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November 25, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-25

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Otto T. Kreuser, '17, Describes
efficiency of German Government



e0n of Pulitzer School of Journalism
States War Has Made News-
paper Important
"The world is watching the utter-
nces of the American press," said
lean Talcott Williams, of the Colum-
ia University Pulitzer school of
ournalism, in an address given yes-
3rday afternoon in Tappan hall be-
dre the students of the journalism de-
artment. "The newspaper is the her-
ld between two armed camps," was
he characterization made by Dean
illiams in describing the changes
rhich the present war has made in
"The newspaper leapt into import-
nce at the beginning of the war. In
Jngland, when the war news was first
xcluded from the press, enlistment
ell off at a serious rate. but when the
etters from the f,ont describing the
ctual. conditions under which the
oldiers were fighting at the front
vere circulated throughout the coun-
ry by means of the newspaper, enlist-
tent immediately increased," the
peaker continued.
The war has had an immediate ef-
act upon the American newspaper in
wo ways. In the first, place, it has
rought the editorial and editorial
rriting into a place if prominence
rhich it has never before occupied.
he comments of the American press
pon the various situations in Eu-
§pe not only have a profound effect
pon the opinions of this country, but
arts of the editorials appear in cir-
ulation in the European press almost
s soon as they appear in this coun-
The second way in which its in-
uence has been felt is in the stand-
rdization of news which has taken
lace since the war began. Especially
this true of the large eastern cities.
he number of columns devoted to
ty news has been cut to about half,
asulting in the use of the city press
orvices by all the newspapers in the
Ame city. With all newspapers re-
aiving practically the same news in
hs way, much greater emphasis has
een placed upon treatment of news.
a order to secure the best treatment,
has become necessary to have train-
I reporters and editorial writers and
her journalists. For this reason,
e importance of preliminary train-
Wg in journalism is equal to its im-
rtance in any other profession. The
ichnique of the profession can Pe
gst tecured in schools.
Another thing which the war has
aught journalism is that under mod-
in conditions, it is impossible to do
ore than illuminate the truth.
2ratory, Girl-
A dad Formula
It is a quiet hour in the league house.
he silence. is broken mainly by the
mnd of "Where did Robinson Crusoe
o?" played on the "uke," and the
Aice of one who is enjoying an ex-
nded visit with a friend via the sec-
id floor phone.
Our heroine, artistically arranged on
le sofa in the second floor front, is
udying in the odd moments between
lephone calls. Suddenly and with-
it warning she raises her head and
ems to listen intently while her eyes
row fear-haunted.
A mournful voice that is not human
ems to come from the pines in front
the house. As the sound comes
arer, accompanied by a ghostly tread
ong the porch roof, our heroine can'
stinguish a slow chant, "He was aj
>od old man."
"Haunted," she gasps, and the blood
angeals in her veins. Her eyes are

veted on the open window, where a1
ng, slim, too-white hand is groping
ong the frame. The girl buries her
ce in the pillow, shaking with
ight, and faints.
It seems hours afterwards that she
ears the familiar voice of the oc-
ipant of the adjoining second floor
"I didn't mean to disturb you, but
thought I was coming into my own
>om. I simply had to get my oratory,
id my room-mate is cramming for a
uebook, so I have been saying it
itside on the porch roof. I didn't
>ther you, did I? Good night."
And our heroine swooned again.
, S. Fetter Returns From Cleveland
N. S. Fetter, secretary of the local
Y", returned last night from Cleve-
und, 0., where he has been attending
convention of "Y" secretaries.
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
hapman, jeweler, 113 South Main
;reet. tues-eod

In the fourth article of a series of
five, Otto T. Kreuser, '17, writes on
"German Government."
So much has been written of late
about the German government that it
would be useless for me to attempt to
criticize any of it in this short space.
Yet few, if any, of the writers have
struck the keynote of the principle
upon which that entire structure is
built: A government for the people by
those best fitted to govern.
Since the Prussians are the leaders
of Germany, Prussianism is bound to
pervade all Germany. And Prussian-
ism means primarily efficiency in gov-
ernment. This is true in every de-
partment of the state.
Frederick the Great has said that
the king is the chief servant of the
state. This is true even today. There
is probably no harder working man,
no better informed statesman than the
present German empelbr. In places
where an emperor might not be quali-
fied for his position, the chancellor of
the empire, who may be said to be the
head of the cabinet, takes his place.
In other words there is a place for a
strong, capable executive, either em-
porer or chancellor. The emperor is
assisted by a cabinet which does the
actual governing and is responsible to
him and not to the legislature.
The legislative body is made up of
two houses, the reichstag, or lower
house elected by universal manhood
suffrage, and the bundesrath, or upper
house, made up of delegates of the
various state governments. The num-
ber of delegates representing each
state varies according to the size of
the state.
Each of the 25 states has its own lo-
cal government and bears much the
same relation to the central govern-
ment that each state in our own coun-
try bears to the national government.
Many provisions of the German con-
stitution remind us of the constitution
of the United States: The strong exe-
cutive, a cabinet responsible only to
the executive, the upper house not
pop larly elected, with a lower house


elected by universal manhood suffrage,
and finally the relation of the indi-
vidual states to the national govern-
Throughout the empire a strict civil
service system exists. No office is
elective except certain municipal of-
fices, nor appointive except cabinet
positions. This does away with favor-
itism and the rule of the demagogue.
On the whole the officeholder is the
man best fitted by nature and training
to hold his position. Not having to
curry popular favor in every detail,
the government is able to pursue a
definite and continuous policy. It is
bound to be broad minded and en-
lightened. It is paternal because its
intelligence is like that of a father
watching out for the welfare of his
children. The German government's
children are the people.
The people's representativesin the
reichstag are all highly educated. Only
such men are nominated for legisla-
tive honors. The political leaders,
even of the labor party, are men of
the very highest training. Therefore
the political standard is high. The
chief aim of men in politics is service
to their constituents and their country.
The extent to which public opinion
is developed in a country may be
taken as a fair indication of the de-
gree of its civilization. There is al-
most no country which through the
discussion of political matters, mu-
nicipal, state, and national, has de-
veloped a better public opinion than
we find in the German empire. It finds
expression through the reichstag and
serves as a valuable check upon the
government, which, on account of its
organization, might otherwise be in-
clined to become conservative. Here
the true function of public opinion is
realized. It is just as bad to give it
entire sway over the state as it is to
give it no recognition whatever.
We conclude our discussion then
with the observation that we find in
the government of the German empire
as it normally functions, a truly ef-
ficient, and on the whole, highly bene-
ficial institution.


New York, Nov.. 24.-The Navy and
Army football teams went through the
final light motions of pratice this aft-
ernoon at the Polo grounds, and went
to bed early on the eve of the big an-
nual service battle tomorrow.
Though a large number of New
Yorkers have departed from Gotham
for the Yale-Harvard classic, a mon-
ster crowd will be present to witness
the wonderful accompaniments to the
game, which are only shown when
Uncle Sam's men meet each other..
Close up to the Midshipmen's quart-
ers the Navy's official mascot, the goat,
had a room all to himself. At last re-
ports he was in good humor and not
casting any jinxes over the future
admirals. The Army mule is a ten to
six favorite in the betting here, due to
the performances of the Army back-
Columbus, Nov. 24.-Northwestern
and Ohio State elevens, which will play
for the championship of the western
conference tomorrow, took their final
workouts on Ohio field this afternoon.
Northwestern players had the field for
two hours and State players ran
through a brisk signal drill after
Northwestern had given up the field.
Arrival of the Northwestern team here
today failed to change the betting and
State is still preferred1 at odds of 10
to 7 and 10 to 8 with little or no North-
western money in sight.
(Continued from Page Three.)
ban for a similar offense. Valentine
and Eckley were later declared eligible
by the same faculty committee which
took adverse action in Clary's case.
Their decision against the Cornell cap-
tain, in view of the ruling in the other
cases, has caused much surprise.
It is understood that the committee's
reason for debarring Clary is that
while he was playing games with the
Firemen's league he was notified that
such a course was in violation of the
rules' but that he played in a game
in Auburn after receiving such noti-
Offers Students Summer Employment
Opportunities for work during the
next summer are offered by F. E.
Ritzenheim, 719 North University av-
enue, over Lyndon's.

The inconvenience to lecturers in
engineeringtclasses caused by store-
Qpticon lanterns, which are out of or-
er, is to be eliminated by a scheme
which will be passed upon by the
standing committee of the engineering
college at its next meeting.
According to the proposed plan a
corps of student assistnats will be ap-
pointed to take charge of the lanterns
and to operate them at lectures. Hith-
erto this task has been undertaken by
the assistant of the lecturing profess-
or, and as some of these men knew but
little about the care of a stereopticon,
the machines would often be out of
order when they were to be used.
The new operators, who will be ap-
pointed by the president of the Engin-
eering society, will be familiar with
the operation and repairing of the
lanterns. They will also be required
to keep the machines in good condi-
tion,' and in return for their services
will receive an hourly rate of pay.
The management of the Technic was
at first invited to make application for
the supervision of the proposed sys-
tem, but it declined in favor of the
Engineering society.
A pamphlet on the theory of con-
crete design, with detail plates and
curves, is now being prepared by the
civil engineering faculty. When com-
pleted this treatise will be published
by the Technic as another number of
the supplementary text and problem
The object of this and the other
pamphlets of the series is to help
the student in obtaining a good out-
line of the course of which the book
treats, thus enabling him to study
more efficiently.
The price of single numbers in the
series ranges from 10 to 75 cents.
Copies may be obtained at the Technic
Two newcomers from Chile will en.
roll in the engineering college at"the
opening of the next semester, thus
bringing the total number of Chileans
in this college up to nine. This is
the largest number of natives from the
South American republic studying at
any university in this country.
Former Michigan Student Writes Book
Chauncy S. Boucher, who received
his doctor's degree here last June, has
just published a work on "Nullification
in South Carolina." History author-
ities claim that this book is the most
interesting ever written on the sub-
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
The Daily published a letter yes-
terday which was received by the
president of the University from Mr.
Irwin C. Johnson, who is working for
the Y. M. C. A. in India.1
The work that Mr. Johnson is doing
is undoubtedly a good work and it
deserves our full praise. But,the mis-
understanding that he is spreading,
about that country and its people calls
for criticism.
Mr. Johnson says, "the India of the'
past, is a country of jungles, wild an-
imals and inferior civilization, no
longer exists in spite of the precon-
ceived notions of the average unsoph-
isticated occidental." These remarks
are intolerable to any man who knows
the history of that ancient land.
It is the fault of every traveller to
pass such hasty judgements. They do
not for a moment think that by their
hasty actions the country and the peo-
ple about which they speak, suffer
What does Mr. Johnson mean when
he says. "a country of jungles, wild
animals and inferior civilization?"
Has he ever read the history or stud-
ied her geography to pass such opin-
ion? Has he read any of the literature.
on India that he says she has an infer-
ior civilization? Does he realize that
these remarks harm India more than
they help her? Or has he studied
every thing about India since he land-
ed there? Has he his hand upon the
magic wand that he knows so much
about this mystic land? We request
such mere tourists to close their lips
if they intend to work for suffering
'Would Americans keep quite were I
to publish stories in India saying that
Americans are uncivilized brutes for
lynching negroes in broad daylight
and in the presence of justice courts?
Would Mr. Johnson tolerate my say-'
ing that Americans are selfish and in-
human because they wish to exclude
a whole race like Hindus from their
The materialism of the westerners
is as wild to us as is the center of
Africa, because we know that it
brought on the war. Shall we call
this "inferior civilization," and con-
demn it in India?
Mr. Johnson is mistaken to think
that India was wild amid inferior in
civilization. A study will tell us that
she was not populated only with trees.
Her ancient civilization is unsurpass-
ed even today.
I pray in the interest of humanity
and on behalf of Hindustan Associa-
tion of America that for any correct
information about India, people should
ask Hindu boys, who will furnish them
with true facts and figures. No one
should depend upon such letters. They
are merely fairy tales.
President of Hindustan Association
of America.
Professor TilIgy and Professor Davis
to Act as Advisors for First
Year Students
It is no longer necessary for freh-
men of the literary college to go to
their sophomore friends for advice on
the many questions which are con-
tinually bothering their inexperienced
minds. Consultation hours have been
arranged for them with the freshman
advisors, Prof. Morris P. Tilley and
Prof. C. O. Davis, as follows:
Professor Tilley
U. H., room 8-Tuesday, 9-10 o'clock.
T. H., room 208-Monday, Wednes-
day, Friday, 12 o'clock.

T. H., room 206-Tuesday, Thursday,
12' o'clock.
Professor Davis
U. H., room 8-Wednesday, 2:15-
3:15 o'clock.
T. H., room 105-Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday, 12 o'clock.
There is no compulsory attendance
required at these times, but first year
students are strongly urged to see
either Professors Tilley or Davis
when confronted with questions which
can be more readily solved with the
aid of mature advice. They are heart-
ily welcome and the consultations will
undoubtedly be of benefit to all who
take advantage of them.
Cards with the above information
will soon be distributed to first year
men for reference to aid them in re-
membering the days and hours at
which consultations can be had. They
'will be distributed in the freshman
:rhetoric classes.
Girls, appointments filled promptly
at Mrs. Rowe'sN Hair Shop (over Shee-
han's). Rainwater used. Phone
1198-W. E23125-29

Governor Names
Thanksgiving Day
Officially Sets Thursday, November 30,
as Date for Celebration of
Lansing, Nov. 24.-According to cus-
tom, the governor of the state of Mich-
igan joins with the President of the
United States in designating the day
to be set aside for Thanksgiving day.
His official proclamation follows:
"No meh liveth to himself alone."1
This declaration is so simple that a
child can understand it. The whole
world frequently contributes to the1
ingredients of a simple morning meal.1
The every-day comforts of life are
the contribution of many minds and
many hands. Literature, science, art,
schools, colleges, universities and'
churches are the gifts of the people.
Our own United States, the greatest'
and noblest nation on the earth, is of
the people, as proclaimed in that
matchless document, the Declaration
of Independence. This charter of hu-'
man rights recognizes the divine in
the human. If it were adopted by the
nations of the earth, it would bring'
abiding world-peace, prosperity, and
happiness. God has given man the
earth and its manifold riches.
This year, of all years of this great
republic, is a fitting time for thanks-
giving. No nation liveth to itself
alone. May we on Thanksgiving Day
remember in our prayers and acts, the
millions of widows apd orphans, the
millions of maimed and dying, the mil-
lions of prisoners of war in other
lands. They are our kindred. May
America become a beacon light of lib-
erty to all the world.
Therefore, I, Woodbridge N. Ferris,
governor of the state of Michigan, do
hereby join the President of the United
States in designating Thursday, the
thirtieth of November, as a day for
all of the people of this commonwealth
to celebrate in thanksgiving and
All junior engineers are requested to
be measured for corduroy pants some
time today, at the store of N. F. Allen,
211 South Main street. A dollar will
be paid down on every order. The
juniors have followed the example of
their engineering comrades in the
senior class, and with the exception
of a slight difference in color, there
will be little variance in the velvet
garb of the two boilermaker classes.
Many of the juniors have decided to
wear entire corduroy suits, much to
the distaste of their more effete col-
leagues in the literary college, with
the result that even wagers have been
registered to the effect that the en-
gineers will be unable to maintain
their ribbed raiment, "intact, integral,
and unified," beyond a very short time.
The engineers scout the idea, but the
fact still remains that the waysof
thinking men are dark and devious,
and there may be Just cause for anx-
ious apprehension on the part of the
sledge-hammer toters.
Rose Stahl, who impersonated Edna
Ferber's saleslady heroine so faithful-
ly in "Our Mrs. McChesney" at the
Whitney last night, absolutely re-
fuses to be interviewed. When ap-
proached by a Daily reporter before
the performance, she said, "See my
This taciturn attitude is slightly at

variance with the "pays-to-advertise"
temperament of the hustling Emma
McChesney, but it would appear to be
Miss Stahl's steadfast policy, contin-
ued with entire disregard of her stage
self, for her manager, one Mr. Alger,
was polite but firm, and about as com-
municative as the famous actress her-
self. He raised a surprised eyebrow
at the request referred to him, and ex-
claimed, "Interview! Why, Miss Stahl
hasn't given an interview in five
Cleveland, Nov. 24.-One hundred
women, in 100 limousines, drove up to}
the most luxurious hotel In this city,
held a meeting and decided the bxigh
cost of living was "due to the war."

Federal Ch.irge Will Not Be Valid
Against Chicago Food Price
Chicago, Nov. 24.-Hope of federal
prosecution of commission and cold
storage men for holding vast quantities
of produce for higher prices was prac-
tically abandoned today.
While no information was given out
officially, it was stated on high au-
thority that there was no federal law
that might be invoked to prevent in-
dividuals from holding and storing any
amount of foodstuffs they were able
to buy. The federal government could
only step in after a conspiracy was in-
volved, but federal investigators have
discovered no legal proof along this
line. Government officials have there-
fore asked the city to step in.
J. H. Lally, assistant United States
district attorney, today conferred with
Loon Hornstein, assistant Chicago cor-
poration counsel, and said commission
men might be punished under the fore-
stalling and regrading ordinance
passed two years ago, which prohibits
the storing of food to force prices up.
Penalties of $200 *a day' while food is
held are provided for.
Club women have expressed hearty
support of Alderman Pretzel's plan for
an "egg strike" to last one month. "I
have arranged with the women to call
the strike immediately," Pretzel said.
"It will be an absolute boycott. This
seems to' be the only way of getting
real action in quick manner. I have
talked with District Attorney Cline and
there seems to be no way of getting
at the food hogs."
"I don't care anything about an egg
strike," said Egg King Wetz. "The
women will join a boycott and then
buy eggs anyhow."

Orpheum - Frank Keenan in
"The Thoroughbred." Also
Triangle Comedy, Oro Carew
in "Dollars and Sense."
Arcade-Anna Laughlin in "The
Ordeal." Also Charlie Chaplin
in "The Pawnshop."


The Arcade has a double bill for
today. "The Ordeal," with Anna
Laughlin, is an especially good five-
part feature-one which has been
praised highly by the best motion pic-
ture critics int the country. Then
there is Charlie Chaplin in "The Pawn-
shop." It was shown here two weeks
ago, and the requests for its return
have been so numerous that the man-
agement has secured a return date.
It is a good play that will make you
laugh and go home happy.
New York, Nov. 24. - Theodore
Roosevelt has accepted temporarily the
honorary presidency of the League of
Neutral Nations. The organization
was formed soon after the German in-
vasion of Belgium to influence pub-
lic sentiment in favor of the rights of
smaller cofmntries.
Originating in Switzerland, the
league claims branches in Argentina,
Chile, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Hol-
land, Peru, Brazil, Norway, Sweden,
and the United States.
In a statement, Col. Roosevelt said:
"I am the most private of Ameri-
ca's private citizens just now, and I
feel the need of a little time to my-
self. Besides, I have many things to
do. I made it plain to the general
committee in Paris that while I am
deeply in sympathy with the purposes
of the league and wish it every suc-
cess, I can only temporarily assume
the honorary presidency, although I
may be able later on to assist in the
work of the American branch, and
will do so, if I can."
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.

Develops rolls for 10c.
Perfect Work. Prompt Service.
Work called for and delivered.
510 E. William Phone 1564-R.



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