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November 11, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-11

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N nAl

VOL. XXVII. No. 35.






Barristers Hold
Fa il Initiation
Barristers, senior law socitey, took
in 11 new members at its fall initiation
Thursday afternoon. The initiates
were: 11. S. Kirk. A. H. Lee, T. F.
McDonald,; W. L. Owen, C. A. Brown,
J. R. Watkins, Barnard Pierce, L. E.
Battles, H. C. Daniels, L. P. Diederichs,
and R. F. Gates.
After the initiation a banquet was
held at the Renellen Hospice. H. G.
Gault, '17L, acted as toastmaster and
speeches were given by Prof. R. E.
Bunker and Prof. E. R. Sunderland of
the law school. W. H. Sanford, '17L,
spoke for the Barristers and J. R.
Watkins represented the initiates.



Troops Now Two Miles West
Cernaveda Fighting for
Famous Crossing

Meet the Team at the Station
The team returns to Ann Arbor at 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning.
The student council has made preparations for a reception. It urges
that all students of the University be present to accord the returning
warriors a welcome equal to the send-off.
Michigan's team this year has shown a fighting, tearing come-
back spirit that 'knows no defeat and it deserves every encourage-
ment that the student body can give it. The men face Cornell to-
day, prepared to give every ounce that's in them for Michigan, and
when they return, whether in victory or defeat, every Michigan man
and woman that can should be there to show his appreciation of their


Big Red Rooters Asking 2-1 Odds as
Result of Wolverine
Geneva, N. Y., Nov. 10.-Michigan's
Varsity camp is tonight confident of
,ictory in the big intersectional clash
which takes place at Ithaca tomorrow.
The team is tonight thoroughly im-
bued with a spirit of vengeance for
last year's drubbing which Captain
Barrett's men fastened upon the Wol-
verines at Ann Arbor.
The send-off at Ann Arbor has put
new fighting spirit into the men and
they are out to vindicate the confidence
and gust reposed in them by the
Michigan rooters. What Captain Maul-
betsch said just before the train pulled
out for Geneva, anent returning with
the bacon, is certainly indorsed by the
whole team.
Zeiger will start the game at the
pilot position this afternon. This was
stated definitely tonight. Whether he
will share the responsibility of run-
ning the team with Sparks is not
known, but it is very probable that
Yost will allow Zeiger to play the
entire game, reserving Sparks for the
Pennsylvania game a week from to-
The practice held today at Geneva
found the men in good condition and
smoothing out formations. Some of
the confidence of the team is reflected
by the coaches, who are exceedingly
hopeful of a Michigan victory. Back-
field Coach Douglass expressed him-
self as believing that the recent shifts
made in the Cornell lineup are indi-
cations of weakness, and he thinks that
Michigan will find that weakness out
and force' an opening through which
the game can be sewed up.
Captain Maulbetsch is expected to
repeat his performances of the Michi-
gan-Harvard game of two years ago.
It will be remembered how he carried
the ball for more yards than the whole
Crimson team could gain during the
entire game. If the Michigan leader
lives up to the reputation established
in that battle, the outcome of this aft-
ernoon's fray may almost be regarded
as a foregone conclusion for the Maize
and Blue warriors.
The weather is threatening tonight
and rain seems to be promised tomor-
row. In case the elements are un-
favorable the Michigan offense may
(Continued on Page Three.)

Petrograd, Nov. 10, via London.-
Russiantroops are now two miles west
of Cernavoda, fighting for the famous
bridge across the Danube, the war of-
fice ainounced today in its report on
the campaign in Dobrudja.
After sharp fighting the Russians
oceup:ied Dunareav, two miles form
Cernavoda. They took a number of
On the Transylvanian front the Ro-
manians have wuffered a reverse at the
hands of the invading Austro-German
forces. They were driven four versts
southward in the region west of Buzeu
Valley. Romanian troops undertook
an enveloping offensive movement in
the direction of Predeal.


T. A. Lowrie Presides at Banquet
Presbyterian Church; Mayor
Wurster Talks


Prohibition workers of Washtenaw
county met last night in the banquet
room of the Presbyterian church to
celebrate their complete victory in the
liquor fight in Michigan. Three hun-
dred people were present.
The meeting was presided over by
T. A. Lowrie, who called on the vari-
ous township committeemen for a re-
port of their respective townships. In
almost every case reports were given
of large majorities to the dry inter-
The exact circumstances in Detroit
were presented by Mr. Simpson of that
city. He told of the victory that the
dry leaders gained in all parts of the
state. According to Mr. Simpson, the
newspapers played a very important
part in the campaign. The Detroit pa-
pers not only aided by publishing edi-
orials, but also contributed financially,
allowing the prohibitionists $100,000 of
free advertisement.
Mayor Wurster of Ann Arbor in a
congratulating talk directed toward
the temperance workers dwelt on the
fact that now the saloon is dispensed1
with, some sort of entertainment must
be provided for the people who would
be after April 1, 1918, driven from the
saloons where they have been accus-
tomed to spend their time.1
Mr. Hatch, the editor of a Ypsilanti
paper congratulated the dry advocates
on their victory and added that this
was only a good beginning for the na-
tion-wide dry campaign. In Ypsilanti
every ward voted in favor of state pro-;
hibition. In the colored ward particu-
larly, the dry cause won an almost
solid vote.
Building Committee Gives Foundationi
Job to Grand Rapids Company

Field Marshal Mackensen, command-
er of the German-Turkish-Bulgarian
armies in Dobrudja, captured Cernavo-
da during liy great sweep northward.
Cernavoda, the eastern terminus of the
great .4 mile railway bridge over the
Danube, fell one. day later than Con-
stanza, Rumania's port on the Black
Sea. With the Constanza railway line
in his possession, Mackensen pressed
the Rumanians northward, in some
places as far as 40 miles. But as his
whiole line advaznced, his front, be-
tween the Danube river and Black Sea,
lengthened because of coast contour.
The Russians evidently waited for the
weakening of the enetny front, and
then attacked, under the leadership of
the celelbrated Russian general, Sak-
haroff. If, as Petrograd says, the Rus-
sians have fought their way to within
two miles of Cernavoda, it shows a
striking "come-back" on their part.
Paris, Nov. 10.--A German attack on
Sailly-Siaillisel on the Somme front
last night was repulsed after a brief
hand tt. hand encounter, the war office
announ ced today. The statement says:
On tfle Somme there was great reci-
procal artillery activity. In the even-
ing the enemy attacked our line at
Sailly-Saillisel and was driven back
after brief hand to hand fighting.
No action of importance occurred on
the Somme front today, according to
the night statement.
Berlin, via Wireless to Sayville, Nov.
10.-German artillery yesterday de-
feated several efforts of the French
and British to make advances on the
Somme front, the war office announced
today. The statement says:
British and French attempts to at-
tack between Le ' Sars and Boucha-
vesnes as well as to the south of the
Somme near Pressoire were almost
without exception stifled by our cur-
tain of fire at their inception.

Lantern Slides and Movies Show Life
of Americans Active in Eu-
ropean Conflict
Mr. Ernest Stanton of the American
field ambulance service in his lecture
last night on "Our Boys in the Eu-
ropean War," told of the growth of
the service and spoke of the life on
the western front.
After the battle of the Marne, about
20 Americans volunteered their serv-
ices and cars to take care of the
wounded. Now there are more than
200 men and ambulances in the Ameri-
can field service. Each section of 20
cars is equipped with a repair car
and a rolling kitchen.
The four reels of war pictures de-
picted realistic scenes of the war,
ambulances hurrying through a bom-
barded town, men carrying meals to
their comrades in the trenches, and
soldiers being decorated for conspicous
bravery. The American flying corps
was shown and Lieutenant William
Thaw, who has 16 aerial victories to
his credit, was among the men in the
A number of lantern slides were
thrown on the screen showing the
troops, field ovens, ruined villages, first
and second line trenches, and a fu-
neral service. In concluding his lec-
ture, Mr. Stanton showed the audience
a number of German, French, and Aus-
trian shells, gas masks, and hand and
musket grenades-
In praise of the American ambulance
service General Joffre has said: "The
United States has not forgotten that
the first chapter of her independence
was written with a little bit of French
Will Go to Kavanaugh Lake Today;'
Meet at 9:30 O'elock
An all-day hike to Kavanaugh lake
will be taken today by the members
of the Baptist Guild. The hikers will
ride to Chelsea and walk to Kavan-
augh lake from there.
They will meet at the guild house
on Huron street at 9:30 o'clock. One
of the parties will return by 6 o'clock
tonight and the rest will stay for a
camp fire returning later in the even-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Fetter will
chaperone the party.

Percy J. Donovan, '10, Chairman, In-
vites Michigan Undergraduates
to Be Present
Plans have been completed for' the
big alumni smoker to be held at 2
o'clock this afternoon at the Detroit
Board of Commerce under'the auspices
of the University of Michigan club of
that city.
Percy J. Donovan, '10, the general
chairman of the smoker, promises a
program full of peppy speeches, songs,
movies, and plenty of good things to
eat and drink. A large score board
will register every play of the Michi-
gan-Cornell football game at Ithaca.
Mr. Donovan desires to give Michi-
gan undergraduates an opportunity to.
meet some of the live alumni of the
University and has extended them an
invitation to attend the smoker. Tick-
ets have been placed on sale at Hous-
ton Brothers' store and may be se-
cured any time this morning.
The Cornell alumni in Detroit will
be present. Although smokers by the
University of Michigan club f De-
troit have become annual affairs, every
effort is being made to make this the
biggest one ever held.

Three Societies Pick Men Who
to Enter Final Try-Outs for
Big Debates


Twenty Precincts Still Out in Ca
fornia With Wilson Lead-
ing by 4,144
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
New York, Nov. 10.-After taki
the unofficial count of votes there wi
no doubt tonight that Woodrow Wi
son and Thomas Marshall, vice-pres
dent, had been re-elected. The R
publican committee would not vie
the unofficial count as final in wh
has been in many respects the mo
bewilderingly complex election in t
history of the nation. A conference
G. o. P. leaders was held.
A formal statement issued with ti
permission of Hughes declared the r
sult of the election could not be co
sidered final until official count h
been completed, and that many of t
returns were far from accurate, ma
mistakes having immediate bearing v
the result having been found. Th
said that they "owed it to the Amer
can people" to see that an absolui
count is made. The leaders expect t
official count to be complete by ne:
Monday. Those included in the cot
ference were: Sherman Wilcox, Georg
W. Perkins, George W. Wickershar
Frank H. Hitchcock, Pravin H. Whi
ney, Herbert Perfons, Cornelius 11
Bliss, Jr.
At Democratic headquarters Van
McCormick said, "Good night" and pre
pared "to live the simple" again a
Harrisburg. Headquarters were bein
dismantled this afternoon, and M
Cormick said he classified as doub
ful those states from which comple
returns had not yet been made, *b
without doubt President Wilson's tots
vote was far above the 266 vote
New Hampshire's changing from on
candidate to another in the vote cour
of the last two days appeared tonigi
as settled definitely for Hughes, b
with the count still incomplete. Mi
nesota will probably be in doubt unt
next Tuesday, when the vote of t
state militia men now in Texas is r
ceived and counted. California's la
est counts showed Wilson in lead b
4,144 votes, but there are still 20 pr
cincts missing.
President Wilson received his fir
greeting from the public as the ne
president at Rhinecliff, N. Y., when h
landed today from the yacht Mayflowe
and took a train for Willianistowi
Mass., to be present at the christenin
of his grandchild. Charles Hughes re
mained at the Astor hotel.
Numerous Air Activities on Wester
Front Reported
Sofia, Nov. 10.-Great offensiv
movements have been resumed towar
Predeal and have enveloped the er
emy's left flank. The Russian troo:
have reached Harsova and have ca
tured an imporant height southwest (
London, Nov. 10.-Almost unparal
ed air activities have taken place o
the western front in the past few day
Seventy-seven air battles have bee
foght, in which the allies have sh
down many German aviators. Berli
reports many air battles in whic
they destroyed enemy aeroplane
Germans used numerous gas bombs.
Berlin, Nov. 10.-Under favorabl
weather conditions the British froni
resumed heavy offensive action. A
Eaucourte-L'Abbay, and Sailly, th
official statement said heavy Britis
attacks were repulsed with heavy los

The "All Star Vaudeville company"
made its official appearance at the Wo-
men's. league party in Sara Caswell
Angell hall, Friday afternoon. The
first production of the company con-
sisted of three skits, entitled "Romeo
and Juliet, the Immortal Tragedy;" "It
Happened at Michigan," and a singing
and dancing skit, "Patter and Flatter."
The cast was composed of freshmen
women of Newberry residence who
Grace Griffin, Melba Bradshaw, Am-
mee Rinkes, Grace Buggee, Delia Tm-
merman, Beatrice Catlin, Gladyes
Daum, Dareen Potter, Marie Throp,
Winefred Jones, lone Wilber and Lu-
cille Taylor.
The stage managing was in charge
of Emily Powell, '19. Dancing follow-
ed the performance in the gymnasium.
Deutschland Still In New London Port
New London, Conn., Nov. 10.-The
German submarine Deutschland will
not start her homeward trip today as
was originally planned. It is stated
her departure might be delayed until
next week. Failure of some of the car-
go to arrive here on time is the reason
assigned for the delay.
Capt. Paul Koenig was made an hon-
orary member of the local lodge of the
Order of Herman's Sons, 1,400 mem-
bers being present at the ceremony.
He was given a goldl charm and a sil-

The contracts for completing the
foundations for the new Union build-
ing were awarded by the Michigan
Union building committee on Nov. 5
to Hauser-Owen-Ames company of
Grand Rapids. The amount of their
bid was $29,980: Bids for the job were
submitted by 14 companies and ranged
from that of the winning company to
The contract must be finished by
April 1, 1917. By that time the con-
tract for the building itself will have
been let and the company engaged will
commence work at once. Two of the
members of the winning company are
Michigan alumni, Geo. M. Ames, vice-
president, is of the class of '85, and
D. W. Kimball, secretary, is an '05 en-
May Wheat Reaches Record Mark
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 10.-May
wheat went to the record mark of 2.00
1-8 in the Minneapolis chamber of com-
merce today, amid the wildest scenes
ever witnessed in the history of the
wheat trade here. The flour which
closed yesterday at $9.90 a barrel went
to $10.10 per barrel today.
Ferris Club Meeting Postponed
The meeting of the Ferris Institute
club, which was to have been held on
Saturday evening has been indefinite-
ly postponed on account of the smalj-

Rome, Nov. 10.-Italian forces in
their offensive against the Austr-
Hungarian positions on the Carso front
have captured a total of 20 guns, in-
cluding 13 of medium caliber, accord-
ing toythe Italian official statement is-
sued today. The text reads:
On the whole front there were only
intermittent bombardments, hindered
by bad weather.
On the Carso another battery of
three howitzers, six-inch, with much
ammunition, which.had been aban-
doned by the enemy, N vas found on{
Monte Pecinka.
A total of 20 guns ha ve been cap-
tured during the last offsensive. They
include 13 of medium cal iber.
To Test Validity of Eig bt Hour Law'
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 1( .-The Louis-
ville-Knoxville railroad t/Iled suit today
in the federal court to te t the validity
of the Adamson eight ho ar law.
I Normal Cone* w Course

Dr. A. S. Warthin of the Medical
School delivered the first of his lec-
tures to freshmen on "Sexual Hygiene"
to a large audience in the west amphi-
theater of the medic building last
night. These talks are given every
year by Dr. Warthin.
The lecture will be repeated Monday
night and a week from Monday, begin-
ning at 7 o'clock sharp. Tickets may
be secured at the University Y. M. C. A.
Sanders to Speak to Bible Class
Prof. H. A. Sanders will speak before
the Young Women's Bible Class of
St. Andrew's church, Sunday morn-
ing at 9:30 o'clock.
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Three debating societies last night
chose the members who will debate
before the 'oratory faculty in the fur-
ther eliminations held preparatory to
the picking of the final squads to de-
bate in the central debating league.
Six members were chosen from each
society and these, together with the
six chosen last Tuesday from Adelphi
brings the squad up to 24.
Jeffersonian society, one of the or-
ganizations of the Law School, chose:
A. R. Levine;'19L, H. A. Crimmon, '18L,
W. W. Visscher, '18L, A. J. Rogoski,
'18L, R. A. McGinnis, '17L, and H. L.
McCarthy, '17L.
Webster society, the other law de-
bating society, chose: G. C. Classen,
'17L, G. W. Miller, '19L, L. W. Lisle,
'17L, T. M. Rudesill, '19L, J. Matsen,
'19L, and A. P. Bogue, '18L.
Alpha Nu, one of the literary de-
bating societies, chose: R. W. Ward,
'18, W. T. Adams, '17, C. E. Hutton,
'17, H. B. Teegarden, '17, M. W. Welch,
'17, and S. L. Kennedy, '18.
Washington, Nov. 10.-Lieut. Clar-
ence K. Bronson, who was born .in
Bushnell, Ill., was killed yesterday at
Indian Head, Md., by the explosion
of an aeroplane bomb. He was acting
pilot for Lieut. Luther Welsh of the
navy, who was conducting experi-
ments with a new type of aeroplane
bomb. Welsh also was killed.
While the machine was 1,000 feet in
the air the bomb prematurely ex-
ploded. The force of the explosion
was so terrific that only parts of the
aeroplane and of the bodies of the
men were recovered.
Bronson was appointed to the Naval
Academy from New York in 1906. He
was graduated in 1912 and assigned to
the Michigan. In 1914 he was as-
signed to the naval aviation service.
Welsh was born in Kansas City, Mo.,
and appointed to the Navay Academy
from there. He was graduated as
fourth man and the prize student' of
his class in 1909.

PERCY 6RAINGE I.Piano Recital TUES., NOV. 14,8 p. M.
Variations on a Pag: liiini theme (Book I) . . Brahms
Partita, No. i in B f {a....... .. .. ............ ...............Bach
Old Dutch Peasant c iorsgs and Dances ..................Julius Ron tgcn
Poems for Piano...._.....,..............................Cyril Scott
Barcarole, Op. 6o .. -.... .......... ......Chopin
E ritana .... ............ ... . Albeniz
English and IrishF F .lk 'T'nes an d anc .. ..... .... .Grainger
Seats $1.50. Course tickets $2.50, including Philadelphia
Symphony, Kneisel Quartet and Choral Music.
SPECIAL INTER URBAN CAR leaves Ann Arbor waiting room at ; :oo
P. P' d. R-eturning immediately after concert.


* * * * * ** * * * * *
Play by play returns from the
Cornell-Michigan game at Ithaca
will be read on the field at th
All-Fresh-Heidelberg game thi
afternoon. Game starts at

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