LS' CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS SUNDAY SERICS IN lorary Education Society 6'eects AN1RIImCHRCE Unitarian Church Address by Mr. Loring dism: the Only Serious Christianity." on "Bud- Rival of ;ales or the Michgane nan curng i TIf det campaign of the past week ran far I The new officers are: President. Trinity English Lutheran Church advance of those of last year and Helen Krueger, '17; vice-president, Courtland Miller will preach at management feels that their efforts Leah M. Schueren, '17; secretary, Mil- 10:30 o'clock on "The Burning Bush." rard making the year book more dred A. Hatch, '17; chairman of the Bible school at 11:45 o'clock. Even- -'eral in its appeal to the campus program committee, Albertine Loomis, f ing service at 7:30 o'clock. re been appreciated by the student '17. Ly." Membership in the club is limited to First Congregatlou-i Church k number of inquiries have been approximately 25 .girls, who have at- t10:30 o'clock Mr. Douglas will de at the Michiganensian office as tained high distinction in the depart- preach on "The Gifts of the Magi." whether another opportunity will ment of education, in addition to excel- Children's church at 3:30 o'clock. At given for subscribing to the year lent work in their general literary 6:45 o'clock the Plymouth round table. >k under the conditions of the cam- course. The staff of the department of gn. As there seems to be quite a education elects the members of the C * Christ (iisciples) "ge number of people who could not club, and at its last meeting chose the At 10:0uclokM'hneprwl At1:0o'clock r. Knscp per will, e advantage of the campaign, ar- following senior girls for membership: spea on "A Matter of Money." igements have been made to take Elsa Apfel, Margaret A. Bassett, bscriptions at the publication of- Marie Cornwell, Blanche Covey, Adele a in the Press building, for this L. Crandall, Margaret Creswell, Min- St, Andrew's Church ek only, under the same conditions nie Einfalt, Crystal Emerson, Hazel Holy Communion at 7:30 o'clock. ich existed in the' campaign. Giddings, Inez Gose, Mildred Hatch, Morning prayer and sermon at 10:30 )uring this week persons who ap- Bernice Krueger, Helen Krueger, Al- o'clock. at the Michiganensian office may bertine Loomis, Evelyn Moore, VirginiaI_ >scribe for the 1917 book at the spe- Morse, Helen Olsen, Josephine Randall, Presbyterian Church 1 price of $3.50 upon an advance Margaret Reynolds, Leah Schueren, Morning service at 10.:30 o'clock. rment of 50 cents. This will be Gertrude Seifert, Pearl Smith, Ethel Subject of sermon, "What's the Mat- solutely the last chance to secure Vail, Annetta Wood, Lela Wright, Mar- ter with the Church?" s rate. After this week work will 'garet Yokum, Alice Wieber, Bessie----a centered entirely on finishing the Yutzy. liethlehei Evami'elical Ch~ureh Aduction of the book. -- -- English service at 10:30 o'clock. - POITR IN CONCRETE FOR THIRD I German service at 10:45 o'clock. PE PRESENTS RED CAP , FLOOR OF WEST LIBRARY WINO TO TWO NEW CARIDINALS First -. E. Church The concrete for the third floor of Morning service at 10:30 o'clock. tome, Dec. 9.-Two new cardinals the west wing of the new Library has Subject of service, "The Acid Test." re given the red cap by the Pope been poured and if the weather does I--- his public consistory here yester- not become too severe the fourth floor Bethel A. M. E. Church . Both new cardinals are former will be poured this week. If this can Morning service at 10:80 o'clock. )al nuncios. They are Mgr. Count be done, work will continue on the Subject of sermon, "The Days of Old." ffaelo Scrapinelli, former papal new wing during the winter. At 3:00 o'clock addresses by Rev. M. nico at Vienna, and Mgr. Fruewirth, A number of questions have been E. Peters, Rev. Mr. Wells, and Rev. mer papal nunico at Munich. asked as to the reason for the differ- Mr. Stalker. Evening service at 7:30 lope Benedict will deliver an ad- enoe in structure of the east and west o'clock. ass in which he will outline the wings. According to Librarian Bishop, ican's neutral attitude in the war the east wing will contain the book First Church of Christ, Scientist I pray for, a cessation of hostilities stacks as soon as it is completed, so Morning service at 10:30 o'clock. soon as possible. He will make that the old stacks may be vacated. Subject, "God, the Preserver of Man." lea for the continuance of Catholic The west wing will be used for a tem- yers for peace throughout the porary reading room while the present First Baptist Church rld. This public consistory follows one is being torn down. Later it will Morning service at 10:30 o'clock. secret consistory of the Pope on be used for class rooms and lectures, Subject of the sermon, "God, Who . 4. " and ultimately - it will also contain Healeth Our Diseases." book stacks, but not in the near fut- gineers' Dinner Date Corrected ure. Union Service Yesterday's Daily announced that The union services will be held at date of the senior engineers' din- Use the advertising columns of the Hill auditorium at 7:30 o'clock. was Tuesday, Dec. 14. This day is Michigan Daily in order to reach the error, the dinner being scheduled best of Ann Arbor's buyers. _ class Cane Committee -A large line the night of Thursday, Dec. 14. of manufacturer's samples to select Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads from-Wagner & Co., State Street. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. for results. 9-10-12-1 OLD PRACTICE OF DUELLING REVIVED IN BUENOS AIRES Buenos Aires, (Special.) Dec. 9.- Two duels have just been fought here. The Argentines themselves are joking their fellow countrymen about it and the general opinion seems to be that this sort of thing is out of date in the new world. The system continues to prevail, however, in certain circles. One of the two sword fights was be- tween Baron Athos de San Malato, an Italian, and Aniceto Rodriguez, an Ar- gentine with a reputation as a swords- man. In the other the opponents were Deputy Rodolfo Moreno, a member of the Argentine house of representatives, and Dr. Honorio Szelagouski, a lawyer and an Argentine, too, despite his name. Both encounters were with swords In the former case honor was ad- judged to have been satisfied when Rodriguez had been forced backward to tie barrier without being hurt, a result which is understood to have aiuied him more than it would to have been killed. Moreno was jabbed m1 the arm. No one has been killed in a duel here for several years but nothing would be done about it, if someone were. NAVYI DEPARTMENT OPENS T :; F0R BATTLE CRUISERS Wa sIngton, Dec. 9.--Bids were opened at tho navy department today ,or the construction of four battle (auisers, the first vessels of this class to be built for the United States navy. T ey will cost complete $25,000,000 apiece. The legal maximum which the bid- ders must meet is $16,500,000, exclu- sive of armor and guns. They will ha,,e a speed of '15 knots, a length of between 825 and 860 ;feet, a little un- der 200,000 horsepower, 33,000-tons dis- pracen ,.t, electric propelling machin- ry, and main batteries of 14-inch Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. Don't get the impression that we are not in business, we are Here to stay Bring your films to 232 Nickels Arcade (Temporary quarters) until our new store is completed in the Arcade). Films Developed FREE until Jan. 1, 1917 8 x 10 Enlagernents (Sepia or Black and White) ONLY 25c Remember, we have DISCONTIN ED our agency for Amateur Finish- ing at Calkins' Pharmacy. Amteur Finishing Syndicate, Inc, PROFESSOR ROUSSEAU TALKS TQ CERCLE FRANCAIS ITESIDAY Prof. J. J. A. Rous >eaul of the en-1 gifteering college will give the second lecture on the program of the Cercle Francais at 5 o'clock Tuesday after- noon in Tappan hall. The title of Pro- fessor Rousseau's lecture will be "L'ecole de Beaux Arts de Paris." The lecture is a repetition of one of the series given last year before the French club, and is being repeated at the request of the French depart- iment of the University. Illinois Club Meets Wednesday Eve Election of officers will be held at the first meeting of the Illinois club at the Union Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. A special Illinois club car will be arranged for this year. as usual, for the use of the club members re-, turning home for the Ch'r tn:as va- cation. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. TillEVES STEAL OVEIWCOATS FROM PHI KAPPA PSI HOUSE Two robberies were reported to police headquarters yesterday. The Phi Kappa Psi house, 1550 Washten- aw avenue, was eatered by thieves and several overcoats \k fre stolen, be- sides a few suit cases and other par- aphernalia. A blue chinchilla over- coat was taken from the home of Mrs. A. C. Forte, at 618 Packard strect. No arrests have been made. FoPtr3 ClO) to Hold Meeting The forestry club will hold a smok- er at 7:30 o'clock next Wednesday evening in room 214, Natural Science buildin. i'rof P. S. Lovejoy will talk on "Tacking." A musical pro- gram has been arranged by the For- estry club band. G. A. Kutzleb, '18, is clairman of the affair. Tl wh F Floral Shop in the city wilorfn soon in the Nickels Arcade, Stato Street. 3-ti we A~o ze WE COULDN'T SERVE ALL. THOSE WHO WANTED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE PANTS OFFER. WE SHOP EARLY Schumacher Gifts NEW UNIQUE INEXPENSIVE The joy of Christmas giving is often marred by the problem of what to give. You can, however, select with ease any number of useful gifts from our LARGE STOCK IisCelhaneous -For the Automobile UGGESTIONS Thermos Bottles Lunch Kits ishes Serving Sets d Cracker Dishes Refrigerator Basket Ware k For the D~en ,fee Urns*F*heDn ~offe UrnsSmoking Sets ishes liumidores Cigarette Boxes Fire Screens Telephone Stands 's For the Kiddies ays Baseball Suits [ers Erector Sets Tool Chests i c k sK G a m e s IARE STOCK Fire Sets Is Child's Desk and Chair Trays Unr Elk'etrical Depatmiaeut Contains Boxing Gloves an Excellent Assortment of Practi- cal ( c 10 Make your selections before you go home on your Christmas vacation. Only 9 more shopping days for students Snow is here and our stock of Sleds and Flexible Fliers is complete in every detail. DID NOT EXPECT SUCH A LARGE PATRONAGE, WE, THEREFORE, DECIDED TO GIVE EVERY ONE AN OPPOR- TUNITY. ,atu.ilray, Dec. I6th ON WHICH DAY WE WILL AGAIN GIVE A pair of pants FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OR OVER- COAT. IN ORDER TO AVOID A GREAT RUSH ON THAT DAY WE WILL THANK YOU TO PLEASE COME IN AND PLACE YOUR ORD- ER FOR THAT DAY NOW OR DUR- ING THE WEEK. - O ^ _ ARiWARE cg Ward's Klassy Kut K othes A Store of Individual Shops 118 E. HURON ST I t AND HOME THE GIRLS STOFFLET'S News Stand JOURNAL 110 E. Washington