' VIN G 11 LY D ON. 719 N. Universiy Season of Good Things TE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER h_ delivers the Goods and has be=n delivering them for 12 years } hv here among Michigan Students The E n cyolopaed Ia ri na this time of the year, with good things abundance, how about Your Clothes? Why don't you get ready for the Holidays? all-wool suit or overcoat, individually cut and hand- ored to your individual measure, will be both sensible i seasonable, and will give you something good for holidays. Order now while our showing is complete, and have that Suit or Overcoat in time for Thanksgiving. . . _. : ._-k -.a Oxzaranzteed AmateuAr FIrlmshirig H andy Volume Issue) - Ufj a I h Pa"tr Will Preach on ("' the NOW ON DISPLAY HERE Mat. Wed. & Sat. GARRICK DETROIT Week of Nov. 13 TO ORDER DRESS SUITS FOR HIR The Melting Of Molly" Come in and Browse around J. K. MALCOLM E. Liberty St. Malcolm Block Phone 1713-M ENIORSg Sit early for your 'Michiiancnisian" .. "oliaes, D. D., I :~r 01 p;i ~ih a~ St' ,_ ,it Cgregational 1~ iirbana, Ill., will the mrning service of the ARCADE Shows at 3:00; 6:30; 8:oo; 9:30 roc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone g6-M. Fri.-17-Viola Dana in "The Gates of Eden"; Drew Comedy. Sat.-c8 Kathleen Williams in"The Ne'er- Do-Well," ryc. Children's Matinee, 2 p. m.;;Chip's Carmen", "A Toyland Villain", "The Henanpup.". Mon.-Tue.-2o-21- Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in "Romeo and Juliet." 250. ShehnCo. C.W4 H A M,5 iYgr. Ii- Picture at MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway S.'w New York, - N.Y. 3tu Orpheum Theatre Matirees, 2:00-3:30; Evening, 6:45, 8:r5, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. Fria- :17 Edna Goodrich in "The House of hies." Also Bray Cartoons. Sat.-i8-Win. S. Hart in "The Patriot." Also Triangle Comedy, Charles Murray in "Maid Mad." Eve. 15c Sun.-Mon -19-20-Valentine Grant in "The Daughter of McGregor." Also Holmes Travels. I ART HE N 1 OFFERS THE ;i.ltNT AND SPARKLING SUCCESS WHITNEY T EATRE TUES, NOV 21 Also at 619 E. Liberty St. Arbor, Mich. Ithaca, N. V. West Point, N. V. Princeton, N. J. Northam pton, Mass. Hanover, N. -. :t Portraitures- 'M AJES TC 32 7:30 - 9:34 11 assed accommodations for group photographs Lafayette, Ind. 0 - tly Famous Wheat Cakes and Real Maple Syrup 10c THE GRILL ROOM Under Huston Bros. RV. J~IN A. HOLMES eai a te Conw;regational church. t Congregational church of this cit t u on the subject of "Th'e Quei, st of the Angel." Dr. Holmes has for seven years been p orofhispresent charge. He is i ard brilliant speaker. His popu- larity with the students of the Uni rsityor Illinoisis shown by the fact hat although his church is a mile and a qartr from the campus, they flock t past several others and tax its eating capacity to the limits. The Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, whose mulpit Dr. holmes is to fill Sunday, ill speak at that time at the All- University service at the University of Tiinois, where he (id religious work ,r f our years before coming to Ann Arbor. His subject there will be "The I AdQErsp M EEyth." MASWJES GIVES PLAY DEC, -1 Now Playing Last Season's Big Suecess eThe Four Husbands" The show that has the whist- tug tunes that you never forget. Plenty pretty girls, catchy music and elaborate scenery and cos- tumes. SPECIAL AFTER BREAKFAST MATINEE AT 10:30 A. Mt. SATUR- DAY. Seats are selling ,st. See the show and get your lunch and then its time for the game. No afternoon show. Night shows 7:30 and 9.00. I 11 A MUICAL PLAY BY JIAUER BACH AND FT IM'iL AUTHORS OF CHIGH OINKS "AND "THE FIREFLY" DNE YEAR A THE LYRIC o 44" ST. THEATRES, NEWYORK Repiete With Musical Cems of Haunting Sweetness "Racketty Coo," "Lu ViII na," "One Who Will Understand," "in A Hurry," "Katinka," "Your Photo," "I Can Tell By The Way You Dance Dear," "I Want All The World ToKnow," "Skidiskiscatch," "The Weekly Wedding," "1 Want To Marry A Male Quartette" SPECIAL AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c., 0o., SEAT SALE MAIL ORDEF S NOW MON. NOV. 20-10 A. M. 1748 R for a "bite°" No extra charge. e the largest Ilb. E d 6 6 tb ?a R : _ MUM for the Mich- 3OODHEW FLORI e 1321 or 170-M Pennsy Game E i AL CO. I 225 E. Liberty St. ,.l r. mmmmuz I W"H I'T N t; Er, FR IDAY NOV EMBER 24 Presents Muscl Worsted Comedy, man" "The ION REGENTS FOR OFFICERS;, CORPS nued from Page One.) ge of positions of command COAL SUPPLY IS MENACD BY CAR ShORTAGE OF 100,0V; Washington, Nov. 16.--With practic-~ ally the whole country suffering from officers. The government will se privileges if there are at students in training and or- in uniformed military units. versity organization has en-- to comply with these require- the system of training no stu- these universities is under on to elect military training .rriculum, nor having elected : does he incur any other than onal moral obligation to serve ry in the event of war. Those who complete all the courses roups are eligible at gradua- ppointment by the president nited State's to be temporary eutenants; and when so ap- iey are entitled to six months e in the regular army with 100 per month. They thus i the reserve officers' training the reserve officers' corps of r army and with the transfer r for the first time legal ob- to service in the event of r PENNSY EXTRA TOMOR- a cold wave that will rapidly grow worse instead of better, according to the weather bureau, the worst car shortage in nine years was announced today, making prospects serious for communities lacking coal. The- actual shortage now on is 108,010, according to the American Railroad association. Aug. 1 there was a surplus of 90,- 000. Railroads today advised the in- terstate commerce commission that they have inaugurated strenuous meas- ures to meet the enormous coal de- mand. Execution of the order of the commerce commission for the return from all carriers of any coal cars on their lines other than their own has been put under way. By this whole- sale swapping of cars, denlanded by the railroad men for solving the prob- lem, it is hoped greatly to relieve the situation. Freshman Reports Theft of Overcoat W. R. Hatfield, '20, yesterday re- ported to the police that an overcoat had been stolen from him Oct. 17. Flannel Shirts made to order. C. H1. Wild Company. Leading merchant tailors. State street. tf "The Worsted Man" is the title of emuscal comedy to be given by Masques in conjunction with the Girls' Glee club performance at Hill audi- tnrimn, Dec. 7. Previously Masques has given plays with their club mem- e only taking part, hence the com- n l o the club with the Girls' Cee clb is a step in a new direc- don. The cast of the play as selected by the commit tee which judged the try- outs held Saturday morning, includes the following: Elsa Apfel, '17, Inez Goe, *'17, Florence Paddock, '17, Helen Davis, '17, Harriet Walker, '17, P-a Dowen 'IS, Geta Tucker, '17, Julia Van Lcenwen, '17, Gladys Whel- an. '1?, and Ruth Lenzner, '17. The chorus work of the play will b dected by Miss Alurlda Hunt of the School of Music. It is tle plan of Masques to give er pays throughout the year and there will be organized try- o , a g;irls interested in dr is will be -given the opportun- Sto pron their talent. WHAT'S GOING ON Today. 12 o'clock-Law faculty dinner at the Union. 4 o'clock-Fresh law class meeting, room D law building. 4:05 o'clock-Student body as- sembles in front of U-hall and marches to Ferry field. 7:30 o'clock-Mass meeting at Hill auditorium. t MAIL ORDERS NOW SEAT SALE NOVEMBER 22 CHARLES ROHMAN PRESENTS IN THE NEW AMERICAN COMEDY SUCCESS Our r. c ny A Dramatization of Edna Ferber's Emma McChesney Stories by George V. Hobart and Miss Ferber By Arrangement with Josephine Brooks PRICES:-50c, 75o, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Tomorrow. 8 o'clock-Elimination tryouts for Central Debating team, 302 Mason hall. 2 o'clock - Michigan-Pennsylvania football game, Ferry field. U-Notices. All classes in journalism will meet today. Mr. Talcott Williams will ad- dress these classes next Friday in- stead of today. Those who wish to try out for the editorial staff of the Inlander report to the managing editor at 3 o'clock to- day at the Press building. Fresh lit football practice at 8:30 o'clock today, south Ferry field. ANDANIA PASSENGERS TELL OF BRITISH-GERMAN FIGHT New York, Nov. 16.-Fifty passengers of the Cunard liner Andania which ar- rived here today, told thrilling tales of having watched the battle between British and German warships during the last raid on the English coast. The liner passed through a wild storm in the Atlantic. Passengers said they could plainly see the flashes from the big naval guns. The Andania was held two days until all danger of at- tack had passed,. Dr. N. S. Hardikar Speaks to Grangers Dr. N. S. Hardikar gave a lecture yesterday afternoon on "Agriculture in India" in the city Y. M. C. A. before the Grangers' association. P. ' , Yellow 0 ciTaxi Co. PHONE 2255 t RAILROADS PREPARE TO FIGHT ADAMSON BILL IN U. S. COURTS Chicago, Nov. 16.-Nearly 500 suits for injunctions against the operation of A e.rh.' - I - . WOMAN'S HIGEY SEASON END WITH TWILIGHT TO PICNIC LIBERTY AT 606 D. E. GRENNAN u~tom vTail ril if Riding kers LIBERTY AT 606 Breeches 13t l tI ML ERS Wviii HEAR JUI)VE IL O PAM, '92, SUNDAY Jdge Huo Pam. '92, of the crim- Ial court of Cook county, Illinois, will address the Menorah society atl its next mneeting on Sunday evening, Nov. 19.- t 8 o'clock, in Newberry hall. This wil be the third time that Judge Pani has appeared before the mem- ers of the Michigan Menorah society. Tw years ago he spoke on "The cholhou e as an Agency for Social Service.c and last year his.subject was, "A wish Conross." Judge Pam has nnonced that his subject this Sun- y willbe "Democracy in the Public Schools." A play by play account of the game in the OEEN PENNSY EXTRA, to- morrow. of. the iiuamso i ght-hour law will ° piclic for all the regular and substi- have been filed by railroads by Dec. 1, tute players Sunday evening at For- a prominent railroad attorney stated estry Farm lodge. Supper will be here today. Each railroad is planning cooked out-of-doors over huge fires, a separate suit for every statgthroughr which it operates. Attorney General and a cozy and hilarious evening whiled away. Probably a number of the girls will walk at least -one way, but those who prefer to ride will take the 4:48 car from the interurban sta- tion. The fall season in women's hockey will have its grand wind-up in the Gregory will probably select one suit and make a test case of it shortly, this attorney said, to determine the constitutionality of the ;law. Pending such a decision, roads are asking in- junctions against United States district attorneys to restrain them from en- forcing the law. W a t c h f o r t h e GREEN PENNSY EXTRA on the streets immediately after the game.-.. .... I : Pennsy Squad Starts for Ann Arbor Philadelphia, Nov. 16.-The Univer- sity of Pennsylvania's football squad left here this afternoon for Ann Ar- hor for the Michigan game Saturday. Coach Folwell was more than opti- mistic, saying he was "cock sure." Twenty-two substitutes will depart to- morrow afternoon. Laundry cases-Another huge ship- ment received at Wahr's University book store. 12-17 . ..