.N E
foreign Students
Drop Differences
Victor Record "The Yellow and Blue"
and "College Days" Appeared
With the appearance yesterday of
the Victor record "The Yellow and
Blue" and "College Days," the success
of Michigan music in the eyes of pub-
lic opinion is assured. Some time ago
the songs "The Victors" and "Varsity"
were used for a record by the Victor
people and they have stated since that
it was the only record of college mu-
sic which has been a financial success.
Because the public hasthus expressed
its desire for Michigan music it has
been possible to put more of it on the
The first -Michigan song book was
published several years ago by Shee-
han & Co. This book was a small
blue-bound volume containing but a
few songs. Later, after the Michigan
Union opera was established the song
book was published by the Hinds,
Noble & Eldrch Music company of
Chicago. This book was much larger
and more popular than the first one
that, appeared. Another copy of the
Michigan song book was published
sometime later by the Jerome H. Rem-
ick Music company of New York.
A few years ago Mrs. M. M. Root of
the University Music House published
the first complete Michigan song book.
She purchased several former Michi-
gan Union operas, including "Koanza-
land," "Crimson Chest," "Michigenda,"
and "Culture." This volume contained
severa songs from these various
operas and other Michigan songs.
After trying for three years to per-
suade the Victor company to repro-
duce "The Victors" and "Varsity,"
Mrs. Root received word on the day
of the Michigan-Harvard game two
years ago that she had finally suc-
ceeded. After two years Mrs. Root in-
duced the hinds, Noble and Eldrich
company to put out "The Yellow and
Blue" in sheet music form and now
throughrher efforts the Victor company
has reproduced it together with "Col -
lege Days" for a record which went on
sale yesterday. Through letters re-
ceived from members of the alumni
body it is seen that they greatly a.p-
precate the fact that they are able to
buy Michigan music in record form.
In Ye Olden Days
All Was Different
Caretaker of Ferry Field Tells of His
Various and Curious
The track man was clearing up his
locker for the year.
"Some track suit, that," he remarked
as he held up the "pants" with their
brilliant stripes of yellow and blue,
and the shirt with its hard-won,
coveted letter.
"My wife made those, and has made
them for the track men for a long,
long time," said the man standing next
to him, who was no other than Mr.
Sterling Bullock, the caretaker of the
Ferry field clubhouse. "I've been here
more than 40 years myself," he added.
Many and curious are the tales he
tells about the life of the students in
Ann Arbor, for seven in the old days,
he was the repairer of the football
(for they had only one in the whole
college). The game used to be played
in a field where Waterman and Bar-
bour gymnasiums now stand. There
was no fence around it and conse-
quently no admission charged for the
contests. During these early stages in
the gradual evolution of the Michigan
gridiron game, the schedules were
often uncertain. Thus, while Michi-
gan played Harvard, Yale, and Prince-
ton in 1881, in 1882, there were no
games scheduled with any "regular"
teams. The game was played with a
large round ball, and the players wore
padded clothing or guards to protect
them from injury. One thing they al-
ways had was the great heavy sweater,
with the "M" drawn upon it with chalk.
The regular class insignia of the
seniors was the high silk hat. One
year, a dashing young southerner from
Kentucky entered the Law School.
Having always worn the "tile" in his
home city, he did the same here as a
matter of course. However, a few
days after he had been here, a note
was sent to him asking him to kindly
(Continued on Page Six.)
Roast suckling pig dinner Thanks-
giving Day. Michigan Union. 28-29-80
Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H.
Wild Company. Leading merchant
tailors. State street. tf
Annual Reception to Foreign Students
Held by President Hutchins
Dee. 2
"Buenas noches."
"Sprechen sie Deutsch?"
"Qui est ic?"
These will be but a few of the ex-
pressions to be heard at Barbour gym-
nasium Saturday evening, Dec. 2, when
a polyglot student body comes to
greet President Harry B. Hutchins at
his reception for foreign students.
The Jap will be seen in one corner
conversing with a sturdy Russian, or
perhaps illustrating a bit of Jul jitsu
on the cheerful Muscovite as they con-
gratulate each other on their appetite
for American delicacies. The war of
1904-05 will be mere hjtory to them,
and though each in his own heart will
laud his Togo or his Makaroff, never-
theless this will not detract his at-
tention from the consumption of
"Made in U.. S. A." dainties.
A German and a Frenchman are cer-
tain to be noticed shaking hands vig-
orously, forgetting that eternal ques-
tion of Alsace-Lorraine, and discuss-
ing the possibility of serving bean
soup with sauerkraut. "Hoch der
kaiser" and "Vive la republique" will
be only phrases at this event.
In one corner of the gymnasium the
Chinese will be holding a heated dis-
cussion as to whether ice cream and
cake is more essential to the susten-
ance of life than rice, cooked, boiled,
or fried.
Welchmen, Canadians, Hindus, South
Africans and many other representa-
tives of the races under British rule
will unite in one great celebration.
"England expects every man to, do his
duty," Lord Nelson said. And for once
in his life the English subject will
overdo his duty, that of devouring that
which is to be devoured.
"But the American?" you ask. "He
is claimed to be a leader among na-
tions. What principal part will he be
taking at this affair? What will he
be doing?" Nothing, my friend, noth-
ing. Just eating, that's all.
"Above all-is humanity." This is
the general slogan for all cosmopolitan
groups. This slogan will don a dif-
erentcloak Saturday night, and that
of "eat, drink, and be merry" will
reign in its stead.
University Possesses One of Finest
Astronomical Laboratories
in Country
The astronomical observatory is lit-
f A'
tie known by the average student,
this observatory contains one of
finest departments of astronomy in the
United States.
In an interview with a Daily re-
porter yesterday, Dr. C. C. Kiess, in-
structor in astronomy, said that there
are approximately 150 students of the
University pursuing courses in that de-
partment. A considerable number of
these are doing advanced work. All
courses in descriptive astronomy re-
ouiring more or less practical work
in observation, are given in the ob-
servatory, but those of a more tech-
nical and theoretical nature meet in
builcings upon the campus.
New Large Telescope Expected Soon.
When questioned about the observa-
tory itself, Dr. Kiess said: "As far as
I know the observatory is the largest
,one in the country intimately con-
nected with a state university. The
University of California has one that
is larger, but it is situated 70 miles
away from "the campus and for that
reason, of course, cannot offer the
facilities that we have here at Michi-
gan." The observatory here is equipped
with two large telescopes, one of a
reflecting type and the other a re-
fracting instrument. The former tele-
scope has a 37 1-2 inch lens and is
used by the instructors for special
work in observation. The latter in-
strument contains a 12-inch lens and
is used by the students of descriptive
astronomy. Dr. Kiess said that at
some future time a large telescope is
expected. The mechanical parts have
already been constructed to a large
extent but the lensmanufactured in
Germany has been delayed by the war
and no date for its arrival can be set.
The observatory is also equipped with
other instruments necessary for high
class work and has parts so that any
new appliance may be readily con-
Building Open Each Thursday Evening
As to plans for visitors' nights at
the observatory, Dr. Kiess said that
lie knew of no arrangement that he
could disclose concerning such a plan.
The observatory is open for a time
each Thursday evening for the use of
students of descriptive astronomy and
he said that a small number of other
students particularly interested in as-
tronomy might be accommodated, but
there are no facilities for handling a
large number.
Health Service to Be Closed Thursday
The health service will be closed to
all students of the University Thanks-
giving day. The usual hours will pre-
vail Friday.
r ?'
rg rf
Comfortable Formal Clothes
Designed, cut and
tailored to your individual
measure by our Chicago tailors, ED. V. PRICE & CO.
To test their high character we ask only your first
order. We'll be your tailors after that. Let us prove it.
309 SO.
814 SO.
Local Dealer of Ed. V. Price & Co.
Merchant Tailors, Chicago
Orpheum - Mary Pickford
"Hulda from Holland."
in *
Prof. J. C. Parker's office Monday and
The Westinghouse company takes on
each year about 125 technical college
graduates from schools all over the
country. These men are then put to
work in the shops of the company for
a time, the length of which depends
upon the previous practical experience
of the men. The maximum time spent
in doing this elementary work, which
covers all the important departments,
is one year.
the next six months. As soon as they:
enter their chosen branch of the busi-
ness, their salaries are increased.
The function of this firm's educa-
tional department is to replace retir-'
ing engineers, and also to prepare men
for the new fields the company enters.
The college graduates employed are
selected with particular regard for all
around ability.
Mr. Biebel left Ann Arbor last night,
but will be back again in February and
at some other time toward the close
of the second semester. At these times'
Martin has frequently used the library
and other facilities of the engineering
college for the purpose of collecting
aeronautical data. He has also called
in Prof. F. W. Pawlowski and Mr. J.
M. Munson of the aeronautical depart-
ment on several occasions in order to
obtain their advice on certain prob-
lems he was confronted with in the
design,of one of his aeroplanes.
Of the 100 tickets for the Engineer-
ing society's dance, which were placed
01clp tw kuar a hr o
Arcade-Lew Fields In "The Man
Who Stood StiL"° Also Mutt
and lef artoon.
* * * * * S * * * * 9 # #s
At the Garrick theater, Detroit, this
week, including a special matinee on
Thanksgiving day, is that dainty mu-
sical comedy success, "The Girl from
Brazil," which the Messrs. Shubert
present direct from its successful run
at the 44th Street theater, New York.
This musical comedy is in three acts,
the first two located in Stockholm and
the last in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. "The
Girl from Brazil," in brief, tells of the
Liverstools, a wealthy family in Stock-
holm, whose prestige is really due to
money an old woman from Brazil has
left in a vault. All goes well until a
niece turns up, a fascinating girl who
lays claim to her fortune as her aunt
is dead. Plot within plot follows as
the banker seeks to retrieve his plight
by marrying off his daughter, who per-
sists in finding the man she loves. He
himself is infatuated by the girl from
Brazil, and complicates matters by
paying an exorbitant sum for one kiss,
which he never gets. The girl from
Brazil also persists in finding the man
she has kissed once. Her father, to
complicate matters, falls in love with
the girl from Brazil. She is a won-
derful girl, given to all sorts of pranks,
but always knows where to draw the
line. But she is not one bit more won-
derful than the girl from Stockholm.
The third act finds everybody back in
Brazil in all the picturesque setting of
that country.
Girls, appointments filled promptly
at Mrs. Rowe's Hair Shop (over Shee-
han's). Rainwater used. Phone
1198-W. ' 23125-29
Mr. H. M. Biebel, representative of
the educational department of the
Westinghouse Electric and Manufac-
turing company of East Pittsburg, Pa.,
informed seniors of the employment
policy of his firm, in a series of con-
sultation periods which he held in
A bit of a compliment to the folk at
home, were a giftie of somthing niftie
from the James Foster House of Art. tf
At the end of this period the elec-
trical engineer decides on the partic-
ular line he intends to specialize in
and immediately begins to work in the
field of his choice. Meanwhile he has
been attending the company's school
for three hours each week, learning
how to solve the problems that have
come up in his shop work. Classes are
conducted during the working hours,
without any expense or deduction of
pay. The men receive $50 per month
during the first six months of em-
ployment and $60 per month during
., .: Sleeping Cars
Every Day from Detroit to
Jacksonville, Fla.
Beginning December 9th, 1916
Leave Detroit 10:45 p.m. daily
Arrive Cincinnati 7:40 am.
Arrive Chattanooga 6:00 p.m,
Arrive Jacksonville 8:50 a."i, e (")
in connection with
Big Four Route-Queen & Crescent Rouile and
Southern Railway-"The 'Scenic Lin-"
Tickets at low Winter Tourist Fares on sale daly until April 30,
1917, to points in Alabamia, Cu. a, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi, New Providence, New Mexico, North Carolina,
South Carolina and Texas.
Return limit to reach original starting point not later than May 31.1917
For particulars consult
Michigan Central
Ticket Agents
erg sae L wo wee s ago, tnere re-
he will sign up the men whom the mained but six uncalled for yesterday
company thinks are up to its stand- afternoon. These remaining tickets
ards. r can be obtained today at the Union.
-The price of a ticket is 75 cents.
Capt. James V. Martin has inventedI/
a stabilizing device for aeroplanes, SIX DAYS UNTIL
which is being tested at present by MICHIUANENSIAN SUBSCRIPTION
the United States 'government. Capt. CAMPAIGN. SAVE 0 CENTS
s 111 itlI l1illillllillIIIl l l111111111111111111111111111111111w
St Unton
Blue Points on Half Shell
Celery Hearts Salted Almonds Queen Olives
Chicken Broth Renaissance-Cream of Tomato Andalouse
Pried Scallops, Sauce Figaro Broiled Whitefish Hoteliers
Julienne Potatoes
Sweet Breads en cases Maryland
Roasc Vermont Turkey, Chestnut Dressing
Benedictine Sherbet, Oak Leaf Wafers Cranberry Sauce
Browned Sweet Potatoes Asparagus Tips, Mouseline Sauce
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus
Mashed Potatoes Brussel Sprouts
Sweet Cider
Roast Young Pig, Irish Dressing
Apple Sauce
Yacht Club Salad
Hot Mince Pie, Brandy Sauce Bavriaus Cream Pudding
Caramel Ice Cream and Assorted Cake
Camembert Cheese Bent's Water Crackers
Demi Tassee Mints
7111111111111111111I1Ili 11 11111111111I111111111111 W1 N liii li i 11 11 1111111111111I till IIlill M111111
r _
r""_ if