I HL I I1I I l VAIN LVtiL Y STATES PROBLEMS FAINGCHEMISTS Director R. F. Bacon of the Mellon Institute, Pittsburg, Gives Views at Meeting URGES NEED OF CO-OPERATION New York, Dec. 1.-Some of the more important of the large number of re- search problems to be solved in the fields of metallurgical, industrial in- organic, and industrial organic chem- istry, including new forms of dye and gasoline productions, were discussed in a paper read recently by Director Raymond F. Bacon of the Mellon In- stitute, Pittsburg, at the meeting of the New York section of the Society #f Chemical Industry. Dr. Bacon sug- gested that work on the most press- ing of these problems should be un- dertaken in the laboratories of the universities under some form of co- operation. by which the universities and industrialists might be mutually benefitted. "The recent impetus imparted to the investigational activity in American chemical manufacturing has material- ly altered the traditional policy of se- crecy," said Dr. Bacon. "This change in attitude, the direct product of the appreciation of urgent action in in- dustrial research, has been long sired by our universities, and it will undoubtedly result in the extension of. the practice of referring certain of the problems of ind'ustry to university lab- oratories for study. Wants Central Organization. "Many of the numerous problems of chemical manufacturing could be ad- vantageously attacked outside of the plants, but some central organization, similar to the committee on research in educational institutions of the na- tional research council, is needed for securing and properly distributing these problems whbh.are pressing." Referring to the establishment of a system of mutual benefits between the university laboratories and the indus- trial plants, Dr. Bacon said: "This co-operation can, therefore, be most satisfactorily promoted by active- ly demonstrating the advantages of the exchange or interchange of subjects for research, which primarily presup- poses a reasonable freedom from the concealment of knowledge which tenaciously adheres to all industrial research." Industrial roblems Pressing. In a summa y of the pressing indus- rial problems of the greatest value Dr., Bacon mentioned the field of research in the brown ores of Virginia, Tennes-] see, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and Texas, and referred to the need ofI some method of increasing the basicity of the slag without increasing its tem- >erature in blast-furnace practice.l V'ery little information is available re-k garding the amount of sulphur, which can be expelled with the top gases,t said he, and the control of manganesel is comparatively incomplete. Con-r ;lnuing, he said: "The acidity of the gases from cop-1 per and lead smelting works presentsl %, problem which still awaits solution.1 t is, of course, possible at present toI separate from certain fumes thousandst >f tons of arsenic annually and itc would probably be feasible to separate an amount of sulphur which would run nto hundreds of thousands of tons an-' aually, were there markets for suchr quantities of these by-products. Thet >roblem, therefore, resolves itself intoI he establishment of new tonnage uses for arsenic and surphur." Need Research In Coal. In the industrial inorganic chemical feld Dr. Bacon said there was need f extensive experimentalrresearch on the chemical character of coal. "The knowledge regarding the com- bustion and distillation of coal is prin- cipally empirical, and will, of course, remain so until a clearer insight is had of the actual nature of the complex compounds contained in the coal sub- stance and of the mechanics of their 'lecomposition by heat," said Dr. Ba- con. "The very important problems in the preparation of coal for market have to do with 'wastes'; the produc- tion of an absolutely smokeless fuel in the manufacture of briquets from anthracite culm. To Advance Uses of Gypsum. "New uses are desired for tripoll. The Gypsum Industries association is engaged in furthering the development and advancement of the uses of gyp- sum, the employment of slate in the mnanufacture of blackboards and school slates having so decreased that new 4. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222 S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tuoes-eod THREE DAYS UNTIL UICHIGANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN. SAVE 50 CENTS Canada and United States Have Common Interest in Athletics J. H. Smith, 'iS, writes on "Canadi- tat are gaining favor among the an Sports" in the filfth article of a youn; Canadians. series of eight about that country. Tobogganing is considered to be - such a healthy sport by the authorities Canada and the United States have o e different municipalities that in mtall of the cities there are mun- ticialy owned toboggan slides, where count of the climatical cnditions they old and young may enjoy themselves. are more diversified in the States than Nothing is more picturesque than to in the Dominion. In the United State e the variegated costume of the we h ve a climate that varies from tobaggoners as they shoot down the extreme cold of the northern part I 5l:dCs on a bright 'winter day, or at th s night when the moon adds color to Cie tropica odto:' th siw e the i'eene-. The w eather in thes'e latitudes has a j f the small boy, perhaps, nothing direct bearing on the di~crent 5)Or't5 is n:ore enjoyable than to get his as it also has in Canada. "bunch" together with their bob-sled, Situated to the no.th and having a and to make their own "slide" down long spell of winter wesiher, winter the side of some favorite hill. sports are popnlar. 'erhaps no Som of you have felt the thrill of where in the world are they more 'aiiing a boat on water, but there is popular than in Canada. hockey is nothig more exciting than to con- the national gmne oI the Borninion. It struct a boat on runners and to "turn rivals the game of footbail i its pop- 'or loose" to the wind on a large froz- ularity with the Canadian people. en bay or river, and obtaining a From the uddle of November to the speed of 60 miles an hour. middle of March there is a continuous In the summer time we have the carnival of hockey throughout the same sl)orts in Canada that are popu- provinces'. Each town boasts of its lar in the United States: tennis, golf, team, and the tean; are divided off into basebel1, and track. The most dis- leagues, in such a manner that th ie sport of Canada is lacross. It annual amateur championsip title of the world is competed for by the win- ners of the various sections. Immense was originated by the Indians and is very exciting from the spectators' ktandpoint. There are two teams of indoor arenas, capable of seat g 10,- 11 men to the side. The objective is 000 people have been consiructed i a goal at either end of a field the various parts of Canada to accommo- nie of a football field. A. ball the date the fans. sof a baseball is put into play and 1 and in hand with hockey is t e is haniled with a stick which has a purely rcreative sport 0 skatinr. net on it. The skill with which the Every little creek, river or by. is the players handle the sticks and the ball scene of skating parties in Canada during the cold weatchr. When the weather will not permit o outdoor exercise, skating is done i the indoor rinks. Switzerland has baen the foorite re- sort for those who care for the winter sports. But why go to Europe when one can find the same sport with many varations here at home? Ski- ing has developed hi Inhpolarity to such an extent that in some places it rivals the older sport of skaing. Cross country ski-ing and snow-shoe- ing are healthy forms of recreation is marvellous. She American game of football is played in Canada in the fall of the year but is a much more open game. It is a Varsity game in all the big colleacs and is very popular. The football championship of Canada is annually competed for. Many of the popular sports of Cana- da are beig introduced into the states or at least are gaining in popularity 45 is evidenced by the greater en- ihusiam over skating and hockey throughout the northern states last ye ar Than in previous years. SEES PEACE ONLY AFTEREXHASTION David Starr Jordan Says War Cannot End in Victory on Either Side REAL TRAGEDY COMES LATER Los Angeles, Dec. 1.-"The Eu- ropean war cannot end by one nation wearing down another. The only only hope for the end of the struggle is the day when the beligerent kingdoms have completely exhausted them- selves." Eo said David Starr Jordan, noted pacifist and chancellor of Leland Stan- ford University, before a meeting of the Women's Peace Party recently. Dr. Jordan has been in Europe since the opening of the war and is the greatest American authority on the present political turmoil. He has been in every °one of the warring countries, except Russia, and has been the guest of nobility, legislators, and scholars from the largest continental univer- sities. Loss of Men Greatest. "The loss of India by England is a small item compared to the loss of men that she is suffering," said Dr. Jordan. "The picked half million of young Englishmen are in the trenches, the scholars from Cambridge and Ox- ford. At home in London in the slums are 150,000 men unfit for war, the re- sults of other wars. To these diseased, drunken, and poverty stricken citi- zens is left the task of building up the English nation, of producing the children that are to rule England, to carry her industries and her com- merce. Tragedy in the Future. "The tragedy of the war is not the loss of life at present, but the status of Great Britain in 20 years when the children of the dregs of the London slums and of the ruined and nerve wrecked soldiers grow to manhood and try to do the work of the present gen- eration. It will be a century before England can duplicate the picked half million of her best blood that are now dead or hopelessly ruined on the bat- tlefield. "The soldiers who come home from the front are ruined men. Their nerve fiber is wrecked by the shock of the constant roar of the guns. They are a hopeless drag on society." Here are a few more of Dr. Jo- dan's statements: "There is no great Japanese ques- tion for the United States. The 'yel- low peril' is a chimerical product of yellow newspapers. "When the personality of men is forgotten, the work of William Jen- nings Bryan in forming the 'cooling off' treaties and his work formulating the plans for an international body to investigate the cause of every war before it can take place, will be con- sidered a great achievement in Aperi- can history. "The new Central Organization for Durable Peace," to which Jane Addams is a delegate, has five planks in its platform; no recognition of the right of conquest; equality for all races be- fore the law; open sea for any mer- chant vessel; the abolition of all secret treaties, and an international police system." Use the advertising columns of the Michigan Daily in order to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers. Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads for results. Anarchist Talks About Bomb Plots Miss Emma Goldman In passing through Ann Arbor this week to join the Workers' Relief mass meeting in New York, left a statement with a Daily reporter concerning the bomb plot proceedings in San Francisco. It deals primarily with the evidence em- ployed to convict the suspects and tells of the strong predjudice prevailing in that city against the laboring classes. Relative to the witnesses of the ex- plosion the statement reads: "L. M. Prendergast, a veteran of the Spanish- American war, present at the scene of tragedy for the purpose of marching in the parade, who saw the bomb plac- ed and accurately describes the plac- er, was bodily thrown out of the offices of the district attorney as soon as his description of the dynamiter was not- ed not to be in accord with the theory of Martin Swanson, the representative of the utility corporations in the labor contests. "William E. Taylor saw and spoke to the man who adjusted the suitcase- bomb on the sidewalk before its ex- plosion. Taylor was refused the right of hearing and was taken by the police down to a steam boat and sent out of the city. When he returned he was sent away again. "Wilmer Kimberlin was so near the explosion that he' was badly injured. His description agrees with the two witnesses named above. This descrip- tion was concealed by the prosecution until after the trial of Warren Bil- lings. "John McDonald, an associate of the lowest stratum of the water-front drug users, said he saw Billings and Mooney on the corner where the tragedy oc- cured. He boasted to four men, who so testified in epurt, that he was prom- ised a large money reward for so tes- tifying. "Crowley, who contradicted McDon- ald, in so vital a matter as time and place, was out on probation at the time he testified. Estelle Smith, dental as- sistant, who has been in jail in Los Angeles on a charge of murder, testi- fied she saw/ Billings at the dental of- fice, about a mile away, at the same time the other witnesses saw him at two other places." Miss Goldman further stated in her report that the reason there were so many bad characters testifying against the suspects was due to th'e fact that a reward of $17,000 stood for the con- viction of anyone for the bomb crime. An additional reward of $5,000 stands for the conviction of anyone for the blowing-up of the United Railroad Power towers a short time ago. Ac- cording to Miss Goldman, there are enough criminals in any city willing to perjure themselves under these cir- cumstances, provided the police power is of the kind to co-operate with them. OCHBOOSE PEACE CONTEST i Select Five from 19 Men Stillin Race for Places Final eliminations for the annual peace contest will be made today, five men being chosen from the 19 speak- ing in room 302 Mason hall. Those speaking at 10 o'clock are: E. F. Gasar, '18, M. F. Peters, '17, J. R. Simpson, '18, D. A. Hertz, '19, and J. W. Planck, '18. At 4 o'clock: L. E. Luebbers, '17, M. M. Frocht, '19, C. F. Wilner, '19, 11. B. Teegarden, '17, James B. Cashin, '19L, James Schermerhorn, Jr., '18, and Herbert Parzen, '19. At 7 o'clock: J. C. Stern, '17, T. A. hart, '19, Lois May, '18, S. Katsuizumi, '17, Colonel Brown, '19, C. H. Schulte, '17, and V. H. Simmons, '18. Each oration must be given in less than 16 minutes and must deal with some phase of international peace. The university contest will be held Dec 14 in University Hall. c Great Stats ~Arne wer bigger, Iette productions C applications are wanted to replace this loss of market. "The problems of t clnical phyto- chemistry are of considerable econo- mic importance. Many of our plants are wasted either because of a lack of knowledge regarding their possibilities or because of a defliciency of interest in their industrial development. The processes for obtaining rubber from gnayule sap are unperfected and the production of a satisfactory butter- substitute from soy-bea i il is yet to be found. . iii INot Make Casoliie. Dr. Bacon said that while it ap- peared a practical possibility to make gasoline from coal gas, little com- mercial importance was attached to this, and little or no experiments were being made along tls line here, mainly because of our natural sources of gasoline from the petroleum fields, but in Europe experinicts were being pushed actively. Speaking of the pa- per scarcity, Dr. Bacon said of the product from the fiber of the osage tree and other w oods from the roots of the osage tree and the palmetto: "The nuestion of substitutes for wood in the manufacture of paper pulp is a pressing one, and any source of relief is gratifying. Perhaps the manu- facture of fannie acid extract from palu 'tto roots and other sources might be miade profitable by the production of paper pulp from the fiber residue." F HINS 'WILL IMIT RATIONS OF POTATOES M R u Food Limits Despite Big Grain Crop Gains of 5,000,000 Tons I rlin, Nov. 29 (Delayed).-The Geri maus will go through the winter with- oat change in their present rations of import ant foodstuffs, except a reduc- tiun in the potato ration, according to authoritative information on the food situation by the war nutrition bureau. This shows that while supplies at irous times would in themselves per- haps justify an increase, it has been determined to adhere to the present al- lowance of 250 grammes of bread ':,2 250 grammes of meat and 90 grammes of fat weekly, and 750 grainmes of sugar monthly and use ay surplun, either accumulation or, rsrve, for the hard laboring classes, such as miners and foundry men. The grain harvest shows an excess S000 tons over last year, but two y ars' experience has proved that the present ration is adequate and that it willtherefore, be unnecessary to in- crease it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. Orpheum - Louise Glaum in "The Wolf Woman." Also * * * * * * * * * Triangle Swain in Rise." Comedy, "Ambrose's R * *Arcade-Nell * Duncan * Wall." * Shipman and in "Through Rack * tapid * * * Wm. * the * * * * * * at the lest playhouseS * * * * * * * * * * Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Jeweler, 113 South Main St. Chapman, tues-sod Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. I- ry E ,-UT OF THE GIRLS AS -pus ENTERTAINERS I Yu _ wilb ivcn your first opportunity to see a real production in which men d NOT take part. fun filled with surprises at the Two hours of entertainment and. Girls' Glee Club and Masques Entertainment All Metro Features Have First I- WS wn STY -41 Nii J AUDITORIUM Tisu i'say, December 7. 25 cents Run at The Arcade 1