ORDERS FOR vzksgivin g, November 30 should be placed now to insure prompt delivery. G".Ho ding JNerchant Ti Wild Company azlars State Street E SI in'P 11111111111 iiiit iiiiiiii l1111 t~l1111111111111111111lIt111111IL HFT 'M'~USIC- Salways hake the latest Ni )opular and Classic a - 'NDINGER MUSIC SHOP 122 E. Liberty St. ALLME] one 1692 Official news% paper at the Tverasity of Mf'~a.Published every morninr, except ,iW~nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier, $z.so; by nisail, $3.00. Want ad. stations: Quarry's; Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed Soo words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the diserption of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker..........MXanaging Editor Clarence TF. Fishleiglh..Business Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn............... .City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald---------Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson...Telegraph Eiditor Verne E. Burnett----------..Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg.............Women's Ed(itor Carleton, W. Reade.........Statistical Ed;ritor J. TE. Campbell... .Assistant B~usiness M\anager C. Philip mey .sistant Business Manager Albert E. llorne. .Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. R2au. .. As sstant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter. .. assistant Business Manager Night Editors L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumngarth L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker Reporters B. A. Swaney C. W. Neumann WV. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L,. Zeigler ll. C. Garrison Allen Sehoenfield C. M. Jickling Marian Wilson D. S. Rood Business Staff Bernard Wohl L. I?. Robinson Paul I;. Cholette li tarry R. Louis Harold Makinson 1 laTrol . J. Lance Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne THURSDAY, NOVE~MBER 16, 1916. Night iEditor-4l). , S.Xo,L L1 826 That is the telephone number. Call any timie between the hours of3 and 6 P. m. daily or between 9 anid 12 A. M. Saturday when you desire student help-"1"' TEmploymnent M~pt. rI GET YOUR NARCISSUS BULBS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS A4T 33 Slater BokShop 336 So. The Books o1 Ra idranth agore w c The Carneer -. . - $1.25 adaaa--$1.25_ Cianjali . - -$1.25 Kigo Qh ar°; Chamber - - $1 .25 . Th u yStones and Other kStories $1Si.25- FOR SLE AT St. Stte UNIV~R~iTY BOOKS OS DETROIT UNITED LINES ween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson srun on FEastern time, one hour faster ocal time. roit Limited and Express Cars-S : o a, d~ hourly to 7:10 p. mn., 9:10 p. 'm. amazoo Linuted Cars-8 :48 a. in. and two hours to 6 :48 p. in.; to Lansing, . M. son Express Cars--(Local stops west of Arbor)-9 :48 a. in. and every two hours E8 p. mn. :al Cars Eastbound-5:35 a. in, 6:40 a. :05 a. in. and every two'hours to 7:05 p. :05 p. in., 9:05 p. in., 10:50 p. in. to Lnti only, 9:20 a. in., 9:so a. in., 2:05, P. 05 p. in, 1:45 p. in., z ::o a.,in., 1:20 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. al Cars Westbound-6:oS a. in., 7:5o a. :20 p. im.. 12:20 a. in. Farmers & Mechanics Bank Offers the-Best in Modern Banking SECURITY - - EFFICIENCY mient and Pleasant Quiarters. You Will ased With Our Service. Two Offices 05 S. Main St. 330 S. State St, 'P]ZWITERS of all makes le or Rent. Oleaning & pairing. !T'YPWRITING & ZEOGRA HINGo SUPPLIES 09-D Mo l"r 11 this impression, we will say that the student council has disapproved of it, and that the athletic board has de- cided to eliminate it from further use on Ferry field. A "-R1:'PUiTATION TO MAINTAIN Michigani spirit is a much abused ex- pression. It 'is a phrase that we lk to apply to any good constructive el- tnent in the life of the University. We; selomn pia it down to earth and an- alyroe its mean;ling. Sometimes an out- cider can define it better than we can, .An Ithaca student writes to the Cornell Daily Sun of the conduct of the Mich- igan delegation last Saturday, as f~ol- lows: ;_ r s -:3 ' ' 1 4:..:.... . I I ii1 We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3,80oo,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Office.-- 707 North University Ave. GIRLS! buy tickets at Beauty Shop and save $1.50 on $5.00. Souvenir with every 5oc purchase of cosmetics. Miss Mable Rowe 503 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 240 FIRST DATE.. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICR, Capital $too,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,ooo 3 DIRECTORS r< VJ ti vtsstdy ve °7- al 't ro oU 0z p' Wirt Cornwell Geo. W. Patterson S. W. Clarkson Fred Schinid Waldo M. Abbott Harry M. Fawley Harrison Soule D. B. Sutton So~ State 582-x' WE WANT FIGHT, NOT VAUDEVILLE Four or five communications have been receivedi by The Daily express- iug regret at the resignation of a try- out cheer leader, following the edi- torial deploring the Charlie Chaplin type of cheer leading of which he was chief exponent. The Daily did not. attack the cheer leader in person, but the method of cheering he introduced. It believes in a type oif cheer leading that will in- spire the stands with the same fight that the team exhibits on the field, not the kind that provokes a laugh. If the cheer leader will get out on Ferry field and put as much enthusiasm into serious cheer leading as he has into his vaudeville antics, The Daily does not want to stand in his way. This matter is up to the board of directors of the athletic association. A charge has been made that The Daily acted arbitrarily in attacking the comic cap- ers type of cheer leading. To correct' "'We certainly must hand it t Michigan. Fr.omi the football teams t,) the rvoi ter- in the stadium thei( 11,011 frotn AnnI. Arbor shoed a ; oin a 1 1.i'It o tu u ,nd carefl l prepara i which seak, wll for the spiri ofheUC llgrdatsas a.woe Thechers; they rgave cold ?not. siderble practie, and or the cerleading, it wa ork o1: 1 The game ttea i paye lite flue showing of t.e)aldl na7 th ariety and ' oe'.ofthechers lshow an attitude owrd ath- letics which we at Cornell mnight well imitate." Unconsciously, this Cornellstdn has sunmned up Just what we,, sta:nd for. Hle hsgiven us a ood dfinlition of ichi .an spirilt.?The eputtionthat :ihgnillt's adterstudentSilp- p"Crter'S now1hold sou-ld «always maini- trained. Let these words from a Cor- neil student serve as an inspiration. 1Luson's," duringYthe ,Morning or after 5 o'clock. A - t f 1 , Y !in -,- who can write GoodSnappy Adver- r - STOP SAT r1 338 S. STATE for sodas and lunches tiin cpy Apply atthGRL ROOM under WL~omen, ' ...._ ._. All classes in journalism will meet 'riday. Mr.,Talcott Williams will ad- tress these classes a week from Fri- lay instead of tomorrow. Michigan alumnae in Detroit" will "affle a Dort automobile on Nov. 28 t:the Intercollegiate County Fair. +ie thousand tickets are, on sale, dice Kraft, '18, at Martha Cook build- ng, is in charge of the sale of tickets n Ann Arbor. Current events represented in mov- ng pictures will be the special at- raction of the Wopmen's Leagueo ,parily riday aftiernoonl. Fre[wenIwome ill peetteblwihicae -4A'tteof heWi :Ilm~tg tr'd- en secured for thee pro;tuction,. no dmission will be chargedcandoiall eague membel':rs alcI)Iured to 'attendP.( here will be d!anc(-i.g aun the gymna. - am, as usual, followving tihe enter- iinment. A luncheon gi 0nb the executive oard of the Independent Gir'ls' club) 'as heldlast .night at wvhicht pla iis 'ere discussed for launching the cllb tembership campaign. Committees w ere announced by tile resident, Grace Rose, '18, as follows: 'nance, Jeannette Armstrong, '17, nd Marion Galton, '18; publicity, Ruth ,enzner, '17, Marjorie Kilbury, '18, nd Gertrude Cunn, '19. The campaign will end Dec. 4, when formal pasty will be given in honor fthe new members. Meeting of upper girls' seclion o!F etscier Verein W hti( h11was ancosne E. D. Kinnie THE SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. SPECIAL ;SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. MAKE "MODEL ROUSE" RULES fCommaiittee 3Meets and Unifies, Rules and Regulations for All League Houses The model house rules committee composed of Ethel Vail, '17, chairman of the league house heads, Mabel L. Christen, '17, chairman of the commit- tee, Helen M. Good, '17, and Stella L. Scott, '17, mlet yesterday and took up the question of unifying the rules for all league houses. The present or- ganization of houses and the regula- tion of social engagements and quiet hours of all the league houses were considered and _an attempt was made to standardize these in the new rules. General suggestions are included in thle rules and it is to be left to the indiividual houses to make additions not covered in the general rules given1. The work of this committee will be submitted at the next meeting of the house heads of- all the league houses and acted upon then. The-date of the next mleeting which is to be held in November will be announced later. UNIVERS l'It RESEAIICII CL TI IOLI)S IIL'RAINT 12 EETING The, University Research club held its regul1ar monthly meeting last even- ing ini the Histological laboratory. Papers on special research work were given by Prof~. E. D. Campbell and Prof. J. S. Reeves. The subject of the ' 4 << rb ,,x,.a' , .- ' ,\ }, 14' rr Iii t co 1~i t 11 1 1 3 0 1 seaon fe, i <," 3113 h V ii 't PiZON 29'42;3 E. Liber~ty St. Memer f Forliss'Telegraph DelieryService Flowers.by Wire to All the World. v Takes Pictures 3 NDevlops Films makas Prints and Enlarge mieats. Cordocaif They look like cordovan'-- some dealers sell them for cordovan- a sightly shoe that will give good service. $6.00 S.1 "We clothe young men complete" ~r ..m -1 1 p :vt'Ut'n f~sr ~~'priilg nse~ - N ' :'t gloat I 3)3 ci 4 2 'IdA (N nppokAt'c31 U i i a~ ~ ~~~ ,>Im~rIi '~ a ~' r t 0 2' ' f '1 I ('3. F .t _0~9 10 Y~t (.. c 113~ t ..-:lay ttinedi ..I ' ' t' .... Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions Pennsylvania and Michigan' Bunting -hundreds of yards- now ready in correct colors. Order today-- by telephone, if, you wish. Price TC a yard. (Main Floor-Right Aisle) A t~'- 3 .If' i , .,),_ i' . . . .t . 3 tli (1c. "0 -,1 _ 3 t <13 f _3 . ._ it ( 'x I - ( h. . I iT.i 3 i 'lN'3 E CIVIC COMMlITTEES ALREADY [':a AGEI) N REORGANIZATION he geetal\ erin tnigh, paer by Professor Reeves was "The Rgh- ynain okfor soph-,Ag6-German Aggression- Upon Ven- )nmores will begin todayv. e%:uela in 1902." Professor Campbell's Freszh~en isig opila% askt aper was on "The Influence 'of Heat ball ,rep)ort at 5 ('clock ? lh 1i 't'oo has been postponed untiil 3 cl ck: Friday afternoon, instead of Monday,l a~s was announced. Miss Agnes Wells, social director of " Newberry Residence, will be the speakzer at vespers, at 5 o'clock this afternoon, in Newberry Hall. Treatnent on Some of the Electrical Properties of Carbon Steel." Profess- or Campbell also read this paper at a meeting of the Iron anid Steel Institute of Great Britian in London, England, onl Sept. 21, 1916. If your window shades need renew- in- call 237, 0. H. Major & Co. 5-16 1,3 ~. .1 - OP VA' 3' 3313>21St 1131- itt CI '131 ~3I' it '' S day A 1311 'na 1 I'~'i' I P it IIuII It-in -~ ill Li~ 33 SI 3031 i.3. I v :i lm:~s ri 3J333'~ ' I an 3> ix H I' H 5 111. 1130 33 '~ .1 19 331 1, 1 5 (',LUt'N A' Ott t'\1O'1- 3-A > i 0" 'i 'cit 33 0th 113 the 1 '313 i'03' shy. i~i ~t. ri: t lie N~ sic deilt Union bnihb in ~ has 333. Pt ix cot3lpleted at the Un t"cl'sit y, 1Nt a total cost of $150 - 000. Nortltii'esfvi'n: Ifercafter any law stat. dent who fails ill more than one sub- ject, will be permanently dismissed front the University. All! the committees recently ap- ~r (?ed',ndr tile reorganization plan of the AnnvArbor Civic association are aetielyenggedin work and are al- ix sly olding eetings. "toe ubic health and sanitation U t tii oewic Dr. J. F. Breakey -~ l~iii anwil meet at 4 o'clock this n~~~, 't io ntile Civic association's I'l 313 i te city hall. At 7:30 tonight the oar ofdirectors are scheduled to hcul a con:ference. et we three of the other com- rmittees wrill hold meetings. i