I1 I AX IN S GIVIN G A Season of Good Things At this time of the year, with good things in abundance, how about Your Clothes? Why don 't you get ready for the .holidays? An all-wool suit or overcoat, in4ividually cut and hand- tailored to your individual measure, will be both sensible and seasonable, and will give you something good for the holidays. Order now while our showing is comnplete, and have that Suit or Overcoat in time for Thanksgiving. L YN D0 N719 N. Unxiversifty THELONE P HOTGAPE W'h o delivers the Goods and has beeun doelivey ing them for 12 years r°ight he-re among Michigan Students I FRE ' II C Y m S Ko 'k IAIFnma x r av.R Y=-wmd'S% /1IY GAIzaranmt e ed I Amatetxr I n ;' 3 SUITS TO ORDER DR'ESS SUi rS FOR hIRA' J. K. MALCOLM E. Liberty St. Malcolm Block Phone 17'13-M m SENIORS Sit Early For Your MICHIGANEN.SIAN" PICTURE AT 610~ E. Liberty St. oAnn Arbor, - - Mich. Perfect Portraitures Unsurpassed Accomodations for Group Photographs. Amateur Work Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. MAIN STrUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N. Y. Ilmosommsomm 1, .. YELLO BONNET TXIC. 1 1II Ii irnaion 1Polity ~iga~ztinsForm @ e,1.(lass STI Vb 111 t1)LIIN iNSTf1IJTIONS TiwOolauiainthe Cosmopolitan club arnd thre trational Polity club, will comine i iing a series of 20 l ectil n- ,which will be known as the intari.atinAl study cla ss lectures. PrfT. A. C. + ljlilner, who is in &'ageofthe lecture program, has ar- rang;ed? an unusually interesting sched- ule. A number of speakers for the meet- ing have been obtained from the head quarters of the International Pol- it clb t New York City. Th:e purpose of the International Polityv club is to study- questions of in- ternational law and' problems of the Ui ted t-tMates foreign policies; that of the Cosmopolitan 'club is to study problems of foreign students. The purpose of the international study class will be to examine modern in- sit ittions and their effect upon people w' ifretcountries. Prof AlertA. tale y will deliver a lcunuo the international chaactr o muicwhile another lec- t..rer w ldel ith the character of language asis influence upon peo- p leand ,illtrace the evolution of A joint meeting of the two clubs will be held tomorrow at 5 o'clock in rooni?31"'niversity hall to determine the ms suita ble time for giving the lecura.After the combined meeting the einersof the International Polity clb.will meet .to elect officers fer the year, GYM CLSEV GNMNA Rt}#hY4:1 Gere -A. 0 Plans Series of ARCADE t)4 a t 3 :00 ; 6 :30 ; 8:oo ; 9:3o. toe unless Otherwise Specified. Phone 296-M. Yon.-Tues.-W'ed.-4-5.6 Mary Pickford in "Less Than The D)ust." Her own pro- d1u ction). Thur.- 7 - Theila Bara in "Romeo andl Juliet"; Chap. 6 of Gloria's Romance" ("Hidden Fires'') 15e IFri:-8-1mily Stevens iu "The Wager." D~rew Comedy, OrphlemTheatre '4~tre,2 _oo-3:30:o Eve'nin, 6.45 8:Y5, 5.30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. ; un - ton.-3-q-Marie Iloro in "The Lash,'' Alo lHolmies Travels. I ucs.-Lillian isjh in "Diane of the Fol- lies~," Also TJriang~le Comedy, Sling tSurni e, vi lie in i "s Busted Trust,' W(-, .-6r -y Pickford in "Poor Little 1'e l.na" 7 Reels. Rebooked' Goodhew Floral Co, .25, . Liberty. Pihone 1321 Choice Cyclemen Bengonias, Cher ry Plants and Primroses. C. W.CRIA fnr . POP. MATINEE WEDNESDAY, Best Seats $i.oo W is7, DEC. 4 tTrc o, I5a '; . °f"50, $2 I v h ee'; k dd* Someshoes, sih~s~ at redu-ed re, PHONE 2255 Novelty Xntas Baskets. , x;g , r tY " * n , . K x " -, x . ' 'F ,AY lj Y n !yS VOW .'-. SATURJIDAY, DE CEMBER '9 0 ' i Y Y:- . 3 : FF I Greenh:ouses-Observatory and Volliand St. Phone, 170-M. Vie.-1onMay t~ oro"gan & Co. Gold, together with Russian and t nited States securities to the value of $80,000,000, has been forwarded eriom Petrograd th rou gh San Francisco to T. P. Morgan and company. ['lannel Shirts made to order. G. Ii. WNild Company. Leading merchant ailors. State street. tf yTWO D)AYS UNTILf ~ t .dl 2h1 01 .Fi' I N SURSCIPTION ('AMP~~.SA VE 50 CETS Messrs SuT~srd of the Sensaioal o la Viennsse Oerett ( )'V7 I's. EAT SALE THURS., 10 A. He. V ~i2rI One Entire Year. n ""w) "A sweet story oTvc'~ o gda Meu of comic Imood to spccI"-, our, Dancers of nimble toe' and ac. ,,wu1, 7i[ n - Rhythmic melodies, beateu grs isie Scenes garlanded ithlarstbooi 'Tis, indeed ,th 3waric. n l A With the great original east and piositirely the samte company that playvs Detroit week following. Cisc;in phys,:ical training will be- grn in the -7_n, ..,,i! Waterman gym- 'linr i t : ocock tomorrow after- nloon wen ,e;,s.nen will receive in- 'r c? ". Thre are 1,100 first year 'i_ ]enrlledIn the seven classes and -ratruction i e given every after- icon of_'e vie except Wednesday. The nlymoringclasses will meet at I o'< 5 O'cl,.k ci uedys and Thurs- lays. r.C' re A. May has evolved a wries feliciu tests which will be l othe feshen. The stand- ards wich have beenx set for the stu- 'cut ar asfollows : High jump, fourj fee; fncevault, five feet; push up, five tme;pull up, five times; 50- yard dash, 6 4-5 seconds; half mile ranm, three mninutes. Efficiency on the gymnasium ap~paratus will also be con- sidered. Lockerys ar~ e ing assigned at the ,yninasium from 1 to 5 o'clock every afternoon. Woise jme tIA.F cfor Sti f r age Battle Wrashington, Doec. 2.--Following the l ead of the tongressional union, the NationalAsocato for Woman Suf- J, a e 1hasorgn, zireda committee to woirk in Washington for the passage of a federal suffrage amendment. 'PhusndsofOhioans have signed rnc tiions <. itg Prsident Wilson to pit in force, a food embargo.y It ) a thsdriscontinuaed Cdo -4 in Calkirs I rugCo.'s kodok finish- ing.A new soewl be opened byt him i. the Nickels Arcade the 15th o i~eenibr, wichwillhave a connplet tl. riag a( (t.. tus fr recivin ins will 1, _Nikes rcade.- adx. 3-5-6-7-3-9 Sil UO. O Direct from the leading T'fatre,'i7 At-lI & .yA3bil tnde up of sure-fire-h It ol ht B.. K iiPA 6 u ,wr irho have m ared no expense In sending tIliW , rvfld k, t -nArb SO MELTHIN G THAT SURELY SI RItHES°ho s e P i OMEK . In the Comedy Playlet ET"E LETT KA W T N, ""The 4hoosi er G THE mi isI O R Monarchs ii a y Manevr(S BEN IVICI ROS. 'ANgti eie Greatest Animal Novelty in 1t-e WorI eriasS wiss Cani WHAT'S GOING ON Today. :30 o'clock-Meeting of faculty men ,erested in "Y" prison camp work Newberry hall. 8o'clock-Dr. James A. MacDonald eaks at Presbyterian church. - 't'omorrow. :15 o'clock-Classes start in. Wa- "man gymnasium. :30 o'clock-Senior engineer-fresh football game, Ferry field. 4 :15 o'clock-E.mma Goldman lec- ture on Tolstoy, Woodman's hall. 7:30 o'clock --Keystone club smoker at Union. 8 o'clock---Col. James L. Taylor lec- tures on "Safe Transportation of Ex- plosives," lecture room engineering building. 8 o'clock-Emma Goldman lectures (in "Dostoyevsky," Woodman's hall. TWO DAYS UNTIL _11lIG NENSI AN SUSCRIP~riN t XM PAI(CN. SAVE 50 CENTS In the Screamingly Funny Play "~THIETERRITORIALS QUARTE FlY'9 Today (Sunday) 1:30, 3, 7,9and 8:30 P You have read the Book-seen the Pa- BRYANT WASHBURN and MARGUERFITEt- LAY TON CP inl LIBERTY AT 6 06 0% Riding r LIBERTY AT 606 Breeches igh grade Kodak I'ising at Sug- den's.J In Motion Pictures surpasscsbt. A Great Story You All Know About Golf nickei No Change in Price 10 cens ali-eats, I