L A t _ / . 7 C-PROBABLY SNOW ND COLDER I I ;.. y .....r oIt UNITED PRESS WIR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE THE ONLY MORNING PAPER10 ANN ARBOR I i DL. XXVII. No. 37. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916. PRICE FIVE T PRICE FIVE IRITISH FORCES MAKE MILE lGIN ONSOM RN RITISH CAPTURE TWO VILLAGES SEVEN MILES WEST, OF BAPAUIME .. FIHTING IN EAST Irench-Serbian Army Drives German Allies Back Near Big Bend in Cerna River LONDON, Nov. 13.-General Haig's forces struck another terrific blow at the German lines about the Ancre to- day, after heavy artillery preparation. The infantry took German positions to the depth of a mile, according to press dispatches from the front this after- noon. The British troops, dashing irresist- ably forward, captured the villages of Beaumont and Hamel just north of a deep bend in the river, and about seven miles due west of Bapaume, the immediate objective of the British drive. Two thousand German prison- ers alreadiy have been brought in, ac- cording to press reports from the front. A most violent battle is raging in the Balkans in the region of the big bend of the Cerna, with continu.ed suc- cess for the French-Serb forces. Fighting has been going on for- two days and nights. This notice con- firmed a report from Serbian head- quarters saying Teutonic-Bulgarian forces had been driven from the vil- lage of Iven and that the retreating armies are "falling back in disorder." Petrograd, Nov. 13.-German naval forces bombarded the Finnish coast Friday under cover of a fog, it was officially announced today. The state- ment said a number of the bombard- ing vessels had been sunk. The at- tacking slips were 36-knot torpedo boats. Berlin, via Wireless to NayvIlle, Nov. 13.-Only groups of hostile detach- ments "feeling their way along the Danube," have attacked General von Mackensen's extreme left wing in the Dobrudja, and these were forced back, the war office announced today. Cher- navoda was shelled without success from the left bank of the Danube. Petrograd, Nov. 13.-Teutonic troops that persistently attacked Russian positions in the wooded Carpathians south of Desmdronia were met with cold steel, and repulsed after suffering great losses. Berlin, Nov. 13.-German torpedo boats in a raid on the Finnish bay ad- vanced until Russian-Baltic ports were "efficiently shelled." Berlin, Nov. 13.-German troops still held the eastern ledge of Sailly-Sail- lisel positions, according to today's war office announcement regarding the western front fighting. "Between the Ancre and the Somme," the statement; said, "was temporary but strong ar- tillery fighting." A"lies"ay Stop Austrian Count IN'cently Appointed Ambassador to the United States Faces Re- fusal of Conduct Paris, Nov. 13.-The Echo De Paris today published an article in which it is strongly hinted that the allies may refuse to furnish safe conduct to Count de Tarnow Tarnowski, newly appointed Austrian Ambassador to the United States, -who is to succeed the recalled Ambassador Dumba. The ar- ticle says the' Count may possibly be charged with efforts to stir up the Poles and anti-Catholic Slavs against the entente allies, and inasmuch as Tarnowski is an officer in the reserves, his mission may be considered war- like.. Chicago, Nov. 13.-The Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad company filed a petition before Judge Carpenter in federal court today testing the valid- ity of the Adamson eight hour law. The case was set for Dec. 4. Otsego., £,11 c, Nov. 13.Consolida- tion of the Bardeen and Otsego Paper Mills was announced here today. The two properties are among the largest3 concerns of their kind in Michigan. 'PROHIBITION ISSUE IN 12'-BRYAN Great Commoner Laughs When Told Wets Would Not Attend School "BLIND PIGS NOT DANGEROUS" BY ROY H. FRICKEN. "Prohibition will greatly increase the attendance at the University of Michigan," said William Jennings Bryan yesterday afternoon as he passed through Ann Arbor on the Wolverine express. "The number of wet students found at the University is so small that their loss will be in- considerable." The commoner. indulged in a hearty laugh when he was told that the argu- ment had been advanced by some of the wet adherents that prohibition would decrease the attendance at a state university, because the average man who went to a university was a person who was capable of self-re- straint and wanted a *good deal of per- sonal freedom. "They are absolutely wrong," said Mr. Bryan in reply. "Prohibition will not diminish, but increase the attend- ance, because the fathers who once went to the university and squandered their money in drink, will be all the more willing to send their boys to a school where drink is not so avail- able." Choo! Choo! Watch Out! Barrow! No, this isn't a "beard" story? Here the loser gets to push instead of being "ridden," while the winner gets a novel wheelbarrow ride down the diagonal walk. Two seniors, D. W. Sessions, '17, councilman, and H. B. Tee- garden, '17, president of the Oratorical association, made an election bet. The loser was to wheel the winner down the diagonal walk in a whellbarrow. Sessions placed his last hopes on Hughes, and to him falls the privelege of racing the diagonal walk, while Teegarden en- joys his election ride. The bet will be fulfilled this noon, and will start from the North University and State street entrance of the campus. Sessions will stop and yell three times for Hughes at the start, the flag pole, and the arch at the engineering building. The wheelbarrow will be furn- ished by E. L. Roscoe, '20. Changes to Come in Body Members Themselves Want Washington Hears NAME THREE MEN AS CHANCES FOR WILSON CABINEO H. A. GARFIELD, SENATOR WALS AND VANCE M'CORMICK SUGGESTED EXPECT ONE MAN FROM WES Only Them, New York, Nov. 13.-Cotton touched the highest level since the Civil War on the Cotton exchange this afternoon. July future sold at 20.07 cents a pound, and May at 20.03 cents, making gains of nearly $2.00 a bale today. WARHN STUDENTS AGINST SMA'LLPOX IN YPSILNTI 15 Cased Reported in That City; Au- thorities May Declare Quarantine Dr. H. H. Cummings, executive head of the University health service, an- nounced last night that 15 cases of smallpox are reported in Ypsilanti, and issued a warning to students to desist from frequenting that city. 'Phe au- thorities fear that another seige similar to the typhoid epidemic will result if proper precaution is not taken. Dr. John Wessinger, city health of- ficer, is contemplating the placing of a quarantine against Ypsilanti. This would prohibit residents from that city coming into this city and vice versa. This quarantine may go into effect today. Seven new cases have been found in Ypsilanti within the last two days, making a total of 15 cases, all of whom are women attending the Nor- mal College. The dean of the institu- tion has prohibited all girls from at- tending house parties and dances at Ann Arbor. . Dr. Cummings also urged that all students who have not been vaccin-; ated within the last five years take advantage of the free vaccinations of-1 fered at the University health service; offices. Students are requested to re-l frain from bringing normal studentsl to the Pennsylvania game. PEN NSY PARTY WILL MARK OPENING OF NEW GYMNASIUM Attendance Will Increase. Mr. Bryan stated that the attend- ance in every university in dry states had increased as a result of prohibi- tion. Although he admitted that there wereundoubtedly some blind pigs in existence, he said, "Blind pigs are not nearly so dangerous as those that can see." When asked as to the prospects of prohibition being made a national is- sue soon in campaigns, Mr. Bryan said, "Prohibition will be the paramoint is- sue of the presidential campaign in 1920. This last election has made it much easier for the Democratic party to lead in the fight for a dry nation. Seventeen of the 22 states that gave their electoral votes to President Wil- son are dry statesand the Democratic party is no longer under any obliga- tions. to such wet cities as New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Indianapolis.' Because the victory was won in the south and the west, the Democratic party will be more free to take the. cause of the dry side than it would have been had its victory depended upon the wet cities. The Republican party, defeated for a second time, will look around for an issue, and will seize upon the prohibition question as their only hope. With both the Demo-, cratic and Republican parties rivals for the dry vote, what will the "rum- mies" do then?, Billy Sunday Helped Vote. Concerning the part that Billy Sun- day played in the dry victory in Michi-1 gan, Mr. Bryan said, "It is hard to, say just what part any person or group of persons had, because there were so many at work, but there can, be no doubt but that Billy has made, a profound impression wherever he I has spoken and that he has immensely helped in several states. It is very fortunate for Michigan that Mr. Sun-j day was conducting his evangelistic campaign in Detroit at the time that7 the prohibition question was being; voted upon." A delegation of dry workers met Mr.; Bryan at the M. C. station yesterday, when he passed through the city, and the Washtenaw dry committee pre-; sented him with a gold engraved knife as, a token of his services in the dry campaign in Washtenaw county. Mr. Bryan and his wife are on their way to New York where business will detain him for about ten days. From there he will go to Boston where he, will report the Billy Sunday evangel-1 istic meetings for the Boston Record on the 25th and the 26th of this month.i FORM, NAVAL DIISION FOR UNIVESITY, TONIGHT, Miclhigan First College in Country to Recruit Naval Reserves From Students All men interested in the formation of the new University division of the National Naval Volunteers are request- ed to report at 7:15 o'clock tonight in room 348 engineering building. Plans for the permanent organization of the corps will be formed at that time. The University of Michigan is the first college in America to recruit a naval reserve division from its stu- dents but it is expected that several other colleges will form divisions in the near future. The Michigan corps will be divided into two divisions of 50 men each, a complement of five of- ficers being attached to each one. These two divisions will be organized in conformity with -the provisions of the Ahmy and Navy bill for the crea- tion of a National Naval Volunteer. They will be subject to call of the President for foreign service subse- quent to a declaration of war or to repel invasion of the territories of the United States, but will not be subject to the call of the Governor for strike or riot duty. The term of their en- listment will be three years, but men graduating before the expiration of their enlistment will be continued on the rolls of the-division without the ob- ligation of presenting themselves for drills and without pay. They may, if they desire, be transferred to another division. Under the provisions of the Navy Pay bill, members of the divisions will receive pay equal to one-quarter of that received by men of similar rank in the regular service. Uniforms for non-commissioned officers and men will be furnished by the government but commissioned officers must pro- cure theirs at their own expense. The Navy department will likewise furnish Springfield rifles, a three-inch field battery, boats, a nautical library and other equipment. One drill per week wil be required throughout the college year. In ad- dition, practice cruises will be arrang- ed for vacation periods. Those at- tending such cruises will receive the regular navy pay for their rank. Men interested in medical ratings may apply for further information to Dr. H. S. Hulbert of the psychopathic hospital. Those interested in the deck and line division are asked to tcom- municate with Prof. A. E. Boak or Dr. J. R. Hayden, and candidates for the engineering and aeronautic sections with W. K. Heinrich, '17E. Buglers and drummers may communicate with C. E. Netting, '18. Ohio Club Meeting Is Postponed The meeting of the Ohio club, which was to have been held this evening, has been postponed until Thursday evening, since adequate meeting quar- ters could not be secured. The time and place of the meeting will be an- nounced in the next issue of The Daily. No So FETTER APPOINTED NEW SECRETARY FORT Bucknell and Rochester Graduate Succeeds W. H. Tinker as Head of Organization Mr. N. C. Fetter, prominent in social and church work in Ann Arbor for the past four and a half years, has been chosen to fill the position of sec- retary of the student "Y," made vacant by the resignation of W. H. Tinker, Sept. 1, 1916. Mr. Tinker, before leav- ing to take up the work of supervis- ing secretary to all the state univer- ssity "Y'S" in the country, strongly rec- ommended the appointment of Mr. Fet- ter as his successor. Mr. Fetter graduated from both Bucknell University and Rochester Theological Seminary, finishing at the latter place in 1912. While in school, besides being a good student, he held important student offices and earned a reputation on the athletic field. In his senior year at Bucknell, Mr. Fet- ter was editor of the Oran and Blue, the official paper of the university, and managed the production of the yearly opera, besides winning three sets of numerals on the athletic field and playing on the reserve football team. Following his four years work at Bucknell, Mr. Fetter entered the .Roch- ester Seminary with the intention of preparing himself for the ministry. In his senior year at this institution he gained the distinction of becoming president of the student body. All through his college training, Mr. Fet- ter showed unusual liking and ability in executive work and it was the liking for this kind of work and his desire to be among the younger people that led him to accept his present position in preference to the ministry. Mr. Fetter entered into the duties of his new office this morning and will from now on devote his energies en- tirely to carrying out the work of his office. PLAN TO REVIVE "LAUDES ATQUE CARMINA" FOR GAME Council Would Have Students Learn First and Third Stanzas to Sing at Half' Plans have been made by the stu- dent council to revive Michigan's an- them "Laudes Atque Carmina" at Fer- ry field Saturday afternoon between halves of the Michigan-Pennsylvania game. In addition to this a number of new yells will be attempted. The Michigan song, which is the greatest college song in the country, in the estimation of many, has lain dormant for years because of the lack of interest on the part of the student body. D. W. Sessions, '17L, chairman of the committee for the student coun- cil, requests that all students commit the first and third stanzas in order to help the leader in getting the song started. The words and melody are easy to learn and with the enthusiasm of the crowd at the game it is expect- ed that the anthem will again be plac- ed among Michigan's most popular songs. Washington, Nov. 13. - President Harry A. Garfield, of Williams College, son of President Garfielg; Senator Walsh of Montana, and Democratic Chairman Vance McCormick were names centered upon in a discussion here today of probable new members of the president's cabinet after March 4. That there will be more than one resignation by present members is deemed certain. One new member, in the opinion of Harry Morgenthau, treasurer of the Democratic national committee, is likely to come from the west. Morgen- thau was in Washington today. The name of Senator Walsh has been given consideration because he is from the west. On the other hand there is a general belief that he will be Senator Kern's successor as senate leader. Garfield Strong Wilson Man. President Garfield unlike his brother, James R., who was a member of Roosevelt's cabinet,has been an ac- tive supporter of the presidentas well as a personal friend. If there are many changes in the cabinet, they will come as a result of insistence by the cabinet members themselves. This was learned definitely today and was construed in official circles as a blow to reports that the president would remove Secretaries Daniels and Redfield, and that he was considering a new name to take the place of Sec- retary McAdoo. The same situation is true with regard to the post of secre- tary to the president, now held by Joseph P. Tumulty. It is considered Tumulty will not be replaced unless he strongly requests it. Democratic Debt $300,000. New York, Nov. 13.-The Democratic national committee is $300,000 in ebt after conducting the campaign for President Wilson's re-election, accord- ing to an announcement from the of- fice of Henry Morgenthau, treasurer. It is planned to raise $200,000 of this deficit through popular subscription in 200 American towns, and the rest through an appeal to various Demo- cratic organizations. St. Paul, Nov. 13.-OffcIal figures from 33 of 86 counties and the soldier vote from 21 counties give Wilson 1,- 004; Hughes, 179,233. There are no soldier votes in 15 of the remaining counties. The soldier vote included in the above grand total was: Wilson, 649; Hughes, 614. Alturas, Cal., Nov. 13.-The official count of the vote in Modoc county was completed this afternoon, and showed Wilson, 1221; Hughes, 765. This is a net gain' for Wilson of 55 votes over the unofficial count. REPORT SIR SAM HUGHES OUT Believe Canadian Cabinet Member No Longer in Federal Body Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 13.-General Sir Sam Hughes, according to well au- thenticated reports this afternoon, is .out of the federal cabinet. The rumor emanated from government circles after the cabinet council rose this afternoon at 4:40 o'clock. An official statement is expected later. Just be- fore the council rose, Sir Robert Bor- den left to confer with the. governor general. Bucharest, Nov. 13.-On the right of the Alt valley the Roumanians have been forced to yield ground in the re- gion of Saracibste. Enemy attacks on the left were repulsed., 100 Attend U. P. Smoker Last Night More than 100 attended the first smoker of the year of the Upper Pen- insula club last night at the Union. B. T. Larson, '17M, president of the club, acted as chairman and short snappy talks were given by W. K. Niemann, '17, and by Dr. H. H. Cummings of the health service. A dance is sched- uled by the club for Wednesday night, Nov. 29, at the Union, and arrange- ments are to be made for a special car to go home at the Christmas vacation. Announcement was made yesterday of a "Pennsy Dance" to be given in the combined gymnasiums Saturday evening for Union members. The dance will mark the opening of the combined gymnasiums since the en- largement began. E. C. Scfiacht, '18E, chai an of the dance, stated that re- freshments would be served and that a large orchestra would contribute the music for the occasion. The price of admission will be 75 cents. and the dance will be held from I 8:-30 until 12 o'clock. _ - . 1Today' T A G 0 R E 2.c$1.OO THE SEATS ARE COING'! asp