.l A L 1T1 V1 AVL-1 \ 1.' I ~.1~~~ When a man begin to h to pay attention clothes he commences t improve in other tions. dire is :0 Is 324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave. Whitman's Candies suit more people than any other make. American People Aid Orientals In Securing Recognition By World Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores In boxes 35o to $5.00 COtPyRGHr, 19m t- ADLJ$R. BROS. & CO. Do Thi "Provide yourself wit a smile and a air of prosper ity. Wear your best bus mess suit anc a cheerful necktie. If you have no best suit--bu one. We hav to appear pro sperous, if w are to be pro sperous." Smart Olothes set the ihighest standard for such improvement: Sotokichi Katsuizumi, Japanese Stu- dent, Explains Education in Far East The three noblest things that Amer- ica has done for the Orientals are: The development of the Philippine is- lands, missionary work carried on in China, and the introduction of the Japanese nation to the society of the world's powers. Ever since the opening of Japan a half century ago, the Japanese gov- ernment has been sending numerous students to the educational institutions of this country. There are more than 100 graduates in the city of Tokyo alone. These men are taking part in the building of New Japan. The government lays emphasis on the common school education, having a six-year compulsory system. Statis-' ties show that over 6,000,000 children, more than 98 per cent of the children of school age, are attending primary schools. Japan also has 38 schools for the mute and blind. The teachers are trained in normal schools supported by the government. Entrance to the normals is on a sys- tem of competitive examinations. The spirit of democracy in Japan is rising. Under the constitutional rep- resentative form of government many men have been promoted very rapidly. This is stimulating the Japanese youths. Prince Ito, one of the most profound statesmen of his time, sprang from humble parentage. Count Komura, who 'concluded the Russo-Japanese war at Portsmouth, is a Harvard graduate. The present am- bassador to America graduated from De Pauw University of Indiana. ,But Dr. Toyama, '77, of the University of Michigan, is the graduate who has donemost toward educating his peo- ple. He is now the president of Tokyo Imperial University and the minister of education. Come In REULE, CONLIN, FIEGEL COMPAN 200-202 MAIN Lindenschmidt, Apfel &Co. 209 S. t am 1. The St efin-Rihb no ?SIR The Eberbach & Son Co. Clothes Confidience Good Drugs-Toilet Articles Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies. You know the Quality is Right. The Eberbacli & Son Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. -'I DECRIES SYRACUSE STAND Seasons determine styles, but character in tailored products is the additional distinguishing feature that determines their genuine quality. MARQUARDT CAMPUS TAI14OR 516 E. Williams St. U"M a RAPID PROGRESS MADE BY CLUB Hold Two Rehearsals Each Week in Preparation for Concert Next Month According to Mr. Earl V. Moore, who has charge of the Mandolin club, very favorable progress is being made by that organization. The members are enthusiastic over the work and have given it a vigor and force that promises to make this year's club sur- pass that of all other years. Two re- hearsals are -held each week to get ready for the concert that will be given next month. New novelties that have never been given before by the club are being worked out. The member- ship has been enlarged by the addi- tion of several new men whose names will be given out later. The leader for this year has not yet been determined upon. The next rehearsal will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in University hall auditorium. Dancing wax in all sized packages. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. 5-16 SENIOR LAW TAKES EXCEPTION TO STATEMENT ATTRIBUTED TO ORANGE LEADER Editor, The Michigan Daily: This morning there was called to my attention a clipping from a, Syra- cause paper which directly and uncon- ditionally accused Michigan directly or indirectly of "fixing" the time in the final quarter of the Syracuse-Mich- igan,game for the express purpose of allowing the Wolverines to score the final, and as it proved, the winning touchdown. That the Orangemen should be chagrined at being driven to cover in the last few minutes of play is natural, but that they should accuse a fair opponent of resorting to such methods is, if authentic, a direct in- sult to Michigan and Michigan sport- ing ideals. Captain White of Syracuse is reported to have said, "It was the rawest deal we ever had." Every presumption is against such a serious and undoubtedly false ac- cusation. The time at this game was, as I understand it, in the charge of a purely neutral party, a Yale man. The article further stated that ath- letic relations between Syracuse and Michigan were close to a breach. If, and there is scarcely need of putting it in the proviso, the accusation has no foundation, and the clipping au- thentic and representative, of the Syra- cuse team and Syracuse generally, I consider it the solemn duty of every Michigan man, who always has been and still is a lover of clean, on-the- square athletics, to not only welcome such a severance, but to demand it. KENNETH BARNARD, '17L. OR, MATHINLECTURES TO FRESH ON HYGIENE All Talks to Start Fromptly at 7 O'clock in West Medical Amphitheater Freshmen only, according to custom, will be admitted to Dr. Warthin's lec- tures on hygiene, the first of which will be given at 7 o'clock tomorrow night in the west amphitheater of the medical building. Two other lectures will be given on Monday, Nov. 13, and Monday, Nov. 20, respectively, at the same place, both beginning promptly at 7 o'clock in the evening. As the medical amphitheater only seats 400 persons, some means had to be adopted to keep the room from being overcrowded on any one night, and for this purpose tickets of three different colors will be distributed, white ones for 'the first lecture, yel- low for the second, and red for the third These pasteboards should be obtained by the freshmen of the Uni- versity as soon as possible after Thurs- day noon at the student "Y" office. Postal cards will be sent out to the fraternity houses urging the older men to urge the freshmen in the houses attend one of Dr. Warthin's lectures on sex-hygiene. Attendance at these lectures has been on the increase for the past 10 years with the result that last year approximately 90 per cent of the freshmen attended them. Dr., Warthin is an authority on his sub- ject and has given many talks before various gatherings and societies over the country. BOOSTER SPECIAL FROM WEST WILL STOP OFF IN ANN ARBOR Seven coaches, comprising a booster special train, will bring 100 citizens of Okmulgee county, Okla., to Ann Arbor, Nov. 15. They will be met at the Michigan Central depot by a delega- tion from the Civic association, repre- sentatives of the University, and the Rotary club, and entertained with a sight-seeing tour about the city and a1 banquet at the Michigan Union. The boosters will bring along their own orchestra and an exhibition car. An invitation to inspect the exhibits is extended to anyone interested. ; Engineers Plan To Stage Dance Soon Engineering Society Organizes New, Branch Among the Chemical Engineers The Engineering society has an- nounced that it will hold a series of monthly dances at the Union during the coming winter. The first of these dances will take place on Dec. 1. This is but one of the many innovations the society is planning for the benefit of its members. A house-to-house campaign for mem- bers was closed last night, and the results thus far have been very satis- factory. A new branch is being or- ganized among the chemical engineers, Prof. A. H. White of the chemistry de- partment is giving this movement his active support. The entire campaign is in charge of T. W. Sheahan, '17E, whilelthe organ- ization of the chemical branch is in the hands of the chairman, M. W. Pat- terson, '17E. The membership dues of the so- ciety are one dollar for the entire year. This fee includes a subscription to the "Technic" and also the privilege of buying tickets for the society's dances. Tickets for the dances will be 60 cents. SENIORS MUST GET PICTURES Subscription Lists for Year Book to Be Out Dec. 1 siveness. bl e n d rather than predominate, and workmanship that in- sures original shape- liness for time in- definite. The kind that adds to your appearance instead of detracting --styles that are per- sonal rather than im- personal. - Patterns that are attractive to the point of exclu- Colors that ts ,r SIT OR cwrn u~rmrS It is a pleasure to show them to you. Suits $16-$28,50 Overcoats $I6 to $28,50 Editors of the Michiganensian advise all seniors to get their pictures in as soon as possible. , The reason for this demand is that better service will be secured from the photographers than if students wait till the last moment before being "snapped." The Michiganensian staff is endeav- oring to produce a book this year that will be more a journal of the season's events in athletics, social functions, and other college happenings than ever before. With this end in view it is expected that the subscription list among the underclassmen will be larger than in previous years. Men making up the fraternity lists are asked to get their contracts- in as TOM CORBETT 116 E, Liberty Street THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 74 iNITARIAN STUDENTS TO DINNER-DANCE FRIDAY GIVE NIGHT LOST LOST-At South Ferry field, Thursday, big red sweater, roll collar, key tied in pocket. Finder call Warner, 703' Church or 1762-W. Reward. 8-9 LOST-Elk head stick pin. Please re- turn to Newberry Residence or call room 414 Newberry Residence. Phone 2338. Reward. nov8,9 LOST-Will person who took wrong hat from registrar's office please re- turn to secretary's office U-hall and get own hat. LOST-A gold cuff button at Hill audi- torium at Band Bounce. Finder please call Stebbins. Phone 144. 7-9 LOST-Gold cuff link, initialed "J. P. ." Reward. Call 2220. 7,8 MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS of all makes bought, sold, rented or ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under- wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J. SUMMER WORK-You will find many good propositions on the campus for summer; before you decide, see the Barnum Company's, 721 N. Univer- sity, Dr. Ritter's office, F. E. Ritzen- heim. 7.8,9,10,11,12 FOUND FOUND-One gray sweater-vest at the areoplane field. Apply to McGee at Allenel hotel. 9 Members of the Unitarian Student society will give their annual dinner- dance tomorrow night at 7 o'clock at the church guild. An entertaining pro- gram of speeches and stunts has been arranged. soon as possible. The price for the Michiganensian this year will be $3.00. The increase in price comes from the fact that the price of paper and other materials has taken wings. Subscription lists will be ready for signing Dec. 1. A deposit of 50 cents will be charged at that time and the remainder will be paid when the book is delivered. I ntercollegiate Yale: Coach Bankart of Colgate is quoted as declaring the Yale foot- ball team the best that university has had in many years. Arizona: The university recently ac- cepted a gift of $60,000 which is to be used in erecting an observatory. The name of the donor has not been made public. Texas : Students are being given one semester's credit for a new course in wireless telegraphy. The work in- cludes practical experience as well as the study of theory. California: The University Radio club has been asked to establish a com- merical wireless station on the cam- pus. Such a station would prevent radio interference between Hono- lulu and Sayville, Long Island, where two stations are located. Indiana: The lowest salary of any of. ficer on the campus falls to the uni- versity postmaster. He receives less than 16 cents a day. Pittsburg: Peck, the all-star center who is captain of the football team this fall, weighs only 177 pounds. De Pauw: A third football captain has just been elected for this sea- son. Both of the other men who have held the position have had to retire on account of injury. Columbia: Dean Keppel is attempting to introduce the S o'clock rule for classes."It has been a custom here- tofore for all classes to begin at 9 o'clock and the new plan is meeting with much student opposition. Deutscher Verein Postpones ,Meeting Because of the "send-off" scheduled for today, the general meeting of the Deutscher Verein has been postponed until Nov. 16. Every member is urged to be present at that time. November Victor Records Are On Sale Today! Phone us your order for Approval! Try them out in your home. 116a. MalmBS*.. Cx~ri nell~ os'. PHONE '1707 11 11 II'I