.1H1 V L..'li._j @. - A Get-there Shoes for the ,Ii "'Live Wire" man ft T HE. OEPHOTOGRAPHER W ,ho delivers the Goods and has !-(cn- delivering them for 12 years rrgt here among Michigan Students LY DON 71M. Vniversity FRES NIP GYSM *bit. . c I and better . till come look - nd buy. Iit WoAk G1ja ra n'teed Amata sir lvi pay you . S0,HIRT S1 a. 1.15 S, Mlain St. WvOvalk-L'e r .JProp. .hoot Shop s. I SENIORS Sit Early For Your -MICHIGAN ENSIA'N PICTURE AT 619 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. - - Mich. Perfect Portraitures ^.. Unsurpassed Accomodatoas for Group Photographs. UI ".Amateur Work Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. MAIN STUDIOS 1a446-48 Broadway New York, N. Y. 118 E. Huron S4. V1 f: 3D'S I 1 8 E. Huron St. Your Christmas Day Squit, it will ---be Tailor made.--, Tailor-To Measure clothes are for the "It-Looks-.good -enough They are for you, Mr. Good Dresser. and our assortment cf wool- ens was never better. $17.00 Up $17.00 Up Mr. R. D. Mac Nitt Wishes to Announce I That he has severed all connection, with the Calkins Drug Co. At this time, Mr. Mac Nitt also wishes to announce the opening of the KODAK FLORIST Dec. 15, 1916, in the Nickels Arcade. S. State St., which will have a complete line of F~AST- MAN KODAKS and Films, Cut Flowers, Pot- ted Plants, Rental Palms, and Table Fountains. His personal services are now at the com- mand of his friends and 'customers at the new store. Kodak finishing our specialty---8 hour service. Temporary office for our customers who have been leaving their filmns at Calkins- 232 Nickels Arcade, Phone 600. LAST FAILYCOCET TOMORO'_ATERNOON FfiuA IU it' ..Bef,n-e 4hritin s 'Iac-t. tion Chen in Bill Audi- An especially interesting concert w ill be given on the faculty twilight concert aeries in Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'lock tomorrow afternoon to which the general public is cordially invited. This will be the last twilight recital beore the Christmas vacation, as it has been (deided to omit the one an- nounced for Dec. 20. Mrs. George 13. Rhead of the piano department o the University School of M~usic will make her first appear- ancee for the season at this time, while the niversity School of Music string quartet. cnsisting of Mr. and Mrs.S. P. Lockwood, Mr. A. J. Whitmire and Mr. Lee N. Parler will appear in at g'roup of suvller numbers. Special interest will center in Miss Leis Johnston of Detroit who will ap- pear as guest soloist. Miss JohnstonI is a prominent conert and church singer of Detroit, and for the past two years has been doing special work unf- der Theodore Harrison. Miss John- ston ill present "Depuis le Jour'' from "Louise" and a group of songs3. The foloig program will be given: Depuis le Jour from "Louise".. ......... Charpentier Miss Lois Johnston Prelude and Fugue. E minor, Op. .5.Mendelssohn Etude, Op. 10, No. , Etude, Op. 10, No. 3........ Chopin Etude.. .............. Pagaini-Liszt Mrs. George B. Rhead " Phyllis Has Such Charming Graces" .~Young "A Dissonancel......... ..... Borodife "The Bird of the Wildrness"... .~Horsman miss Johnston Andant e Favori......... ..Beethoven Oritale, from suite. Op. 35, for quar- tet..................... Glazounow Two Miniatures (Andantino, Alleg- retto).........,........Kalinnikow Third Movemenot from Quartet in D .Samazeullh Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, violins; Mr. A. J. Whitmire, viola; Mr. Lee N. Parker, 'cello. VA OUKERESIGNSRA lilll elth One of Ca ues; Tw o Oler Minisers Also Show Desire toGive U p Positions Washington, Dec. 4. -Henry Van Pke, American minister to Holland, heas resigned, it was learned officially this afternoon. John W. Garrett of Baltimore probably will be named by President Wilson to fill the post of United States minister at The Hague, made v acant by the resignation of Van Dyke. Gartt has had consid- erable diplomatic experience, having teen minister to Argentina. it was also learned officially today that the minister to Colombia, Thad- dens Austin Thompson, and the mn- sier to Sam, William H. Hernibroch have tendered their resignations. It :i s been kanown for somec time that Minister Van ,Dke has wanted to re- sign. Ile has not been in the best of health and his heavy duties increased his desire to return to America. ~~~4l~l~ det Cnsle byUnion Meads Grou~ps of students from the various -iees will be called upon by the A-i e-presidents of the Michigan Union or suggestions concerning the social needs of the Union. it is hoped in this Nay to arouse a greater Interest in the~ work of the organization. The series of departmental enter- tainmen ts of which the all-law smoker w=as the first, will be continued. Watch for the grncpnnrg of :^n.. Arbor's Finest 'ealSo.; Nckels A rcxd e. 3-t11 You have not shiopp~d Unless you ha ve stoppeld At the Jaimes Foster Hlouse of Art.. tf ilon.-Tues.-XWed.-4-5.6 Mary Pickford in "Less Than Tile Dust." 1ler own pro- dIu ction. Trhar.- 7 - Theda Bara in "Romeo and Juliet"; Chap. 6 of Gloria's Romance" ("Hidden Fires'') 15c Fri.-8-Emiily Stevens in "The Wager." D~rees-Comedy. Orpheum Theatre Matitir'ees, 2:00-3 :30: Evening, 6:45,. 8:15, 9:30.' Saturdays-Holidays continuous. fluts---i~lian Gish iin "Diane of the Fol- lies." Also Triangle Comedy, Slim I Summierville in "His Blusted 'Trust,' Fvenling 15c. Wed.-6-iMary Piokford in "Poor Little lleppin a." 7 Reels. RebaookedP i111; -Fi.-7-8-Blanche Sweet in "Theo Sto rm. A so l ray Cartoons.Wh t W Sdo Hats Mat. Wed. v Sat. She al C. W. CA~AMWiner. GABRICK DETRO I'T ioc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone ig6-M. We niake iats We" 11 fhats at retail We carry a trig stock W ,e have the latest all the tdine We shape hats to fit the lead We clean and rebloek hats FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Next to the Delta Cor. Packard and State Week of Dec. 4 I WHINF -, 'TwlF I ininin' i " i hIsamuLs Satturd iy, c * * 0' I Joe Weber offers the return Engagement of the Triumphant Musical Comedy Success~ 'tfe Blue Paradise" ARCADEJ Show, at 3:00; 6:30; 8:oo, 9:3o at reducedpres Book Heury r, l o: * *: s WAT'S GOING ON Toda 4:15 o'clock--Fresh pharmic meet- ing. roo'm 300 chemistry building. c3 o'clock--Social Service Workers' 13anqluct, Newberry hall. 7 o'clock-Colorado club meeting at the Union. :30 o'clock--Adelphia meets on fourth floor in U-Hall. 7:;30 o'clock-Kansas club smoker at the Union, Tontorrow 12 o'clock-B3arristers' luncheon at the Union, 4 o'clock-Tan Beta P1 dinner at the Union. 4 o'clock-Fresh lit meeting, new sclence lecture room. Everybody IMust pay 50 cents dues at the door. 7:30 o'clock-Dixie club smoker, at tho Dltai. Cafe. U-?NotiCes Rehecarsal of scenieA of the llindofo act of "The Magic Carpet" at 4 o'clock Today in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. I Junior lits pay class dues lit the cor- ridor of the Library from 1 to 5 o'clock today, and from 2 to 5 o'clock tom.,orrow. Imipor'tant meeting' of the Youngs- town-AMicbigan club, room 122 chemis- try building. Senior literary students will be giv- en an opportunity to pay their class dues for the current year, on Wednes- dlay from 2 until 5 o'clock. An ofiecr of the class will be stationed in the corridor to the west entrance of the !'ibrary for the purpose. Meeting of the Mortar Board at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house at 7:301 o'clock tonight. A rehearsal of tihe Hindu act, scene two, of the "Magic Carpet," will be held at Sarah Caswell Angell hail at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. MfIICHIIGANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION CVA1PAIGN BEGINS TODAY. SAVE 50 CENTS. High grade Kodak Finishing at Sug- den's. ADDITIONAL SPOHTI Kate Watson "The Hoosier Girl" Mimic Four "The Day After" Bernivic"i Brothers "A Night in Venice" Treat for the KIddies Morlan's Swiss Canines 50 Wonderful Dog Actors With it's great cast, and positively the same cWipayI, l Ias ,.0;rr ~Theatre.,, leroit -Pumps in patent and dull lahralso popular' Party slippers in all colors cf a Sin. u ll or Patent leather and also Goldl and Sle cohpumnps MaaillS110 ~t Wie t. --- t * * * * * * * .1' * * * ** * DISCONTINUE D C ILRUNS IOIU R. D. Mac Nitt has discontinued do- ing Calkins Drug Co.'s kodak. finish- ing. A new store will be opened by hime in the Nickels Arcade the 15th of December, which will have a complete lin'e of Eastman kodaks and supplies. Amateur finishing will be his special- ty. Temporary quarters for receivingi films that were formerly left at Calk- ins will be at 232 Nc i Arcade.- adv. 3-5-6-7-8-9 Leave your film at the Delta. 24 hour service. 0~. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222 b. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-sod Flannel Shirts made to order. G. HR Wild Company. Leading ..merchant PROF. RED N, SCOTT SPEAKS Address es Engrlish T'eacbiers' Meeting in 'New York City "Live rightly, think good thoughts, have right felings, be genuine, do not screamn or strain or make pretense, cultivate a harmonious soul-follow these injin-tions and you are laying the true foundi~ation of a standard American speech," was the essence of a recent speech delivered by Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric department at a meeting of the ?National Council of 'Pe-, hers of English in New York. Profesasor Scott took as his subject the ', ntlard of American Speech." In tile course of his address. Pro- fessor Scott brought out the point that there will never be one fixed standard of speech iin America and that it is probable that "there will always be at least three main types of speech which by the extent and distinction of their use will rise above the grade of dialects." In concluding his remarks he stated that "the best American speech of any period will be that which with least resstraint of affection or waste of ef- fort gives adequate utterance to the best that is in the American char- YARDAGE GAINED WILL DECIDEFOURTH KNOT1 Fresh Lit-Sophi Engineer Series of No D~ecisions Given Over to Officials In the fourth contest to decide the winner of the second division the fresh lits and soph engineers played once more to a scoreless tie yester- day afternoon on south Ferry field. The condition of affairs seems to have reached a crisis and it was decided that in case of. another draw yester- day that the team gaining the great- est amount of ground would be called the winner. This was agreed upon before the game and that it was not an action unnecessary is proved by the fact that the elevens immediately went on the field and played for four scoreless quarters. As yet the official count of the yards gained by the two teams is uncertain but the figures given ais the approximate gains by Mr. Rowe point to a lead by the yearlings, that squad having gained 56 yards from scrim- mage to the 43 of the sophomores. The even nature of the two teams atid~ the approaching cold weather makes action of~ this sort necessary. The Wwnner of these elevens will bat- tio the re laws tomorrow for the fourth adls st of numerals. b :'A a .;C 'LORTiZS WINTER Aniother basketball team : is to be organized thisyear r i~restiug hodly of stuts wh xlo hae. nVrput out a teambfre. The.giaa t,,stur- dents of the hnivrsity are to entefr the list in an effiort to capture th,:, campus championshaip ttlt',. A mneeting of ,;lads will be )held In the tr-ophy room in V1ai.±rn n gym nasiuin Thursday, hee. 7 at 5 o'c lockr for the purpose of corgaiz.ing;thi team and arngnttm or practice,. All graduate stuidents qtr;, urged t re port at thsmetnlo botthetem Tphi5 s the b ;;igg lassot whfich the 14c intailil ea tt conduts and that it s rwig iintre'st and inagnitu(le is:atestd by t numbfe of teams adidvdasthat turn:11out for thegme.Th e new- teamn to be entered in the race should p~ut out a fairly strong team and at least be countedC among the bidders for the title, NI1CE 10 iNIAN SHCiITO CAMPA lN BE%1!'IIS ODAY. 4 ~ SAVE1. ,s6CENTS, The Michigan Daily for service. Come and see our line of .. .. .-- Christmas Cards and Booklets also Cranes Stationery Students Suppl S. C. Schieede store 11I1 1S.U Phone 1160 R lors. State street. tf ac+ter." SI