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November 21, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-21

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VOL: XXVIL No. 43.

1. .. C

2K A .\II3LR ii, 1916.


Credited With Discovery of Definite
Location of the Globe
Dr. Charles William Wallace, pro-
fessor of English literature in the
University of Nebraska, will lecture on
discoveries he has made in original
Shakespearean documents, at 7:30
'tclock tonight in University hall. The
lecture will be free and will be illus-
trated with lantern slides of some of
the documents.
Sir Sidney Lee, in his "Life of
Shakespeare," stated that Dr. Wallace
has "added biographical detail of much
Interest from documents at the public
record office." One of the most im-
portant discoveries which is made use
of in this biography is the definite es-
tablishment of the location of the
Globe theater, even to the proper side
of the street.
Dr. Wallace unearthed important
documents respecting court perform-
ances from 1558 to 1585. He discover-
ed cases in the records of the law
courts which established the value of
theatrical shares at the time of Shake-
speare. The long plea of the plaintiff
in the case of Mrs. Thomasina Ostler
vs. John Heminges, her father, who
was the manager of the Globe theater,
which was printed in the original
Latin in a privately circulated pam-
phlet, gave light concerning the early
financial organization of the Globe
Au ther discovery made by Mr. Wal-
lace which throws light upon the the-
atri.al traditions of the time is the
suit for the recovery of 11 pounds for
a theatrical costume sold by John
Heminges to the Duke of York's com-
Large Majority of Cases can be Saved
If Proper Means Are
Lansing, Nov. 20. - The Michigan
state board of health has recently is-
sued a report covering a period of 12
months. The report shows that only
6.8 per cent of the persons diagnosed
as tuberculosis are advanced cases.
For the 93.2 per cent there is plenty of
hope held out for permanent cure, if
the right methods are followed. The
statistics further show that 52.6 per
cent of the cases of tuberculosis dis-
covered are in the incipient stages.
The moderately advanced cases con-
stitute a total of 28.2 per cent, while
the arrested cases constitute 12.9 per
cent. Out of 11,528 persons examined,
only 3,251 were diagnosed as tubercu-
lous. In the present tuberculosis sur-
vey it is found that about 60 per cent
of the persons diagnosed as tubercu-
losis are female and about 40 per
cent male.
The very large percentage of hope-
ful cases emphasizes the need of many
more sanitoriums in Michigan, ac-
cording to the state board of health

workers. Many lives could be saved
annually in every county in the state,
they declare, if the incipient cases
could be efficiently taken care of local-
Boston, Nov. 20.-Another addition,
to the Harvard hospital unit, including
six surgeons, one dentist and-20 nurses
will sail today on the liner Andania
for Liverpool. This group will take
the place of doctors and nurses now
at the base hospital in France, whose
service expires Dec. 9.
This makes a total of 117 surgeons
and dentists and 184 nurses that have
been in the service of the unit since
it was organized in June, 1915.
A. K. Galloway Visits Foresters
A. K. Galloway, grad., city forester
of Jackson, Mich., was in the city yes-
tei-av visitinE members of the forest-

Druids Initiate
Thirteen Awenyds
Druids, the senior literary class hon-
orary society, increased their role with
13 initiates at their fall initiation held
Monday night. The Awenyds are: I.
A. Fitzgerald, J. C. Robbins, W. D.
Nance, R. I. Wheeler, J. W. Codd,
Harry Carlson, S. P. Smith, D. M.
Rood, T. S. Cox, H. C. Garrison, A. P.
Warriner, S. G. Fontanna, and Cyril
After the initiation a banquet was
given at the Renellien Hospice for the
new members. Ralph Folz acted as
toastmaster and Gray Muzzy welcomed
the initiates. Other 'speakers of the
evening were Dean Effinger of the lit-
erary department, N. E. Pinney and
Harry Carlson.
Organization Has 25 Vacancies to Be
Filled; Temporary Officers
The first meeting of the newly or-
ganized campus division of the Na-
tional Naval Volunteer will take place
tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock In Wa-
terman gymnasium. If the gym is
not available at that time, the meet-
ing will be held in room 348 engineer-
ing building. At this time, Commander
J.' Farrand Lewis and Lieut. C. B.
Lundy of the Detroit division will re-
ceive the new organization into the
service. The men will not be sworn
in, however, until a later date.
All men who signed up at the meet-
ing last week are urged to be present
tomorrow night. Applications for
membrship will also be received.
There are still 25 vacancies in the di-
vision and these will be filled at the
earliest opportunity. University men:
will be given the preference but high
school and town men will be accepted
when the supply of collegians runs
out. Each man is expected to come to
the meeting tomorrow provided with
two yards of ordinary clothes line for
instruction in rope work and knot-
tying. -
Temporary officers for the division
have been selected and are holding
weekly meetings at which instruction
in various branches of the naval serv-
ice is given. These meetings take
place every Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock in room 102 of the economics
building. The tentative organization is
as follows:
Deck and line division-
Lieutenant (senior grade)-Prof. A.
. Boak.
Lieutenant (junior grade)-Dr. J. R.
4 Ensigns-A. H. Jenkins, '17, and H.
C. Garrison, '17.
Yeoman-J. B. Wood, '19.
Engineer division-
Lieutenant (senior grade)-K. W.
Lieutenant (junior grade)-O. M.
Ensign (aero corps)-Prof. F. W.
Ensigns-E. A. Harrington and H. E.
Barrett, grad.
Yeoman-R. Dodd, '18E.
Medical division-
Lieutenant surgeon-Dr. H. S. Hul-

Re '( 3IQO~
I ,ii .






ttA t'

mrk, Nov. 20. The very first thing Miss Ruth Law asked for
s hed her record-breaking aeroplane flight on Govern-
wa' ae powder.
s -as Is Amy.
Susled into a waiting automobile at the army aviation
k way to the home of William Hartman of the army signal
ad the travel dust washed off her rosy face. Then this daring
ir pacidly said to Mrs. Hartman:
r xorrow some of your face powder?"
d5red her nose, she talked to the United Press of her




E Paso, Nov.0 o a
American was Lie '.
band took J imr 'ad;-
were seen nuder a ga



Parral during Vila
that town, a- Ord
lieved by federal a
thenj V , bra 1->

,l o b

Refugees fariher tilv 2
triCt between arra and
been cleared by Villa' I d
more than 209 Chi' e e
can killed at Jimines
the refugs, in the
his body lay for
the building, whe
of clothing and vah e
placed on a bonfire.
S Born Womn lie
The same refg es
have been witnes a
also ray that two
had married (lii'
half-caste children r':
thrown alive irto
in sight of the a
seven Chinese, crd
authority, were seen
the town.
Two Mexicans who
Parral airm tat t
Americans there icr a '~"
They said these moo P v
town, adding: that I~
Amneric'ans v'n'kine '
mines got awal . A 1c al
brought to the boi d r wa I1
that the lOdi;s a
sexes were seen i 1a
Parral. They d be
robbed by Villa h
were believed to beI
fateof t -
All foreiners t t
except the Japn a' ( ~
been put to 0 at h Car a
and even' the Ccx a
have suilered, (t 1.Ii
of Theodore Iluexnl ",.
Various reports of A^I
have been roe ':e I 'I
past week.
Tao Chute' e o ICa ('141 I
sufferers. The fac: tht u
be seen in the (listract 'I
formerly (lid a largoe '1 5i2KJI
ness is taken by tile tiiV O
that all, numlbering o r 20 A
fate of the Chines ee t~i t i.n
and Jimenez.

ally well pleased that I've been able to beat the American
" sAi( Miss Law, "but I could have done better and I'm going to
Aai "~ ~
ea' ng of h-er machine, Miss Law pointed laughingly across the
IIa'hr her biplane nestled in the shadow of the huge aeroplane
Sict r' Carnstrem used when he attempted the flight between Chi-
1rk. 1he old-fashioned machine with which Miss Law
SCartltrn's record was not half as large as the Curtiss monster.
's at was accomplished on the anniversary of the day
d hr pilot's license, Nov. 20, 1912, being a sister of Rodman
uparahute jumper she had plenty of family nerve to
ox cidd to do the stunt with a flying machine. This
r ist e flight she ever attempted, but 'he has been making
dsaC . She broke the altitude recor# for women on May
Sish climbed 11.200 feat.. She made the 950 miles in eight
d minutes.

5 S y
N 4 is ,_ }$
h a ^
Y $ tl G. A bl

AAi c Q au te
'~ Ilfo~~e 1) id

student ."Y"
VoaI'v Inlstalled in the
'. a uildling tamer-
A)w until the comple-
iin ali business will
d. i hise temporary
It has bee fn
te old
_ C. _ -.r_ in
cii: I'~i's. . en
~' bebuilingto
a n i. tcrier
Ialure are
ii. 0 1ther isno
' - ''(~'~ 'mm

Irish Poet to Talk on "A Merry Ramble
'Round (Ireland" in Uni-
versity Hall
Seumas MacManus, Irishpoet and
literateur, will speak in University.
hal n-ext Wednesday night, under the
auspices of the oratorical association.
He will take as his topic, "A Merry
Ramble 'Round Ireland."
Mr. MacManus is one of the best
known of the Irish poets and humor-
ists, and was one of the originators of
the inn Fein movement which last
year culminated in the Dublin revolt.
He is now touring the country giving
a. series of lectures on contemporary
Ireland and after delivering his lec-
ture here Wednesday will go to Chi-
cago where he is booked for Thurs-
Tickets will be on sale at the door,
and the admission price of 25 cents
will be charged.
Two Alumnae in
Seattle iTragedy
rs. Margaret Hartman Wounds Sis-
ter, Mrs. Alice Carey, and
Then Poisons Self
Seattle, Nov. 20.-Mrs. Alice Carey,
aged 35, is near death today with three
bullet wounds in her body fired by
her sister, Mrs. Margaret Hartman,
who afterward committed suicide by
taking poison during a fit of temporary
insanity Sunday. Both women are
graduates of the University of Michi-
gan. Their parents live in Sandusky,
0. Mrs. Carey advanced the theory of
insanity to explain the affair.
Mrs. Margaret Hartman entered the
University as Margaret Carey, coming
from Upper Sandusky, O., and gradu-
ated from the literary department in
1906. No trace could be found of the
enrollment of Mrs. Alice Carey in the
Philadelphia, Nov. 20. -Sargeant
William C. Oker, United States army
aviator, left here shortly before 2
o'clock this afternoon for Washington

German C pital Declares General Bat-
tle in'West Has Come to Stand.
still; Attacks Less Strong
London, Nov. 20.-Energetic pursuit
of the Teutonic-Bulgarian army re-
treating from Monastir is proceeding,
according to the Serbian official state-
ment today mentioning the Saturday
operations. "News of the liberating
of Monastir, the ancient city of Serbia
has caused proud satisfaction and
great joy in the Serbian army," the
statement asserted.
Evacuation of Fort "Prepared."
Berlin, Nov. 20.-Evacuation of
Monastir was in a measure "prepared
since several days" says a special re-
view of the Balkan fighting issued to-
day. The city, it was said, was "with-
out any military importance." The re-
view declared the method by which
the city was taken was an "open
avowal for the fact that the original
plan of General Serral's army' to join'
lends with the Russo-Roumanan
forces has been abandoned forever.
"New positions north of Monastir
have been occupied by our forces with-
out being disturbed by the enemy,"
said the statement. New German
forces have 'arrived in the fighting
British Forced From Grandeourt
Berlin, Nov. 20.-Ejection of British
troops from the western part of the
village of Grandcourt was announced
in today's official statement. The re-
port declared the British sustained
heavy losses in attacks against the
German line. "English artillery fire
of yesterday was generally less strong
on both sides of the Ancre," the state-
ment said. "Our infantry in hand
grenade engagements ejected the Eng-
lish from the western part of Grand-
Somme Battle Splits Up.
Berlin, Nov. 20.-The allies' great
thrust along the Somme has come to
a standstill and the general battle has
been split into isolated attacks, ac-
cording to the summary of a military
critic issued by the press bureau to-
day. "The successes of the attacking
enemy cannot be expanded and have
mostly been lost by German counter
attacks," the critic asserts.
The fact that in weeks the same vil-
lages have been mentioned again and
again in German as well as allied war
office reports is the best proof that the
battle on the general Somme front
has come to a standstill, the critic
Artillery Fire on Lower Danube.
Berlin, Nov. 20.-"Our troops are
approaching Crayova, capital of west-
ern Wallachia," an official statement
declared today, discussing the fighting
in Transylvania.
"On the lower Danube and Struma
there has been an increase in artillery-
ings," the statement continued.
Austrian Emperor's Condition Worse.
Rome, Nov. 20.-Dispatches from
Zurich assert that the Austrian em-
peror's condition is worse. and that
he has asked for the papal benediction.
Arrival of German specialists is eager-
ly awaited.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Has Small Fire
The fire department was called out
last night to the Sigma Phi Epsilon
fraternity, 621 South State street. The
cause of the fire was a faulty chimney.
No serious damage resulted.
Prof. J. E. Reighard to Address Club
The Zoological Journal club of the
University will meet at 7:15 o'clock
tonight in room 231 of the natural

science building. Prof. Jacob E. Reig-
hard will give a report of the recent
meeting of the American fisheries so-
ciety. S. R. Jones, grad., will talk on
the recent investigations of learning
in fishes, and group B of the club will
give three minute talks on anatomy,
embyrology, physiology, behavior, eco-
logy, and zoogeography.

FOR $604Iti C
IPhtduelpliia, iorne ~' VAI
' uflhI 1A ('o'ih
Washington, 1. C
department o '- A
use at the Phildel
and lrenerton ad. A
provided by congn
ment of navy yards
While there 'will
as to the mber f
installed until all
1917 building o
awarded, it was b'
three yards on wi

-The state de-
e from Ambas-
11 a cble sum-
Se American
' a rd the British
- 'a.' whch as reported
hve been tor-
evral weeks
A 1o~ of lfe.
aking subma-
,shed in the cable.
-ld not reveal de-
at this time, but
1e presIdent. The full
S-li by mail.
Ith 34B0 Booty
licene belong-
a t mil truck was
-'A automobile
S sx'ed late this
oldlig up E. K.
Se' Manufacturing
;robbing him of $2 400.
was he pay roll for 30
j ritrcs ed the deed.
t were fired in the escape.
e -1te Pesidents
Zn~, xxv,20.--Resi-




Use of Guns on Bow of Merchant
Ships Gives New Phase Problem
Washington, Nov. 20.-The subma-
rine warfare problem is assuming a
stage of "double barrel perplexity," of-
ficials said today. The situation took
on a new phase when unofficial re-
ports were received from abroad that
the entente allies are considering put-
ting armament in the bow as well as
the stern of merchant ships because
of the increasing destruction by Ger-
man submarines.
Such a move officials declared would
open up the whole question again and
necessitate an entirely new ruling the
first time a ship with guns at bow and
stern docked at an American port.
Forestry Club to Meet Tomorrow
The Forestry club will meet at 7:30
o'clock tomorrow night in the Forestry
club rooms in the natural science
building. Walter Lanbengayer, grad.,

expended I!ad een de
It is equally C';ti- C
phia yard will get the
Awards for foarte' 1 '-
announcd today, hi
four battleships i
still are pendii; in

or t

addition to the fox '
twenty-nine sublnel lo 'a I
have been c c-ived
stroyers awar icil t
by the Fore Livr
pany aild six by the
San Francisco.
Uncle Sam's 1ollar
Newark, N. J., No . S
check for $1 daxma'e ,' (P'A
in condemnation p.raex ci''fx
postofflee site, will not be - le
the public library. To 1
told the councilmen oa o '

' Haute today bought coal with Congressman-elect 0. D. BI1kley
S m nicipal coal of Franklin, Pa., as his pass ger.
er s';iag the same Bl3eakley is the first member of con-
( a ton. The gress to travel to the capital by air.
.w otablished by
today. He leased a Great War Shell Reaches Main Streetl
na m haul the Local police are in possession of
'l s to the consum- what seems to be the empty case of
a brass shell. It is about 18 inches
in length. It was brought in by a

I ii'

0 ' a~xat Smoker
I' of the rhetoric
a chief speakcr at
' LeA. smoker of the
~A ~'e Ld Thursday, Nov.
' n. This smoker was
?;x e held on Nov.
lpaid because of sev-.
Sal cInflicting attractions.

foreigner who said that he had found
it on Main street.
Slherlocks Keep Eyes on Pennsy Crowd
The city employed an extra detective
from Detroit to assist in watching the
crowd at the Penn game for any of
the "light-fingered gentry" who might

have to put up the dollar so te
books would balance, and the con' il
men abandoned the plan.

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