AlKnows JA IIMi ILU I Ui r L CLUBS' TRIPI 11 Start from Ann Arbor on Wed- nesday, Dee. 20; First Concert at Toledo or Ft. Wayne 'he itinerary of the winter trip of University Glee and Mandolin club s announced yesterday as starting dnesday afternoon, Dec. 20, from n Arbor. The club gives its first cert in either Toledo or Ft. Wayne, ng from there in two special cars the Big Four railroad probably to lianapolis, and from there to St. uis. rom the latter city, due to the in- mce of Mr. J. W. Booth and other higan graduates who are connected h the Missouri-Paciec railroad, the. b will have excellent accommoda- s to Laramie, Cheyenne, Denver, >eka, and Chicago. Besides these es, it is very likely that engage- its will be made at Colorado ings, Pueblo, and Davenport. he 40 men who are to make the will include both the Glee and idolin clubs, the manager, assist- manager, and faculty manager, f. C. B. Vibbert. The trip will e a little over two weeks to com- .e, the men arriving in Ann Arbor time for their first classes after ation, Thursday, Jan. 4, 1917. 'n Friday evening, Dec. 15, the h will present its Christmas con- , which will consist mainly of the ibers to be given on the trip. In er years this Christmas concert has ays proved a success, and it is as- ed that this year's performance will an exception to the rule, only in fact that it ;will surpass all vious entertainments. MOUS ISLISHMAN TO LK ON CAUSES OF WAR Value of Seals A large, rugged looking man stop- ped in front of a Red Cross seal booth. "Are Christmas Red Cross seals to help the folks that are suffering with consumption?" he asked of the lady. The social worker for the anti-tub- erculosis association told him that it was. "Then," he said, "drawing out a coin, "I am going to buy some seals. My wife died the year after we were married. She died of consumption. We were happy and I had done every- thing I could for her, but I didn't have much money then and times were hard. "I lost my job, too, because I had to work so late. I had to do the house- work. That took a lot of time, they docked me and finally discharged me. It was the middle of winter, too. "There was no one to help me or my wife. So I am going to buy these seals to help some other fellow who may be :r * ;F a: *= TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. S* * * * A * * * AT THE THEATERS Or'pheuim - Lillian Gish in "Diane of the Follies." Also Triangle Comedy. A rcade- 1ary Pickford in "Less Than the Dust:, * * * * * * * * * * * Inn, and spend so much of their time there in idleness that Rudolph's fath- er, a wealthy gentleman, decides that would be best for his son to leave Austria and he is sent to far-off Am- erica to make his own fortune. Ru- dolph secretly has fallen in love with Mizzi, a flower-girl at The Blue Para- dise Inn and he promises to return for her when he has accomplished his purpose in going to a strange land. It is twenty-four years later, when after accumulating a fortune in Chicago, that Rudolph revisits his former home with the idea of again meeting his old sweetheart from whom he has not heard in all that-time. On arriving in Vienna he meets his former compan- ions, only to find that they have aged and are not at all the same as they used to be, but they all decided to have one more grand night at The Blue Paradise Inn. Rudolph hopes to see the flower-girl forgetting that she too must have aged, and is astonished when she appears before him, but it soon develops that it is not she at all but her daughter. Rudolph consoles himself by marrying the widow of his former pardner. AT THE WHITNEY In the same circumstances as then." He knew the value of Red Christmas seals. I was Cross Despite the fact that stage histor- ians declare that mjst people connect- ed with the theater are inclined to be superstitious, there is no record that either Victor Herbert or Henry Blos- som are in the least inclined that way. If they were, however, they could not be blamed for always insisting that Fred G. Latham stage their musical plays. It was in the course of a cur- tain speech, at the opening perform- ance of "The Only Girl," in New York, that Mr. Herbert made the state- ment that Latham had never staged a failure for the firm of Herbert and Blossom. He also took occasion to cite the success of "Mlle. Modiste," "TheI Prima Donna," "The Red Mill," and "The Only Girl," their delightful mu- sical comedy which comes to the Whit- ney theater on Saturday, Dec. 9, for a return engagement, as instances where their triumvirate has always been greeted with success. Vr II ;%IGARRICK , iv University Gets Valuable Fossil One of the most valuable fossil speci- mens to be presented to the Univer- sity has just been received at the museum and is the gift of Dr. E. L. Troxell, a graduate of Yale, and for one year an instructor in geology at Michigan. Dr. Troxell has devoted consider- able time to the collection of fossils throughout the west, and his latest find, the skull and limb bones of the mesohippus, ancestor of the horse, was unearthed in the Oligocene deposit of western Nebraska. The specimen is of special interest to'the student of paleontology and organic evolution, since the history of the horse contains fewer missing links than that of any living animal, with the possible ex- ception of the elephant. The fossil bones of the mesohippus were found imbedded in soft clay, and were excellently preserved.' The speci- men will be placed on exhibit in the museum at some time in the immediate future. Attend Meeting pf Physical Society Ten members of the physics depart- ment attended the meeting of the American Physical society held at Chi- cago last Saturday. Papers were read by Professors A. W. Smith, N. H. Wil- liams, and Messrs. C. V. Kent'and H. Bell. The meetings were held at the Ryerson physic laboratory of the Uni- versity of Chicago. MICHIGANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS TODAY. SAVE 50 CENTS. Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads for results. Dean V. C. Vaughan of the Medical School will leave today to deliver an address before the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Lincoln Daily Papers Advance Price The Lincoln, NeW., afternoon daily papers have increased the price fron one cent to two cents a copy on the streets and at news stands. For results advertise in The Michi- gan Daily. Y o ur C hoki c e SUITS OVERCOATS NEVER, NEVER MORE 'LESS All the latest styles, fabrics, and models, I can save you $10 on that new suit or overcoat. CHUCKS 618 E, Liberty St, AT THE MAJESTIC CLASS ATHLETICS 090' s Neilson, Former Member arliament, to Appear Here Tomorrow of Francis Neilson, who comes here to leliver his lecture, "How Diplomats make War," Wednesday night, under ,he auspices of the Oratorical associa- ion, was a menber of Parliament dur- ng the years 1910 to 1915, and is in L position to speak from first hand xperiences concerning the diplomacy hat prompted th great war. Mr. Neilson is the author of a book y the same name as his lecture. When he volume was first published, Mr. Jeilson was still a member of Par- lament and consequently dared not cknowledge the authorship of the ook, feeling that his Parliamentary esponsibilities were such that he ould not do so. When the second edi- on was printed he had resigned his aat and then he freely acknowledged imself to be the author. Mr. Neilson has had many years of xperience in the political :arena of -reat Britian. He early became a dis- iple of Henry George and sympathiz- :d keenly with the economic struggles f the English working people, and as always been an advocate of their ghts. Mr. Neilson appeared in Ann Arbor ast year speaking on the reconstruc- on problems of the war, and at that me his address excited much ,com- nent. He will speak in University all, at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. ECRETARY OF CHINESE S. C. A. SPEAKS AT NEWBERRY HALL S. J. Chuan, a '14 grad of Yale Un- versity and general secretary of the hinese Students' Christian associa on of North America, will leave this orning for Chicago, ter, delivering he first lecture of his tour, to the hinese students of the University at banquet Monday afternoon in New- erry hall. From Chicago, Mr. Chaun 'ill deliver short lectures to the stu- ents of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, tanford, and California universities. Ir. Chaun's mission is to promote a etter understanding of international elations between China and this >untry. Ge your shoes fixed at Paul's Place. 11 E. William St. 5tf [ICHIGANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS TODAY. SAVE 50 CENTS. D. T. ROSENTHAL, '19L, STATES IN- TRAMURAL SPORTS ARE SHAME- FULLY NEGLECTED Editor, The Michigan Daily: Just a few pertinent words concern- ing Michigan's system interclass 'ath- letics by one who has paid some at- tention to it for the last four years. It is rotten. I have seldom seen the coaches which the intramural depart- ment has provided for the class foot- ball teams. Teams have been forced to play games after dark and on grid- irons knee-deep with mud. Two games were played yesterday in a driving rain. And to top it ff, after playing a hard game one cannot even get a shower. There has been no water in the interclass locker house for the last four weeks. From the way the games are handled it seems that men have been chosen to officiate who are look- ing for experience and the class teams have been made the goats. I've seen many games played, and the great majority of them have been marked by wrangling, stalling, and dirty playing. Why not have officials who know what a game of football is-so that the play- ers, at least, can get some satisfac- tion out of the game? Where have those in charge of interclass athletics' been while the boys have been float- ing around by moonlight? How many interclass baseball games have been refereed by men who know baseball- men provided by the intramural de- partment? Here anyone with nerve has been able to officiate by merely voicing his desire. The situation has been better in regard to interclass= track and basketball, but there is still room for improvement. Let others who have followed inter- class athletics for a few years openly state their opinions and maybe some- one will wake up and do something for those who are athletically inclined. Why doesn't the athletic association ask for suggestions for bettering Mich- igan athletics? Let us start some dis- cussion of the subject and help to make interclass athletics cleaner and better. DAVID T. ROSENTHAL, '19L. fntercotetate Yale: Sir Rabindranath Tagore will speak at New Haven under the auspices of the Yale Dramatic as- sociation on Dec. 6. He will deliver readings from his own work. Cornell: The high price of paper has finally affected the university print- ing department at Cornell. Two baling machines for baling waste paper have been added to the uni- versity's equipment. Washington: The University of Wash- ington had an alumni home-coming Thanksgiving. Entertainment was provided for both Wednesday and Thursday, including a parade, a smoker, and Thanksgiving eats for the alumni. Yale: Yale is another to join the large number of universities already aiding in prison camp work. A cam- paign will be conducted for the cause this week. Oberlin: Oberlin faculty has adopted eastern standard time for the col- lege. It will go into effect im- mediately after the spring vacation. Fifty dogs, dressed to represent soldiers, milkmaids, and peasants, playing in E. Merian's playlet, "The Territorials Quartered," present a novel and interesting animal act at the Majestic the first half of this week. The play is distinctive in that at no time is a trainer to be seen directing the production. Bernivici Bros., supported by some beautiful scenery and lighting effects, in their act, "A Night in Venice," easi- ly deserve the place of being the sec- and best act on the program. Their One of the most successful musical violin music was of a tone and technic plays of recent years is "The Blue that is seldom found on the vaudeville Paradise," which was seen in New stage. York last season at the Casino and Thomas P. Jackson and Co., in "The ran there for an entire year and Letter From home," present a playlet, which is to be seen at the Garrick that though well acted and with a plot theater, Detroit, for the coming week. that has some real value, is really too "The Blue Paradise" was American- weighty for the vaudeville stage. It ized by Edgar Smith from a Viennese has a tragic setting, concerning the operetta written by the author of "The marital infidelity of a wife who deserts Merry Widow," Leo Stein, the music is her husband. by Edmund Eysler, the lyrics by Her- The Mimic Four partially redeemed bert Reynolds and it was staged by themselves in the eyes of the audience Benrimo. 'The scenes are all laid in by their impersonations and songs, Vienna, although there are American but their playlet is both slow-moving characters in the play, and it takes and devoid of humor. The strain of its title from the name of an Inn sup- being funny is evident throughout the posedly located in the Austrian cap- whole production. ital. The principal characters are Kate Watson, billed as "The Hoosier Rudolph Stoeger and his three boon Girl," was responsible for a type of companions, Joseph Stransky, Hans naive humor, that smacked of Mrs. Walther and Justus Ilempel. They are Malaprop, but which delighted some constant visitors at The Blue Paradise of the audience. .:. 1111111II lii 11111111 i #i11 WH 1 1111111 I f 1111113111111111l 1111111 1111 11111 1111l # Excelent KIuncbeon anb 0inners - at 1Reas nable "llrttces t t'ate are serving afew regular- patrou at $5.00 per week. ef ~ng[e meal will make 1 ou a constant patron. £etta Cafe 6211 1achar1 1de1.11 1R1 .13701 - 1!l1111#1#lllll#11#11111!1#11#11!1#1#I#11111l111#1111#11!1!!11111111!!!11#11l11111l11111#l LWAYS refer to the telephone directory before call- ing for a number. This is a simple rule which makes for ac- curacy and good service. Michigan State Telephone Company J. J. Kelly, Manager Telephone 500 A . bow Il . 4 ; -i,'t "EF w'' .t ;,#:. f "+! .. .. JJ .. S+ ..r'}: i ".... .ti n i H @5j "Y£ , t . :; ., . .. . '+ "r { "'a. , !,74V S'., 1,. . A L OK! QUICK! They're .Here Again! WHO? That Glee and Mandolin Club W H E R E ? HILL AUDITORIUM WHEN? FRIDAY, DEC. 15 How Much? 25c A bit of a compliment to the folk at ome, were a giftie of somthing niftie om the James Foster House of Art. tf GOING? SURE! fr ; r STOFFLET'S News Stand Give It for Xmas 110 E. Washington Jsoota j L.UU Gift Cards Free