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October 04, 1916 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-04

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iner Harry Tuthill States That
Injuries May Keep "Tad"
Weiman on Side Lines



First Yearling Game With Ypsi Is
Scheduled for Oct. 14; Played
0-0 Tie Last eYar.

of strength on offense as well as de-
Another man who seems destined
to hold down a position on the team
this fall is an Indian, Vinton Ham-
mels. Previous to enrolling here Ham-
mels played two years on the team of
the University of Arizona, where he
was a star.
The list of the men who have re-
ported to the coach to date is as fol-
lows :

Dunne and Dunn Never Do
Get Done and Hence This 7
Yost hs a buinch of sranesdown Inf the onld family cus!toms. nil

Coach Farrell Announces That
Will Start as Soon as


But Little Information Available
Likely Strength of Wolverines'
First Gridiron Opponents


t* * * * * * * * .'


Coach Yost announced the
following lineup for the Mari-
etta game:
Dunne .............. left end
Weiman or Whalen ..left tackle
Rehor............left guard
Niemann .............. center
Whalen or Dunn . .right guard
Weske .......... right tackle
Peach............right end
Captain Maulbetsch .. left half
Sharpe............right half
Sparks ........... quarterback
Smith ..............tfullback
Referee -- Walter Kennedy
(Chicago) Umpire, P. B. Samp-
son (Springfield.)
Game called at 4:05 o'clock.
* * * * * * * * * *


Varsity Track Coach Farrell stated
yesterday that it was his purpose to
start work on developing a good Cross
Country Club as soon as possible. To
do this all men who intend coming
out for the club and any men who
have had experience, although they
had not thought of competing this
year, must get out immediately. The
track mentor laid stress on the fact
that men must get out and be ready
to work hard at once.
No C. C. C. schedule has been an-
nounced as yet and it is not known
just when it will come out. Several
meets of the first grade are antici-
pated, however, and that means work
for all candidates. It is almost a sure
bet that the men who compose the
team will be taken to the eastern in-
tercollegiate C. C. C. meet this fall.
Last year the men who participated in
that classic had the opportunity of
witnessing the Yale-Harvard game at
Cambridge, and since the meet this
year will be held at Hartford, the team
will have the chance to see the 1916
gridiron clash between these two great
rivals in the Yale Bowf.
Hitherto Coach Farrell has been
handicapped in developing a strong
Cross Country squad on account of his
duties as trainer of the Varsity eleven.
This year he will realize the oppor-
tunity of devoting all his time to the
men who will represent Michigan in
the overland races, with the result that
every man will receive special atten-
Some of the men have been working
already, and with that spirit in evi-

After two days of light football Hunter E. Gardner, John A. West,
work, consisting in the main of merely Jalian E. Lapp, Lowell B. Genebach,
the rudiments of gridiron tactics, Ward Culver, Harry A. Welford, Ern-
Coach McGinnis of the All-Fresh is est F. Patton, Cyrus R. Funk, Charles
ready to issue his call for more can- H. Gillespie, Hugh R. Adams, Arthur
didates. Weadock, Benjamin Douglas, Roder-
During Monday and yesterday 52 ick D. Pfohl, John Diekema, James
new men signified to the coach their Campbell, Simon T. Norlock, Erick
intention of trying to place on Mac's Langenham ,James H. Tuttle, Henry
first effort with the yearlings. D. Frolick, Earl H. Cress, Wilfred R.
But more are needed and wanted. Bonnstein, Harvey C. Springer, Mer-

on Ferry
nessed t
days wil
tion in t
ent to th
sacred re
and even
daily ena
in hot a

field as anyone who has wit- they scrap over the spelling of
he scrimmages of the last few respective names-the big batt
over something entirely different.
l admit, but there is dissen- "Maurie" and Glenn are laboring
he ranks which is not appar- der the impression that they are
ose who do not penetrate the slowest dressers on the squad,
ealms of the clubhouse. therefrom results a hair-raising
s, coaches, Trainer Tuthill test. Each night Dunne loafs
a Clarence, the rubber, have that latest-style cravat, while G
d the little tragedy which is Dunn takes a half hour to tie his i
cted after the men have come lace, and so it goes. "Maurie"
and dirty and have hit the night thought he had pulled a-
for their bi-daily plunge. on his rival when he retired to
H. has always made a strong ' shower room to don his clothes so

Michigan's Varsity football squad
will make its 1916 debut this after-
noon against Marietta college.
Coach Yost will have seven "M"
men in the lineup that starts the
opening encounter of the season. No
particulars have been learned re-'
garding the size, strength or personnel
of the visitors, in fact the Marietta
officials seem rather loath to disclose
any information whatsoever regard-
ing their gridiron aggregation and up
to a late hour last night Athletic
Director Bartelme had been unable to
procure their lineup.

Candidates should report today at 3:15
o'clock on South Ferry field.
Last year Coach Douglass had 100
candidates out before the first week of
practice was over. There were so
many trying for positions that "Doug"
was nearly swept off his feet for
awhile. Seven or eight teams running
through signals every night, wifi
others tossing the ball or busying#
themselves with something else, was
a common sight.
The earlier McGinnis is able to get
a line on his material the better. The
first game is less than two weeks
away, as Ypsilanti Normal is to appear
here October 14 to pry open the lid
for the 1920 team.
With such a short time to prepare
for a team which held last year's
point-a-minute scoring machine to a
0-0 tie, it is imperative that all can-
didates for the team make their ap-'
pearance at once.
Ward Culver, captain of the Detroit
Central high school team last year,
is one of the men who has appeared
to date. Culver played center on the
outfit which played Everett high of
Boston for the high school champion-1
ship of America, a contest which
wound up with the score knotted
at 0-0.
Culver looks bigger than ever, which
is saying considerable, inasmuch as
several corking high schools thought'
the Central center was much too big
last year. He always was a fast man
for the build he has, being a tower

lin W. Boyd, Frank Forshee, John S.
Perrin, Gerald W. Froemke, Hector A.
McCrimmon, Ralph W. Blackmore,
Harry A. Mann, C. C. Southworth,
Mark W. Godden, Charles E. Heeven,
Robert M. Kerr, Norman J. Smith, C.
C. Winthrop, Wm. Hitchcock, C. M.
Campbell, C. C. Lowstetter, Fred B.
Snook, Elmer W. Cress, Monroe
Shakespeare, D. M. Kingston, F. H.
Long, Earl Frietmeyer, William B.
Fortune, W. S. Chapman, Vinton Ham-
mels, C. M. Wimbles, Harry H. Barber,
James B. Bartieska, Harold H. Heehm.
New York, Oct. 3.-The first and sec-
ond games of the world's series will
be held in Boston on October 7th and
9, the National Base Ball commission
decided at its meeting here today.
After the Saturday and Monday games
in Boston the teams will play two
games in Broklyn.
If a fifth game is necessary, it will
take place in Boston and if a sixth,
in Brooklyn. If the series runs to
seven games, decision as to the place
of the last game will be made at a
special meeting in Boston. Umpires
were not selected. J. F. Taylor Sink
will be official scorer and will have
assistants from the cities where the
championship games are held.

effort to have harmony in the ranks,
but strangely enough he hasn't said a
word about this particular offense.
Almost everyone knows that there
are two lads on the football squad
whose last names are synonyms for,
"finished." This doesn't mean that
either one of these chaps is close to
the final limit in football or anything
else, as they are pretty capable fel-
lows. One of them adds a tardy "e"
to } his rear cognomen and spells it
"Dunne," while the other lets his
name go at just plain "Dunn." It may
be that away back in the stone ages
one of "Maurie's" ancestors threw
stones at some of the ancient folk in
the Dunn family, but at any rate there
is great rivalry between these two
branches of the family.
These two lads don't fight about any
'Phone 600 for signs and show cards.
oct3 to 29

Glenn couldn't watch him and l
behind him.
The latest incentive to these
contestants has been provided in
nature of a prize offered by H
Tuthill. "Tut" is keeping his
closely on these men at his "fat n
table" at the Union, and he has I
so far as to make the biggest of
huskies drink water from their gla
with a spoon. Both Dunn and Di
are putting forth every effort to
that prize for the slowest drei
which Tuthill announces as an e
glass of pure aqua at the trai
Wahr has fountain pens that fib
Have that room decorated artist
ly by C. H. Major & Co. 'Phone

a.) "

6f J '
1 ' "
,... '


Coach Yost devoted yesterday aft- dence and the material that is avail-
ernoon to kicking practice, a signal able, the Maize and Blue should be
drill and a dummy scrimmage, Line represented by a record team.
Coach Pontius directing this last First on the list of C. C. C. possi-
mentioned affair. bilities comes Varsity Track Captain
It is probable that Coach Yost will "Eddie" Carroll, who is also president
use a great many of the squad in to- of the Cross Country Club. To any
day's game and the Michigan rooters one who has ever seen or heard of
will undoubtedly be permitted to in- the cinder artists' leader's work, either
spect a big array of talent before the at home, on Ferry Field, or in the an-
afternoon it over. nual eastern intercollegiates nothing
If "Jimmy" Whalen starts at left further need be said. With two in-
tackle, Glenn Dunn will open the game tercollegiate stripes and innumerable
at right guard. On the other hand, points won for Michigan to his credit,
if Weiman is used next to Dunne, the, dope cannot but be optimistic.
Whalen will be shifted over to guard Several other experienced men are
on the other side of line. Trainer Tut- 'back this year and should give a good
hill stated last night that there was account of themselves. Comloquoy,
considerable doubt whether Weiman the best miler on last year's All-Fresh
would be in shape to play- squad, should come up again this sea-
Sharpe has drawn the position as son. Fox, the half-miler for the 1919
running mate for Maulbetsch at half. team, is another strong possibility.
Sharpe's work in the last few scrim- "Cap" Murphy, who did such good
mages has been of a high order and work on the Varsity relay quartet last
has attracted considerable attention. year, should strengthen the triple C.'s.
Phil Raymond will undoubtedly be The three men who ran the two-mile
used before the game is over, and it route for the Varsity last year, Mee-
will not be surprising to see a couple han, Langley and Kuivenen, will be
of other halfbacks appear for duty called upon to do their part. Denee,
during the course of the game. Galloway, Herlihey, Foster, Bouma
Last season the Michigan team ex- and Sedgwick complete the list at the
perienced no particular difficulty in present time.
disposing of Marietta, running up a The coach appeared to be very
total of five touchdowns against the optimistic over the prospects for the
visitors. Marietta has made a cred- coming year, although he would say


Use the Pen of Military Efficiency
The boys at the front have to know "what's
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itable record in Ohio football circles
for the past few years under Coach
Don Drumm. Drumm has been in'
charge of the squad now for four
seasons and during that time Mari-
etta has always finished second or
third among the Ohio colleges. Ohio
State has always finished the season
with a cleaner record while either
Case or Mount Union has always
managed to nose out Michigan's vis-
itors for the afternoon.
With the line up that Coach Yost
announced last night, "Wallie" Nie-
mann will be the lightest man in the
forward wall. This is a rather odd
fact for customarily the center fig-
ures as one of the most ponderous
men on the team. "Wallie" is far
from claiming this distinction, how-
ever. In fact, the gentleman upon
his immediate left outweighs him by
almost 100 pounds. At that no one
is worrying particularly what Nie-
mann weighs. Last year he was one
of the best scrappers on the squad
and one of the best defensive men
the team had.
Issue Season Books to Students' Wives
The athletic association is this year
issuing season athletic books to wives
of faculty members and students.
These books cost six dollars, one dol-
for more than the books given out to
students and faculty members, and
may be secured upon presentation of

nothing definite. With Farrell able to
give his entire time to his proteges and
the number of experienced men back,
the outlook seems bright enough.
All men desiring to work for a
place on the squad should report to
Coach Farrell in the clubhouse at
Ferry Field as soon as possible.
Brooklyn Team Wins While Phila.
delphia Drops Two Games.
New York, Oct. 3.-The Brooklyn
Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox will
open the world's series in Boston Sat-
urday. Brooklyn cinched the pennant
this afternoon by winning from New
York, 9 to 6, while the Braves beat
Philadephia twice. The Red Sox
already had cinched the American
league pennant.
Call Football Managership Try-Outs
Varsity Football Manager John C.
Robbins announced yesterday that
tryouts for football managership
should report to him at the Ferry Field
clubhouse this afternoon at 3:00
These men compete until next May
when the Board of Directors of the
Athletic Association select eight of the
field to run at the next election. Four
of these are elected for their junior
year, and finally two of the four are
selected to run for the position of
Varsity football manager.

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