THE MICHICAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMB' A IZE IWO AVAL DIISIONS - _ - 4' * * * w *4 * * * * * s1 4' * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS end 25 and 36-Foot Cutters for Use of Members on Huron River TODAY Whitnley-"Some Baby." Majestic-Vaudeville. Orpheum-Mae Murray in Big Sister.". Also Bray toons. "Th Cai * id of* Presidential Candidates Affected Various Degrees by Defeats 13000 LOSERS SCARCE IN FORMER ELECTIONS in TO RECEIVE PAYI As a fitting climax to the military training issue that has confronted the campus for the past few years, comes the announcement from the United States navy department to the Uni- versity that two naval divisions will be formed in this city. The United States weill send a 25-foot cutter and a 36-foot whale boat as soon as the two divisions are completely organized. These will no doubt be used in the Huron river. The divisions are to be divided into two parts. The Deck and Line division will be in charge of Dr. J. R. Hayden, instructor in the political science de- partment, and the engineers' division under K. Warren Heinrich, '17E, at present one of the officers in the sixth division, Michigan. Each division will be composed of 50 men with corps of 15 commissioned and 12 non-commls- sioned officers. Probably the biggest feature of the Installation of the naval divisions is that all members of each one will be paid. Drills will only be required one night a week. Members will be paid one-quarter of the pay that they would receive if they were in actual service. According to this rate, ap- prentices will receive about $5.10 per month and officers about $20 per month. These payments were made possible by the pay bill, which passed congress during the past session and went into effect Oct. 15. All students in the University who are over 18 years old and who can establish a residence in. the state of Michigan are eligible for membership. If the roll of the two divisions is not filled up within two weeks, member- ship will be opened to the Ann Arbor high school and finally to the city at large. Full equipment will be furnished each member of the organization by the navy department. A 3-inch field battery will arrive next month. The two divisions have been desig- nated to the First battalion- of Michi- gan and have been assigned to United States ship Don Juan de Austria now situated in the Detroit river. One surgeon will be allowed for each division, ranking as a lieutenant. This will be a good opening for a member of the medical faculty or a medical student with a degree. Adjutant-General John S. Bersey and Commandant J. Fgrrand Lewis will be in Ann Arbor next Tuesday. They have been at the Mexican bor- der since the troops went there. By the time that they arrive the two di- visions will. be formally sworn into the navy department of the United States. All faculty men who have had mili- tary training and those students who wish to enter the divisions at officer ratings will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in the lecture room of the economics building. The plans of the United States in the present big un- dertaking will be explained to them then. There will be elected two senior lieutenants, two junior lieutenants, six ensigns. The paymaster has already been appointed. Mr. Roy May, of De- troit, a graduate of the Paymasters School of Washington, has been se- lected. A general meeting of all students interested in the movement will be held next Tuesday. The time and place will be announced later in The Daily. All men who were with the military organization last year should report at once to Dr. J. R. Hayden or to K. Warren Heinrich, '17E, at once so that they will be able to qualify as com- missioned or petty officers. TO SHOW CORNELL RESULTS ON SCREEN AT DAINES''STUDIO Results from the Cornell game will be projected from Daines' studio onto a screen over State street. Daines will wire the score by quarters from Ithaca to his studio. Robert G. Towner Is Convalescing The condition of Robert G. Towner, '18E, who is recovering from a slight attack of pleuro-pneumonia. is very much improved and he is likely to be discharged from the Homeopathic hos- pital by the end of the week. Mr. Towner, the boy's father, who was called from Byron Center Saturday evening, when the patient became seri- ously ill, returned to his home Mon- ,ay morning. Some dance! That spot light ball at the Packard, Saturday night. And "Rke's" orchestra, tool 9-10-11 'i * * * *: Arcade-William Farnum a Nell Shipman in "Fires Conscience." * * * *~~ * aw 0 People respect a good loser. Men are rare who can keep a stiff upper lip when placed face to face with de- feat in what every true American con- siders the greatest honor of a life time, the presidency of his country. And history shows that there have been all kinds of losers. Some never recovered from the shock. One died of a broken heart three months before AT THE WHITNEY .hiss Grace Merritt As the strong feature of the acting his rivai couiabei ated. And company that will be seen at the Whit- others, those whom the world would ney Theater, tonight, Grace Merritt call real men, have shut their teeth stands out most prominently. Miss together and have staged a come-back. Merritt is an Ohio girl, born and rais- When the nation was young, the ed in the city of Toledo. Although heroes of the war were elected as a small of stature, she is easily the dom- matter of course,, and their opponents inating factor in every scene in which did not have any real cause for sor- she appears. Earnest and forceful in row. The only real contest of that her work, she has demonstrated her age was the one between Jefferson and worth in such plays as "When Knight- Burr. Burr showed the metal of hood Was in Flower," "The Blue which he was made by the true sports- Mouse," etc., etc., in which she played manship that he displayed. The vote leading roles, was a tie and the house of representa- Of this young lady the Chicago In- tives chose Jefferson, who showed ter-Ocean once said: "Miss Merritt more bitter feeling than Burr because has a graceful presence, a melodious of the great jealousy which he had of voice, a sparkling vivacity and re- a his rival. serve powers which she draws upon John Quincy Adams served 17 years effectively in scenes of dramatic inten- in the house of representatives after sity. She also has an intellectual con- , his defeat by Jackson. Harrison, the ception of the requirements of a difli- elder, was a good scrapper and de- cult role" feated his former winning rival, Van Miss Merritt is a student of the art Buren. Then Henry Clay came and of acting. She does not merely learn like our more recent defeated candi- the lines of a part, she studies the dates, James G. Blaine and Wm. J. fcharacter she is called on to portray Bryan, ran several times and although and endeavors to obliterate her own losing every time, held his head erect personality from the moment she en- and did the best he could for the bet- ters the theater. She acts because terment of his nation. Scott and Free- she loves it and the audience going mont also took defeat like men. with her through the scenes reaps the The best loser of all was Stephen A. enjoyment of her honest and earnest Douglas, the "Little Giant," who held efforts. Speaking of Miss Merritt to the hat of his rival, Abraham Lincoln, the writer, the advance representative while that gentleman made his inaug- of the company said, "She is undoubt- ural address. McClellan, Lincoln's edly a clever actress-you will say so other rival, also took his defeat grace- when you see her. But actresses are fully. funny to me. Do you know what this Grant's rivals, Seymour and Greeley, young lady's pet hobby is, next to the took defeat hard. After his defeat, stage? No, of course you don't, but Seymour declined both the governor- I'll tell you. Chickens! She is simply ship and senatorship of New York and wrapped up in raising plain, every day died soon after of a sunstroke. Horace chickens. Funny, isn't it? You'll say Greeley, one of the greatest men of so when you see her in 'Some Baby' our history, was broken by defeat. and try to picture her fussing over a Grieving over the death of his wife setting hen." wI which occurred a week befnrP I~r Kreisder Pleased WithAudience With his audience overflowing into his antechamber, Fritz Kreisl'er smil- ingly refused to be interviewed by the' Daily reporter who sought him out. "Tell them I can only say good things of my visit here," he said. "Tell them I greatly enjoyed playing here tonight. I always enjoy playing to a college audience. They represent youth, and youth stands for intellig- ence and enthusiasm. All over the country I play for college audiences. and always I find great plea.sure in appearing before them." Mr. Kreisler uses a very fine instru- ment in all his work, and contrary to the custom of violinists, he carries only the one instrument with him. "I prefer to change a broken string on this one to playing on an unifamili.r instrument. "At home," he added, "I have a Strad, but I do not carry it with me on tour." Tickets Remain For Pennsy Game Notwithstanding the rumor to the effect that the seats for the Michigan- Pennsylvania game have been nearly sold out, there are still 6,000 to 7,000 left. The majority of these are on the 5-yard line, but some tickets in the vicinity of the 10-yard line in the south stand are available. The block "M," which will be near the center of the north stand, has; dis- posed of a great many seats, while the section reserved for the Pennsyl- vania rooters adds more than 250 to the number of tickets sold. It is esti- mated that about 16,000 seats have been sold up to the present time. The stands on the east and west of the gridiron will be used, and If every available spot is occupied the crowd will reach the 25,000 point. The attendance of the Pornell game. last season totaled 22,000, but the ath- letic association is confident that a. record-breaking mark will be estab- lished this year. The weather condi- tions and the outcome of Saturday's. battle, however, will play an impor- tant part in the size of the attendance on Nov. 18. City Hall Goes Dry for Short Tlned The city hall went dry Tuesday morning. Yesterday the lack of wa- ter was beginning to be acutely felt by all the city officials and employees, and soft drink emporiums in the neigh- borhood did a rushing business. Every- body in the building is wondering if BOOKS, WORTH READING FOOTBALL DAYS. William H. Ed- wards. Moffat Yard and Co., N. Y. "Big Bill" Edwards, Princeton cap- tain in 1899, has collected a great mass of anecdote and story that has grown up around the history of American football. There are stories of Mr. Ed- ward's own football experience, start- ing with the first glimpses of the game at prep school, at Lawrenceville and St. John's Military school, and contin- uing through a long and varied college life. He treats of the life of the team in an informal, personal manner, ,and especially he writes of his contract with the famous players of the past, Joe Beacham, Bill Church, Garry Cochran, and Jim Rodgers. Stories of famous encounters of the past lead down to famous names of the present generation, Fielding H. Yost, Pop Gailey, and Phul King. Other parts of the book are devoted to such things as "College Traditions and Spirit," "Hard Luck in the Game" and "Good Old Trainers." A VOLUNTEER PO1LU, Henry Shea- han. Houghton Mifflin Co., N. Y., $1.25. Tales of the war have been coming to this country steadily since the be- ginning of the conflict. There have been tales of the dispassionate observ- er, and tales from the point of view of the soldier in the thick of the fight. "A Volunteer Poilu" is the personal story of an American who joined the American ambulance service in France. It is a story of the American contribution to the war, and it is writ- ten with a brilliancy and a poignancy which only the American-French point of view of the author could give to the bare facts of war. Many have seen death in its most brutal phases, yet few have come in contact with it in such force as the ambulance corps. Yet the story is the story of the simple, cordial humanity which breaks through the mist of the war. Others have written of life in the trenches, and the atmosphere of the trench life has become a familiar thing in the literature of the day. Few could write of it, however, with the touch of beauty of color and the curious combination of peace and horror which constitutes war. "The Volunteer Poilu" has rightly been called one of the most brilliant contributions to the literature of the war. '. C. BARNES GIVES TALK ON ADVERTISING TO "TRY-ADS" R. C. Barnes, '20, gave the third of a series of advertising talks before the "Try-Ads" club last night. The talk was followed by a general discus- sion of advertising problems. R~OYAL, TAILORS 14 (,-- 'aldnq gthe breast measure OU might as well try to grow roses on a snow shovel as to try to make an inaccurately- fitting suit of clothes look smart and be- coming A Royal Suit or Over coat fits the body it covers because it is drafted to every fit- deciding dimension of that body t t E It isn't cut an average size, but to an exact size -your exact size-- to the smallest split fraction of an inch. It is made to your mea- sure as precisely as a male'die is dovetailed to its female. Prices $18.50 tO $40. FOR SALE BY Campus Bootery State St. Authorized Dealer Sfor AT THE M AIESTIC vv zz~u vc,:~uz1 Ct dl W C K Ui ei e eC- tion day, together with his defeat, he died one month after his rival's elec- tion. There is a big six act bill on at the Tilden had the hardest dose to swal- Majestic tonight. The headliner is an' low. After defeating his candidate by abreviated edition to that famous a plurality of 251,000 in the popular drama with music, The Alaskan. It is vote, he was defeated by a plurality called the "Luck of A Totum." Miss of one vote in the electorial college. Stella Watts is the only female in the He took defeat like a man, however, cast and it is quite a pretty story. The but declined to become a candidate a scenery is elaborate and the music second time. catchy. General Hancock, after his defeat by The added feature is Mary and Jack. ' Garfield, still maintained his army Two juvenile performers who are as position. Cleveland, after being de- clever as their older associates. Mary feated by Harrison, waited four years was for some months a member of and came back hard, defeating his Mary Pickford's company in California. former rival. Harrison then started They sing and dance and tell stories out on a life of lecturing and writing tnd they give quite a character sur- and it is said that like Wm. J. Bryan, prise to the audience. . made more money than he had during Von Hampton and Shriner and their all his former life put together. "Mama" will be the second feature at- Akn traction. They will itroduce their Alton B. Parker hardly noticed his newcharacter, "Mama" to thetrlocal defeat owing to the way in which his . candidacy boosted his law practice, audiences. They are dealers in but and surely William Taft could not be one commodity, laughter, and oa thaty they have a very large stock. classed as a poor loser. Fox and Ingraham are a new team, -HRAM . JOHNSON SUPPORTED For for years was of that wellknow.n BY FORMER POLITICAL FOES big time singing and piano act of Hines and Fox. Miss Ingraham has joined hands with him and as she is San Francisco, Nov. 8.-The cam- a very capable pianist they present an iaign developed some remarkable in- act above the ordinary. itances of renewal of friendships- "All Wrong," is a comedy sketch politically speaking. In California, written by Miss Frances Nordstrom, Hiram W. Johnson, Roosevelt's run- who in private life is Mrs. Henry E. ning mate on the Progressive ticket of Dixey, and is played by Fraunie Fraun- four years ago, and the man who hols and Carolyn Gates. This is a turned the Republican machine upside quaint comedy and will be appreciated down when he was elected governor, by those who enjoy first class acting. was the Republican senatorial candi- Alfred Farrell, a cartoonist of note date, supported by William H. Crocker, in his own right, comes in a specialty and other men with whom'-he formerly made famous by Bert Levy, in which, was at swords' points. with mechanical aid, he draws numer- I In Washington, Miles Poindexter, ous ludicrous pictures and they are former ardent Rooseveltite, was back instantly thrown upon the screen. in the Republican told, associated in the G. O. P. fight with Sam Perkins, MA Y GO TO ITHACA BY BOAg national committeeman, an old fash- ioned "regular of regulars." L. & C. Navigation Company Makes Mix-ups in state fights in California, Round Trip Rate of l Washington, and Colorado have added $6.50 to the picturesqueness of the campaign in this section of the country. While Students desiring to go to Cornell Hughes was in California, he was would do well to look up the rates of- "kidnapped" by the "regular" Repub- the dry victory was not just too complete. a trifleI R ECALL that when you "Huck Finn"? golden day first read How your mother said, "For goodness' sake, stop laughing aloud ove- that book. You sound so silly." But you couldn't stop laughing. To - day when you read "Huckleberry Finn" you will not laugh so much. You will chuckle often, but you will also want to weep. The deep humnnity of it-- the pathos, that you never saw, as a boy, wilt appeal to you now. You were too busy laughing to notice the limpid purity of the master's style. 1IAKR TWAI- A Real American Mark Twain was a steamboat pilot. He was a searcher for gold in the far west. lie was a printer. He worked bitterly hard. All this without a glimmer of the great destiny that lay before him. Then, with the opening of the great wide WNest, his genius bloomed. His fame spread through the nation. It !ew to the e~t2 of the earth, until his work was translated into strange tongues. Front then on, the path of fame lay straight to the high places. :St the height of his famne le iosz ail his money. lie \as heav- ily in debt. tart though bo years old, he started zcirtt sad :,laid every c'ert. It was the Last heroic touch that drew him close to the hearts of Iis countrymen. Th ire world Ihas a;ed is there an Ameri- con io'atur? ?lark Twain is tre answer. i eisO heart. hspirit or America. From hi,- por and 51 trg-irig ho\'ho,l ,1tohis glori- (05si lerndi of. 1age, Ie reiraained ussir rple,_ as democratic as the plaiuest 04 our fore- fathers. He was. of all Americansthe most A.. r- can. Free in soul, and dreamng of high things-brove in the face dl trouble--and always ready to laugh. That was Mark Twain. When Mark Twain first wrote "Huckle- lofty, that those who did-not know him berry Finn" this land was swept with a well were amazed. "Joan of Arc" was gale of laughter. When he wrote "The the work of a poet--a historian-a seer. Innocents Xbroad" even Europe laughed Mark 'Twain was all of these. His was at it itself. not the light laughter of a moment's fun, But one day there appeared a new book but the whimsical humor that made the from his pen, so spiritual, so true, so tragedy of life more bearable. The Price Goes UpLUM This is Mark Twain'- own set. This is the set he wanted in the home o each of those who love him. Because he asked it, Se 1 ,lrk Harpers have worked to make a perfect set at half price. genen,all Before'the war we had a contract price fur paper, so we charges prepa id, could sellthis set of Mark Twain at half price. Mark r Send Coupon-No Money intt twenty - ive vol. The last of the edition is in sight. The price of inume' idilnsra i( toud has gne u hansome green cloth, paper hsgn i.srmmped mu gold, olftp Threre never again will be any more Mark and dekled etgos.eIf rot satis- Twain at the present price. Get the 2,5volumes factory, I will return taat now, while you can, your expen-e. Otherws I will Every American has got to have a set of send you $1.(o ithin ive daysad 'Mark Twain in hishome. Get yoursnow $2.00 a month for a ymonths, - s and save money. getting the benefit of your half-price Your thxidrn want Mark Twan-Yorwant sale.. D. him. Send the coupon today-now-while you a looking at it. Nae.te .... . fered by the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation company. The company I:as made a round trip rate to Buf- falo on odd dates during November of, $6.50. Notwithstanding the lateness oft the season. the companv would doubt- licans, who ignored the Johnson type of Republicans in arranging things for the presidential candidate. A great deal of bitterness developed among the Republicans by this mix-up, was not removed until Johnson's overwhelm- less run a special boat from Detroit, ing victory in the primaries. and prevail upon railroad authorities in Buffalo to offer a special rate for Have those rooms decorated now. Ithaca seekers Saturday morning. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. 5-16 -I I