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October 04, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-04

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:onfire, Cider, Doughnuts, Smokes.
Cheers and Songs to be
"Big as Cap Night!" With this
logan hoisted on its banner the Mich-
,an Union has worked might and
tain to make its annual open house
riday night an achievement to be
When the last strains of the "Yel-
w' and Blue" have died away in Hill
uditorium the Varsity band will
rike up the Victors and three
housand freshmen will march down
tate street to the Union lot. There,
y the blazing light of a bonfire that
iuals Cap Night's, "Bob" Bennett,
8, will lead the crowd in cheers, and
e traditional open house of the Mich-
an Union will be on.
Caps are to be worn by all freshmen
pon this occasion as a means of dis-
nguishing the members of the class
f 1920, according to those in charge
f the freshman mass meeting.
The Union open house, the custom
hat has existed from the first forma-
on of that organization, is to be a:
[g open air affair this year. The
)mmittee, of which Charles Fischer,
8, is chairman, has decided to make
an event to rival Cap Night. After
te cheers the Glee Club Quartet will
mder a selection from the porch of
te temporary Union and speakers to
ut "pep" in the assembly will be in-
oduced. After the meeting cider and
oughnuts will be found in the Union
wilding for the freshman.
Before the freshmen arrive lots of
.der and smokes will be on tap in the
nion for the upperclassmen. Six
indred gallons of cider have been or-
ered for the occasion and cigarets to
ve everyone a smoke.
City Clerk I. G. Reynolds calls the
tention of freshmen and the student
)dy generally to the following ordi-
Do not drive yoW machine faster
ian 15 miles per hour within the city

Fresh Entertain
.Crod of Sophs
Sing and Yell for Sophomores; Some
Even Journey to
"We're the greenest freshmen that
ever came to Michigan," sounded
sweet to sophomore ears last evening
when chanted by 30 or more verd? ant
yearlings as they marched down Lib-
erty street in lockstep, with trousers
rolled to the knees, coats inside out,
and heads bare.
The fun started shortly before 8:00
o'clock when freshmen were captured
by twos and threes until a consider-
able number had been gathered. They
were escorted over State street to
Huston's and there gave the best en-
tertainment that was in their power
in the form of songs and high school
One fresh who had been used to
early retiring hours at home was
pulled out of bed. Hd was made to
put on his overalls which he had just
laid neatly over a chair back, and
was carried off to join the other un-
fortunate members of his class. Then
occurred the march down town to
Main street, where the fresh paraded
down the center of Main street.
A few of the usual stunts were gone
through with and then the sophomores
conducted their victims to the Michi-
gan Central station to meet the east-
bound train due at 8:38 p. m. When
the train arrived the fresh seemed
proud of themselves, for they insisTed
upon walking. from one end of the
train to the other. Those in the lead
were lucky, and got off before the
train started, but nearly half of them
were too slow, for the train pulled out
and took with it a number of fright-'
ened freshmen. Some wild jumps were
made, but most of the boys remained
aboard until the train reached "Ypsi"
and returned to Ann Arbor by various
Meanwhile the men of '19 returned
to the campus for fresh meat.
It wasn't long before a few pros-
pects were gathered in and given the
task of passing out slips of tissue pa-
per to patrons of the Busy Bee. Others
were perched on the top of the Uni-
versity Book Store sign where they
gave their flattering opinion of the
class of '19, bayed to the moon, em-
braced each other lovingly and sang
sourly. New recruits were obtained
every little while until the sophomores
got tired of the fun and quit. No one
was hurt.
To Finish Selverat
Ferry Field Gates

Street Cars Collide on West Third
Street Bridge and Crash to
B. & 0. Tracks Below
Cleveland, Oct. 3.-Three known
dead and 19 injured with other possi-
ble fatalities is the result of a collis-
ion of two street cars on the West
Third street bridge here. After the
cars struck the bridge collapsed.
The street cars, loaded with work-
ers on their way home, collided and
telescoped when one motorman lost
control of his car and crashed into
the rear end of the car ahead. The
impactof the collision caused the
bridge to fall, throwing the passen-
gers to the Baltimore and Ohio rail-
road tracks below.
Police were rushed to the scene of
the wreck and ambulances at once
began to carry awy the injured. Many
passengers were pinioned beneath the
wreckage. Several horses and drivers
were carried down when the bridge
gave way.
Union Remains
the Social Center

Russian Czar Hard Worker
(By William P. Simms, United Press Correspondent.)
Imperial Headquarters Russian Army, Sept. 4, by Mail-Czar Nich-
olas, ruler of Russia's millions, and Commander-in-Chief of her armies,
works harder than any millionaire in Wall street. He puts in more hours
a day than American trade unions allow, by just as much again. He
lies down to sleep at night on a camp bed made of canvas.
The Emperor was on his way to work, walking through the rain,
when I saw him. He looks like his pictures except that he is quite
brown from living much in the open. He walks with an athletic spring.
Life at the front seems to agree with him. Nicholas rises shortly after
8:00 o'clock. At 9:00 o'clock he sits down to eggs, rolls and coffee. At
10:00 o'clock he goes to the staff headquarters and reads the report of
General Alexieff, illustrated with maps and plans. By 12:30 at night the
report is finished and the Emperor's orders to generals on the entire front
are dispatched.

Appeal for' Membership on
That Club Holds Old


"Let's go to the Union." '%
With these words as their motto the
fall membership committee of the
Michigan Union will make a house to
house canvass of all the .students.
The idea that the Union is the social
center of Michigan has had knock-
out blow in some student's mind by
the fact that the old quarters have
been torn down. This idea the com-
mittee will strive to correct and as
soon as the committees are complete-
ly organized work will be commenced
to get every male in the university
a member of the Union.
Jos. F. Meade, '17E, chairman of the
fall membership committee said last
night that the committees are fast
rounding into shape and the house to
house canvass would start soon.
"Just as soon as the students realize
that the Union is in better quarters
than last year, there will be an en-
largement of the membership list",
said Meade, "and the purpose of the
canvass from now on will take on the
aspect of showing the campus what
we really have."

Drs. Warthin and Weller Explain Re-
sults of Research Work at
June Meeting
Dr. A. S. Warthin, of the School of
Medicine and Surgery, was granted a
certificate of honor for research work'
on the action of various infections,
poisons, and radio-activity on cer-
tain germ cells of the body, demon-
strated at the meeting of the A. M.
A. in Detroit last June. Dr. Warthin,
professor of pathology, will take part
in a symposium on syphilis at the
meeting of the Mississippi Valley
Medical association in Indianapolis,
October 10. He will conduct a dis-
cussion at this meeting, and his re-
search work on syphilis has been
chosen as one of the exhibits and
demonstrations. .
Dr. C. V. Weller, assistant profess-
or in the School of Medicine and
Surgery, received a bronze medal as
award for his research work on the
"Blastophoric Effects of Lead." This
was demonstrated before the same
meeting of the A. M. A. which grant-
ed the certificate of honor to Dr.
Students Who Desire to Work on
Humor Magazine Must Report
The Gargoyle, Michigan's student
humor publication, is issuing its an-
nual call for try-outs for its art and
literary staffs. Men interested in the
work are asked to report at the Gar-
'goyle office, Press building, between
3:00 o'clock and 5:00 o'clock tomorrow
Freshmen, as well as those of other
classes, are invited to try out, but no
members of the class of '20 will be
appointed to the staff this year under
a ruling of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Men who wish to try-out for the
business staff are asked to report to
H. Kirk White, business manager, on
Friday, Oct. 6, between 3:00 and 5:00
Claim That Four Students Had Been
Involved in Scandal Is Denied.
Rumors that four university students
had been questioned by a Chicago de-
tective named Edmund Hill yester-
day morning in connection with the
nation-wide blackmail investigation,
were found to be without foundation
last night when Division Superintend-
ent of Justice Clambaugh of Chicago
wired that no such detective had been
sent to Ann Arbor. The local police
were instructed to hold any man
claiming to be Detective Hill, and to
notify the Chicago officials of his seiz-
According to a story which ap-
peared in a Detroit afternoon paper
yesterday, women were sent to Ann
Arbor from Chicago at the time of the
Junior Hop last February. These
women were said' to have invigeled
four men students 'into a compromis-
ing situation and then extorted large

sums from their wealthy Chicago par-
ents. Thorough Investigation by the
Ann Arbor authorities yesterday after-
noon failed to verify the report in any

Opposition of Conservative Upper
House Cause of Japanese
Cabinet Upheaval
Washington, Oct. 3.-Persistent op-
position of the Japanese upper un
elective House of Parlament to the
policy of Premier Okuma is respon-
ible for his resignation, news of
which was cabled from Tokio today
This is the belief of the Embassy here.
Okuma's party controlled the major-
ity of the Lower House but a coali-
tion of the other parties in the House,
was formed against him. It was said
Okuma has for some weeks felt un-
able to continue the government and!
face the Upper House when it con-
vened in December.- It is understood
that the Premier has contemplated re-
signing for some months and was
waiting for a time when he thought
he could arrange for a successor from
his own party.
Viscount Cato, former Minister of
Foreign Affairs, is said to be the can-
didate for the party of Okuma for
Premier. Okuma's opponents in, the
Upper House are advocating the ap-
pointment of Count Marshall Taren-
chi, now Governor of Korea.
Change ours of

Both Bulgars' and Roumanians' lon.
itors on Danube Do Effee.
tive Work.
London, Oct. 3.-While the armies
along the Somme remained in com-
parative quiet last night, desperate
fighting developea along the Rouman-
ian front with the Roumanians on the
general offensive, although Berlin re-
ports a victory for General Falken-
hayn's troops in Hermannstadt.
London, Oct. 3.-An Amsterdam re-
port announces that the Roumanan
monitors on the Danube were of the
greatest value in the drive of the Ro-
manians into Bulgaria. They sil-
enced the Bulgarian shore batteries
and enabled the invaders to advance
rapidly. The Roumanian invading
force is composed of several batt-
alions, according to the report from
the Bulgarian war office.
Immediately upon landing, the Ro-
manians du'g themselves in and were
well entrenched before attacked by
the Bulgarians. The battle now in
progress is raging most furiously
about the fortress of Rustchuk, on the
Danube, one of the most powerful
strongholds of the.country.
Berlin, Oct. 3.-Bulgarian monitors
operating on the Danube river have
destroyed a pontoon bridge con-
structed by the Roumanian Invaders,
according to an official announcement
this afternon. Desperate fighting Is
going on along the Roumanian front.
Austro-German forces have been com-
pelled to retreat owing to superior
Roumanian numbers north of Fogaras.
The Roumanians are making a.- de-
termined drive against the Red Tower
London, Oct. 3.-Violent Servian ar-
tillery fire has compelled the Bulgar-
ians to evacuate the summit of
Kaimakchalan ridge and Hill 2368, a
hill dominating the region northeast
of Folina, in Macedonia. A Bulgarian
war department statement admitted
that the Bulgar troops have been
forced to retreat on both wings in
Berlin, Qct. 3.-After scoring a de-
cisive victory in Hermannstadt, Gen-
eral Falkenhayn's troops have moved
southward and are now near the Rou-
manian front, fighting south of the
Red Tower pass. Already 3,000 prs-
oners have been taken, and additions
to this number are continually being
Law College Shows Greatest Increase;
Only 20 Register in Lit
Few noteworthy changes in the en-
rollment figures were reported at the
close of registration yesterday.
The greatest jump was shown in the
law college. At closing time Monday

134 had signed up, while at dusk Tues-
day there were 303 enrolled. This
misses last year's mark to date by 39.
The falling off is attributed to the in-
creased literary requirements.
Both the medics and the dents show
an increase over last year. At the
close of1registration yesterday there
were 331 students enrolled in the
dental college, and 311 in the medical
school. The medical college enrolled
43 new students yesterday while 22
dents were added to the list.
The literary college showed the
slightest gain, only 20 students en-
rolling. Most of these were old stu-
dents, the new arrivals having prac
tically all come in. To date the en-
rollment in the literary college is
ahead of the final returns of last year
by 219. This total will be swelled
somewhat by the end of the week. Re-
turns from the engineering college
show only a slight increase over last



Indications that work on the uncom-
not open muffler on your ma- pleted sewer on South State street near

Move at the request of an officer.
Do not play ball in the streets.
Do not ride bicycles on the side-
Do not tack signs on telephone or
telegraph poles.
Do not try to keep a dog around
without a license. Bull dogs must be
muzzled even if on a chain.
Do not try to run a taxi or dray
without a license.
Do not break the city ordinances and
expect to get off without paying the
Last Year's Graduate Victim of In-
fantile Paralysis
News of the death of Eugene R.
McCall, '16L, from infantile paralysis
in Minneapolis yesterday, was receiv-
ed here last evening by the Phi Delta
Phi fraternity, of which McCall was a
While in school, McCall was a prom-
inent man on the campus. He was
captain of the Varsity soccer team,
member of his class and the reserve
football teams, member of the Order
of the Coif, Woolsack, Archons, aBr-
risters, Toastmasters and did con-
siderable work on the Michigan Law
He was a member of the Harvard
Varsity football team. In 1909, he
graduated from Phillips Exeter and
from Harvard in 1913. When he
graduated from Michigan last year,

the entrances to Ferry field will be
rushed to completion were given when BURKE NOMINATED FOR OFFICE
the city council recommended the

board of public works to award the
contract to Ray D. Baker of Detroit.
The council held its regular meeting
Monday night.
The work had been awarded more
than a year ago to Tom Joyce of Ko-
komo, Ind., who failed to finish the
project. With the opening of the
football season it becomes imperative
to finish the work as son as possible.
Reports from the board of public
works, the water works commission,
the finance committee, the sidewalk
committee, and the lighting commit-
tee were presented. A considerable
number of sidewalks will be built
within the city.
Registrations of voters will be held
in the usual ward voting places Oc-
tober 31 from 8:00 o'clock in the morn-
ing until 8:00 o'clock at night. Elec-
tions will be held November 7 and the
polls will be open from 7:00 o'clock in
the morning until 8:00 o'clock at night.
Washington, Oct. 3.-The following
National Guard organizations on the
border have been ordered to state
mobilization camps to be mustered
out: First Kansas infantry; Troop
M, Rhode Island cavalry; Troop A,
Massachusetts cavalry; Co. A, Penn-
sylvania engineers; New Jersey sig-
nal corps; Connecticut First ambu-
lance company; New Jersey First am-
bulance and First field hospital com-

Ann Arbor Man to Run for Attorney
General on Democrat Ticket
Mt. Clemens, Oct. 3.-George J.
Burke of Ann Arbor, was nominated
for Attorney General of the state at
the Democratic State convention here
today. At a late hour this afternoon
the following other nominations seem-
ed practically certain:
Judge Rollin K. Persons, Lansing,
for the Justiceship of the Supreme
court; A. V. Fredericks, Traverse
City, Auditor General; L. U. Utley,
Escanaba, for State Treasurer; and
J. F. Wing, Detroit, for Secretary of
State. Wing has not yet consented to
make the race.
Graduates of the university are en-
tering the ranks of the movie profes-
sion. The following is a clipping from
the Red Book:
"William Webster Campbell is a
graduate of the University of Michi-
gan (1912). Shortly after leaving col-
lege he embarked upon a stock career,
where his good looks and undeniable
talent soon placed him in the front
rank of his profession. After seasons
of stock in the middle west he went
into picture work via Lubin's western
studio, though now he is kept busy in
strong, red-blooded roles by the Kay
Bee, Broncho and Domino companies."
Perhaps this is an answer to that
querulous query of "Why is a lit?"

Recommend Boiling Water in Spite of
City Notice That It Is
Office hours of the University Health
Service have been changed this year
and are as follows: For consultation,
every morning from 9 o'clock to 12,
except Sundays; for special appoint-
ments and emergencies, Monday,
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
from 2:00 o'clock to 4:00. Minor op-
erating will be done on Friday after-
All new students enrolled in the uni-
versity who will not receive physical
examinations at the gymnasium are
advised to call at the Health Service
for examinations. This is desired
particularly of students coming from
cities where there are contagious dis-
eases. Students can be inoculated for
typhoid fever by purchasing the vac-
cine. The injections will be made at
the Health Service free of charge.
The service advises all fraternity,
sorority and boarding houses to boil
the city water before using it for
drinking purposes, regardless of the
report that it is now free from germs.
Well water is unsafe and should not
be used for drinking purposes.
Dancing Accommodations Are Even
Better Than Last Year.
Regular Saturday night dances of
the Michigan Union will be continued
this year. Abe Hart, '17, is in charge
of the dances and weekly comimittees
will be picked from the Union mem-
The accommodations for dancing in
the new quarters of the Union are an
improvement over the old. The mu-
sic will be furnished from an alcove
instead of from an elevated platform.
Access to the ballroom is easier and
the new dressing rooms are modern
in appointments.

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