D~ ~ui F i 11 EADR Of 171 VARHSITY ELEVEN BIG FULLBACK IS CHOSEN BY FELLOW 1916 "M" MEN PLAYED ON 1914 AlL-FRESH Dependable Ground Gainer and De- fense Man Has Won Two Football "M's" Cedric C. Smith, better known as Pat Smith, was elected to the 1917 Varsity football captaincy yesterday. The election was held when the mem- bers of the 1916 team gathered to have their picture taken, so that the camera caught ex-Captain Maulbetsch and Captain-elect Smith together. This is the third year that the new Varsity leader has been prominent in Michigan football. During his first year he proved to be one of Douglass chief ground gainers, when the Varsity backfield coach was mentor of the yearling squad. The next year Pat played regular fullback for the 1915 Varsity,'winning his "M." He re- peated the performance again this past season. The election of Pat to take place as Maulie's successor is the logical out- come of his work. Not only has the new captain been a potent factor in increasing Michigan's yardage total, but his work on defense has stopped many a strong rush by opposing teams. He has been a bard worker and has the advantage of two years under Yost as a foundation, as well as two sea- sons under Douglass. Besides the 1917 leader, only Ray- mond and Boyd are left from the 1914 All-Fresh team. He will have a strong band of veterans with which to form the nucleus of next year's team. We- mann, Peach, Weske, Sparks, Ray- mond, Boyd, and numerous others plus Captain Smith are a promising start toward a new team. With these men and others back of him, Captain Pat should head a winning combination when the first whistle sounds next fall. YPSI GAMES REVIVE SOCCER Schedule Is Reopened to Provide Two Normallte Games Can you beat it? After the author- ties poficially announce the close of a no-game soccer season and after all post-mortems, word is received from Ypsilanti that they are open for two games with the Wolverine aggrega- tion. Previous attempts to obtgin clashes with the Normalites were unsuccess- ful, due to the smallpox scare which has been maneuvering in the vicinity of Ypsilanti. Games have been sched- uled for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock on Ferry field and at the home of the teachers next Wednesday aft- ernoon. Last year the Michigan soc- cerites took both games from the Nor- malites and this year will meet a stronger team. Ypsi is out for re- venge. Practice will be resumed today at 3 o'clock when Coach Peirsol will put his men through some hard tactics to fit them for the tussle Saturday morn- ing. Suits will be given to the men and a captain elected from among them. WIL UN UHRtL UNbMtJ TOT HURRYULGISLTION President Renews Approval of High Freight Rates; Points Out Important Bills Washington, Dec. 6.-President Wil- son sent his annual message to con- gress yesterday, sections of which fol- low: "Gentlemen of the Congress: I real- ize the limitations of'time under which you will necessarily act at this ses- sion and shall make my suggestions as few as possible; but there were some things left undone at the last session which there will now be time to complete and which it seems neces- sary to do at once. Urges Congress Act Quickly. "In the first place, it seems to me imperatively necessary that considera- tion should be accorded the remaining measure of the program of settlement which I recommended at the close of your last session in view of the pub- lic dangers disclosed by the difficul- ties which exist between the railroads of the country and their locomotive engineers, conductors and trainmen. "I then recommend: High Freight Rate Approved. "Explicit approval by the congress of the consideration by !te interstate commerce commission of an increase of freight rates to meet additional ex- penditures by the railroads, as may have been rendered necessary by the adoption of the eight-hour day, and which have not been offset by admin- istrative readjustments and economies. should the facts disclosed justify the increase.' "The other suggestions-the in- crease in the interstate commerce com- mission's membership and facilities, the provision for public investigation and assessment of industrial disputes. and the grant to the executive of power to control and operate the rail- ways when necessary in time of war or other public necessity-I now earn- estly renew. Three Bills Before Senate. "Three matters of capital importance await the action of the senate which have already been acted upon by the house of representatives: The bill to extend greater freedom, of combina- tion to those engaged in promoting the foreign commerce of the country, the bill amending the present organic law of Porto Rico, and the bill proposing a more thorough and systematic regu-, lation of the corrupt practices act." DEAN H. N. BATES TO SPEAK TO UNIV. CLUB OF BATTLE CREEK Henry M. Bates, dean of the Law School, will speak at an informal din- ner of the University club of Battle Creek this evening at the Post Tavern on the subject "Is the Adamson Law Constitutional ?" Dan Reed, Cornell football coach and All-American guard, will also be a guest of the club and will speak on "The Man on the Gridiron." Immedi- ately after the dinner a group picture of the club will be taken for the Michi- gan Alumnus. Medical Students Hold Smoker Students of the medical college gave a smoker last night at the Union. Many novel features were introduced, among which were skits, a 12-piece orchestra. and a string quartet. .d xc 'nt Basketball Schedule Could be Arranged by Michigan So far in the discussion of Var- sity basketball Pirought forward in The Daily, tht only objection to the esablishment of the sport has Pen the fear that the schedule could not be satisfactory. It is admitted by most of the supporters of the move- ment that the schedule for the first .ear or two would have to consist largely of games with minor colleges teams but it is their contention that a good schedule could be worked into as soon as the sport was placed firmly on its feet. These men contend that if Mich- igan can get gamestwith strong tast- ern teams in football and baseball, she could-get them in basketball. The eastern teams fill their stands when to play basketball? Their trip need not necessarily be a losing venture. Michigan plays them in fooball. Why shouldn' they be willing to sacrifice a little, to send a team to Ann Arbor It is possible for a basketball team to play a game every night for a wetk. In this way several games could be played during the trip to Ann Arbor and these would help to cut down the expenses of the invasion. The same thing goes for a Michigan team mak- ing a trip through the east, west, or south. Even the first year's schedule need not be entirely uninteresting. For exampie, games this year could prob- ably be booked with M. A. C., Notre Dame, Kalamazoo Normal, and Hope, all strong aggregations. These teams alone would mean eight games if a home-and-home plan were adopted. There are four ttams with good repu- tations in the court game that are go- ing to play the Aggies at East Lans- ing this winter and they could prob- ably be induced tp come to Ann Arbor for a game during their trip. These teams are West Virginia Wesleyan, Wabash, University of Buffalo, and Northwestern college. It should not be difficult to fill out the rest of a schedule displaying these games. The following are opinions on the Varsity basketball question txpressed by prominent students. C. C. Smith, '18, captain of the 1917 Varsity football team: We ought to have Varsity basket- all. Of course we would be forced to accept a rather poor schedule at first but we should be able to build it up in time. The only question is whether we would not be too for in the dole financially by the time we worked up some good competition. It. W. Harbert, '17, business manager of TIhe Michiganensian: I am in fai or of the proposition. The sport is a .ney-maker in most chools. I do not see why we could not get plenty of competition. There are several Ohio colleges who would give Michigan a good battle. . it. (. Muzzy, '17, president of the sen- ior literary class: I am in favor of the movement. The only question is that of competition and I think that it can be satisfactor- ly answered. Ii. F. Weske, '18E, Varsity tackle: I am in favor of a Varsity basket- ball team. It will provide an excellent method of keeping the football men in shape for the winter. G, L. Cook, '17L, president of the Stu- dent council: I am strong for it. There is a big demand for the sport on the campus and I think that the students should have it. There is no doubt in my mind but that we could build up a good schedule in time. It. K. White, '17, business manager of the Gargoyle: Varsity basketball would be a fine thing for Michigan. It is a big help in keeping athletes in condition dur- ing the winter. The schedule, I think, will develop. We wouldn't want very big games at first. W. A. Niemaun, '17, Varsity center: I am in favor of Varsity basketball. I can't see why we can't step right into fast competition. We certainly save the material. I think the big. gest thing involved in the question is the fact that basketball will bring imore athletes to the University. if. 6V. Welch, '17, president of the Un- iversity Y. M. C. A.: I think a Varsity basketball team would be a fine thing. We ought to have it. We would have to start small at first but after we had developed a rood team, I can see no reason why we should not he able to get the best iompetition in the country. I think that the addition of basketball as a Varsity sport woul round out our athletic relations and would raise the etandard of the University athletically in the west. V. E. Burnett, '17, member of the Stu- deat ceuzet1: I am in favor of basketball as a major sport. It would help keep unp athletic interest in the winter. P. E. Fols, '17, managing editor of the Gargoyle-With our new gymnasi- um ready for use, I think Varsity basketball would undoubtedly be a success. J. E. Chenot, '19L, intercollege manager-I am very much in favor of the proposition. The only possible argument I can see against it is that we would have to play inferior col- leges at first, but I think that this condition of affairs could be oercome in time. In fact, I do not think that it will be absolutely necessary to play vary many small colleges even at first. If we can get ompetitio in football, baseball, and track from the east, we ought to be able to get competition in basketball. "Jak rot with his chilly blasts and wear a I' Da Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School spoke on the Adamson law be- fore the Barristers at their first bi- weekly luncheon at the Union yester- day noon. About 20 of the members were present. The next informal luncheon will, according to present plans, be held Dec. 19. Camp Davis Deance Tomorrow Night Life in the engineering camp will be depicted at the fifth annual Camp Davis dance, to be held at the Union tomorrow evening. Flannels and khaki will constitute the costumes of the day. Ann Arbor will have a munici Christmas tree. A fir tree 50 feet hi has been secured by Ray H. Bass citv forester, who is in charge of plan. A program for Christmas is nor- being worked out and will Olude special exercises by Sum schools and churches. The Edis company will be askcd to provide i tinc illumination for the tree. n s Speks on Adamnson Law Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Jeweler, 113 South Main St. Chapmi tues- Dancing classes and private lesso at the Packard Acadeynv 1 R I' 222-228 Woodw'ard A be. Detroit 's Smartest Shopp ing Place Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Wra Smart Accesmories. Toilet Arti M arble Statuary, Pictures anc Picture Framing. And Gifts A rtis tic. rps and Cses, SUBURBAN DAY Beginning Saturday, December 9th, 1916, and continuing indefinitely each Saturday will be Suburban Day, and on that day we will pay your fare to Detroit. On. purchases of 5.o0 we will reftund i fare within a radius of 30 miles. On all purchases of $io.oo we will refund full fare within a radius of 30 miles. Simply show railway ticket and sales check with your name and address at main cashier's office, who will refund railroad fare. Specials for Saturday SUBURBAN DAY Pillows, ready-made and filled, roind or oblong, $4.00 values for $.oo. Dresser Scarf and Pin Cushion ready for use. Made of fine cretone; $1.50 valuesfor $1.00. Towels stamped on fine quality buck, regular ,oc values, for 19c. Baby Pillow Cases, all hemstitched and stamped for French embroidery, 75c values for 25c. Pillow Cases, stamped on best cotton tubing, 89c values for 50c. Limited number to be sold. Healys ?ain Floor Spalding WDJP Sweater warm and com- fortable, with a high storm collar that covers the ean whea turned up. Good weight, Lest quality worsted, with a pocket on each side. A good looking' armen and very "~rviceablo Suburban Day Specials in French Ivory Mirror, Comb and Brush- best French I vory. Good size and style. $5.00 value for $3.00. Ivory Perfume Bottles, 25c- 5oc. Ivory Powder 'Box and Hgir Receiver, $1.00 per Set. Guest Bags in all shades, soc. Vivaudon Toilet Water, as- sorted odors, prettily boxed, 5oc Healeys Main Floor Suburban Day Specials to Handkerchiefs Ladies' pure linen hemstitched hems, tape borders, dainty hand embroidered patterns in white and colored novelties and sheer Shamrock Maderia scallops with embroidered corners, espe- cially priced at 25c each. Healeys ?lain Floor i GYM SUPPLIES /} CLARION Z Y6 in. LEiNOX I'M in. w lheights COLR LWU p r°I4 . The Most Complete Line In The City Complete Gym Suit $2.00 You will notice the difference in these Gym Suits. They are made up especi- all for Michigan Students. GEO. J. MOE "SPORT SHOP" 711 N. Vualvesrty Ave. Next To Arcade TKeatre Price $8.50 Other, of course- ond for our catalogue A. G. SPALDING & BROS. i. 121 Woodward Ave. Detroit, ?fich. r S, vlmopsffop i 4 . n.j - " rld A E MBL Y AT ARMORY SATURDAY, DEC. 9 25 cent LS A APPE Plays in he or Sted an O 1GT T O NIG lIT IN THE GIRLS' GLEE CLUB AND MASQUES ENTER' AINCIENT *Ike's Ve.raity Octette" These perties hoave facialty approbation and chaperona e D~wmtein 9 to 12Tikets at lvey BEW Adnmission 73o Thursday morsning s 1 ILL AUDITORIUM 8:00 oclo, . ...- Iwo 121 East Washington Street W%I1 - C Michigan men have long; efullness and refined dig th