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First Focuising of United States At-
tention on Inng arin Submarines
Since Petrolite Case
Washington, Nov. 28.-Sinking of the
Amierican steamer Chemung "by tor-
pedo and gun fire" was officially re-
ported to the state department this
afternoon, The crew of 350 men was
An Austrian submarine made the
attack the American consul at Val-
oncia cabled Secretary Lansing. This
is the first time American attention
has been focused on Austria-Hungarian
submarine activities since the attack
on the Petrolite which resulted in a
crisis between the two governments.
Although receipt of the cable plainly
startled efficials at first, it was later
pohlted out that since the Chemung
had contraband aboard she was subject
to visit and search, at least by an
enemy of the country to which the con-
traband was destined. While no of-
ficial statement was forthcoming, it
was privately explained that the
slightest sign of an attempt to escape
from the Austrian submarine would
have given the subsea cruiser right to
fire on her. This point of course must
be conclusively cleared up before any
decision can be reached.
1omgt Have .Aill facts to Act.
Officials htere were frank to say that
the United States "of course" would
tak'e summary action should it lei
proven the attack ws unwarranted.
Facts, and all the facts, must be
known. There is little doubt, it was
stated, that this government will im-
mediately make inquiry of its rep're-
sentatives abroad and order the Val-
encia consul to take affidavit from the
crew. N
It was also certain that the state
department would order Ambassador
Penfield at Vienna to make representa-
tions leading toward an official ac-
. count of the incident from the Vienna
Carried Copper Wire. and Iron.
Regardless of what this government
learns through its own agents abroad,
a sufficient time would be awaited for
Austria to report officially on the case.
It is understod here that the Chem-
ung's manifesto showed she carried
pig iron, 200 bales of cotton, copper
wire and copper in pieces and barrels.
Copper has been declared contraband
by the allies.
British 'Successfully Raid Trenches
Saloniki, Nov. 28.-The British of-
ficial statement from General Dorian
today declared that after an artillery
bombardment the British forces on
the Salonilci front successfully raided
Teutonie trenches northeast of Macu-
kovo, killing many, capturing a num-
her of prisoners and destroying the
Germans Se! Briish Near Ypres
Lonon, No. .-eavy and con-
tinuous siar by the Germans of
British positions, orth of Ypres with
but small casualties to the allies, was
reported by General Haig today.
French-Serbs Capture 111 100
Paris, Nov. 28.--Led by French
Zouaves, Serbian forces captured Hill
1050 northeast of Monastir today de-
spite the most violent efforts of Bul-
garian-Germavi defenders. Four coun-
ter attacks by the Teutonic forces were
repulsed with heavy losses.'
'eutoin Forces lyr; in 1nze Valley
Bucharc, Nov. 23 -Using gas and
shells the Teutonic forces are dria jng
the Roumanian troops from luze val-
ley. The official statement thus de-
tailed the fighting in the northwest.
In the west there were no en-
gagements yesterday excepting on
the extreme right. The Rouman-
ians positions were under heavy en-
emy bombardment. On the left wing
there was nothin, of importance.
Along the Danube, the statement re-
ported artillery bombardment. In
Dobrudja the situation was said to be
Wants to "eze
Cornered Food
J. lI, Lewis Urges Plan to Take Neces-
sities Held by Commission Men
and Distribute Them
Chicago, Nov. 28.-Plans to sieze
food and necessities held in gigantic
corners by commission men and brok-
ers and distribute them to the people
through stations established in all
parts of larger cities, were advocated
here today by J. H. Lewis of Illinois,
Democratic party whip in the United
States senate. .
Lewis outlined his plan in a letter
to UJnited StateshDistrict Attorney
Charles Cline. It caused a stir among
"The plan I shall propose in con-
gress when it meets in December is
for the government to take possession
of necessities and offer a just price for
them. If this is declined, condemn the
product as a necessity for the people,
then submit to juries the evidence on
all sides, and let them decide a just
"Let the government establish sta-
tions in each city under charge of the
municipality or the state from which
the people may buy, also limit the
amount to be sold to individuals and
see that it is purchased only by those
who should be the object of govern-
ment protection."
Final Elimination for Central League
Under New System
The final elimination for the choos-
ing of the two teams that will debate
in the Central Debating league this
year will occur today. A new sys-
tem is this year being instituted by
the oratory department, and the next
elimination will be a regular debate
of four teams.
One affirmative team composed of I.
S. Toplon, '19L, H. B. Teegarden, '17,
and M. W. Welch, '17, will debate H.
F. Massnick, 18, G. W. Hulbert, '17,
and I. M. Carson, '17, at 4 o'clock in
room B law building.
At 7 o'clock the other affirmative
team composed of G. C. Claassen, '17L,
A. M. Levine, '19L, W. P. Sanford, '19,
and J. Matson, '19L, will debate J. R.
Simpson, '18, L. W. Lisle, '17L, and W.
T. Adams, '17.
The instructors of the oratory de-
partment, Prof. W. A. Frayer of the
history department, and Mr. J. E.
Thornton of the English department,
will officiate as judges. Eight men
will be elfosen in the debates, six for
the regular teams and two alternates.
Each speaker will be given eight min-
utes in which to present his construc-
tive speech and four minutes for re-
Board of Regents Permit Corps to
Meet in Gym Hereafter
Due to the fact that new apparatus
is being installed, Waterman gymnas-
ium will not be available for the
weekly drill of the University of Mich-1
igan military training corps at 7
o'clock tonight. Instead, the men will
meet at the engineering arch if the
weather permits, or, if inclement, in
the corridor Son the fourth floor of the
engineering building.
The board of regents has decided to
permit the corps to use Waterman
gymnasium for drilling purposes. As,
yet no janitor service has been ar-
ranged for Wednesday nights when
the men meet. This will probably be
arranged for by next week. Members
of the corps are asked to wear tennis_
shoes tonight.
Two small boys, about 15 years of
age, who were driving away yester-
day in a car belonging to Ray For-
shee, a local business man, were
caught after a chase of a block by
th e owner. The boys gave their names
as James Clarke, 513 Fairview avenue,
and Raymond Harris, 386 Crane av-
enue, Detroit.
A search of the pockets of the
Clarke boy produced seven automo-
bile switch keys, a screwdriver, an air
gauge, and a box of 22 cartridges. The
police notified Detroit authorities that
they were holding the boys until their
parents got them.
i J
Australian Food Commissioner Com-
pares System With Conditions
in America
By George Martin
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
New York, Nov. 28.-Formal appeal
for government regulation of the coun-
try's food supply was forwarded to
President Wilson today by the repre-
sentatives of 2,000,000 women of the
National Housewives' league. Simul-
taneously Patrick E. Quinn, govern-
ment commissioner for New South
Wales, explained the Australian sys-
tem of food control to the United Press
and recommended its adoption by the
United States.
The housewives' resolution adopted
by the state chairmen of the league
from every state in the Union, based
its appeal on the assertion that "the
peple of the United States are suffer-
ing from exorbitant prices due to the
shortage of crops, increased exports,
decreased imports, and speculation."
At the same time an egg boycott was
spreading rapidly, and promised to be-
come country wide.
Explains Australian System.
"With speculators holding a gun to
the heads of the American people,
your situation seems to demand drastic
measures," said Quinn, telling why he
thought the United States should es-
tablish government control of food
prices. "The storing of eggs, butter,
meat, poultry, and like foodstuffs to
boost prices is only less criminal than
the destruction of food to keep the
market up, such as I have seen in San
"Every morning the prevailing prices
for staplesare announced by our gov-
ernment. If the announcement price
is 36 cents for butter, the housewife
knows she will pay 36 cents and no
more. Thanks to our control system
housewives of Sidney and other large
cities pay about 25 cents a dozen for
the best eggs.
"The reason eggs are not 25 cents
here is that the speculators are hold-
ing a pistol at the consumers' heads. At
home we provide a reasonable profit
for the producer, for the wholesaler,
and for the retailer, and yet sell many
articles of food at half and less than
half you pay here. There is plenty
of food of all kinds in the United'
Speculators Oppress Consumers.
"The speculators have got dealers
and consumers by the throat. Could
you imagine a two-pound loaf of bread
selling in the United States for seven
cents? That is what the Australian
state bakeries d, Of course many of
our dealers chafe under the fair prices
system, just as they would in the
United States, but that doesn't stop
the regulations."
Registrar Arthur G. Hall will leave
Ann Arbor next week on a trip of in-
spection of state educational institu-
tions. This is one of the regular Uni-
versity inspection trips of the year.
Dr. Hall will visit the following
schools: Williamson high school,
Ionia high school, Calvin College,
Grand Rapids; Okeley Institute, Grand
Haven; South high school, Grand
$100,000 Fire in Chicago Paint Shop
Chicago, Nov. 28.-A $100,000 fire in
a crowded manufacturing district here
today threatened dozens of buildings,
when the Hockaday Paint company's
warehouse caught fire. Firemen had
a narrow escape when explosion of oil
caused one wall to collapse. Spon-
taneous combustion is believed to have
caused the fire. The Johnson-Pomek
Lumber company is in the same build-
ing and the Hub Electric company
adjoining also suffered loss.
Thousands View Emperor's Body
Amsterdam, Nov. 28.--Vienna saw her dead emperor today.
Lying in state in the chapel of Hoffburg palace, the remains of
Francis Josef were viewed by an unending stream of people who
loved and revered the aged monarch. Thursday afternoon the casket
will be sealed in a silver case and deposited in the Capuchins chap-
el with the other Hapsburg dead of past centuries. Last night's
funeral ceremony marking the transfer of the body of the late ruler
from his home at Schoenbrunn castle to the stately palace of Hoff-
burg, was carried out in all the pomp and splendor prescribed in Aus-
tria's ancient rules for honor to the royal dead.
It was a weird procession that started at 10 o'clock, passing
through the black streets. Torch-bearing pages preceded the mourn-
ing cortege. Representatives of all the Hungarian regiments at court
came next in the procession, followed by the court chamberlains in
full regalia, carrying lanterns.
The guard of honor was a full squadron of Austrian cavalry
mounted in complete war regalia, on coal black horses, and sur-
rounding the state coaches of all high functionaries of the kingdom.
The hearse, carrying .the remains, was drawn by eight black Arabian
steeds magnificiently draped with black and gold and silver. The new
Emperor and empress rode in the gorgeous state coach, dressed in
deepest mourning.
Law Review Will Contain Articles by
Professors Goddard and Bow-
man and L. M. Zane
Mr. J. M. Zane of Chicago, Prof. E.
C. Goddard of the law"department, and
Prof. Harold M. Bowman of the Bos-
ton University law school, will con-
tribute the three leading articles for
the December issue of the Law Re-
view. The issue will come out about
Dec. 5 and in addition to the usual
distribution by mail the books will be
put on sale in the corridors of the law
Mr. Zane will continue his article of
last month on "The Attaint." Pro-
fessor Bowman has written on the sub-
ject of "Martial Law and the English
Constitution," while Professor God-
dard has contributed an article on the
value of the public service company.
Professor Bowman is a graduate of
the Law School and will be remem-
bered by some as the writer of the
Friar song. Prior to his acceptance
of the professorships at Boston Uni-
versity, he was a member of the po-
litical science faculty at Dartmouth
and an editorial contributor to the
New York Globe.
Prof. A. G. Canfield Discusses Satires
on Work of Victor Hugo
An audience that filled the lecture
room in Tappan hall heard Prof. A. G.
Canfield of the French department de-
liver the first Cercle Francais lecture
yesterday afternoon.
Professor Canfield's subject was
"Victor Hugo's Parodies et Carica-
tures" and dealt with the amusing
satires that have been written and
caricatures that have been drawn at-
tacking the work of the great French
novelist and poet.
The next lecture of the series will
be given by Prof. J. J. Albert Rousseau
of the department of architecture, on
Dec. 12. His subject will be "L'Ecole
des Beaux Arts de Paris." Professor
Rousseau gave a lecture on the same
subject last year. It attracted such
attention at that time that the Cercle
Francais asked him to repeat it this
Associate membership tickets of the
Cercle Francais, which may be secured
from members of the French faculty
and from members of the Cercle, will
admit students to all French lectures
throughout the year.
Report That Bndit Leader Controls
City; Be Facto Forces Retreat
to Join Re-enforcements
El Paso, Nov. 28.-Pancho Villa is
in possession of Chihuahua City and
General Trevino with his Carranza
garrison has evacuated and fled south-
ward in an attempt to form a junction
with General Murgia's relief column
of de facto troops, according to reports
obtained today by United States au-
thorities, and transmitted to Washing-
Mexican de facto officials refused to
make any statement, except that they
have no information and complete con-
firmation of the capture of the city is
unavailable. Following a junction
with Murgia it is reported Trevno will
return and attempt to drive Villa out.
In spite of the apparently authentic
basis of the report that Villa has taken
Chihuahua City, there is still an air
of uncertainty among some United
States department officials. In some
quarters they point to the fact that
Villa could have sent the message re-
porting the victory himself. A num-
ber of Americans are known to be In
Chihuahua City.
New Phases May' Check Dismissal
Washington, Nov. 28.-The situation
at Chihuahua City where Carranzistas
and Villistas are battling is consid-
ered such that it will probably halt
present\ plans for returning several
more militia regiments to their homes,
it was learned from official war de-
partment sources today.
The department had expected to send
two or three more regiments back
home this week.
Men Must Hand in Card Showing
Their Measurements
The last preliminary meeting of the
naval reserves will be held tonight in
room 102 economics building, at 7
o'clock. Each man is required to have
with him two yards of clothes line for
knot-tying, and a pocket note-book.
Regular drill in Waterman gymnas-
ium will begin next week.
The navy quarter-master will be in
Ann Arbor this week to receive the
requisitions for uniforms and -it is
therefore necessary that each man to-
night hand in a card bearing his meas-
urements as follows: chest, waist,
length of in-seam of trousers, length
of arm, and size of hat. It is impera-
tive that this information be in the
hands of the commander tonight. Men
who are unable to attend the drill are
requested to send their measurements
to the meeting some time during the
Holy Communion at St. Andrew's
There will be a celebration of the
holy communion at St. Andrew's Epis-
copal, church at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow
morning. A Thanksgiving service will
be held at 10:30 o'clock.
Minstrel Act With Endmen Emerman
and Goldstick Produces Big-
get Laugh
For nearly two hours and a half,
members of the Michigan Union and
their friends were entertained last
night in H-ill' auditorium with the
novel singing and dancing acts that
featured the annual spotlight vaude-
ville. The audience occupied the in-
terval preceeding the first number by
looking over the quaint and amusing
programs which had been handed them
at the door.
Although all of the acts were clever-
ly worked out, much of the sujess for
the entertainment was due to the sing-
ing of the Camp Davis engineers, as
clustered about their Mire they ren-
dered some of the old songs which
have been connected with their depart-
ment almost since its inception. Un-
stinted applause was accorded them,
as well as to Carlos Zanelli, '17E, who
sang the songs of his native Chile with
spirit and beauty. As an encore
Zanelli gave the French national
Minstrels Present Humorous Sketch.
But perhaps the minstrels held the
attention of the audience to a greater
extent and secured more laughs than
any other feature on the bill. Fol-
lowing their advent from the realm of
shades, H. W. Goldstick, '17D, and L.
B. Enierman, '18L, filled the positions
of endmen, and were ably supported
in their efforts by the 19 remaining
members of the cast. Many good
humored sallies were made at the ex-
pense of campus celebrities, and the
audience was at no time sparing of
its applause. Many of the perform-
ers are possessors of good voices and
have been seen in a number of campus
productions before.
The act in silhouette, wherein the
hero gets the better of the whiskered
villain and secures the "siren," was
a clever burlesque of the cmic films.
H. J. Saunders, '19, F. M. Adams, '17,
and L. W. van Aken, '17M, assumed
the several roles.
M. C. Wood furnished amusement as
Harry Lauder. The impersonation of
the canny Scot and his singing was
cleverly executed.
L. B. Emerman Performs Creditably
L. B. Emerman, '18L, experienced
some difficulty with the stage property
he employed in his act. He carried
off the act, however, in a creditable
fashion, winning approbation with the
singing of two other songs as well.
According to the general opinion,
the entertainment produced by the
Union was a success in every respect.
In an interview with a Daily reporter,
D. A. Smith, '17E, general chairman,
spoke well of the time and labor that
had been given to the production by
those. who had taken part. "The Union
appreciates their efforts," he said.
After Serving Fie Years of Life Sen-
tence Doctor bets Reprieve
Lansing, Nov. 28.-A complete par-
don for Dr. Robert MacGregor, Ubley
physician, now serving a life sentence
in Jackson prison, has been decided
upon by Governor Ferris, according to
an announcement from the executive
office this afternoon. MacGregor was
convicted of the murder of Cyril Sparl-
ing fives years ago.
The Governor has had MacGregor's
case under investigation for several
months. He declared recently that le
was almost convinced of the physic-
ian's innocence ,and that unless ad-
ditional evidence was brought forth
the pardon would be granted. The
trial and conviction of the Ubley doc-
tor was one of the most sensational in
the history of court proceedings in
Germany to Curtail Railroad Traffic
Berlin, via London, Novfi 28.-A gen-
eral curtailment of railroad traffic, due
to a desire to save coal, is scheduled
for Dec. 1.
Notice to Advertisers
Because of the holiday on Thursday of this week all
Copy for Friday's Paper
must he in the Daily office by 2 o'clock