G -HWild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. SHE] We alwc in Popu LLMENDI ie 1692 ays have the latest lar land Classical x NGE1I MUSIC SHOP 122 E. Liberty St.c lilitiilililiiilitllililllllillili lillil cl Official newspaper at the University of Mi-'A.gan. Published every morning except 14 )I'iday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions : by carrier $2.50 ; by mail, $3o.00 Want ad. stations:iuarry's; Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed Soo words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each. evening. John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn......... ...ity Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald......:Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor Verne E. Burnett...........Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg............Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade.........Statistical Editor J E. Campbell....Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emlery. .Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau...Ascistaut Business Manager Fred M. Sutter...Assistant Business Manager Night Editors L. S. Thompson E . A. Baumgarth L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker 823 That is the telephone number. Cali any time between the hours of 3 and 6 P. M. daily or between 9 and ia A. M. Saturday when you desire student help -"Y' Employment Dept. VA 6 GET YOUR NARCISSUS BULBS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT Slater Book Shop : )ETROIT UNITED LINES en Detroit; Ann Arbor and Jackson run on Eastern time, one hour faster al time. it Limited and Express Cars-8: ro a hourly to d710p.in., 9:10 p. M. nazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. mn. and wo hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, M. on Express Cars--(Local stops west of bor)-9:48 'a. m. and every two hours p. mn. SCars Eastbound-5:35 a. m , 6:40 a. a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. 5 p. m., 9:05 p. m., 10:50 p. m. to ti only, 9:2o- a. in., -: a. in.,z : P. 5 P. nm., 11 :45 p. in., r ::o a. in., i1:20 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Cars Westbound-6 :05 a. m.; 7:50 a. 20 p. m.. 12:20 a. m. We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3,800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Offiee- 707 North University Ave. irmers & Mechanics Bank ers the Best in Modern Banking CURITY - - -.EFFICIENCY mt and Pleasant Quarters. You Will id With Our Service. Two offices S. Main St. 330 S. State St. RIRTE8 of all makes ior Rent, Cleaning & siring. TYPEWRTING & a0GRAPHING. SUPPLIES . D.Korri11 GIRLS! buy tickets at Beauty Shop and save $1.50 on $3.00. Souvenir with every Soc purchase of cosmetics, Miss Mable Rowe 503 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 2402 FIRST NATL DANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $6,aoo DIRECTORS B. A. Swaney Reporters C. W. Neumann W. A. Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L. Zeigler 11. C. Garrison Allen Schoenfield C. M. Jickling Marian Wilson D. S. Rood Business Staff Bernard Wohil J. 1. Robinson Paul E. Cholette HBarry R. Louis E. Reed Hunt Harold J. Lance Earl F. GansehowW a alter R. Payne Harold Makinson TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916. Night Editor-B. A. Swaney. News : and sport staff and tryouts meet at 12:40 o'clock in reportorial rooms, today. WE WANT TO CORRECT AN IM- PRESSION "Whirlwind offense of Cornell backs, ably led by Shiverick, overcomes early Michigan lead." So ran the head-line over the story of the Michigan-Cornell game in Sunday morning's Daily. This was an unfortunate heading for it dives an untrue impression of the game as it actually took place. To blame entirely the copy-reader who wrote the head would be unfair, for he had not seen the game, but be was not justified in the conclusion which he drew from the telegraphic reports. But those of us who at Schoellkopf field witnessed the superiority of the Michigan eleven over Cornell as a uni- fied team of fighters, realize the incor- rectness of the impression that the Wolverine eleven was swept off its feet by a superior attacking force, as the hiead-line seemed to indicate. Those of us who went to Ithaca know that the Cornell offense in comparison to the Michigan offense was no more a whirlwind than is a gentle breeze of isummer. Michigan made three touchdowns to Cornell's two. We ac- knowledge fairly and squarely the de- feat of Michiga,_n. W J jornot "wi sh to cast any indiscredit upon the Cornell team. It displayed the ability to comeback and win in an ip-hill light. We know, however, and we believe that a majority of Cornell sUporte will acknowledge, that quarterback Shiverick's kicking ability and not the superiority of the Cornell eleven as a unit of football strength, was the thin' that defeated Michigan. Cornell does not gloat over its victory, any more than Michigan sulks in defeat. Both institutions realize the even- ness with which their teams were matched. Michigan hal fight, a unmie machine, and a determined spirit. Cornell had the toe of Fritz Shivuriek It was this asset of the Red team, and not the "whirlwind offense of Cornell backs" that defeated Michigan. We have written this not to tlrow and discredit upon the Cornell foot- ball team, not to offer any alibis for Michigan's defeat,' but to correct an impression for which The Daily itself is responsible. Camp Davis Men Smoke Thursday Thursday night the Camp Davis men will hold a smoker at the Union. in addition to the "smokes," doughnuts, and other edibles, plans will be made for the dance to be given on Dec. 8 and for the performance along vaude- ville lines to be presented by Camp' Davis men. The meeting is also for the purpose of practicing the Camp Davis songs,. All senior civil engineers are expected to be present. That job of LETTERING would be done much more EASILY, QUICKLY and N EAT LY with the use of a RUST LETTERINC SCALE Priced $1.25 Ask to see it. VNIVEKSITY BOOKSTORES ITRRUBLES and mosquitos are a lot alike. Neither one stays 'round a place whar 0 thar's plenty o' good pipe smoke. VELVET is a ,ood pipe smoke Home Made C1adies - - S r ctly fresh and of the best quality. Pure cream walnut caramels. as- sorted nut chocolates in alb. boxes, 35c. Bitter sweet and chocolate creams i all fresh. Special ice cream sundaes. -TH E FOUN T A IN 0f YfO U T H I State St. Cor. Libeaty E ' i ¢ ll1 lit1 l l1 1 11 il | ll1 | ll1 1la64 &44 9l 1 111111111 11 1 11 1E1l li il i 1 i99 69 : 1111 Wirt Cornwell Geo. W. Patterson S. W. Clarkson -Fred Schmid Waldo M.Abbott HarrylvM. Hawley Harrison Soule D. B. Sutton State 582-J FORGE BISCHO F L OR IST, ce Cut Floweis and Plants hatpin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M STOP AT 'U T TLES 338 S. STATE r sodas and lunches E D. Kinnie THE SUGAR BOWLI 109 S. Main St. LAND ERS SOR FL OWERS PHONE 294 213 E. Liberty St. Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Serviee Flowers by Wire to All the World. SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. mmmww ] ILh®3171IWki .ytiW .. Y. . _... _ v..wt,...,.r .... _...... , d ',' r t. t skeufccl WMIM 1AMM a U ANDh S I ESWGNS POSITION AS ASSISTANT ChEER LEADER Iditor, The Michigan Daily: Inasmuch as The Daily is supposedly the official mouthpiece of University opinion, I feel that after the appear- ance of your editorial of recent date, that it would be best to tender my resignation from the position of as- sistant cheer leader. I ant sorry that The Daily has seen fit to take issue Taes Pictures Develops Films makes Pints and Enlarge- 13 E. Univeralty °"AR K v A Real Pipe for College Men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up W D C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment. -.Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York Wfomen v 7 Genuine French Briar The leather heel has outlived its usefulness. It is doomed! Hard, nail-studded leather heels are not adapted to the pavements of this "Concrete Age." The impact of heel on stone wears down the leather heel in two or three weeks. The constant jarring caused by leather heels hurts your nervous system. Save your heels, your shoes, and yourself by wearing O'Sullivan's Heels of New Live Rubber.. They last twice as long as leather heels and keep your shoes in shape much longer. with my methods, but wish to assure Women's notices for The Daily are you that my efforts have at all1!times to be left in the regular Daily box, been sincere and well-intentioned. in the west corridor of the Library, L. S. SANDERS. and not in'the box in the general read- ing room. They must be in the box " PMEIICA1N LABOR FEDERATION by 1 o'clock of the day preceding BEGINS SESSIONS ON ONDAY tileir appearance, and must always be ___________________signed. Baltimore, Nov. 13.--With the ad- Gymnasium clothes will not be sold ministration forces pretty well nor lockers given out after 5 o'clock whipped into line at a series of con- Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 15. Anyone ferences between the leaders, the without a locker and gym clothes for American Federatioh of Labor began the Thursday and Friday classes will its regular session in the Garden the- be severely dealt with. ater today. The first session followed Hygiene lecture at 5 o'clock this aft- a parade of delegates headed by the ernoon in the Medical building. Girls federation band. Delegates were pres- are to occupy the same seats as at the eut from all parts of the United States last lecture. 0 I Our Beautiful Dance and Banquet Programs still continue to be one of the many pleasant surprises and main topics at the parties. When you buy your new shoes, buy them O'Sullivanized. Insist on O'Sullivanized shoes;,the new live rubber heels give the greatest wear with the greatest re- siliency. r It *k- T14f MAYER-SC HAIRER CO. 112 S. Main and Canada, and from several foreign Freshman and }sophomore hockey counies. There are 21,711 local teams will play in the cup game at 3 unons in the 111 national annter-' o'clock Wednesday afternoon on Palm- n ational unions, and 705 local trade er Field. bodies directly affiliated with the fed- Wyvern meets at 7:15 o'clock tonight eration. at the Alpha Phi house. Members of the Glee club who play STO IIHNGS DAUGHTER ukeleles are requested to bring them {lE:f AN INSTRUCTOR FRIDAY to the regular rehearsal at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weigand are Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at receiving congratulations on the birth home to college girls from 3 to 6 of a daughter Friday, Nov. 10. Mr. o'clock this afternoon, at 1215 Hill Weigand is an instructor of 'German street. Junior advisors are urged to in the university. Mrs: Weigand, who call with their freshmen. was Miss Frances Rhoades before her Sophomores must pay Freshman marriage, is a member of Gamma Phi' Spread tax of $1.00 at Dean Jordan's Beta. office, before Monday, Nov. 20. Girls wishing to care for children, BOXING. wait on table, do sewing, or any other Private lessons. Work will start im- kind of work, may register with Miss mediately. See instructor at Dr. May's :Miriam Gerlach, secretary to Dean office, Waterman gymnasium, for Myra B. Jordan, at her office in Bar- terms, etc. 0. S. Westerman. tf. bour gymnasium. Leave your film at the Delta. 24 Dancing wax in all sized packages. hour service. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. 5-16 3Coyright 196, O'S. R. Co. wNmmNmwmmwmm o EN KELLER AFFLICTED WITH AL TROUBLE, NOT TO SPEAK[ icago, Nov. 13.-Helen Keller pro- r will not appear in public again g to a spinal trouble, according iss Elizabeth van Blarcom, secre- for the Illinois Society for the ention of Blindness, and a close not dangerously ill, but has difficulty in walking, and must wear braces for an indefinite period. The illness forc- ed Miss Keller to cancel 30 lecture engagements for which she was to re- ceive $1,000 each. Ann Arbor's progressive merchants use the Michigan Daily as their adver- (000 STRAND BLK. N? 605 TAN } Vd aim& N? 505' I- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- is tisigg medium.