/1, 1 1 1L4 YlA'..'A L1AS AL V&.LA AAA t \, 'owka ,,, ,t .: ,y ' 4 ' ' / I , ?',iil JI I , I; r I ;!i',i , , Iliiii i Treat Yourself To A Nely Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- day and select the cloth from our as- 'ortment of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- ~-" I-! Official newspaper at the University of Mi&Agan. Published every morning except l 'nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Anti Arbor as second-class matter. Students desir- ing employment during the vaca- tion may regis- ter their names at the "Y" now. "ar. ')>r Press Building. Sub- 4 fc-riptions:b y carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. 5 e .. Wil Compani Want ad. statirons: Quarry's ; Students' Sup- Leading y rercehand Tailor SateSelta,co taandPackard f Ladig Mechat TilorStae S Phones: Business, 960 ; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words' in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the YourRoo is ot omplte- Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Your Room is not complete g;-he nth s Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the without a Stewart Phonograph noticesare collected at 7:30 o'clock each wihu} SeatPhngahevening. Only$ = -John C. B. Parker.........Mana'giig Editor A Conrad N. Church..............Nevs Editor r e a----....-............City EKditor ATT4P~J hT~(~~RI arold A. 1,itzger ald----------. ports Editor AaLLMENDINGERlMUSIC SHOP. Jackson.......elegraphEitor ?hone 1692 122 E. Liberty St. =1.VerneIBurnett-----.----Associate Editor Two Doll will buy a complete ---, EI AT VNIVERWSITY BOSOE Persons who want student workers during the vacation days may tele- phone the "Y" now. Office hours of the "Y" Em- ployment De- par tment: 3-6 P.M. daily A9-12 A. M. Sat. Telephone 823 IIIt 111111111i 111111111111111111l 1111111111#I i llltillillillillilllillllllil11i i 1,. A most welcome CHRISTMAS GIFT H. G. Wells, "Mr. Britlitig Sees it Through" The Slater Book Shop Phone 430 336 S. State St. STOP AT TU TTLE'S 338 S. STATE for sodas and lunches GEORGE BISCHOFF F L O R IS T hoice Cut Flowers and Plants A Chapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PRONE 809,M GIRLS! buy tickets at Beauty Shop and save $r.50 on $5.oo. Souvenir with every 50C purchase of cosmetics, Miss Mable Rowe 503 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 240 FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $6.5,ooo DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott Geo. W. Patterson - Harry M."Hawley S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule Fred Schmid D. B. Sutton E. D. Kinnie I, TRADE MARK v A Real Pipe for College Men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up W D C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & Co. New York Golda (hr -burg-----..------\omcn's Editor Carleton W,. Reale--------.Statistical I~tditor Marian Wilson-....-.......Literary Editor J. r. Campbel...Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery ..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. horne..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R Rau...Assistant Business Manager Ured ". Sutter..-^ssistant Business Manager Night Editors J. L,. Stade.ker F;. L. Zeigler C. M.l -Tickling If. 7M. Carey B. A. Swauey L. W. Nieter L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumgarth Reporters W. A. Atlas Allen Shoenfield l . C. Garrison C. L. Roeser C. WV. Neumann T. F. McAllister C. S. Clark D. S. Rood R. lf. Fricken G. O. Brophy 11. 1. Millar P. A. Taber D. II. Cruttenden M. C. Mighell K. L. Wchmcyer J. P. Hart A. L. Wood Business Staff Bernard XVWdl J. E. Robinson Paul I . Chiolette Harry R. Louis H arold llakinson Earl VS. Ganschow Walter R. Payne Win. M4. Lehevre Don M4. Lillie Seymour B. WVilson Jackson W. Smart TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1916. _Nig-ht Editor--D. S. Rood. PREP SCHOOL INSIGNIA "Don't display any prep school in- signia." If a freshman is not greeted with this command, he hears it the first (lay or two after his arrival on the Michigan campus. There is, and always has been, a strong feeling at Michigan against the wearing of sec- on'ary school jewelry and athletic in- signia. This tradition has been vio- lated more than ever this year, ac- cording to student councilmen, who are trying to enforce it. This tradition, like other Michigan traditions, is worth maintaining. When a student graduates from high school and enters the University, he is sup- posed to lay aside all the trappings of his preparatory career, and put Michi- gan first. Gym classes have just be- gun, and there is a possibility that dur- ing the next few weeks all manner of insignia may be displayed upon the freshman track shirts. But if the first year men will line up with the "Put Michigan First" spirit, with which the older classes are trying to impress them, the monograms will be ripped off immediately. SOCIAL WORKERS TO BANQUET MUST PAY Y. W, C, AE DUES Dec. 5 Set as Day When All Girls Must Settle Dec. 5, Tuesday, is set as the day when all college girls are expected to pay their annual dues for Y. W. C. A. The organization is fully alive, with active members 605, and in order that it may continue to thrive, you're asked to pay up if you're able. In the Li- brary corridor you'll see the table, easily known by its "Y. W." label. We hope you will find it convenient of mind it and give one dollar to the girl behind it. ENTERTAIN CLUB MEMBERS Independent Girls Hold Party in Bar- bour Gymnasium Rain did not prevent the Independ- ent Girls from holding their party in honor of new club members last even- ing, and the 40 girls who gathered in Barbour gymnasium made up in en- thusiasm what they lacked in num- bers. It was decided to postpone the stunt by the executive board until the next meeting, when each member is to bring a freshman as her guest. Plans for this meeting, to be held Jan. 16, were discussed and the club voted to hold a formal dance early in the second semester to which men will be invited. Following the business meeting, dancing was enjoyed by those pres- ent. lixie Club to Hold Smoker at Delta The Dixie club will hold a smoker at the Delta Cafe at 7:30 o'clock to- morrow evening. W. F. Marstellar, of the economics department, will give a talk to the members' of the organiza- tion. FLANDERS O R F LOW ER S W HEN a dog bites me once, I'm through with it. Same way with a tobacco. VELVET is aged in the wood for two years to make it the smoothest smoking tobacco. FRESH HOME MADE Vanilla and Chocolate CREAM WALNUT CAR AMELS Vanilla and Maple CREAM WALNUT FUDGE SEA FOAM KISSES and all kinds of Chocolate Bon Bons' Chocolate Nut Meats The Fountain of Youth 'State Street Cor. Liberty : llllll t1111l11I1IIIII 111111I 11111111111111111111111 . 11111111 11ill II 111111 I l illlt ll n i Itd PHONE 294 213 E.I Liberty St. .A Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Service Flowers by Wire to All the World. Genuine French Briar MICIiIGANENSIAN S UBSCRIPTi 0% CAMPAIGN BEGINS TODAY . SAVE 50 CENTS. m TYPl7RITERS of all makes Sale or Rent. Cleaning & Repairing. TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING* SUPPLIES ODMorri11 CIII Freshman spread dues must be paid{ at Dean Jordan's office before Dec. 7. I Takes Pictures Develops Films makes Prints and Enlarge- ,a I n $ entfs.. DETROIT 'NITEl) LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:1o a in. and hiourly to 7:10 P. 111., 9:10o p. In. Kalamazoo Limited Cars---8:48 a. m. and . every two hotrs to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 p. m. Jackson Express Cars-(Local stops west of Ann Arbor)--9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 7:48 p. m. Local Cars Eastbound--5:3s a. m , 6:4o a. m., 7:o5 a. In. and every two hours to 7:05 P. m., 8:o5 p.I '., 9:05 p. m., 10:50 p. m. to Ypsilanti only. 9:2o a. m., 9:5o a. m., 2:05 p a., 6:o P. m., 11:4i p. in., i:10 a. in., r :20 a. In. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars Westbound-6:o5 a. m., 7:50 a. n., 10:20 1. in.. 12:20 a. m.- S. State 582-Jr __-- Many Styles of Type and Many Languages Wyvern meets at 7 o'clock at the Theta Phi Alpha house. Glee club rehearsal from tonight "Y" Men to Get Together at Newberry hall Tolight 4 to 6 A Typewriter Exceptional For Collegians Change your type in an instant from one style to another-or any language. THE M U Two sets of type in each machine. "Just Turn the Knob" Presto one or the other Simple.-Conpact-Portpable Beautiful work-beyond compare. If not inclined to a new rnachine, inquire for our Factory Rebuilts. We Rent Machines of high quality. Patrons: President Woodrow Wilson Cardinal Merry del Val Dr. Alexander Graham Bell Chancellor Rev.B.G. Trant Bishop John G. Murray William Dean Howells also all Colleges and Universities Our special terms to collegians will interest you. Catalog for the asking. o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditor- ium. Use the stage entrance. Registration for the playground class is closed. . Miss Evans and Miss Wood will give. an at home for University women to meet Miss Marian Dawley, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock on Saturday afternoon at Newberry residence. Senior and junior basketball prac- tise at 5 o'clock today. Freshmen who are unable to attend the freshman spread or who have not heard from their juniors should notify Emily Powell, '19, phone 2339. Hygiene lecture at 5 o'clok today in the medical building. Stylus will not meet tonight, as announced, but will meet Tuesday, Dec. 13. Girls desiring " work, and women "Y" social service workers will be banqueted at 6 o'clock tonight in New- berry hall. Plans have been made to serve 100 people. After the banquet a meeting will be held to discuss so- cial service work. Divisions that will be discussed will be work with town boys, correspondence with prisoners, noon-day meetings for working men at their factories, deputation work, hos- pital visitations, and teaching of im- migrants. The speakers at the banquet will be: Rev. L. C. Douglas, N. C. Fetter, sec- retary of the Y. M. C. A., and M. W. Welch. '17. president of the "Y." All men who have signed up for the ban- quet are welcome and all others who desire to engage in social service work. ADE LPIII MEN 31EET TONIGHT TO I)I ClTSS CITY GOTERN31ENT Members of the Adelphi house of representatives will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adelphi rooms on the fourth floor of University hall. Representative F. N. Kerwin, '17, ,of The leather heel has outlived its usefulness. It is doomed! Hard, nail-studded leather heels are not adapted to the pavements of this "Concrete Age." The impact of heel on stone wears down the leather heel in two or three weeks. The constant jarring caused by leather heels hurts your nervous system. Save your heels,. your shoes, andyourself by wearing O'Sullivan's Heels of New Live Rubber. They last twice as long as leather heels and keep your shoes in shape much longer. t: r I wishing holidays Jordan. help, during the Christmas should register with Dean When you buy your new shoes, buy them O'Sullivanized. Insist on O'Sullivanized shoes; the new live rubber heels give the greatest wear with the greatest re- siliency. , j . . -- ' , +" We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3,800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Mgain and Huron Branch Office - 707 North University Ave. The Farmers & Metbanics Bank Offers the Best in Modern Banking SECURITY . -. EFFICIENCY Convenient and Pleasant Quarters. You will Ue Pleased With Our Service. Two offices 101-105 S. Main St. 330 S. State St. THE SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. Use The Mihiigan Daily Want Ads for results. Senior girls will hold a "get-to-geth- er" party, from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wednes- day afternoon, in Barbour gymnasium. Hammond Typewriter 545 East 69th Street New York City. N. Y. Co. Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy. 18-tf The finest Floral Shop in the city will open soon in the Nickels Arcade, State Street. a-t! Our ala.rm clocks are good clocks. Chapman, jeweler, . 113 South Main street. tues-eod Members, of the Y. W. C. A. will , Wyoming, will introduce a bill pro- meet at noon today at Randall and viding that the Dayton plan of mu- Pack's, to have picture taken for nicipal form of government should be Michiganensian. adopted by every American city hav- Dues for the junior girls' section of ing a population of 6,000 or more. Rep- the Deutscher Verein for, old members resentative Irving S. Toplon, '19L, of only, are payable Wednesday in the ' Utah, will conduct parliamentary drill. Verein rooms from 8 to 12 o'clock. At the close of the meeting those intending to try out for the mid-west MICHIGANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION debating team will draw for positions CAMPAIGN BEGINS TODAY. in the preliminary tryouts which will SAVE 50 CENTS. be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 12. All those intending to try out should For live, progressive, .up-to-date ad- be present either in person or by vertising use The Michigan Daily. proxy. -COPry,-kt 1916, 'S..R. Co. - 0 N?505 BLK. N?°605.TAN i O'1 ~a