"# I, III I Lll III ULL CONCERT FRIBAY I Pi 1AiS lectAed MI julal OF THE GREAT WAR, se- by J. V. Cunliffe. The Mac- Co., New York. from Personnel to Journey; T.drip to Many Cities Make West- Include The Christmas con.cert to be given r the Glee and Mandolin club in Hill tditorium Friday, Dec. 15, will be e of the biggest productions the ubs have ever attempted as far as imber of voices and mandolins are incerned. There will be about 70 this production, and from these en, 40 will be picked to make the stern trip, 20, including managers id assistant managers, from each ub-. The club will touch first at Fort ayne, on Dec. 21; St. Louis, on Dec. ; Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 24; Lar- nie, Dec. 25; Cheyenne, Dec. 26; enver, Dec. 27; Sterling, Dec. 28; olorado Springs, Dec. 29; Pueblo, ec. 30; Newton, Kan., Dec. 31; To- >ka, Jan. 1; Cedar Rapids, 2, and ill finish the tour at the South Shore )untry club, Chicago, Jan. 3 Some of the features of the Christ- as concert and of those on the trip ill be a banjo sextet, a string quar- t, formerly called "the Midnight >ns"; the old favorite Varsity quar- t, and, to add a bit of the comique, e Comedy Four has been organized. iese groups are practicing hard and ten. The personnel of the club has been .nounced as follows: Glee Club. Faculty manager, Prof. C. B. Vib- rt; president, Horace L. Davis, '17; ce-president, Leonard 0. Aldrich, ; student manager, Maurice Nic- 's, '17; assistant managers, C. W. sher, '18, H. W. Gustin, '18, G. C. ack, '18; director, Prof. Theodore arrison; leader, C. B. Sikes, '16. First tenor, H. L. Davis, '17, J. L. kscoll '18, G. K. Bolender, '18, D. P. ood, '19, Leman Scott, '18, C. F. Wat- n, '18, H. Liebeskind, '18, K. Keena, , R. R. Cherryman, '19, T. S. Bar- Second tenor-W. R. Stark, '19, L. Dorsey, '19, Prescott Smith, '18, E. ardy,'1,F W. Sullivan, '18, C. C. iley, '17, Joe Palma, '18, F. W. over, '18. First bass-E. L. Zeigler, '19, Dean eButts, '18, R. Hardy, '17, M. Ba- rd, '20, R. R. Dieterle, '18, W. S. esterman, '17,, Paul Wilcox, '18, C. Sikes, '17, J. M. Bailey, '19, A. T. ewer, '8 Second bass-C. S. Lawyon, '18, R.. McCandless, '18, L. A. Lundquist, , E. F. Hagen, '17, J. Fischback, '17, . L. Kemp, '18, C. F. Weaver, '19, Sid- y Shipman, '17, Harry Carlson, '17. Accompanist, Ben . Clark, '18; or- ist, Frankz A. Taber, '17. Mandilin Club. Director, Mr. Earl V. Moore; leader, 0. Leininger. First mandolin-O. 0. Leininger, illis Brodhead, '17, W. C. Allee, '18, W. Becker, '18, R. Wheeler, '17, A. Richards, '11, J. R. St. Clair, '19, J. Stevens, '18, R. S. Moors, '18. Second mandolin-Paul Steketee, , C. H. Mattern, '19, C. 0. Thomp- n, '19, Carl Gingrich, '19, H. H. hittingham, '17, P. L. Kamper, '18, F. Kohr, '17, G. E. Dake, '18. Third mandolin-L. F. Laverty, '19, . L. Underwood, '18, S. G. Pratt, '18, F. Steketee, '19, Paul Harsha, '18. Mandola-Leonard Aldrich, '17. Guitars-P. J. Carroll, '18, W. F. ockett, '17, D. B. Gardner, '17, W. 0. hnson, '17, C. S. Seabrook, '17, A. D. oney, '17. Flute-R.'M. Kempton, '18. Cello-L. N. Parker, '17. i has been said by various critics, both in this country and in Europe, that the ;re .ent war has put a stop 0) lit&ay work of any more than a very evanescent value. Yet this auraology of poems which the war hair produced possesses a very permanent value. Long after the war has become a thing of maps and histories, thereal history of the time may be preserved in just such a collection as this. These are poems written by those outside the conflict, and those inside the fir- ing line. They come from five na- tions and are written in many differ- ont moods. They range from the searching indictment of Harold Bag- bie's "Neutral?" to the poems writ- ten from the trenches, such as "Into Battle," by Julian Grenfel, an English captain who was fatally wounded in the siege of Ypres. One realizes the heroism of the average soldier more plainly in such a poem than in one coming from someone who writes about the heroism of the soldier. In all the contributions from poets of recognized rank there are of course some fine bits of poetry. Among these are Rupert Brooke's "Soldier," John Masefield's "The Island of Skyros," Alice Meynell's "Summer in England," and Louis Untermeyer's "The Laughers." All the poetry in this collection may not be good poetry, some of it is crude in workmanship and commonplace in conception. Yet running through it all is a fine threadof heartache and sorrow. For this quality, and because it will always possess this quality, "Poems of the Great War" deserves its place in the literature of the fu- ture. For her Xmas gift remember Bloom- field's chocolates in yellow and blue. Bloomfield's. N. U. 10-12 UNIVERSITY GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUTB WHO WILL APPEAR IN A CHRISTiMAS CONCERT AT HILL AUIT IUfl, FRIDAY, DEC. 15h * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS * fashionable audience that taxed the RAILROAD WOULD BOOST RATES * capacity of the house. - I Washington Times - Washington, Will Renew Fight in Legislature That Square Players of New York are a Failed in Last Session * real novelty at Belasco. * Washington Star-The Washington Lnsing, Mich., Dec. 11.--Michigan's * Square Players of New York, at the legislature, heavily Republican, con- * Belasco theater, justified the compi- venes in January to face the task ofj *mnfg th t hefetv tdd thie new oiitln TODAY Majestic--Vaudeville. passenger rates from two cents a mile to two and one-half or three cents. Efforts of the railroads to get per- mission to boost passenger fares will be a renewal of the fight that went against them in the last legislature. At that time their proposal was turned down by a bare margin of half a dozen votes. After years of agitation, adoption of the budget system in the state's fi- nances seems assured. Governor-elect Sleeper is pledged to the reform, and it was endorsed in the platforms of both major parties. The Michigan Daily for service. Orpheum - Douglas Fairbanks menu nL * in "Manhattan Madness." Also * * Triangle comedy. * AT THE MAJESTIC. * Arcade - Viola Dana in "The * Girls at vaudeville shows are * Light of Happiness." Mutt & * usually behind the footlights, but this * Jeff cartoon. * week at the Majestic there is one a * * little more ambitious than the or- * * * * * * * * * * * dinary kind. By the aid of a big 11- jluminated new moon, she floats out AT THE WHITNEY. over the audience. _____ IAnderson's Gir revue has plenty of In the forthcoming locapresentagirls, good songs, and they get them across in record time for so large a tion of the latest Winter Garden ex- company. travaganza to go on the road, "A E. Harry Adler and Anna Arline in World of Pleasure," which is sched- "A New Idea," have a comic-hyponotic uled to play at the Whitney theater offering that is as funny as it isn't new. Saturday, Dec. 16, promise is given iWill Morris does some fast and com- of a most pleasing entertainment. This mendable work in his pantomimic latest comedy is declared to be one of cycling act, and his make-up helps the best productions ever sent on a him get across some good comedy. tour by directors of the great musical Fields, Keane and Walsh present !making, effective the new prohibition amendment. Among other things, the 1917 law makers will be asked to pass a tonnage tax law, an anti-injunction act, and a real estate brokers' license law; to adopt the budget system of ap- propriating public moneys, and to deal wik a measure pet forward by Michi- gan railroads to increase intra-state I Have Skating oes for Men and Women That are right in price and otherwise FURTHERMORE-if you buy them here they will be properly fitted so you will be able to en- comedy city, New York- "After the Show," their offering show- The cast includes such well knowi ing the inside of a little known part players as Conroy and Lee Maire, Wil of the vaudeville stage. liam Norris, the Courtney sisters,4Col-; The entire bill is the best that has, lins and Hart, Margaret Edwards, Mc- been here this season, and there isn't Mahon, Dimond and Chaplow, Frank- one number that is not worth a place lin Batie and Rosie Quinn. The mu on the bill. sic is said to be far above the average, while the play presents a youthful Gargoyle Staff to Dine This Evening chorus of over 100. In addition to Fun, but not the kind that is de- this nine gofgeous stage pictures sup- rived from reading the monthly, will ply the scenery for the production. reign supreme at the first banquet of the year to be given to the Gargoyle Washington Square Players of New staff at the Renellen Hospice at 6:30 York, which will come to the Whitney o'clock tonight. The principal speak- theater on Friday, Dec. 15, according ers will be Prof. Fred N. Scott of the joy every minute you are skating in them. It is just as necessary to have sporting shoes properly ftted as any other, that is why you should buy if ( Skating Shoes at a Good Shoe Store. We fasten skates to shoes purchased here. to press statements, have created a sensation in Washington, D. C., where they have been playing for the last week. Reports from the various papers of that city are as follows: Washington Post-The most re- freshing offering of the season. All Washington, artistic, fashionable and otherwise, turned out to greet them. Washington Herald-Greeted by a rhetoric department, and Prof. Gor- don Stoner of the Law School. Ralph Folz, '17, editor of the magasine, will act as toastmaster. gh Grade Shoe Repairing Skating Shoes are Fine Xmas gifts You have not shopped Unless you have stopped At the James Foster House of Art. Venus Perfect Pencils-Best in world, st Wahr's Book Stores. tf the 119 EAST LIBERTY STREET _ -, F-7 ANN ARBOR CHORAL UNION CONCERTS OSs'P GABRILOWITSCH, Pianist Hill Auditorium- 8:0P. AM. ues., ec. 12 Course Tickets $3.00=$3.50=& $4.00 Single Concerts $l.00=$1.50=$2.00 L Michigan's Greatest Concert Series OSSIP G4.BRILOWITSCH Give The The Saturday Evening Post or the Country Gentleman STOFFLET'S News Stand Old Man Gift Cards Free