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November 22, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-22

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Just received another lot of those

We are ready to show you the
Best Line of Men's



Caps and

w". ., 4
-, < -
" rM

Feather Weight Soft Hats

To Get Your




Sheep Lined Coat
Patricks Mackinaw


Tinker & Company
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats
Particular Men.
Cor. S. State and William St..

At The

New Day Light Store next to Orpheum

State St. Store
Nickels Arcade

Nan in Germany Judged by What
He Does and Not by What He Has
Otto T. Kreuser, '17, describes so- the service of the state are regarded
cial organization in Germany in the most highly by the public. By, the
first article of a series of five out that opinion of their fellowmen they are
country. thus created the highest social class
in modern Germany. Most people be-
The social organization of Germany lieve them to rank above the nobility,

Winter Wear


This Store aims to Serve it's

Typewriters for sale or rent
Hamilton Business College

To give the best value possible
for the lowest price possible is the best service any store can

1107 So. Univ.

Women's and Children's Apparel

S - l/ri / ' ,
11 I ,

Main and Liberty Sts.

Your Floral Needs==
Cut Flowers Flowering Plants

is a subject which deserves more com-
plete treatment than I shall be able to
accord it in the following two ar-
ticles. It is a subject which I believe
meets with misunderstanding even
among educated people in this country.
I will take as a typical example of
German society a small town of 10,-
000 population which is the seat of
the district government and court. It
possesses two large Protestant church-:
es and one Catholic church, several
people's schools, a "gymnasium" for
boys and a high school for girls; there
are several factories located in the
town, while the surrounding country
is devoted to agriculture. In former
times it was one of the famous free
cities, those fountain-heads of self-
The stratification of the town is not
based on birth but upon occupation.
Through modern Germany, a man is
judged not by what he has, but by
what he does.
According to the German ideals
which place patriotism and self-sacri-
fice for country as the highest and
most excellent aim in life, those in

who as a mere remnant of medieval
society have lost the most of their
original power, influence, and prestige
as a class.
Foremost among those in the service
of the state are the men who devote
their entire lives to the actual defense
of the country,-I mean the army offi-
cers. They are followed by the ad-
ministrators of civil justice. Then in
public esteem come the clergy, teach-
ers of higher institutions of learning.
and along with these physicians, engi-
neers, veterinarians and state for-
Then comes the break in the sys-
If social stratification were entirely
determined by occupation as I have
just explained, and as .service in the
state is most highly regarded, the na-
tural conclusion reached would be
that next in line to those mentioned
would come petty government officials.
But such is not the case. An educa-
tional qualification is here inserted.
We have thus a combined standard
of occupation and education working
in perfect harmony.
(To be concluded)

Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine Warm
Costs very little to operate
Washtenaw Electric Shop
The Shop of Quality
It its not Right we make it Right
Phone 273 200 East Washington St.


oftl I

Cyc-C orpus Juris

Ask by-2Vnex icon
IN-HAND 15 cts. each, 6 for 90 cts.


Personal Xmas Greeting Cards are
beautiful mottos or greetings embossed
or engraved most artistically, with
your name worked in, to harmonize
with the engraving or embossing and
the Xmas designs upon the card. Such
greetings not only show good taste
but also carry a touch of individuality
with them. The Mayer-Schairer Co.,
at 112 S. Main street, has a beautiful
assortment of these cardsfrom which
to choose. Order your cards at once
so they will be ready for you in time.
Glub rates to Fraternities.

University Organizations Grow From
"Les Sans Souci" Composed
of Seven Memebrs

THe American Law Book Co.
27 Cedar Street
CHOP off a few
minutes and eat some of
314 S. State St. Phone 1244-M
SCHYLUS. Translated by Marion
Clyde Wier.
The average reader is able to judge
of the poetical value alone of transla-
tion. Each new translation of an old
Greek tragedy must be judged by the
ordinary standards of literary critic-
ism. In Mr. Wier's translation of the
Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus, he
has caught the dignity and tragic
splendor of the ideals of Greek art as1
they have come to us through its;
literature. It is really of the endless
strife between the strong and the

weak who have idealism in their side
that he writes.
This should prove an interesting ad-
dition to the knowledge of Greek trag-
edy aailable to the general reader
who is unable to secure his enjoy-
ment of the language from the origin-
al Greek.
Cornell to Advise First Year Men
Cornell, Nov. 21.-A freshman ad-
visory committe looks after the in-
terests of the first year men and sees
that they are getting a proper start in
both studies and social life. All per-
sons acting on the committee are com-
pelled to hand in a report of their ef-
forts and the progress of each fresh-
man assigned to them,
Ohio Graduate Beats Chess Champion
Ohio, Nov. 21.-Jacob Bowers, grad-
uate student of the university and
member of the chess team won from
the United States champion, F. J. Mar-
The Michigan Daily for service.

In the Palladium for 1859-60, public
mention is made for the first time of a
university musical organization. This
organization was composed of seven
members of the classes of '60 and '61,
and was called "Les Sans Souci." This
was followed in the next year by an
"Amateur Musical club" of nine mem-
bers, and a "University Choir" of four.
This choir grew to a membership of
eight and was supplemented by glee
clubs representing the various classes
of the University. In all these societ-
ies, however, there was little or no
unity, and as a consequence, they
were replaced every year or two by
other organizations of a like nature.
' This state of affairs continued until
was organized by S. R. Winchell, 0. J.
1867, when the University Glee club
Campbell, J. A. Baldwin, V. S. Lovell,
T. H. Bush, J. S. Maltman, and Edwin
Fleming, all of the class of '70, and W.
J. Herdman, '72. To this organiza-
tion gelongs the credit of starting a
new order of music and popularizing
the college song, for two years after
its formation, the club gave a series
of concerts in different cities of the
state, beginning at Jackson, Feb. 4,
The club gave in all 26 concerts
with satisfactory results, meeting
everywhere good audiences and en-
thusiastic and hospitable alumni. Be-
cause they wore their university caps,
the members of the club were taken
for members of a fire company, or
Arabs travelling with Forepaugh's cir-
cus.- The success of this society gave
rise to a college choir which led the
devotional singing in the chapel ser-
vices, and both organizations fared
well until 1871, after which came a
year of stagnation as far as music
was concerned.
The University Glee club was reviv-

ed in 1875, and the following two years
were characterized by a great renewal
of interest in college singing. A tour
of Detroit, Jackson, and Eaton Rapids
was made with successful results, but
mained so until 1884, when it was
became once again dormant, and re-
mained so until 1n84, when it was
once again revived and this time with
lasting results.
In the meantime, the University
orchestra had been organized in the
year in which the Glee club had last
failed, and this gave place in turn to
the "Chequamegon Orchestra" and the
University band, the latter remaining
intact and successful to the present
day. L. J. Locy, '78, was in charge of
the first orchestra, while five years
later Harold Wilson, '82, '86, took up
the organization and was responsible
for its continued success.
The new Glee club was soon sup-
plemented by the University Banjo
club in 1889-90, and the University
Mandolin club in 1895-96. The Glee
and Banjo clubs in 1890 toured Mich-
igan and also visited Chicago,' Madi-
son, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, giving
concerts that were well received. In
1891-92 these combined clubs visited
St. Louis, Kansas City, and Omaha,_
and in the following year the organiz-
ations travelled as far west as Salt
Lake City.




Prof. Henry Suzzallo, the president
of the University of Washington, in-
spected the engineering college last
week, giving especial attention to the
naval tank and the aeronautical de-
partment's equipment.
The University of Washington is lo-
cated at Seattle, Wash., one of the
centers of the shipbuilding industry on
the Pacific coast. On account of the
close proximity of the shipyards and
the newly established flying schools,
the university authorities are plan-
ning to have courses in naval archi-
tecture and aeronautics next year. It
is for the purpose of getting an idea of
the equipment of the eastern univer-
sities in these departments that Prof.
Suzzallo is making this inspection trip.
The western school intends to build
a naval tank and wind tunnel, both to
be of the same type as the local ones.
At present the engineering college has
the only private naval tank in the
country. There is a government tank
located in the navy yard at Washing-
ton. D. C.



7O N. Univ.

Tel. 296-J.


From these trips, the clubs have
graduated to across the continent
tours, each having been more success-
ful than the last. Each year the clubs
visit such cities as Chicago, Detroit,
St. Louis, Salt Lake City, and last year
they touched the Pacific coast at Port-
land. The itinerary for this year's
tour has not- as yet been announced
as some of the dates are still indefin-
ite, but a route is promised that will
be as satisfactory financially as geo-
And so have the musical clubs of the
University been organized, re-organ-
ized, revived, and rejuvenated, until
now, after 56 years, Michigan is rep-
resented by musical organizations that
are here to stay, that have a natidn-
wide reputation and may well be the
envy of any other institution of learn-
ing in the country.

1~7 TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
LOST-Probably in front of or in Hill
Auditorium a square black brooch
with flowers painted in center. Re-
ward. Phone 191 or call at 907 Lin-
coln Avenue. 22
LOST-Small loose-leaf note book
containing important notes. Reward.
Richard Haller. 21,22,23
LOST-Saturday evening, Silver Mesh
Bag. Call 2282-W. Reward. 22

LOST-On "Boulevard", November 19,
an amethyst pin from which was
suspended seven bangles-with var-
ious colored stones. Valued as a
keepsake. Reward. Return to Daily
office. 22
LOST-A gold knife with piece of
chain on it. Reward. Return to
Daily office. 19-21-22
LOST-In Dental Building, bill fold
with four dollars and gold pin.
Phone 2123-M. 22
WANTED-Barber for Saturday. Ap-
ply at 108 Washington street. Phone
281-J. C. T. Petrie, proprietor.
WANTED-Two boarders at 736 South
State Street. Mrs. Hallock. 22

The sophomores are the latest vic-
tims infected with the desire to wear
corduroys. At their smoker last night
it was decided to consider the ques-
tion of wearing the distinctive trousers
at the next assembly of the class. In
the meanwhile the views of the seniors
on the subject will be ascertained. The,
speakers of the occasion were Prof.
J. R. Allen and Maurice F. Dunne, '17L.
Prof. John R. Allen left for Buffalo
this morning. While in Buffalo, Pro-
fessor Allen will do some research
work for the American Radiator com-

Cornell: The prize offered by the In-
ternational Polity club on peace has
been won by Suh Hu, '13, with an
article entitled "Is there a substi-
tute for force in international
Harvard: Harvard night was cele.
brated last Friday evening at, the
midnight frolic in New York, as a
majority of the undergraduates ar-
rived in town too late to attend any
of the regular theaters. Fifty tables
were held for undergraduates and
an equal number for alumni.
Syracuse: Up-to-date instruments
amounting to several thousand dol-
lars are being installed in the School
of Photography and many students
of the fine arts department are de-
voting most of their time to this
branch of picture making.
Amherst: Physical education has
been extended to three years and
students will be classified according
to ability and not according to the
amount of work done.
Yale: The basketball five will take a
trip west during the Christmas hol-
idays with Chicago as their objec-
tive point. Games with Pittsburgh
Buffalo, and Cleveland will probably -
be on the schedule.
Iinnesota: Women of the university
have started a subscription cam-
paign for the Minnesota Daily. A
prize of $10 is offered for the one
obtaining the largest number of sub-
Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H.
Wild Company. Leading merchant
tailors. State street. . tf

The best place to try out
Is in your own home
Oxar Approval Service
permits you to do this
Call us up and ask us about it.

The juniors
dance at the

will hold a "corduroy"
Packard academy on

Dec. 8. This affair will be in the na-
ture of a "Swing-Out" for the juniors
in their corduroys.
Iowa University Gymnasium Destroyed
Iowa, Nov. 21.-The gymnasium was
destroyed early this week when the
big boiler in the basement blew up.
No one was injured but the damage
done was very considerable.

Grinnell Bros.

116 S. Mata St.
PHONE 1707


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