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December 09, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-09

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with every fancy fabric suit of Kahn made-to-measure Clothes
ordered of us while the Yellow and Blue pennants are in our
Just order a suit from the Kahn samples and when we de-
liver it there'll be an extra pair of trousers in the box.
This offer is good on and after Dec. 11th to Jan. 31st, 1917.
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats for Particular Men
Cor. S. State and William Sts.


} C.. AD! iCH liROS. & C4"

Do This

yourself v ii1
a smile and an
air of prosper-
ity. Wear
your best bus-
iness suit and
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--buy
one. We have
to appear pro-
sperous, if we
are to be pro-

Full Dress Suits, Tuxedo Coats, in
latest styles
Also Silk and Opera Hats

the very

d I


1 ..

The Eberbach & Son Co.

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

- 1 1 A;

Or of Our Di nnersI
Served from 11 to 7
Regu'ar Dinner 35e consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.
SPECIALS, as served
Soup .io with meat order .o5
Roastsor Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak witl Onions. Ex. Spec'I .25
Bread and Mashed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled .o5 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .05 Stewed peas .05
Potatoes german fried .05
Home made pies per cut .o5 Rice cus-
tard .o5, with cream zo.
Coffee o5 Tea .o5 Chocolate .05
Milk per bottle .05 Cocoa .io
Open All Night. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr.
Ban Custom at
Camp Davis Bee
Veterans of Fngineering Summer
School Give Unique Party
at Ulion
Custom was forgotten at the Camp
Davis dance at the Union last night.
The part was "distinctly individual."
The evening opened with a grand
march to the post-office where pro-
grams were dgtributed instead of the
customary letters from *"her."- She
was there in person last night so there
was really no need of a letter.
Between the dances Carlos Zanelli
sang in such a way that several
maidens were heard to sigh and say,
"Isn't he grand?"-much to the dis-
quiet of their respective Romeos. Dur-
ing the intermission the Blackfly was{
given out. This little paper generally
contains more scandal per square inch
than any other journal in existence,
and last night's issue was no, excep-
tion to the rule.
The camp choir and the president of
the Camp Davis union made their
presence heard at frequent intervals.

Attractiveness and usefulness
are required in every real holi-
day gift. Odr suits present
these qualities in perfect com-
bination and harmony.
5t6iU. Williams St.

husky guards were placed at the be-
ginning of the evening around this
source of good-fellow spirit, in order'
to keep C. M. Burns, '17, the nine yard
swimming champion, from giving an
exhibition of his prowess. But, theory
and practice are sometimes not exact-
ly the same, and in this case the
guards had to contend against enorm-
ous odds (after the company had once
tasted the punch) instead of merely
against the 'champ."
Although few remembered to give
the required watch-word on entering
the hall, the fee-grabbers were lenient
and allowed the delinquent ones to
pass through the lines. The counter-
sign for the evening was, "Are the
bugs chasing Mac?" Some forgot the
exact words of this charm and said in-
stead. "Are the bugs in swimming?"
Illinois: At a banquet tendered to the
football team Wednesday night, Ben
Kraft was elected by the team as
captain to lead them during the 1917
Wisconsin: Memorial services in
honor of John Muir, the famous
naturalist, were held at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin.last Wednesday
evening. At the exercises a bust of
Muir, the gift of Thomas E. Brit-
tingham, was unveiled and formally
presented to the university.
Use the advertising columns of the

Has Node Important Discovery WhileI
ExiperimIenting for United States
Rubber Company
That Prof. H. A. Hus, of the botany
department, who is on a three years',
leave of absence from the University,
but who is in Ann Arbor for a few
days, has made an important discovery
in the rubber industry was announced
yesterday afternoon by one of they
pi ofessors of the University to a Daily
reporter. Prof. Hus has found the1
type of rubber plants called the Bra-;
zalian rubber trees, that produce the
most rubber per tree. This will be a
great aid to the rubber industry in
the future, owing to the great demand'
for rubber at the present time.
Doctor. H-ns was granted a three1
years' leave of absence last August
to do some experimental work for the
United States Rubber company at their
plantations in Sumatra and in the bot-
anical garden at Buitenzorg on the;
island of Java.
Owing to the lack of laboratory
equipment because of the present war,+
he was unable to make the experi-
ments in the Indies that he wished. He
therefore, decided to take the material
that he has collected so far to the
botanical gardens in New York city,
where better facilities for carrying on;
his work are located. He is at pres-
ent on his way to New York and has
stopped off in Ann Arbor to consult
vrith the University botany department
regarding his work.
Professor Hus will leave the city
this afternoon with his wife and child
for New York. While in the city he
has been the guest of Prof. S. P. Lock-
wood, of the University School of
The Michigan Daily held its first
staff dinner of the year at the Union
last night. The combined business
and editorial staffs attended, and were
treated to tasty food and brief but
interesting talks.
John C. B. Parker, '17, managing
editor, acted as toastmaster. Prof.
Gordon Stoner of the Law School
spoke on the worth of service as an
ideal. Clarence T. Fishleigh, '17E,
business manager, took as his subject
the co-operation which the business
and editorial staffs of The Daily have
achieved, and Charles S. Clark, Jr.,
'19, made a few remarks on the man-
ner in which Daily work appeals to
new reporters.
Adelphi Debaters to Draw Places
Adelphi men intending to try out
for places on the mid-west debating
team are requested to be present in
person or by proxy at the next meet-
ing of the society on Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 12, to draw places for the
preliminary tryouts which will be held
on Dec. 19.
R. D. Mac Nitt has discontinued do-
ing Calkins Drug Co.'s kodak finish-
ing. A new store will be opened by
him in the Nickels Arcade the 15th of
December, which will have a complete
line of Eastman kodaks and supplies.
Amateur finishing will be his special-
ty. Temporary quarters for receiving
films that were formerly left at Calk-
ins. will be at 232 Nickels Arcade.-
adv. 3-5-6-7-8-9

Red Cross seaxi Campaign Gains
Faor Throughout Country;
President Supports Plan
'This is Tuberculosis Week through-
out the United States.
Tuberculosis Week is not as well
observed in this part of the contry
as it is in others, but it nevertheless,
has gained some prominence. Differ-
ent tuberculosis authorities and var-
ious organizations in the state of
Michigan have taken up the movement
and it is gaining such favor that it
will probably be an annually observed
affair in a few years.
.The aim of the movement is the
bringing before the greatest number of
people possible throughout the coun-
try, a presentation of the subject of
tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Week ends
Dec. 10.
President Shows Interest
In regard to the movement for the
sale of the Christmas seals, President
Wilson, in a letter to the National as-
sociation for the Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosis, made the following
"I m interested to learn of the suc-
cess of the sale of the Red Cross
Christmas Seal. I note with genuine
interest and satisfaction the growth
and increasing success of the work of
the National Association for the Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis and
hope that the devotion and enthus-
iasm of its active members may ie
crowned with still greater success
during the present year.
"I am interestedlto learn of the su-
cess of the sale of the Red Cross
Christmas Seals as a means for rais-
ing funds for the work, and I hope
that the people of the country will
avail themselves of that ready and
easy means of showing their interest
in a work which is of so universal
Seals to the number of 325,000,000
are now on sale in every state and
territory of the United States, even in
the Canal Zone, the Philippines I-la-
waii, and Porto Rico.
More students are making use of the
reading room in Memorial hall this
year than ever before. Current num-
bers of the best magazines may be
found in the reading room and the
building is open for use from 8 o'clock
in the morning until 10 o'clock at
The files are supplied with a num-
ber of daily newspapers from differ-
ent parts of the country and an ef-
fort is being made to increase the
number. Papers from the south and
the west are in great demand, but the
supply is limited. Students who re-
ceive papers from these sections are
requested to lend them for use in the
files. The librarian will see that none
of, these papers are lost and will re-
turn them to their owners.
Ohio State to Hold Beauty Contest
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 8.---The stu-
dents at Ohio State University are to
have an oportunity to express their
preference as to whom they consider
the seven prettiest girls on the cam-
pus. Balloting will be conducted
Friday, and the winners will have
their pictures placed in the Makio, the
the Ohio State magazine.

Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Patent
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps

200-202 MAIN ST

Come In


Buy Comfy Slippers for Xmas

WAHRV'S hoe Stores
Main St. State St.
Pianist Heads Fitform Clothes
Russian School!
(:abrilowitsch's Wife, Daughter of


Slippers for Dancing

Mark Twain, Also Musician
of Note
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who will ap-
pear in Hill auditorium on the even-
ing of Dec. 12, is by universal con-
sent at the head of the Russian School
of Pianists, while his wife, Clara
Clemens, best known in this country,
perhaps, as the daughter of Mark
Twain, has won wide recognition as
a contralto of unusual attainments.
Mr. and Mrs. Gabrilowitsch form an
unusually interesting combination. So
identified is the pianist with Mrs.
Gabrilowitsch's artistic career that he
not only appears jointly with her in
a limited number of cities, but acts as
her accompanist as well-a conces-
sion which few artists of his standing
would make under any circumstances.
One of the most important things
that Gabrilowitsch has done in recent
years is a series of orchestra concerts
which he gave in Munich illustrating
the development of the piano concerto
from Bach to the present time. One
critic in speaking of this performance,
said: "It is a marvelous fact that this
artist played not less than 19 con-
certos beginning with Bach and end-
ing with modern works.
"But still more marvelous is the
masterly way in which his art suc-
ceeded in bringing the composers to
life. This is a task which only Gab-
rilowitsch, to my mind the most ver-
satile of living pianists, is able to ful-
fill, and in such a way that the per-
formance of every composition
amounted to a musical event."

a~om Sc N=

But the read center of teening life Michigan Daily in order' to reach the
was the punch bowl. A squad of best of Ann Arbor's buyers.

FOR SALE--Latest model low pitch
Alto Saxaphone, in perfect condition,
complete with case $4.00. Conn
professional trombone $20.00. B.
Ford, 602 Monroe St. , 9-10
WANTED-Is there a good paying
restaurant for sale in Ann Arbor?
Do not answer unless you mean
business; owners only. Address Box
H, Michigan Daily. 7-8-9
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment at
No. 3 Cutting, for three months,
starting about January 10. Phone
1326-M. 7-8-9-10

LOST-Acacia fraternity pin, triangu-
lar with emerald points. Call L. S.
Thompson at 783. Reward. 8,9
TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood '& Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. I). MORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
EMPLOYMENT-For two hours each
evening for a student who has had
experience as clothing salesman.
Address W care of Daily. 9-15in



The annual sophomore Christmas
party will be given Saturday after-
noon, Dec. 16, instead of in the even-
ing as previously announced. A short
musical program has been arranged
for the affair and dancing will con-
tinue from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock. No
admission will be charged to those
sophomores who have paid their dues.
Purdue Begins Winter Militafy Work
Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 8.-The winter
schedule of military work at Purdue
University started Tuesday. The Pur-
due military staff has been raised to
six by the addition of three sergeants
detailed to assist in the instruction.
(graduates Aid flhinesota Relief Fund
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 8.-Minne-
sota has annexed itself to the Euro-
pean prison relief campaign. Two do-
nations of $250 each have been receiv-
ed from interested graduates.

Hiee.r Victor Record
NO, 18168

When looking for a new Suit
or Overcoats step in to our
store, and see ,the best line of
FITFORM Suits and Overcoats
in the city.
Also a big line of
Furnishings, Hats and Caps
116 E. Liberty Street
ie Young lien's' Shop
Dancing classes and private lessons
at the Packard Academy 18-tf
Magazine subscriptions-Best club
offers 'at Wahr's Book Stores.

Yellow and Blue College Days
Sung by the Peerless Quartette
Phone us your order for one

Grinnell Bros.

116 S. Maim S
PHONE 1707


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