YOU GET REAL SHOE REPAIRING AT THE =OLIN NE=OLIN Quality Shoe Rep .i* r We have it Wears better than leather 1114 S. University Ave. OUR flOTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE MARET REINSJ~ . FLURIE ONInT ION NEW ATIONAL.MONUMENT IS CREATED IN ALASKA Constanly Near,I Death Is Jok Exper ilPio ,lilcu !In Abandoned Indian Village Included Tract of 38 Acres of Forest in I Narrow Escapes Become Incideniii Occurrences in Activities of Soldiers 3ports received from all prt of country tell of a continuation of rather'N id and unsettled condition ae coal market, paticularly in re- I to the demand for the itumninous luct and the difficulty experienced ippers in supplying deales, who urn are almost overheled with rs from eager and insistent con- ers. 1? public appears to be at last r awakened to the possibility of a ous scarcity before the winter 1 have been far advanced. =ices have been strong at ll the e distributing points, jobbers ap- ing to take whatever they have able to get for what coal they ebeen able to deliver or proise in a reasonable time limt, accord- to the American Coal .loural. oclucig companies contine to ad- that there is in reality no rmason uneasiness and that all demands be supplied in time, wile dealers shippers have been uring the ic to be satisfied with the delivery mnall portions of their orders at rvals, in order to give an oppotun- :o meet all pressing requirements. hat the conditions at present are bus and trying there is no denying, e colder weather cannot he far off, n .a further increase in the demand ld give the market a greater tend- upward. The future appears to ind chiefly, if not almost entirely, i the solution of the car shortage dem. vestigations are in progress with tew to relieving coal operators, ers and consumers, and there is a ving hope that the unusual condi- 3 will disappear with intelligent iling and the co-operation of all rests. Intercot leg ate As: The main bu iding: of the hool of mines wits destroyed by e last Sunday. The estimated loss $50,000. fornia: A big campaign for a adent Union building is be:s;_on- rcted at the University. ago: Junior tomen hae adopted standard class hat. It is expect- that other women will follow the ad of the juniors. nd Stanford: A moment has en started among the women of e University for more simple ess The most radical plan sug- sts a regular uniform for cam- s wear. fornia:. The Radio club has eret- a wireless station on the foot- 11 field to receive returs from the - Washingtot game on Saturday. tell: A donation of $14000 has st been received for the euipment a summer military camp on Lake yuga. ols: This University has the rgest college band in the United ates. It consists of 200 pieces. ana: The Indiana Daily Student tablished a record for itself 1q st turday by placing an extra on the reets two and one-half minutes ter the last whistle blew on the idiron. yard: ( p aptain [Pali Keniga,. e submarine Detshland, has en elected an honorary member of e Harvard Dleutscher Verein. A nmittee has been appointed to pre- nt him with a special 1p dal for his ring feat. nyslania: There ha been a ery rge increase in the proortion 01 )men enrolled in te Uniersity is year. There ae 2,139 women 1ong the 9,392 students register it: By a Speceu arrangemient th(' elversity wireless sati ws able send out the first message from e newly elected governor to the e people of the stale. Washington, Nov. 11.-As a result of recommendations made by the sec- retary of agriculture, the "Old Kassan LAWRENCE AND HURL-FALLS Somersault Artists Appearing at Majestic First Half of This Week * *, * "r v * * * * * 0 * * * AT THE THEATERS * TODAY 3ajestic-Kolb and Dill in "The Three Pals." Orplieum--Louise Huff in "The Reward of Patience." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JAPAN'S FOREIGN TRADE INCREASES I Gains Made in Country, Commerce WithEvery Especially With Russia . I EXPORT TO AMERICAN REPUBLICSI National Monument," consisting of 38 acres within the Tongass national for- est, Alaska, has just been created by presidential proclamation. The tract embraces the well known abandoned Haida Indian village of Old Kassan, situated on Prince of Wales island in southeastern Alaska, about 30 miles west of the city of Ketchikan. The village was abandoned by the Indians about 10 years ago. Among the relics which remain there are about 50 Indian totem poles, five or six of which are classed as exceed- ingly good specimens. In the deserted village there are also eight large square buildings which were orig- inally constructed according to the peculiar plan of the Haida Indians, and which, it is stated by those best quali- fied to know, represent the best speci- mens of Haida architecture that now exist. The largest of these buildings is ap- proximately 40 by 60 feet in size and is made entirely of round and carved timbers. There also remain a number of Indian graves with the typical small grave houses erected by the Alaskan Indians. "Kassan" is said, to be the Indian word which means "a pretty town," and all reports agree that the village was well named. The fact that the village was occupied by the Indians for many years explains the local name "Old" Kassan, by which it is widely known. Since the village was abandoned by the Indians the buildings have been rapidly falling into a state of dilapida- tion and decay, and a certain amount of vandalism by tourists and souvenir hunters renders some form of protec- tion essential. An examination of the area was made jointly by representa- tives of the forest service and of the interior department, and reports strongly urging the establishment of a national monument were approved by the secretaries of both departments. The Smithsonian Institution strongly endorsed the proposition for the estab- lishment of a national monument. The new national monument will be pro- tected and administered by the forest service, as is the case with all monu- ments located within the national for- ests. the proverbial "leaps and bounds," Japan's largest steamship company, the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, a firm in which the imperial family owns a great part of the stock, has just added two more vessels to its line in the Antipodes, making a total of ten Jap- anese vessels which are now plying between this nation and Australian ports. Estimates Student Walks 1,350 Miles Berkeley, Cal., Nov. 11.-Recent ex- periments show that the average col- lege student walks five miles a day about the University of California campus. At this rate a student would walk about 1,350 miles during the col- lege year. "° l ldld t & i a911111?tt643 " '; l 5' i~ i li E ir: i t I , [44,1i li111il lt ll111111111111 i-u1 Ai can be quickly prepared, and without the slightest trouble, on an Electric Chafing Dish This .handsome and very convenient table utensil is a source of both comfort and pride to the housewife. Just the thing for a hasty lunch or Sunday supper. Cooks practically any dish you have a desire for makes toothsome fudge. No trouble; no alcohol; no c messing. Just attach to a lamp-socket. Come in and inspect them. /- E T h e etr oi6 Lson C o. Cor Main and William Sts. Tel. 2300 : ll l l llll$ ll y i E l ll a 9'a . : i@eE-s ';~ $4 (III I I~ l tl ll ttI I1 . London. Oct. 28.-(By Mail.)--In the fighting on the Somme where legions of men face death daily, narrow escapes from sudden extermination be- come trifling incidents to be joked about at the end of the day. A ser- geant in a Yorkshire regiment de- clares nothing a man may (1r seems to affect his chances of becoming al "casualty." "I've seen careful men get winged before the daredevils," said the ser- geant, "and I've seen the careless men get hit when the cautious one escapes. Recently, one of the men in my platoon was hit in the mouth. The bullet came from an angle, broke one of his teeth and glanced off, just grazing his lip. e :.,m1inn later, a bullet dented is idenrtityv disc : and later still a bomb exploead in his pocket, bursting out- I ards and hardly bruising his side." Doctors tell of one man in the fighting near Le Sars who went through the experience of having three bombs explode in his pocket without hurt irg' him1. A corporal, wearing a steel helmet, was hit by a bullet which vnt in at the front of the headgear, passed round his head, and went out te bac k, smashing the steel of the hel- met. His head showed no marks. Shree soldiers were standing to- gether when a bomb burst at their feet. A sergeant was blown into the air and badly wounded while the others wer' unscratched. Whsiisind: A special cheering see- tion for women has been' set aside at th Chicago game. There is some Ik of- appointing a woman cheer leader. c c: z t f r. t 1 f C e 1 C c c C I 1 t 4 7. t 7 i J AT THE MAJESTIC By Ralph H. Turner (United Press Staff Correspondent) . .tj tTokio, Nov. 11.-Some idea of the The program at the Majestc theater wonderful progress Japan has made "oeig "tomorrow night is made up of in her foreign trade since the war is all star favorites, everyone a headlin- gained from figures just announced er of its kind. The first of importance here. In every part of the world this is Harry Wilson and Ethel Wilson, the nation has been establishing her pro- well known dancers, in their dance re- ducts, new markets have been opened _ue. Among the innovations originat- and steamship lines, subsidized by the ed by Weber and Wilson are the Pan- government, extended to every big ama-Pacific Rag and the 1916 Waltz, port of call on the face of the globe. 1)0th of which found high favor in so- Greatest prosperity is being enjoyed, ciety circles. perhaps, in the trade with Russia, Ja- A murder mystery which might well pan's ally, who is buying everything puzzle even the unfailing detective from munitions to boots and shoes. In firm of Holmes and Watson is the one month-last August-Japan ex- ground work of "A Case for Sherlock," ported goods to Russia. valued at $5,- the added feature on this bill. That 343,600. This figure becomes, all the the vogue of comedy singing trios more significant when it is stated that in vaudeville is as strong as ever is the imports this country received from evidenced by the wide-spread suc- Russia reached only'$32,125, leaving' cess of Weir, Temple and Dacey, who a balance of $5,311,475 in favor of the style themselves "That Somewhat exports. ?liffErent Trio." Known as the hum- South America is another part of the orous trickster; Jarrow will appear world where Japan has found markets nd i t he audience some clever which she hardly knew existed before. slight of hand work. Exports to the South American coun- Lawrence and Hurl-Falls, acrobatic tries for the first eight months of this duo, open the show. The men are 'year amounted to $1,036,660, not a physical marvels and have acquired large figure when put alongside rec- the 1 ights which all artists in their ords in American trade, but worth con- hune strive to reach-that of making siderable attention when it is recalled the difficult look easy. that during the same period last year The photo play at the Majestic today Japan's exports to South America is the second of the Kolb and Dill were valued at only $603,574. Thus, comedy series. This new one is called her trade in that direction has been "Tim Three Pals." It is filled with nearly doubled in a year. laughs and comical situations. There The South .' merican republics to, is a confetti party and lots to make which the principal amounts were ex- the mot. sober laugh. ported are: Argentine, $444,275; Chile, $352,335; Peru, $157,017. Japan has A merican Would Whitewash Coliseum found a new and very profitable mar- Rome, Nov. 11.- (Special) -An ket in South America-and she in- American millionaire, recently visit- tends to hold it. ing Rome, was asked by an enraptured Then comes China, a market which Englishman how he liked the coliseum. Japan declares really belongs to her, "Well," he replied, "it's all right, but d market in which she promises to out- they ought to whitewash it and make rival all other foreign powers. Dur- it look like something." ing the last ten days of September -just one-third of a month-Japan's l r>f>1:ors of Economy Trade Ideas exports- to her neighbor amounted to hicgo, Nov. 11.-Professors of $2,446,309. For the first nine months economy from many of the universi- of the year the total amount of ex- ties of the middle west met at the Un- ports to China was $60,751,721, an in- iversity of Chicago today to trade crease of $16,156,448 over the corre- idea They listened to addresses on sponding period a year ago. the reation of engineering, business As an illustration of the way trade (ad law economics. with Australia has been growing in Y US Y our Uncle anuel is feeling mighty good these days and all nephews in the big 100,000,000 family should Dress-Up!! of his and be in tune with the national spirit. See our new Fashions and Woolens and have us measure you - Today. FRED W. GROSS 309 S. Main 814 S. State FINE TAILORING I YichiganTire--&---- Vulcanizing n Repairing accessories Tree A ir 337 So. Main Street T'elephone 408-J E; tI I' _. A .cD'E SH E Ar TR E WILLIAM GILLETTE I N "ISHERLOCK HOLMES" 9 An initerestng detective drama. Seven Reels. Only 10 cents. TOMORROW MONDAY TOMORROW V