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December 02, 1916 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-02

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Styles in demand for Winter Tramping I

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Perfect Portraitures
Unsurpassed Accomodations for.
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MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N. Y.

F, A. Brinkman, '17A, is the strong-
st candidate of the architectural
chool for the bronze medal given an-
tually by the American Institute of
rchitects to the man doing the best
frork during the four years of his col-
age course. One of these medals is
.warded to each of the schools of the
association of College Schools of
rchitecture, and hence the winner of
uch an award is virtually the best
enior in his respective college.
The drawings of Brinkman and other
pecimens of work done in the archi-
ectural college will be sent to the
University of Minnesota, where they
rill be incorporated in the general ex-
ibit of the college architectural
chools, which is being held in con-
unction with the annual convention
if the American Institute of Archi-
ects. After the close of the conven-
on the exhibit is shown in various
ities over the entire country, before
he drawings are returned.
The before-mentioned intercollegiate
ssociation consists of schools which
.ave the same standards and courses
a architecture. The members of this
sague are: Pennsylvania, Columbia,
ornell, -Harvardc, Massachusetts In-
titute of Technology, Minnesota, Illi-
.os, Washington University, Cali-
ornia, Carnegie Tech., and Michigan.
Last year the display of these
chools was shown at the convention
.eld in Detroit, and the drawings were
Iso exhibited in Alumni hall at a
ater date. The winner of the medal
ilotted to the University of Michigan
ast year was C. Cohagen.
Four books by 0. Henry were pre-
ented to Willard Peach, '19E, by the
ophomore engineering class as an
ppreciation of his "nerve" exhibited
rhen he got out of bed to take part
a the Pennsylvania game. The class
oted the necessary appropriation at'
meeting held two weeks ago.
As Peach has been confined to his
ed in the St. Joseph sanitarium, the
ooks were presented to him at his
Fifty senior chemical engineers left
'riday morning for Toledo on an in-
pection trip. Yesterday the men vis-
ed the following manufacturing
lants: The Libby Glass company,
anufacurers of electric light bulbs
,d cut glass ware; the Toledo Win-
ow Glass company, and the Owens
ottle Machine company, where bottles
re blown entirely by machinery.
Today the men will visit the plants
f the Toledo Furnace company; the
'ord Plate Glass company, and the
oledo Sugar company. The men who
re making the trip are members of
he class in organic chemical techno-
gy. Their headquarters in Toledo
re at the Boody House.
Up to the present time 80 men have
xpressed their intention of going to
amp Davis during the coming sum-
ter. Present indications point to a
egistration of more than 100 men at
te opening of the camp session.
Work on the new locks at the Soo
ill be discontinued during the win-
r because the concrete used in con-
;ruction freezes before it hardens.
his is the report that Mr. W. B.
omes, '16E, has brought with him
om the north. Mr. James, who is
aying in Ann Arbor at present, was

an assistant at Camp Davis last year,
and is now an engineer for Oscar
Daniels & Co., of Chicago.
The Detroit News is at present pub-
lishing a series of articles dealing
with the work done by research squads
of the chemistry department. Much
space in these articles has been de-
voted to the work of the men who are
experimenting with a new kind of
Porto Rican wood in an endeavor to
convert it into a paper pulp. Bamboo
and straw are also being investigated
with regard to their conversion into
pulp suitable for the manufacture of
Two hundred juniors have already
ordered corduroys. Any other mem--
bers of the class wishing to obtain the
trousers can do so today at the store
of N. F. Allen & Co.
(Continued from Page Three)
the dual contest. In the state meet
Michigan held the score down to eight
points, but the team's score in the in-
tercollegiate raised the total by 193
counters. However, the Maize and
Blue harriers reduced the count in
the Belle Isle run to the lowest pos-
sible sum of six points. This brings
the total up to 242, which is not at all
bad as it appears. The team met the
pick of the state in one meet, the best
of the east in the intercollegiate and
in Tom Keene's Syracuse veterans
they battled one of the best balanced
teams in the east in a dual clash.
This has been the first season that
Coach Farrell has been able to devote
all his time to track, and he started
with what looked like a very mediocre
squad. He was handicapped by the
scarcity of material and by the failure
of anything like a turnout compatible
with the size of the Univd'rsity, yet
with only seven men to count on regu-
larly he turned out a good team.
The organization of an All-Fresh
cross country team is also a new fea-
ture with the past season, and some
material was uncovered and given a
fall's training which may develop into
the nucleus of a future strong Varsity
cross country squad.
Something of the difficulty under
which the coach has worked may be
gathered by comparing the number of
men Yale sent into the intercollegiate
race, a total of 87 Varsity runners, as
opposed to the seven Michigan entered.
The Eli coach also had about 35 year-
lings composing his All-Fresh squad.
Professor Fred N. Scott of the
rhetoric department will read a pa-
per today on "The Standard of Amer-
ican Speech," before the annual con-
vention of the National Council gf
Teachers of English which opened in
New York Thanksgiving day.
Professor Scott's paper will discuss
the differences between the "Ameri-
can language" as distinguished from
the "British English." The conven-.
tion is being attended by the most
prominent educators from all parts of
the country.

Scandanavians Give Place of High Re-
spet to Amercan
By Wnm. Pilip Sinms
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Christiania (Special).-If the Swedes
by stretching things a bit can be call-
ed pro-German, the Norwegians, with-
out stretching things at all, are pro-
Norwegians and Swedes are not
particularly fond of each other and in
the recent Neutral Alliance it was
more a feeling of self-preservation
than anything else which brought
about the union of Sweden, Norway
and Denmark.
For here one does not hear much
talk of a "beautitui peace" in the near
future in which all the nations of the
world will have a hand. Nor does
anybody seem to believe that this is
the last great war; or that after the
war is over little nations will be safe
from molestation by the big. a
Preparedness Necessary
Rather the feeling is the "prepared-
ness" is the only remedy which for a
long time to come will prove effective.
All eyes are on the United States to see
what steps she is going to take along
these lines for, whatever people may
say in Europe or at home, the prestige
of the United States has not suffered
in Scandinavia. Wherever I have been
in Norway and Sweden-and I have
been twice in Norway and three times
in Sweden since the war-only good
words were heard of America. Amer-
icans here say the American nation
was never more highly respected than
So now Swedes, Norwegians and
Danes are watching the United States
to see what lines her "preparedness"
program is to take.
Scandinavians Co-operate
Norwegians welcome co-operation
with Sweden and Denmark. Already
three general meetings have been held.
one in Sweden-the first-the second
in Demark, and the third here. There
will be others as occasion demands.
But as to just what transpired at these
meetings no one is yet absolutely cer-
tain despite the official communiques
which were handed out after each.
This much, however, is certain:
Norway, Sweden and Denmark have
agreed to act together on all questions
afecting their neutrality.
To take joint steps as regards Black
Lists promulgated by belligerent pow-
To inquire jointly into commercial
espionage, or . acts whereby foreign
countries come into possession of
trade secrets of the three Scandinavian
To establish a working basis for
-commercial co-operation after the war.
To reach an agreement concerning
Scandinavian shipping, the effects of
the allied blockade and a German U-
To agree to steps necessary to main-
tain their neutrality.
This much the three countries are
known to have discussed. But it is
generally believed that they went
further than that and became to all
intents and purposes allies for purpos-
es of defense in the future.
Unity is Necessary
A Swede told me:

"If the Scandinavian countries are
to remain free, they must, absolutely,
come together and agree on a policy of
mutual assistance in time of trouble."
This seems to be the general feeling
here. People seem of the opinion that
the world will remain topsy-turvy for
some years to come and that weaklings
among nations -are a menace to them-
selves and a temptation to their neigh-
bors, of course nobody talks of an
aggressive alliance here. But neither
Swedes, Norwegians nor Danes want
to be caught out on the limb.
So it happens that Norwegians,
Swedes and Danes, with no particular
friendship for esh other,tmay be ex-
pected to stand as one in the future.
A bit of a compliment to the folk at
home, were a giftie of somthing niftie
from the James Foster House of Art, tf

Shows at 3:oo; 6 3o; 8:oo; 9:30
soc Unless Otherwise Specified.
Phone 296-M.
Thur.-3o-June Caprice and Jane Lee in
"The Ragged Princess." Chap. 5 of
Billie Burke in Gloria's Romanoe." 15c
Fri.-Dec.-i-Francis Bushman & Beverly
Bayne in "The Diplomatic Service"
and Drew Comedy. i5c
Sat .\e mShipany& Wm. Duncan in
"Through the Wall." 'Children's Mat..
ztt.eM.eMary Pickford in "A Good
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Mat. Wed. Week of
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UTbe Girl From Brazil"


Sheehan Go

C. W. CRAKIAM, Mngr.

Orpheum Theatre I
Matinees, 2:00-3:30: Evening, 6:45,
8:15, 930.
Saturdays-Holidays continuous. I
Sat.-2Lotise Glaum in "The Wolf Wo-
man." Also Triangle Comedy, Mack
Swain in "Ambrose's Rapid Rise."
Evening, 15c.
sun.-Mon. 3-4-MarieDoroin"The Lash,"
Also Holmes Travels.
Tues.-5-Lilian Gish in "Diane of the Fol-
lies." Also Triangle Comedy, Slim
Summerville in "His Busted Trust."
Evening 15c.
~ What we
do to Hats
We make hats
We sell hats at retail
we carry a big stock
We have the latest al the time
we shape hats to fit the head
We clean and reblock hats
617 Packard Next to the Delta
Cor. Packard and State
Many Universities Join in Movement
Hillsdale Leads Michi-
The agitation for raising money at
the University of Michigan for prison
camp work is part of a movement that
has swept over the United States and
is one in which many colleges have
taken pu't. In the east the contribu-
tions from colleges have totaled from
$500 to $5,000.
Among those that have contribute
are: Wesleyan, Dartmouth, Williams,
and Minnesota. Yale, Harvard, Chi-
cago. Illinois, Iowa and others are
planning great campaigns. Many of
the smaller colleges in the west have
given up class pins and class sweaters
to donate money for the fund. At
Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, a,
student who lad to stay out last year
because of lack of funds, broke a
sovereign piece from his watch chain
and gave it to the cause.
In the state of Michigan, Hillsdale
College with 250 students gave $1,200,
and Albion with 450 gave $800. The
movement has been successful be-
cause of the bulletins published by
the "Y's" describing the conditions in
The camps contain from 10,000 to
74,000 men. The men live in barracks
that hold from 20 to 200 each; these
provide no privacy of any kind. Meals
are served in wooden bowls, and each
man has a wooden, spoon, but no
knives or forks are allowed. In many
cases the men have to wash out of
the same bowls. At the beginning of
the war food was fairly good; now in
Germany, Austria, and Russia the
daily menu is about as follows: Break-
fast, coffee and rolls; dinner, thick
black soup and rolls; supper, thick
soup and rolls.

The clothing is too scanty for prison
wear. It is rumored that the Russian
army cannot get enough blankets for
its own soldiers.
The general plan of the interna-
tional "Y" is to raise a' fund of at
least $150,000 for the help of men
in 100 prison camps of Siberia, Rus-
sia, Germany, Austria, England,
France, and Italy. This money will
be used to pay the salaries of the sec-
retaries in the camps; to build houses
or huts for the special use of the
men, which are fitted with tables and
stationary, victrolas, and reading mat-
ter; to buy supplies for the men like
crutches, false teeth, medical supplies,
text books, material for games, and
musical instruments; to buy food of
all kinds for the sick; to supply the
men with clothing and blankets.
(Continued from Page Three)
Pitt Seems to Lead.
It seems that Pitt has a better record
than the Army, but bearing in mind
what the aforementioned Brown-Col-
gate decision was, no prediction will
be attempted on the comparative
score-for-score basis. Both teams
boast of combinations which wrecked
all foes and emerged unbeaten. As the
rival factions will not meet, nothing
definite can be learned this season.
One other team deserves great credit
for the form displayed. That is Penn-
sylvania. Starting out the season with
a very mediocre showing, the Folwell
crew gathered strength in every con-
test, winding up the season with a
close win over Michigan, and a clean
cut victory from Ithaca's choicest.
Ohio state has not wept many tears
because her schedule didn't include
the Minnesota Gophers. Th Buckeyes
won the conference championship by
playing only three conference teams,
but the point is, they won it. Along
with the Ohioans, Michigan and Notre
Dame were undefeated in the west.
Very slight basis is offered in compar-
ing the trio. Notre Dame went through
the Mchigan Aggies 14-0, while the
Wolverines disposed of the same out-
fit earlier in the, year by that base-
ball score of 9-0. The slight differ-
ence in comparative scores means
very little, especially when statements
from the Aggie breastworks read that
the interstate game between Michi-
gan's biggest schools is the huge con-
test of the Farmer season. As for
comparing these two aggregations with
the Harley team, there is nothing to it.
Better Games in East.
Eastern football is generally con-
ceded to be again superior to the best
brand of the west, especially on a
figurative basis. Two of the three
leading squads of gridiron huskies in
the middle west met contenders from
across the Alleganies and the final
count was favorable to the east in all
instances. Michigan suffered two close
decision setbacks, while the Catholic
team from South Bend brought back
the short end of a conclusive score,



Some shoes, slightly soiled
at reduced prices.



See Sunday's Photo Play


"The Prince

of Cra ustark"

garnering but 10 points to the Oli-
phant-Vidal troupe's 30. Colgate like-
wise humiliated the Illini, although,
the latter team is probably not in the
same class with the Wolverines or the
Yale and Colgate should be counted
close onto the heels of both the West
Pointers. The Blue disposed of both
Harvard and Nassau, but lost to Col-
gate and the Brunonians. Colgate's
record is even better than Yale's, as
she defeated both the Blue and Brown,
the latter team taking a handy meas-
re from both the New Haven and
Cambridge aspirants.
Penn should place well up, as should
Brown. The representatives from
Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan should
be given much consideration behind
the first few leaders.
7 o'clock-The Upper Room Bible
class at 444 South State street.
7:30 o'Ycock-Craftsman's club meet-
ing, Masonic hall.
8 o'clock -President Harry B.
Hutchin's reception for foreign stu-
9 o'clock-Meeting of the executive
board of the Independent Girls' club
in Barbour gymnasium
2 o'clock-Soph engineer-fresh lit
football game at Ferry field.
2:30 o'clock-All-campus mixp! at
Barbour gymnasium.
2:30 to 5:30 o'clock-Catholic stu-
dents' dance at Packard academy.
5:30 o'clock-Glee club rehearsal.
8 o'clock-Reception for foreign
students at Barbour gymnasium.
8 o'clock-Pumpkin pie supper at
Congregational church.
9 o'clock-Union dance at Union.
The first class in international re-
lations will be held at 5 o'clock Mon-
day afternoon.
Cosmopolitan club meets Monday
night at 7:30 o'clock at McMillan hall.



.. ...




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