- night and will adjourn in a body to it-Hall. has brought them to the stage of sur- rendering Constantinople and the straits to Russia, restoring Alsace and Lorraine to France, the evacuation of occupied territory and the making of due reparation, today's proposals are not likely to cause any material change." American Embassy Receives Note Berlin, Dec. 12.-Joseph C. Grew, secretary to the American embassy, received Germany's note on peace pro- posals at 11:30 o'clock at a confer- ence today with the imperial chancel- lor. He immediately cabled it to Wash- ington. The reichstag met at 1:15 o'clock. Long before the session, a crowd surrounded the building to get a glimpse of the chancellor and other notable figures for the memorable ses- sion. Prior to this, Bethmann-Hollweg had conferred with party leaders on all sides of the reichstag. Secretary Grew was a spectatdr in the gallery at the session. Stop, look, and listen! Japanese art goods at Newberry Hall. This week only. 13 '1 SPECIAL ASSEMBLY SATURDAY, DEC. 16 At Armory "Ike" FischFr ""Lem" Aldrich " Al" Kemnpton "Doc" Dimmock "Johnny" Schwer "Louie" Otto "Ray Huss" "tErd" King Faculty Approbation and t hareronage Regular price 75c per couple Tickets at Busy Bee Wednesday morning ... ......... Milwaukee Minneapolis Chigago Detroit BJ"°a l/ XMA S GIFTS Stationery Fountain Pens Complete We Handle stock of Waterman's and Crane's New Conksin's Styles Bept Students Supply lilt S. U. S.C. Sebleede Candies Fresh Line of Mo-se's and Gilbert's Just in. Store' Phone 1160 R CHRISTMAS TIES by "The Neckwear House of America" LIBERTY AT 606 You have not shopped Unless you have stopped At the James Foster House of Art. tf