I 1 I" .4 Av£..l £11 s G. H.,Wild C. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. II I ii AX"No 0AIL\ Official newspaper at the University of Mi---.tgan. Published every moring except Mjrinday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions : by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want ad. stations : Quarry's ; Students' Sup- ply Store ; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2424. Communications not to exceed Soo words. in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box is the west corridor of the general library, wkere the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. I UNIVERSITY FRESHMEN I. i i i i i I 1 I I 1 :. 11111111 11111 i~llllli 1l{III1 1111 li 1111111111111111111{1{l{ II0I{ 11 11 111{11{{I 1I I111111111 '. IDESPITE WAR r1PRICES I Our slightly-soiled = novels, even the latest, must sell at S0c. _ ar _ r - r UNIVERISITY 1BOKSTORES'i 'N i it SHEET MUSIC We always have the latest ll" a Popular and lassical A MENDINGER MUSIC SHOP 2 122 E. Liberty St. 11111111II11I 111111111!!1111 1lIIIIII1I~II~iII I I11111l I1111 UIIIIIlitlII1i11I I.*; Get Tickets for Dr. Wart hin' s Lecture at the etyss ALL] one 169:' GET YOUR NARCSSUS BULBS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS he Slator Book Shop t~. DETROIT UNITED LANES tween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson s run on E;astern tame, onc'hour faster local time. troit Limited and Express Cars---8 :ro a d hourly to 7: :o p. 11n., 9 :10 p. Ill. lamazoo Limited Cars--8:4~8 a. in. and two hours to 6:48 p., m. ; to Lansing, ~on Express Cars--(L~ocal stoles west of Abor)-9 :4S a. in. and' every two hours 4.8 p. in. T1Cars Eastbound-5 :35 a. in, .6:4o a. .05 a. mn. and every two hours to 7 :05 p. :0 P. in., 9:05 p.i., 1o0:50 p. in. to !anti only, 9:20 a. ni., 9:50 a. in., 2:05 p. :05 p. Mn., 11I 45 p." m., i1:10 a. In., 1:20 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Kcal Cars Westbound-6 :05 a. ni., 7:5o a. :: 20 pa.tel.. i12:.20oa. 2n. Farmers& Mechanics Bank Offers the Best in Modern Dankbin)g SECURITY . . . EFFICIENCY enicunt and Pleasant Quarters. ' oU \Will1 leased With Our Service. TI'wo offices 105 S. Main St. 330 S. State St., YPZ- VRITIERS of all makes a2le or Rent. Cleaning & spairing. TYPEWRITING & KMEG1RA RING, SUPPLIES 4. DMorr11 We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3, 800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main axnd Huron Branch Office- - 707 North University Ave. GIRLSI buy tickets at Beauty Shop and save 1x.50 on $5.00. Souvenir with every 50c purchase of cosmetics. Miss M1able Rowe 50,3 First National Bank Bldg. Plione 240 FIRST NATL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $ zoo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,000 DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott Geo. W. Patterson Harry M. Hawley S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule Fred Schmnid D. B. Sutton E. D. Kinnie THE SUGAR BO WL 109 S. Main St. SPECIAL SUNDAES i LIGH'TLUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. John C. B. Parker.......... Managing Editor Clarence '1. Fishleigh.. Business Manager Conrad N. Church............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn................ .City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald....... Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson...Telegraph Editor Verne E. Burnett .......... Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg........... Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade........ Statistical Editor J. L;. Campbell. . .Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery. .Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne. . Assistant Business Manager1 Roscoe R. Rau. .. Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter. . .Assistant Business Manager< Night Editors L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumigarth L. WV. Nieter J. L. Stadeker1 Reporters B. A. Swaney C. WV. Neumann W. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L. Zeigler H1. C. Garrison Allen Schoenfleld C. M. Jickling Marian Wilson "D. . Rood Business Staff Bernard WohIl J. E. Robinson Paul E. Cholette Harry l{. Louis E. Reed Hunt Harold. Lance Earl F. Ganschow Walter . Payne Harold Makinson THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1916. Night Editor-D. S. Rood. A legend sang out from the skies of the North, That under the Michigan pines A race of great heroes would rise and go forth To Goddess of Victory's shrines. And Yost camne up from the South and beheld The prowess of Michigan man. Then Heston and Snow, and Craig and tihe rest Astounded the world as they ran. Whenever the Maize and Blue wavers or yields, A murmur sweeps down to their ears,- The shades of an army of heroes loom up And join in the Michigan cheers. The victory spirit still chants in the North, And calls to its warriors of steel. The forests have changed to an army of men, Who shout out the faith that they feel. THE SEND-OFF One of the Michigan coaches has stated that the Michigan eleven has an equal fighting chance with Cornell in the game Saturday. Which, he adds, is all a team can ask. The Wolverine coaches can be depended upon to em- ploy all their craft in whipping the team into first class shape. There is one important thing that the members of the student body may do. They can impress each man on the team with the University's confidence. A ma- AFTER NOON TODAY ® N Jority of the students will not be able to go to Ithaca and support the team on the field. But everyone can at- tend the send-off mass meeting tonight in Hill auditorium. Let's show the team the confidence that we feel. CONSIDER CITY IMPROVEMENTS Civic Association Plans to Insure Safe Water Supply So much difficulty was experienced by members of the Civic association inl deciding which of the 15 possible activities submitted to them for con- sideration would be best to concentrate upon during the coming year, that the whole list will be kept. Committees will be appointed to carry these out. Many of those to whom the straw vote was submitted decided that the whole 15 phases of m~unicipal im- provement should be actively consid- ered. The proposition which received the most votes was that which reads : "Promote measures to insure a safe and adequate water supply for both domestic purposes and fire protection." Next in favor came the proposition to "support improvements and better care of our streets, including pave- ments, oiling, sprinkling, and clean- ing." Many votes were also cast for the following: "Urge safer motor traffic conditions for Ann Arbor," "Aid in the development and adoption of a city plan," "Back up impartial and strict enforcement of laws and ordinances," and "Work for revision of our city charter." Most effort will be concentrated on the above phases of the work, but none of the other propositions will be neg- lected. As soon as the committees have been appointed a strenuous ef- fort will be made to achieve the de- sired results. MASQUES PLAN PERFORMANCE FOR DEC. 7, IN AUDI'TORIUM At a meeting held Tuesday evening at 909 East Washington street, Mas- ques, honorary dramatic society, made plans for a performance to be given Dec. 7, in connection with the Glee club concert in Hill auditorium. Mem- bers will be called up and told when to try out for parts in the play, the plot of which was outlined at the ,meet- in g. HEN a dog bites me once, VkE 'I'm through with it. Same waywith a tobacco. O VELVET is aged in the ( 7 Q f II wood for two years to 1If.J/ make it the smoothest wI LI smoking tobacco. b -Home Made Candies.. SStrictly fresh and of the best quality. Pure cream walnut caramuels, as- Ssorted nut chocolates in ilb. boxes, 35c. Bitter sweet and chocolate creams Sall fresh. Special ice cream sundaes. THE FOUNTAIN of YOUT H I = State St. Cor. Libeity OF. III41 11111 111 111111 1i11111lilllllllll lill IU 4lill 1141 N'OR 444444, L O W DE RS I' ' IIIIIII 213 . - .. 3444 !1b111S11N0 0 InteIrmnernttofretIIheInnedo Fo es o n ll OoIiu oes iltsIwetPalrhdiantinChya- II ' 4444141 I'44444 II.I; thm mIad ote lat. os oWoka pcily IebeIIorstTeegapIDlierISrvce I':71111-1'-is -=-------====~------- -II-------------------------- a;A. =t c - - - - --- - : - - S. state 582-J GEORG E iBISCIIOFF FL ORS ioice Cut Flowess and Pianrts Chapin St. Anni Arbor, Mich, PHONE 809 M STOP AT T UT TES 338 S. STATE for sodas and lunches MYSTERY COVERS VAUDEVILLE Ike Flscheres Orchestra to Furnish Music for Dance in Gym Fol- lowing ShowS I Takes Pictures. AdII&Develops Films a fl makes Prints and Enlarge- menus. 713 E. Uiniversity SEATS 7; WEIG,, LBS. BEAUTr I FL AN LVELY That ws ~~ri~the7 7-psec 6wOChl Awful mystery enshrouds the vaude- ville which Newberry residence will give at the Womens' league party Fri- ady afternoon. When questioned as to the details this afternoon, Emily Pow- ell, '19, who is chairman of the com- mittee, declined to divulge the nature of any of the acts. However, it is said. that each one is strikingly new and unique and well up to the standard set in town by other shows of the kind. 11 It is a matter of common knowledge that the dancers have appear~d before some of the crowned heads of Europe, and that the soloist has just closed a very successful engagement on Broad- way. The show will start promptly at 4 o'clock and after it is finished, Ike Fischer's orchestra will furnish music for dancing in the gymnasium. Della Laubengayer, '17, said that there would be an effort to have a stunt as well as dancing, at every party given by the league-this year. !. i I double }codmanne ines, lon ie { hl stery.It ivyo hill s andirkiystet has c-,.--V .ecorn- Las on nie1~ Untl NL ~ =y L.After that $13504 , A J:cr HENRY A. SCHROEN ?0 4 S. Fourth Ave. i s := , " f! ( d ; {f , ' . u = ,; ° c. r ; .#; r : i r E :r W~omen ai. Two very pretty things in pinch back suits are shown by us exclusively this season. The fabric is unusual, the model is exclusively our own, and the tailoring is fine. They are worthy of your in- spection. $25. "We clothe young men complete" Schedule for special gymnasium classes is as follows: beginning aes- thetic dancing, 4 o'clock Tuesday aft- ernoon beginning Nov. 21; advanced dancing, 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, beginning Nov. 20; playground work, 4 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, begin- ning Nov. 22. Professor S. F. Gingerich, of the English department, will speak on "Beliefs of Immorality," at vespers, at 5 o'clock this afternoon, at Newberry hall. Junior girls' section of D~eutscher Verein will meet at 7 o'clock tonight in the Verein room. HOBART GUILD MEMBERS TO HOLD DANCE IN HARRIS, HALL Hobart Guild, an organization for students of the Episcopal church, will give its first dance in Harris hall from 8 to 11:30 o'clock tomorrow evening. Episcopal students who wish to join the guild should pay their dues before or on Friday to the curator of Harris hall. We can supply you with anything known to the wall-paper and paint business. C. HI. Major & Co. Phone 237. 51 I As ,.- .' 0 A m clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman,1 0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222 3, 118 South Main St. tues-eod 1 S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-eod