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December 07, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-07

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Just received another lot of those

} ' V \ 1

Feather Weight Soft Hats

It is by no means presumpt-
uous on our part to say that



* -
5amart i be
are the best clothes
because we are :ince
/ belief that human mi
hands cannot desi
tailor better clothes
your needs.
- 1"

s made;
re in our
nds and
gn and
to meet


Tinker & Company
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats
Particular Men.
" Cor. S. State and Willam Sts.

/I ,


yourself v
a smile and
air of prospe
ity. Wear
your best bt
ness suit an
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have nc
best suit-bi
one. We ha
to appear pr
sperous, if v
are to be prc





40 r WAivkto

Udnonsohmint, Apfel & Go,
209 S. Main St.
The Eberbach & Son Co.

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is.Right.


The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

6o Gems inM Rare
Book 's Covering
Volumes Exhibited by Hon. A. M. Todd
Contain Beautiful Examples
of Bookbinders' Art
Specimens of bookbinding, includ-
ing one piece in which more than
sixty uncut gems are set in leather,
and come beautiful inlay work, will
be on display, along with some more
rare books. in room 219 of the Natural
science building today. The display
is the property of the Hon. A. M.
Todd of Kalamazoo, and will be on
exhibit for one week. Mr. Todd has.
in the past presented a number of rare
books to the library.
Most of the famous modern English
binders, including the firms of Zaehns-
dorf, Bedford, Clark, and Sangorski &
Sutcliff are represented in the exhibit.
There are also specimens of binding
done by Colden-Sanderson, the cele-
brated English printers and binders
as well as bindings by the well known
firm of Riviere, in Paris.
Some of the finest work has been
done by woman artists and profession-
al binders well known in England.
The various kinds of leather used in
making valuable covers such as full
crushed levant and the old fashioned
straight grained morroco and calf-
skin are shown in the display.
Mr. Todd is showing in addition to
the specimens mentioned, some books
on birds, including a finely bound copy
of Sharpe's "Birds of Paradise," a
copy of which he presented to the
University Lib~rary last June.'
'. 1. McLean and John McGregor As-
sert Dealers Make Only Small
Profit on Eggs and Butter
"I think the movement is a mis-

q I


One of Our Dinnesrs
Served from 11 to 7
Regular Dinner 35c consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.
SPECIALS, as served.
Soup xo with meat order .o5
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef "25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'l .25
Bread and Mashed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes ,o5
Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .o5 Stewed peas .05
Potatoes german cried .05
Home made pies per cut .05 Rice cus-
tard .05. with cream ro.
Coffee .o5 Tea .05 Chocolate .o5
Milk per bottle .05 Cocoa .io
Open All Nlght J A. OACKENRUSH. Ui r

Attractiveness and usefulness
are required In every real holi-
day gift. Our suits present
these qualities in perfect com-
bination and harmony.
S16 N.,. Williams St.

John McGregor, a grocer at 551 East
University, also saw no need of a
boycott. He believes that a boycott
would make no differtnce because the
demand is greater than the supply.
The shortage is due to poor crops and
shipments to Europe. Mr. McGregor
also was in favor of a national em-
bargo, and believed that prices would
soon come down to a lower level.
Watch the Orator
Who Tells Jokes
Dr.; B.L. Reitman Says That Sort Al-
ways Changes Your Opin-
ions Easily
"There's a great deal in studying the
psychology of an audience," said Dr.
Ben L. Reitman, chairman ,of Emma
Goldman's meetings, yesterday. "I al-
ways endeavor to obtain the good will
of the audience before beginning the
program. If once you have their con-
fidence, then itis an easy matter to
convey your idea.
"The trouble with most people is
that they are prejudiced against us.
They are afraid of us, thinking that
we will throw a bomb in their midst."
When asked the reason for the gen-
eral belief that anarchists are violent,
Dr. Reitman replied: "Cartoonists are
in a way instrumental, because they
always draw the anarchist holding a
bomb in each l and.
"Humor," Dr. Heitman concluded,
"is a great force in attracting the at-
tention of an audience before the seri-
ous part of the speech or lecture be-
gins. Most great orators start out
with some amusing anecdote. The
clown in a circus always preceeds the
bareback riders. Billy Sunday uses
humor which adds much to the force
of his sermons."
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 6.-The
high cost of living holds no terrors for
Martin Inman, a physical director in
a sanitorium here. Mr. Inmian has
lived for a number of months on22
cents a day, and is in good physical
His bill of fare consists of the fol-
lowing: One and one-half pounds of
"feed store" wheat soaked over night
and simmered for ten hours over aR
small flame, four apples, one ounce of
dairy butter, and nine ounces of rais-
ins. The food value of this ration com-
prises about 1,600 food units. Dietetic
experts consider this'a liberal-and well
balanced ration for the average man.

Students! Get Your

Phone 432-J

Window Cards, Stationery, etc.

200-202 MAIN

#11##ti#I11111111111##11111#i#Nt## 1### i l ii 1111.s1111#1i#Et 6 ii::111111 1!Sa R
Don't forget the fact that we are sell-
ing the best Suits and Overcoats in
the city at Live and Let Live Prices.
116 E. Liberty
The Young Mens Shop
lltllllitil ll ll# 1 111tttli11 il#t ##i tt t##ttt3 #lt# #13 ;" s

109-111 E. Washington, 2nd Doc

Co1e In


Newly Elected Members to be Initiated
at This Time


nnThe Mimes will give a tea Saturday
afternoon, Dec. 16, at the Michigan Un-
ADELPHI REPRESENTATIVES IN Ion. New members will be initiated.
FAVOR OF VOTE SOLICITATION The club is planning on serving a,
lunch at 1 o'clock, which wif l be fol-
Members of the Adelphi house of lowed by cabaret and dancing features
representatives, at their meeting Tues- by the initiates. An informal dance
day night went on record as unani- will follow. The affair is intended
mously in favor of the repeal of the only for last year's members. The dif-
present rule against solicitation of ferent committees will be announced
votes in campus elections. later.
This is the first action taken by any Try-outs for the annual opera given
of the campus societies with respect by the club will be held during this
to remedying the existing conditions semester and the cast will be chosen
in class elections. This matter, fav- from the material at hand.
oring the wholesome solicitation of-
votes, will be brought up at meetings N. Hackett Now With Wilkes Players
of other campus debating societies this Norman H. Hackett, ex-'98, one of
week, with a view towards inducing the founders of the University of Mich-
the student council to take action on igan Comedy club, and one of the fore-
the matter. The resolution was intro- most actors of the country, is at pres-
duced into the Adelphi by the speaker ent with the Wilkes Players, a stock
of the house, Ralph M. Carson, '17. company in Seattle.

take," said W. D. McLean, proprietor
of the Lamb & Spencer grocery, 318
South State street, yesterday after-
noon when asked his opinion of the
newly formed Ann Arbor Housewives
"The small retail dealers are having
a very hard time of it as it is," said
Mr. McLean. It is unjust to impose
any more burdens upon them. As for
a boycott on butter and eggs, it
wouldn't hurt us because there is not
enough to go around now.
"The wholesalers have told us that
it would make little difference to
them if no eggs were bought in Ann
Arbor, for they could easily dispose
of them elsewhere. Our profit is only
about six per cent on both eggs and
butter and out of this profit we must.
pay our help and other overhead ex-
"We must pay cash for all our sup-
plies. A great many commodities are
only to be had in small quantities and
tht wholesalers never give us tll we
ask for."
When asked what he thought lay
behind the shortage, Mr. McLean said
that the European export trade has
assumed enormous proportions. Milk
is being shipped over in a quantity 12
times as large as that before the war."
"A national embargo might help, but
a local boycott would be a mistake
and unjust," he concluded.
,'auiel Shirts made to erder. 6. .
Wild Company. Leading merckaxt
tailors. State street. tf

Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, pastor of
the Broadway tabernacle church of
New York city, will speak in Hill au-
ditorium, Sunday evening, Dec. 10.
Doctor Jefferson has recently be-
come prominent in the United States
by his -speeches advocating peace, he
being one of the most ardent workers
of the cause in the United States to-
Michigan Branch of ,Union Convenes
The Michigan branch of the Con-
gressional Union for Women's Suff-
rage will hold its second annual con-
vention today at Bay City. Chairman
Mrs. W. Nelson Whittemore of De-
troit, will be in charge of the meet-
ing which will be held in the Y. W.
C. A. building.

Slippers for Dancirng
'r0K MN
Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Patent
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps
Buy Comfy Slippers for Xm as
Main St. 't.ate St.
Patrons of ROYAL TAILOR Made-to-Meas-
ure Tailoring should place their orders now for
of the most exacting tailoring are assured to
every one who honors us with his order.

FOR SALE--Banjo, professional style
Friedrich make, cost $20.00, will sell
for $12.00 cash. Inquire Mrs. K. M.
Webster, 133 Waverly Ave., S. E.
Grand Rapids, Mich. 2-3-5-6-7-8
FOR SALE--New Hawiian steel guitar



with all-steel attachments and in-
struction books. Will sacrifice for
quick sale. Call between 5 and 9
o'clock, 889-J. 7
LOST-Sunday between Michigan Un-
ion and M. C. depot, a Parker foun-
tain pen, self-filling. Phone 1257-J. 7
LOST-Let the Michigan Daily. And
that lost article of yours through
one of its classified advertisements
in this column.

* - TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent 'Under.
mood & Oorona. TYPEWRITING,
0. P. M( MIILL0 & S tate ft
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
WANTED-Is there a good paying
restaurant for sale in Ann Arbor?
Do not answer unless you mean
business; owners only. Address Box
H, Michigan Daily. 7-8-9
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment at
No. 8 Cutting, for three months,
starting about January 10. Phone
1326-M. 7-4-9-10

You have not skepp d
Unless you have stopped
At the James Foster House of Art.

t I

H-a --. 18- 68---
W r lot r Record
1 140,19166 11

Yellow aad ile College Days
Sng gy ths PeerlessrQruar.t"'
Phone us your order for one



Grinnell Bros*

116 8. M f at.

308 S. State St.
P."S. "We require 8 days for delivery.



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