Zeal Wealth of South Africa Lies in Agriculture Rather Than 7lines hnri' 4. r Faculty Members to t in Program; Special Session for Ladies I Take The 46th annual meeting of the lchigan State Horticultural society, hich will be held in Grand Rapids, ec. 5, 6 and 7, in the coliseum, will e one of the largest the society has rer had. There will be a fine dis- lay of horticultural machinery, spray aterial and othe' accessories. Many prominent speakers will take art in the meetings. Several of them .e Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, "Landscape ardening for Rural Homes"; Prof. H. Eustace, of M. A. C., "The Apple rchard Situation in Michigan", and Horticulture in Other States"; B. J. assett, former secretary of the soci-. .y, connected with the department of arketing, Washington, D. C., "Some ethods of Marketing", illustrated ith 2,500 feet of moving picture film om the department at Washington, d "Other Marketing Problems"; rof. R. H. Pettit, of M. A. C., "In- irious Insects, Old and New", and J. . Carmody, of M. A. C., "Recent De- elopments in Spraying." A special session will be held by the dies of the society. Mrs. Alta L. udwick and- Miss Letitia Foster, of loverdale, will give their experiences the fruit business. ragoreB elieveS IncoC-Education "Your American universities are uch more practical than the English es, but I do not quite think that ey are fulfilling the function of high- education," said Sir Rabindranath igore in stating his opinion. of inericau universities. "Everywhere in this country, and is is true of your universities also, u emphasize the practical things to. e exclusion of the cultural ideas. " ere must be both, but so far you ye failed to acquire it. You hurry rough your university, snatching a of culture here and a bit there, t mainly you are devoted to the actical things. "Yes, I believe in co-education, but find that girls are much more ex-' nsive than boys," he said with a file. "But I think the boys do bet- when they are thrown into con- ct with girls." Mr. Tagore also expressed himself a believer in athletics, and said,k n my school I am trying to work t the ideal of the perfect mental, >ral and physical man, but I have en sadly, handicapped by lack of1 nds thus far."t H. J. Marais,0 '18D, of Robertson, South Africa, contributes the seventh article of"a series of eight on South Africa. Although the mineral output of South Africa has been, and still is, very extensive, men who are acquaint- ed with the country maitain that the real wealth lies rather in its agricul- ture. When we take into account the small white population of the country and bear in mind the different wars and internal troubles, all of which tend toj impoverish a nation's resources, we cannot help seeing the rapid strides South Africa has made in various branches of farming. Each of the four provinces of the Union contributes its own particular kind of products in accordance with the climate, fertility of the soil, and facilities for transporting these pro- ducts. Railroads are not as extensive as they are in the United States and European countries. Cape Colony is chiefly noted for its wool, ostrich feathers, fine horses, grain, wines, and raisins. The west- ern part is best suited for grain grow- ing and so produces most of the cer- eals. In the southwestern part the vineyards, set out by the early Hugue- not settlers, form the basis of the wine and raisin industries. Horse raising is not very extensive as yet, for the policy of "quality rather than quanity" is followed. Ostrich feathers to the value of $15,000,000 were exported yearly, but owing to the war the vol- um of this industry has fallen off lately. The Transvaal a Orange Free States provinces produce wool, mo- hair, hides, and corn. As South Africa suffers from droughts, corn growing depends largely upon irrigation. The government is studying irrigation pro- blems on that account. Sheep farming is important, the wool of 50,000,000 sheep being export- ed annually. Cattle raising is exten- sive but suffers from many prevalent and mysterious diseases. Bacteriolog- ists are engaged in studying these dis- eases at the model laboratory near Pretoria. Last year for the first time, 10,000 steers were exported and proved highly satisfactory on the European markets. There is a wonderful future in stock farming in South Africa, es- pecially as the United States is pro- ducing less beef for outside trade each year. In Natal sugar, tea, coffee, and wat- tle bark are the chief products. The sugar is of a fine quality and the in- dustry is a growing one. Up to the beginning of the war, wattle bark was shipped largely to Germany for tanning purposes, but the supply has now been shipped to other centers and there has been no decrease in ex- ports. South Africa grows enormous quanities of fruit and the supplying of the European winter market has be- come important. It may be of interest to Americans to know that the director of agricul- ture in South Africa is Dr. MacDonald, an American and a graduate of Iowa State University. The government controls splendid experimental farms and by means of scholarships has sent many students to the agricultural colleges of Iowa; Illinois and Minneso- ta, thus utilizing the experience and ability of the American farmer. FMOUS OPERAU COMPANY TO APPEAR I1 ETROIT Inter-State Organization to Present Plays in Four Eastern and MidWestern Cities Four cities of the east and middle west are to have the opportunity of hearing the remarkable Wagnerian program which Is being presented this season by the Inter-State Opera com- pany. They are Pittsburg, Detroit, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. The music dramas to be given are "Lohengrin", "Tristan and Isolde", "SIegfried" and possibly "Die Walkuro." The organizer of the movement to present these works of Richard is Cora Stetson Butler. Miss Butler has se- cured the services of Herr Knoch, an eminent-Wagner devotee, as conductor and a brilliant constellation of artists has been secured to interpret the var- ious roles. All have won enviable fame in this country and abroad. Among the singers who will be heard are Margaret Matzenaer,, le- onora de Gisneros, Augusta Lenaka, Rachel Frease Green, Bettina Free- man, Jeanne Marbourg, Henri Scott, Allen Hinckley, Karl Jorn, Mischa Leon, Franz Egenieff, Henry Weldon, Graham Marr, and Alfred Kaufman. The leading principle that guides these artists is the presentation of Wagner- ian works and it is the desire of the founder of the organization to avoid undue prominence of any member. The repertoire of the company is an extensive one embracing not only Ger- man music dramas but the beat loved operas of the French and Italian com- posers, each of which is sung in its native language. Afternoon and even- ing performances are given with a complete change of operas and bal- lets on each of the six visits constitut- ing the six weeks' season in each city. ORCHESTRA PLAYS WEDNESDAY University Organization to Appear for First Time This Year The University Symphony orchestra will make its initial appearance of the season at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday aft- ernoon in Hill auditorium. A light program has been chosen for the opening concert. It includes a symphony by Gade, the charming "Dance of the Sylphs" from Berlioz's "Damnation of Faust", and the "G Major Piano Concerto", of Beethoven, in which Harrison Albert Stevens will be the soloist. The orchestra is under the direction of Samuel P. Lockwood, of the School of Music. This Is the tenth seasox and the increasing interest in the or- ganization indicates that this will be another successful year. PLAN REORGANIZATION OF WESTERN MARYLAND BAILOAJ ANARCHIST TO LECTURE ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE Miss Emma Goldman of New York City to Speak in Amu Arbor in December Miss Emma Goldman of New York City, anarchist and literary critic, will deliver a course of six lectures on Russian literature at Woodman's hall, corner of Main and Washington streets, ox Dec. 4, 5, 6, and 7. The first lecture of the series at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon will be on the "Life and Struggle of Russian Literature," by Leo Tolstoy. Follow- ing this Miss Goldman will lecture on some representative work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Tchekhov. Maxim Gorky, Leonid Andreyev, and Michael Artzibashev. Last year Miss Goldman spoke on "Nietzche, the Intellectual Storm Cen- ter of the World," and on "Birth Con- trol-Why and How Small Families Are Desirable." Read a full account of the game, play by play, in the Green Pennsy Ex tra, on the streets immediately after the game. Throughni Sleeping Cars Every Day from Detroit to Jacksonville,Fla. Beginning December 9th, 1916 Leave Detroit 10:45 p.m. daily Arrive Cincinnati 7:40 a.m. Arrive Chattanooga 6:00 p.m. Arrive Jacksonville 8:50 a.m. ( ) MVJICHIGAN GENTIAL in connection with Big Four'Route-Queen & Crecce; Rzoutc and Souithern Railway-"The Scenic Line" Tickets at low Winter Tourist Fares on sale daily until April 30, 1917, to poits in Alabama, Cuba, Florida, corfi Louisiana, Mississippi, New Providence, New Mexico, !\urth Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. Return limit to reach original starting point not later than May 31.1917 For particulars consult T Michigan Central Ticket Agents s ' i i r .. +'" r- .-i+ 3 _ t .r , f1 i UNIVERSITY WILL SEND OUT FRESHMAN1 REPORTS New System Adopted to Take Care of First Year Delinquent Students * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * s , , * , , 9 , AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. Orpheum-Wm. S. Hart in "The Patriot." Also Triangle com- edy. Arcade-Kathleen Williams in "The Ne'er Do-Well." 9 * * * * 9 * * * * * * * * * I NEP Soi'w Mid-semester report cards for all freshmen will be sent out from the University offices within the next few weeks, according to a statement issued yesterday by Dean John R. Effinger. These reports are sent to all those students enrolled for the first year, who are delinquent or failing in any subjects for the first part of the fall' semester. Heretofore the reports have been merely sent out from the office leav- ing the deduction of consequences to the individual student, but according to a new plan, inaugurated this term, letters will be mailed to all freshman instructors previous to the mid-semes- ter reports, and these will advise the professors to get in touch with all those whose work is doubtful. The. * * * * * * * * * * * * ayes Quarter Nilion Iimes Lorain, 0., Nov. 17.-When Theodore delinquent students will then be as- Jurtis rested from his labors today, signed a certain hour to meet with the he twenty-fifth anniversary of his en- freshman advisory committee, con- rance into the barber's trade-he sisting of Prof. Morris Tilley, and Prof. ooked down the vista of a carter of C. 0. Davis. L century and saw a quarter of a mil- These notices will be considered of- ion sets of whiskers that had fallen ficial 'from the office and all students eneath his trusty blade. Not exactly neglecting to answer them will be sub- ) quarter, either, 243,000, to be exact. ject to summons by the attendance urtis' tabulations show that he has committee. It is expected that the new haved men that many times. plan will obviate much of the confu- Some distinguished men amongst sion and subsequent failure of first hem, too. "Well. how does the old year students, who are unable because :nife work today?" is a question he of the changed conditions in Univer- as put to Presidents McKinley, Roose- sity work, to grasp completely the sit- elt and Taft, Senators Matt Quay, Al- uation during the first semester. ert Beveridge and Ben Tillman and he untitled Doctor Cook, Buffalo Bill, ORGANIZE NEW HEALTH SOCIETY ess Willard, Tod Slogan and Harry' haw. Faculty Encourages Plan of Student Welfare Representatives AST HYGIENE. LECTURE MONDAY s A new organization is being formed r. A. S. Warthin to Deliver Final on the campus, known as the Health Address for FreslumenRepresentatives, with the encourage- ment of the University health service. Dr. A. S. Warthin will deliver the John W.tHelfrich, '18, is president of st of the series of three lectures on the organization, which is made up of x hygiene next Monday night in the one representative from each sorority est medical amphitheater. About 150 or fraternity or from any house where cket for the Dnal lecture are left there are three or more students. . the "Y" office and first year male| These representatives are to meet udents can obtain these by calling twice a month on Tuesday evening in t the association before noon today the auditorium of the natural science any time Monday. building where they will listen to a Tae amphitheater was filled for both course of lectures by Dr. V. C. the first two lectures, showing that Vaughan, Dr. U. T. Wile, Dr. A. S. e addresses are increasing in their Warthin, Dr. R. Peterson, Prof. W. C. >pularity among the freshmen. In Hoad, of the medical and sanitary en- e c- E. s e Y t r AT THE MAJESTIC. The management of the Majestic theater announces a special matinee this morning, starting at 10:30 o'clock. The doors will open at 10 o'clock and the performance will be over at noon, allowing those who plan to attend the game plenty of time for lunch and to get to Ferry field In time for the com- bat between Pennsy and Michigan. The attraction will be "The Four Husbands." There will be no after- noon performance, but the regular shows at 7:30 and 9 o'clock at night will be given. AT THE WHITNEY. Three nusical successes of the high- est caliber in three successive seasons is the remarkable achievement of a trio of New York collaborators, who seem to have discovered the "rabbit foot," or whatever it is that supplies the charm necessary to spell fame and fortune in the realm theatrical. The trio who have scored so de- cisively are Otto Hauerbach, Rudolf Friml and Arthur Hammerstein, and their three amazing productions are: "The Firefly," "High Jinks," 'and "Katinka," the third and most suc- cessful of which will be presented Tuesday, Nov. 21, at the Whitney the- ater. It Is Otto Hauerbach who supplies the literary third of the productions. He is responsible for the plot, lines and lyrics of "Katinka." To Rudolf Friml falls the composition of the mu- sic. Finally, the genius of Arthur Ham- merstein in casting and staging the production, supplies its full third of the pleasure the eye and ear receive during the course of an evening's en- tertainment. New York, Nov. 18.-Directors of the Western Maryland railway will today submit to the stockholders a plan of reorganization of the property neces- sitated by a topheavy funded debt coupled with a period of unsatisfactory earnings. It is planned to organize a new com- pany to take over the present, to elim- inate $18,000,000 of the funded debt and to segregate the company's coal properties. The shareholders will be asked to authorize a new first and re- funding mortgage for $150,000,000, first preferred seven per cent stock to the amount of $18,000,000, second pr.- ferred non-cumulative four per cant stock amounting to $10,000000 and $30,000,000 in common stock. Get a Green Pennsy Extra. Alarmclocks, $1.00 et p.t in"a Jeweler. 113 South Main 3t. tuos-ed All Matro Features Have First Run at The Arcade Theatre, k CapivaingChocolates Bonbons, Creams, Marshmallows, Wafers, Bitter Sweets, Caramels, and all the good kinds of confectionery, when furnished by US, are always sure to be fresh, tempting, delicious and refreshing. We take great pride in our confections and expend our best skill in selecting and insuring a quality that cannot be surpassed. we have a large assortment of Morse's, Booth's, and Davidson's Box Goods candies. e the Monday night lecture will not ommodate all of the freshmen de- us of attending, an effort will be le to arrange for an extra meet- gineering faculties. The members are expected to deliver a report on these lectures to the others in the house and in this way it is expected that nearly all the students on the campus can be reached. 1GREEN PENNSY EXTRA TO-DAY Stop and see our window display. The Fountain of Youth a t c h for the EEN PENNSY EXTRA See the Electric Oscillating Vaccum Washer demonstration at Ernest Elec- tric Shop, 335 So. Main. 17-18 Delicious Hot Drinks Corner Liberty and State m