l i/ ., *( + i t ' 1 Il9 J ""'' jf> l Ali , S , , , -, li ;,, I' il; f j ,. ,; : . ., Treat Yourself To A Nelv Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- day and select the cloth from our as- fortmnent of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- able. G. L. Wild Company Leading Merchant Tailor State S lilllllllit ll11111lllli tilllttlllltliltlltlllllllllllliltt ittl. Your Room is not complete without a Stewart Phonograph. only- 6 50, At LMENDINGER MUSIC SHOP 692 122 E. Liberty St. littlltlt#II11 tJ1111111 111111111111111liii 111111111 l11ittl 111111ii1ll1lilllli AL Phone 1 A most welcome CHRISTMAS GIFT H. G. 'Wrells. "Mr. Britling Sees it Throug h" The 1a1er Book Shop Phont 430 336 S. State St. STOP AT TUTTLE'S 338 S. STATE for sodas and lunches GEORGE BISCMOFF hoice Cut Flowers and Plants 0 Ch ipn St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M GIRLS! buy tickets at Beauty Shop and I save $1.50 on $5.00. Souvenir with kevery,50c purchase of cosmetics. Miss Mable Rowe 503 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 240 FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $too,ooo Surplus and Profit $6,ooo DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott Geo. W. Patterson Harry M. Hawley S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule nFred Schmid D. B. Sutton E. D. Kinnie MAIL YOUR LAUNDRY HOME TlE PARCEL POST LAUNDRY RAG carries three weeks laundry 200 miles for 10c. Saves its cost first trip. Made from white canvass and leather. Has aluminum stamp-plate and reversible address plate for t your address on one side and home address on the other. Can be used as an ordinary laundry bag when not in transit. Size 14x20 inches. AGENTS WANTED . Price, $1.25 Postpaid THE PARGEL POST BAG CO, 3000 Clifton Avenue, Baltimore, Md i111IF91111t11111111111111111111111ii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110i NICuiWAN DAIL Official newspaper at the University of Mi ..gan. Published every morning except M -nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. ' tes: run Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier, $2.5; by mail, $3o.0 Want ad. stations: Quarry's Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta. con State and Packard. Phones: Business, 6o; Editorial, 244.k Communications not to exceed 3 e o words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:3O o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker.........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn..................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald..........ports ditor Harold C. L. Jackson.......elegraph Editor Verne ". Burnett.. ........Associate kditor lGolda Ginsburg............ Woren's ditor Carleton W. Reade........Statistical ditor Marian Wilson ............. Literary Editor J. E. Campbell... Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne.. Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau...Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter...Assistant Business Manager Night Editors J. L. Stadeker E. L. Zeigler . M. tickling 1. M. Carey B. A. Swaney L. W. Nieter L. S. Thompson F. A. Baumgarth Reporters W. A. Atlas Allen Shoenfield H. C. Garrison C. L. Roeser C. W. Neumann T. F. McAllister C. S. Clark' D. S. Rood R. 1. Fricken G. . Brophy 1l. I. Millar F. A. Taber 1. . Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighell K. L. Wehmeyerf . P. Hart Annetta L. Wood Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson Paul F. Cholette Harry R. Louis Harold Makison Earl F. Ganschow Don M. Lillie Seymour . Wilson Walter' R. Payne Jackson W. Smart cow I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1916. Night Editor-C. M. Jikling CHRISTMAS The spirit of Christmas tingles from the air and shines from the shops lighted in the early dusk. The smile of Christmas dances in the eyes and smiles of many million people. The gifts of Christmas are hiding away in packed dresser drawers and dark corners awaiting their transfiguration on evergreen trees, Even the father with his thinning wallet gets much enjoyment. Even the school child with its toy bank. Even the poor, when people think of them enough to help and cheer them a little. THE GOODFELLOW CAMPAIGN The local Goodfellow campaign is to make a real Christmas for a few hun- dred Ann Arbor citizens who are real- ly suffering from poverty. The .cam- pus branch of the work is especially for the children of the poor. The cam- paign was unfortunately late in start- ing and, hence, needs great and speedy co-operation. Fraternities and houseclubs have the opportunity of providing outfits of clothes and Christmas feeds for small boys, whose names are provided by the Ann Arbor Federated charities. Campus societies have an opportunity of giving small money contributions, and offers of in- dividual services. Individuals have the chance of doing the maximum amount of good with money by dropping It in a "goodfellow box" which will ap- pear in many campus buildings, or by mailing it to the Goodfellow editor of The Michigan Daily. FIVE VALUABLE BIRD BOOKS PRESENTED TO UNIVERSITY A. M. Todd, of Kalamazoo, Donates Set of Volumes Containing 350 Full Page Plates Besides offering the use of his lib- rary, A. M. Todd of Kalamazoo, has presented to the University a valu- able five volume set of books on "Birds of New Guinea." These books measure about 27 by 20 inches each and contain 350 full page plates picturing the birds in life size and natural colors. All coloring is done by hand and the material represents the life work of John Gould among tropical birds. The set was bound in heavy leather embossed with gold by Riviere, the famous London craftsman. Dean Bate Sneaks i Battle Creek Dean Harry M. Bates, of the law school, spoke before the University of Michigan club of Battle Creek, at its annual meeting Thursday evening, in the Post tavern. His subject was the Adamson law. Dan Reed, assistant football coach of Cornell, also spoke. Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place Persons who want student workers during the vacation days may tele- phone the "Y" now. Office hours of thie 14V Em- ployment D e- partinent: 3-6 P.M. daily f 9-12 A. M. Sat. Telephone 823 BOOKS WORTH READING FIBBLE D. D., by Irvin S. Cobb. George H. Doran, New York. Fibble is a youngish clergyman. He is fond of the gentle refinements of life which include sky blue outing costumes trimmed with large, white pearl buttons. He is the head of "The Young Nuts of America." He takes his young scholars for an outing in tho woods. His excessive delicacy of feeling, however, prevents him from taking along such superfluities as food and bedding. That is to say, all except a small pale pink pillow, a present from some admiring young woman. His ad- ventures in the woods are what might be expected, ; Fibble is the sort of person who gives a cabman a ten dollar bill and waits-weeks-for the change. As one might imagine, when he is stranded in France at the beginning of the war, he cables Bryan to send him a spe- cial car to convey him and the eight young ladies with whom he is travel- ing, to a place of safety. Fibble in love is as logical as he is in France, and in the woods. If one finds exceeding amusement in the spectacle of such a person writh- ing from numerous caterpillars dropped down his back by small boys, "Fibble, D. D.," is an excellent yarn. Irvin Cobb can be so intensely amnus- ing in a way no one else possesses. It is a disappointment to find this par- ticular kind of extravaganza appear- ing under his name. However, to those who really are amused by such antics from such a person, "Fibble, D. D.," can be most heartily recom- mended. I I 59 --ott- -,-----: . _ - ,6 ..- 'a. ' a th 4 1 i t 2 i r s i J T ' i . , ," WcYr1',$ttY.At ¢#ACK4;7Yr .r .. .... +. ..,+.,, . TBLES and mosquitos a lot aike. Neither -s 'round a place whar 0 RO Uar one sty 0 I Students desir- ing employment during the vaca- tion may regis- ter their names at the "Y" now Dhar's plenty o' good pipe smoke. VELVET is a good pipe smoke ,41f111111111111111[11111 i i 111111111 1111111 1111111111111111it11111111111111111111111 1111111111111 u- P FRESH HOME MADE Vanilla and Chocolate CREAM WALNUT CAR AMELS Vanilla and Maple CRE AVI WALNUT FUDGE SEA FOAM KISSES and all kinds of Chocolate Bon Bons' Chocolate Nut Meats The Fountain of Youth State Street Cor. Liberty . l1411111111i 1114114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119" !111 1Il lII~ 1QI III[ III II~ ill ll IlI I fIIII I II I III riI I il ofil i li lilli I illi lllliI Qll s EJxxaf.Ready The icJohigamn Calendar :. Its a wonder-daintyartistic and dignified-A beautiful CHRISTMAS GIFT-at the modest price of S0 -- - S UNIVER ITY BOOKSTORES ste.te St. Main St. LAND E R S O R FLO WERS PHONE 294 213 E. Liberty St. Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Service Flowers by Wire to All the World. There has never been a year When we have had such artistic things Your bhopping will be easy at DeFries Art Store (DOWNTOWN) 223 S. Main A( L Our ale,rm clocks Chapman, Jeweler, street. are good clocks. 113 South Main tus-A 1YPEWITERS of all makes >ale or Rent. Cleaning & tepairing. TYPEWRITING & 2IMESG ING SUPPLIES 22,3. State 58W-4 I The Mimes 9 The Student Council Some mighty interesting facts on these organizations in the Christmas IN LANDER Out the 13th - Don't Miss it. Wlomcn Miss Alice Evans and Miss Marion Wood will be at home to college wom- e for Miss Marion Dawley from 3 to >:30 o'clock this afternoon at New- berry residence. The board of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock his morning at Barbour gymnasium. Juniors are requested not to send lowers .to their freshmen for the reshman spread. Attention of freshman women is alled to the precedent which has been stablished in former years that all ollege girls should cancel all other ngagements for this evening except he spread. The board of directors of the Wom- n's league and the judiciary council' will meet to have their picture taken ,t Randall and Pack's at 1:15 o'clock Interco[lciate Ohio State University: Ohio State will hold its 25th annual apple show December 14 to 16. Prizes and prem- iums .to the total of $350 are offer- ed. Apples of practically all var- ieties will be displayed. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvanits foot- ball team will play the undefeated Oregon team in a post season game at Pasadena, Cal., on New Year's day. Twenty-six men will make the trip. Colorado: The librarian at the Uni- versity of Colorado reports that the number of books in the university library has been increased by 18.973 volumes in the last two years, and that there are now in the stacks a total of 1I 1OA)0 books on every im- a.ilable subject. 8yreu-se: John Dustin A rehbold, lrecsitlent of the board of trustees of the Univ'rsity of Syracuse, and its greatest benefactor, died Tues- ( ay morning at his home in Tarry- town, after a two weeks' illness. All classes in the university were suspended from 10 to 1 o'clock Thursday, during the time of the funeral. . F.higall A A riciltural Colle-e: On com ,pletion of M. A. C's new gym- _ asium, compulsory physical train- intg and examinations will be the lot' of all entrants to the college. The only difficulty in the way of com- pulsory physical training is the mil- itary drill required by the common- wealth of land grant colleges. dlnemsota: Tflhe University of Min- nesota is conducting a state wide campaign to raise $60,000 for a Y.1 M. C. A. building and equipment. Over 450 men are engaged in thet effort to raise the required amount in four days.f 1101 Christmas Gifts are to be found Takes Pictures Develops Films makes Prints and Enlarge- ments. 13 E. VUIVERSITY IETR0IT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on E.astern timne, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-- 8:1o a. in., and hourly to 7:10 p iM.; 9:10 p. nm. Kalarnazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. ii. and every two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 P. InI. Jackson Express Cars-(Local stops west of 1nn Arbor)--9:48 a. n. and every two hours to 7:48 p. Mn. Local Cars Eastbound-S:35 a. m, 6:40 a M., 7:05 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. =11., 8:o5 p. mn., 9:o5 p. mn., 10 :5o p. m. to Ypsilanti only. 9:20 a. m.,g9:5o a. m:, 2:05 p wi., 6:03 p. mrr., 11:45 p. in., 1:io a. m., t :zu a. m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars Westbound-6:o5 a. in., 7:50 a n., 10:20 . mr, 12:20 a. i. We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3,800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Office- 707 North University Ave. M '-L The leather heel has outlived its usefulness. It is doomed!l Hard, nail-studded leather heels are not adapted to the pavements of this "Concrete Age." The impact of heel on stone wears down the "leather heel in two or three weeks. The constant jarring caused by leather heels hurts your nervous system. Save your heels, your shoes, and'yourself by wearing O'Sullivan's Heels of New Live Rubber. They last twice as long as leather heels and keep your shoes in shape much longer. When you buy your new shoes, buy them O'Sullivanized. Insist on O'Sullivanized shoes; the new live rubber heels give the greatest wear with the greatest re- siliency. d; \,r7 =o 1^ 1 r . '. 1: ..: ....,:: ' 1 ;i ... _ ' Cpyri'kt 116, O'S. R. CO, :L I he Farmers & Mechanics Bank offers the Best in Modern Banking SECURITY - - - EFFICIENCY Convenient and Pleasant quarters. You Will Be Pleased With Our Service. Two offices 101-105 S. Main St. 330 S. State St. THE SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads for results. o - STRAND N~9 505 SLK. N9 605 TAN 'I iy A+4 ntJ "! SS ', ,7~ia..::+.'ws .: _, ..: - ----- - - , A ,17 .russ. r d ° ry..s: at THE PALAIS ROYAL. 9-10 611 E. William St. 5tf